Chapter 2-Aftermath.

The smoke still hadn't cleared from the massive clash of Speed Demon and Miss Stealth's attacks, leaving many people worried and in question as to what had happened to the two siblings. When the smoke finally cleared, all watching were shocked and saddened at seeing both the young Supers lying unconscious in a crater with even worse injuries. Their parents, Frozone and the NSA agents ran over and felt their pulses, which were faint. "We have to get them medical attention right now!" said Elastigirl. They rushed the two children to the headquarters of the National Supers Agency, where they quickly had them attended to. The children were put in side-by-side beds and had multiple wires and machines attached to them. Their parents and their friends waited in the lobby, sad that they were unable to help any further. Elastigirl's shoulders then started shaking and she started crying. Mr. Incredible took notice and put his arm around her as she cried into his shoulder. "How could my babies hurt each other so badly like that?" she sobbed. Mr. Incredible soon let the tears fall as he hugged his wife. The three NSA agents and Frozone bowed their heads in sadness, upset for the same reason. Meanwhile, Dash and Violet were still unconscious in hospital-like beds. But, little could anyone know, that deep in their own sub-consciousnesses, something strange was happening.