I was sitting in my room listening to the clanking and thumping sounds coming from down the hall. Wren had spent the past week making it his mission to get into Nora's room. Nora being the paranoid or private person, depending on how you look at it, had put so many safeguards up that unless she tried to open the door it wouldn't budge. That door had not opened since she disappeared and I was pretty sure it wasn't going to open anytime soon.

I walked out of the room and just watched Wren look through books before trying to blast through the door.

"Uh! Stupid door!" He said before kicking it.

"You've been at this for days. Why are you even trying to get in there?" I asked.

"What else am I going to do? Since we now have to act as mortal as possible that means that we get dinners at the town diner. We can't risk hunting anymore so we have to wait to the weekend to drive up state. I have nothing better to do so I've taken it upon myself to explore ever nook and cranny of this place in hopes that I'll find a lead in the long forgotten search for your missing sister. The only place I haven't searched is this room which has better safeguards than the Iron Bank of Bravos and that has never been broken into so I'm at a loss. The walls are caving in and I have nothing to do." Wren said frustrated.

"Boring is good Wren. It's better than trouble and running from angry mobs with torches and pitchforks." I said sitting down next to him on the ground.

"Where are we with our vampire problem?" Wren asked.

"It's not a problem. They either didn't believe him or are choosing to wait until I slip up which isn't happening." I said.

"Have you taken up their offer to visit their home?" Wren asked.

"I'm rather play it safe, meet them on our own ground. Think I should invite them here?" I asked.

"Are you mad?" He said.

"Give me one reason." I said.

"This house is bigger on the inside than it is outside." Wren deadpanned.

"Okay but sending me into a the home of seven vampires is a better idea?" I retorted.

"I don't know how to handle this you're a disaster magnet. I don't know how you do it but we always end up in these messes." Wren said.

"And you were complaining about being bored not five minutes ago." I said.

"What can I say I'm used to a certain level of excitement?" Wren said. "I was a soldier, a hunter, now I'm a glorified babysitter."

"Then why'd you take this job?" I asked.

"Because the war's over and I don't want to be groomed to be a stuffy lord and get married to whatever snob offers the best dowry." Wren said.

"Then take a few side jobs, hunt hell's most wanted on Earth, scratch that itch." I suggested.

"A little hard to do when I'm assigned to you. Can't risk bringing trouble here. We have enough on our plates as is." Wren said.

"What's faster a vampire running or a half demon teleporting?" I asked.

"Depends if you see them coming." Wren said. "Are you doing it?"

"It's either I take a chance or you tear this house down trying to get into that room." I said taking my phone out and pulling out Edward's contact information.

Hey so I found a few articles I thought were interesting.

That seemed like a casual way to start a conversation.

I found a few also would you want to meet up today and look through them? He replied.

I'm free all day name a time and place. I said.

How about coming over to my house? We can study in the library.

"Somebody's eager." Wren said reading the messages over my shoulder.

"That's not very reassuring." I said.

Alice also wanted to ask about a possible shopping trip… He added.

"The sister card, he wants you bad." Wren said.

"Again not helping." I said before typing out a reply.

Sounds good one thirty okay for you? Also can I get your address?

"You sound like such a school girl" Wren answered.

"How about you go grab the extra first edition of greys anatomy and some flowers? It's rude to show up empty handed." I said.

"Such a proper lady." Wren said sarcastically.

"Fuck off. I need to go choose what outfit I want to die in." I said.

"Hey." He said grabbing my arm. "I'm not going to let anything to you, you know that right?"

"I know." I said giving his hand a reassuring squeeze before going to my room. I rummaged through my closet before I finally found the right outfit. I pulled on some dark wash skinny jeans with a white long sleeved knit top and I topped it with a brown oversized wrap coat and black hunter boots. I packed my bags with my book and laptop along with some of the articles I had printed out before going downstairs.

"So I found the first edition of grey's anatomy and just wanted to know what flowers you want." He asked.

"Uh I don't know whatever's in season." I said.

"Tulips?" He said putting his hand over an empty flowerpot and growing a bouquet of white tulips.

"Perfect." I said as my phone buzzed.

It's actually pretty confusing to get here if you haven't been before. Alice is in town and offered to pick you up, if you don't mind? She can drive you back later.

"Hm… do you have…" Wren started.

"Knife in each boot, beacon on so you can teleport directly to me if needed and already took my ration of blood with breakfast." I said.

"Good. I'll be tracking you. I'm staying in the woods close by." Wren said. "Just stay calm and unless you have to don't use any powers, act as human as possible."

"I know." I said.

"And whatever happens…" he started.

"Don't let them bite me. I know. Doubt they'd even try considering they're trying to be normal." I said as my phone dinged. "Alice is outside."

"Your flowers and the book, try not to die, I'd rather not be daggered." Wren said.

"Are you kidding me? I'm royalty, you'd get decapitated or burned alive." I said.

"I should have taken the spot on your cousin's guard." Wren said.

"But then you'd have to see and report to Aunt Erza on a daily basis." I reminded him.

"Right." Wren said as I grabbed my things before heading out. I noticed the very familiar silver Volvo and walked towards it.

"Kara, I love your coat." Alice said.

"Thanks." I said buckling in. Human's care about safety right?

"Your house is big, I've never gotten up close." Alice said.

"It's still a work in progress, need to redo the exteriors but it'll have to wait until the interiors are done." I said

"How long have you had the place?" Alice asked.

"It's not mine exactly, It's been in the family for a while it's actually my sister's I'm just looking after it for her." I said. Being vague is good, she gets intel but nothing useful.

"You have a sister?" Alice said perking up at that bit of information. "Older or younger?"

"Twin actually." I said and her jaw dropped.

"Before you ask what it's like to have a clone out in the world we're fraternal twins." I said.

"Oh, is she moving here too?" Alice asked.

"Doubt it, I haven't spoken to her in a while." I said.

More like no one has spoken to her in almost a century…

"Can't imagine not speaking to any of my siblings for longer than a few hours" Alice said.

"Must be nice though, having a big family, you're never really alone." I said.

"It is though sometimes it's hard to get some space." Alice said. "Here we are."

"Wow." I said looking at the huge house with lots of windows. Good thing it's away from town, can't imagine getting away with any non human behavior if it was.

"Come on in." Alice said opening the door.

The walls were white and decorated with paintings. All the furniture matched the aesthetic of the room perfectly.

"Alice?" Someone called out.

"We're here." Alice said and around the corner came out a woman with caramel colored hair and a heart shaped face.

"Hello dear, you must be Kara." She said.

"I am, thank you for having me over Mrs. Cullen." I said.

"Oh please just Esme." She said.

"Okay then Esme, these are for you and your husband." I said handing over the flowers and the book.

"Oh you shouldn't have." She said smiling.

"I was taught that it was rude to show up empty handed." I said.

"Well thank you. Edward's upstairs in the library." Esme said.

"I'll walk you there." Alice said.

"Okay." I said following her upstairs.

"We should really go shopping sometime, maybe drive up to Seattle one day and look for prom dresses." Alice said cheerfully.

"I'm not actually going to prom." I said. "I have a wedding that weekend."

"Aw, well you still need something to wear." Alice said.

I had a ton of dresses in my closet already but she was really nice and for some reason I started feeling guilty for possibly disappointing her.

"That is true." I said. "Besides you can never have to many options."

"I think you're my shopping soulmate." Alice said.

"Found another victim already pixie?" Someone with a deep chuckle said. I turned and saw Emmett leaning against one of the doorways. I didn't even notice him until he said something.

"I volunteered actually." I said.

"We have the same taste. We're going to be really great friends." Alice said sounding really happy.

"Alice you should quit hogging Kara and let her get some studying done." Emmett reminded her.

"Talk later." She said opening a door revealing a fairly big private library small compared to the one at the house but still big.

"Hello." Edward said.

"Hi." I greeted. "I love your house."

"Thank you." He said helping me with my bag. "I was surprised to hear from you on a Saturday."

"I was just lounging around and studying. Thank for inviting me over, the renovations on the house are loud." I said.

"What part of your home is being worked on?" Edward asked.

"Master bedroom." I answered. Not a complete lie, Nora's room was originally the master bedroom and Wren's been trying to get that thing open for weeks now. "I'm having the bathroom redone. It's a good house, just needs a lot of work."

"is that the only room that's being worked on?" he asked.

"No but we're taking it one room at a time." I said.

"We?" He asked.

"Roommate and I." I said. Well technically Wren had his own place it's just that he had a portal that connected straight to his apartment in Seattle in the house. "Here are some of the articles I found." I said handing him a folder.

"Huh, most of these are the same as the ones I picked out." Edward said.

"Guess there really isn't much to discuss." I said. "I brought my laptop so we can get started on the presentation itself."

"I have power point." He said.

"So do I." I said.

"You want to do the intro and basic concepts and I'll do applications. We can put them together later?" he suggested.

"Sounds good, I was thinking instead of just writing off an explanation of adding some animations, you know prevent death by power point?" I asked.

"Sounds good." He said nodding along. With that we just started working in complete silence. The only thing that could be heard was the clacking of us pressing buttons on our computer keyboards and us turning pages of our books. Don't know how long we were working, it wasn't until my phone rang that anyone said anything. It also didn't hurt that my ring tone was someone screaming in terror.

"AHHHH!" It rang out and he jumped out of his seat.

"Sorry that's my ringtone." I said picking up my phone and sending it straight to voicemail.

"That's an interesting ringtone." Edward said.

"My roommate set it up. He got tired of me not answering because I didn't hear my phone ring so he made it pretty hard to ignore." I said.

"Sounds like something Emmett or Jasper would do." Edward said.

"They like pulling pranks?" I asked.

"They do, once they start it's all out war." Edward said.

"Sounds intense." I said.

"You have any siblings?" Edward asked.

"Yeah but we're not really close." I said.

"Why's that?" He asked.

"There isn't really a reason, we just aren't." I said.

One's missing, the other's trying to kill me. No reason whatsoever we aren't close.

"Parents?" he asked.

"Why are you so curious?" I asked.

"Just curious." He asked.

"They're not in the picture, I'm an emancipated minor." I said.

Sorry didn't mean to pry." He said.

That was a lie, he did want to pry he was just trying to be polite about it. My guess was he was trying to see if I was a threat or not just like I was. As long as we didn't step on each other's toes I don't think we're going to have a problem.

"Edward." Alice said walking in.

"Yes?" Edward answered.

"Carlisle's home, Esme wants to know if Kara would like to join us for dinner." Alice said looking at me.

"Oh I didn't even realize how late it was." I said looking out the window and realizing it was already getting dark.

"You should stay, I'll drive you home after dinner." Edward said.

"I wouldn't want to impose." I said.

"You wouldn't be, Esme loves having people over. She hasn't had a chance to in ages." Alice said.

"If it's alright with everyone then okay." I said.

"Yay." Alice cheered before running out.

"Is she always…" I started.

"Yes." Edward said not needing me to finish to know what I was going to ask.

"I'm just going to tell Wren to go ahead and order in without me." I said taking my phone out.

Staying a bit longer, just got invited to dinner.

I texted and he responded immediately.

You sure?

I typed out my next message quickly.

Already said yes. I'll let you know how it goes.

"I hope you like lasagna" Edward said.

"Sounds good, I haven't had a home cooked meal in ages." I said.

"My mom likes cooking a lot just doesn't really get the chance to do it often." He said as we walked downstairs.

"Shame because it smells great." I said.

"Let's hope it tastes as good." Emmett said as he passed us by.

"Emmett." Someone else said sternly. "You must be Kara." Another man who was obviously Doctor Cullen said.

"Yes nice to meet you Doctor Cullen." I said.

"Please just Carlisle is fine." He said with a kind smile. "How's the presentation going?"

"Good we're almost done." I said.

"Isn't it due like in three weeks?" Emmett asked.

"Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today." I said.

"Which means don't procrastinate." Edwards said.

"Hello." Jasper said awkwardly as he walked in with Alice.

"Hi." I said politely. Damn he looked like he was in pain just being here.

We all sat down and just as dinner was about to be served Rosalie walked in.

"What is she doing here?" She sneered.

"Rosalie!" Esme said sternly. "Kara is our guest, apologize."

She glared at me before muttering an apology she obviously didn't mean and sitting down.

"So what brought you to Forks Kara?" Esme asked.

"Just wanted a change." I said. "The house was just sitting here empty figured it was good enough reason to move."

"You're living in the old Sanctuary manor right?" Esme asked.

"Yes." I said.

"How are your parent's doing with the move?" Doctor Cullen asked. "They must miss having you with them."

"My mom died when my sister and I were born…" I started before Rosalie interrupted.

"Sister!?" She shouted as she stood up and slammed her hands on the table splitting the table in half.

"Rosalie!" Everyone shouted and suddenly Wren appeared and pushed Rosalie against the wall.

"Wren!" I shouted.

"Where did he come from?" Emmett asked standing protectively in front of Rosalie as Wren stood in front of me blocking me from them.

"Are you alright?" Wren asked speaking Valyrian.

"Was doing pretty great until you crashed dinner." I answered back.

"I think we all need to calm down." I said. "Wren put the sword away."

"She tried to come at you." He said.

"More like she was throwing a tantrum, you're the one that slammed her through a wall in her own home, put it away." I said.

"If she tries…" Wren started.

"No one will try and attack either of you while you are here, you have my word." Carlisle promised.

"Wren." I said.

"Fine." He said and the sword disappeared.

I focused my powers and fixed the wall and table to the way it was before the blonde vampire made a mess of things.

"I think we all need to talk now." I said.

"What are you?" Edward said.

"Not a vampire." Alice said.

"Which you all obviously are." I said.

"Not human." Jasper said.

"Not entirely." Wren said.

"We're half demons." I said.

"You're what?" Rosalie snarled.

"Spawn of a demon and a human, half demon half human." Wren said.

"Demons aren't real." Edward said.

Wren and I looked at him and let our eye's shift to their demon form all black sclera and bright red pupils before turning them back to normal.

"Still think demons aren't real?" Wren retorted.

"What are you doing in Forks?" Alice asked.

"Same as you, trying to fit in, keep a low profile." I said.

"Also helps that this is the last place her brother will try to look for her." Wren said and I kicked his foot under the table to get him to shut up.

"Brother?" Edward asked.

"My family isn't exactly close." I said. "We tend to stay away from each other as much as we can."

"You two aren't related?" Esme asked.

"No I'm her guardian," Wren said.

"Guardian?" Carlisle asked.

"It's exactly what it sounds like, I guard her." Wren said.

"From what?" Edward asked.

"Anything or anyone that tries to harm her, though most of the time it's saving her from herself." Wren said giving me a look.

"Was I the one that jumped into action without being provoked?" I asked.

"She broke a dining room table in half I'm sorry for trying to keep you alive." Wren retorted.

"Well when we get court marshaled I'm not going to be the one that has to confess about letting the cat out of the bag here." I said.

"Oh fuck." He groaned. "You're Aunt's going to kill me."

"No she's going to kill us both." I said.

"Did you just say Court marshaled?" Jasper asked.

"This one happens to be second in line to the throne of our home world." Wren said.

"What?!" they all exclaimed.

"Princess Kara Targaryean of Hellia, nice to meet you." I said.

"The first five in line to the thrown get a guardian when they are in this dimension, everyone else just has to register before they leave which people rarely do." Wren said.

"If you're royalty why would you leave?" Alice asked.

"Where do you want me to start?" I said. "The never ending war, the constant having to look over your shoulder to make sure no one backstabs you both literally and figuratively, the lack of freedom, not to mention after almost two hundred years of the same ass kissing and royal balls and tourneys it all starts to blur together."

"Hell is literally in the name." Wren said explaining his opinion.

"Look we just wanted a place to live our lives, keep a low profile and not have to deal with anything I just said and you all obviously just want to live your lives without drawing attention to yourselves. We were doing great coexisting in the same town before tonight. I say that as long as no one steps on anyone's toes or spills the beans to the locals we're okay." I said.

"You don't think they're going to notice when the bodies start piling up?" Jasper said.

"We don't kill when we feed." Wren said.

"I smelled the blood you drank at school." Jasper said.

"Yeah, it wasn't fresh. We know a guy that works for a blood bank. He sells us a few bags a month to get us by. I was only drinking at school because I was a bit anxious and wanted to get through the day without ripping someone's head off. We each drink what, a bag or two a week each?" I asked Wren.

"Less since we started hunting." Wren answered. "Most of our kind don't kill when we do feed on humans. We just feed, heal them and then make them forget they ever met us and those that do kill clean up after themselves."

"Those that do make a mess get dealt with." I added.

"So you two don't feed on Humans, at all?" Carlisle asked.

"No." We said at the same time.

"Do we have to worry about any of your kind visiting?" Edward asked.

"No." We said at the same time.

"Your siblings?" Rosalie spat out.

"One's in hell and the other no one's heard from in almost a century." I answered.

"Damn your soulmate's way older than you." Emmett told Edward.

"What did you just say?" I asked hoping I heard wrong.

'This is a bad time to bring this up." Edward said.

"Son, this is probably a good a time as any." Carlisle said.

"Your soulmark, it's on your right arm." Edward said. "It looks like this right?" He said pulling up his left sleeve and showing us an over lapping Sun and moon soulmark identical to mine.

"Oh…" I said surprised.

"This shit only happens to you." Wren said with a groan.

"I was not expecting that…" I said.

"Believe me neither was I." Edward said.

"Can we just agree to not attack each other and keep things amicable?" I said.

"Keeping the peace is exactly what we want." Carlisle said.

"Perfect." Wren said. "Kara let's go."

"Right, thank you for your hospitality." I said making my things appear in my hands before teleporting home with Wren.

"I think that went pretty well." I said trying to end the awkward silence.

"You think that went well?" Wren said. "That was a stalemate or and impasse at best. start packing."

"Wren we're not moving." I said.

"Kara, there is an entire coven of vampires who know who you are and what we are. Do you really think we can trust them?" Wren said.

"They're different. They could have attacked at any time today but they actually sat down and talked things out with us even after you tried to kill Rosalie." I said.

"What was that outburst about anyway?" Wren asked.

"I said the word sister and she just got mad." I said.

"I have a feeling there's something else going on." Wren asked.

"Then what better reason is there to stick around?" I said. "Weren't you the one who said keep our friends close and our enemies closer?"

"That was before I realized how reckless you can be. We should leave." Wren said. "Now while we still can."

"Wren, the situation is under control. If we leave now it'll only call more attention to us. For now I think we should wait, see how things go on Monday at the first sign of trouble we can take off wherever you want no arguments." I said.

"Swear on it." Wren said.

"Really?" I said.

"We're part demon, our word is our bond." He said. "Swear it."

"I Kara Targaryean Princess of Hellia hereby swear that if things progress in an unfavorable direction here in Forks Washington I will heed my guardian Wren Baratheon's advice and leave at once." I said.

"Good, now let's go grab dinner." He said handing me my coat. "Any cravings?"

"Whatever you want is fine with me." I said.

"Steak it is." He said as I followed him to the portal to his apartment in Seattle.