SUMMARY: Its been years since Ash, Brock, and Dawn split up. Dawn hasn't traveled for 2 years, because of a certain plum-haired jerk. Her mother, and May convince her to travel once more. But what happens if she meets the certain plum-haired jerk once more? PaulxDawn, slight BarryxDawn & KennyxZoey

DISCLAIMER: This is a fanfiction I wrote 3 years ago that used to be on my old account. It is now here. I have 12 Chapters finished for this story and will work on it when I'm not working on my main story My Life, My Love.

Chapter 1: Beginning of A New Adventure

"Dawn, time for breakfast!" Johanna yells to her daughter who is sleeping upstairs. The 15 year old blunette groans, and covers her head with her pillow. Johanna starts to go up the stairs, after not getting a reply from her daughter. She opens the door, and walks in Dawn's room. "Dawn..." Johanna starts, as she walks closer to her half-asleep daughter. She leans down to Dawn's head, which is still under her pillow. "Its pancakes." She whispers, and Dawn sits up slowly, turning to her mother as she does.
"What kind of pancakes?" She asks, and Johanna smiles.
"Blueberry." Johanna tells her, and Dawn sighs, throwing her legs over the side of the bed. "See you downstairs, Dawn." She says, and leaves the room.

Dawn's POV

I watch my mother leave the room, closing the door as she does. I yawn, and look around my room. It is Almost everything in my room is pink, which makes it seem pretty dull. May has said before, that my room makes her feel like she is gonna turn pink herself. May is my best friend, well aside from Zoey. We all met while competing in Contests, I met Zoey first. Right from the start I knew we were gonna be great friends. And as for May, we met when she decided to come to Sinnoh, to compete in the Wallace Cup. It was a really close battle between me and May, but I won in the end. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen either of them in a while. I wonder how they are doin-
"Dawn hurry up, or the pancakes will get cold!" Mom yells, successfully interrupting my trip down memory lane.
"Okay, I'll be right down!" I yell, and rush to the shower. I get out of the bathroom, and grab a outfit from my closet. I get dressed, and hurry downstairs. I sit down at the table, and my mother smiles at me.
"What took you so long? And is this a new style your trying out?" She asks, gesturing to my clothes. I look down, and gasp. I'm wearing a bright pink tank top, a green skirt, and blue sneakers. I blush a light shade of pink, and eat my pancakes.
"I wasn't really paying much attention to what clothes I grabbed. I can always change, so no need to worry." I admit, smiling sheepishly. Mom chuckles, and shakes her head.
"That's when I worry the most." She smiles, and we finish our breakfast silently. After I finish, I am about to go upstairs and change. But then someone knocks on the door. "Dawn, can you answer that?" Mom asks, and I sigh.
"Sure!" I yell, and rush to the door. I open it, and gasp. It was May! She was wearing her orange and green outfit, that she wore when I saw her in Sinnoh. She smirked at me, after looking at my outfit.
"Trying to make a fashion statement Dawn?" She giggles, causing me to blush a little.
"No, not really. Why don't you come inside, and sit down. I'll go get changed really quick." I say, and she nods.

Narrator's POV

May sits down, looking around the living room. Johanna walks into the room, and smiles at May.
"Hi May, what brings you here?" She asks, and May smiles.
"I was just wondering if Dawn was gonna start traveling again soon." May tells Johanna, who sighs.
"She has been home for such a long time. I'm beginning to worry about her." She admits, and May smiles.
"I'm sure everything is fine." She comforts Johanna, who smiles. Dawn walks down the stairs, and is wearing matching clothes this time. She is wearing the same pink tank top, but a pair of jeans, replacing the green skirt. and white sneakers replacing the blue ones. Her hair was up in a ponytail, and she smiles.
"Okay, so why are you here May?" She asks, and May smiles.
"I was wondering if you were gonna travel again anytime soon." May admits, and Dawn's smile vanishes.
"I-I don't think so." Dawn say, and sits down.
"But its been so long. What about Hoenn? You haven't traveled there yet." May says, trying to convince Dawn to change her mind.
"I just don't feel up to it." She says, and May frowns.
"What happened to you Dawn?" May asks, and Dawn looks down, remembering her last encounter with Ash's cruel rival, Paul.

Flashback Start

I walked out of the pokemon center, after not being about to get to sleep. I sighed, as I look at the starry sky. We'll have to separate soon. I think to myself, as I walk around the quiet valley. What should I do after this? Go home? Keep traveling? I wonder, and frown at the last idea. I look around myself, and realize I ended up walking into the forest. I hear movement behind me, and turn startled. It was a Ursaring, and it looked angry. I gasp, and reach for my pokeballs. Then remember they are in the pokemon center, and curse myself for forgetting them. The angry bear pokemon growls at me, as it moves closer to me.
"Ursaring return!" I hear a deep voice demand, and then the Ursaring it gone. I look around, and feel a hand grab my shoulder. I yelp in surprise, as I am pushed against a tree. It was Paul, he was glaring at me. "What are you doing out here, Troublesome?" He demanded, and I swallow the lump in my throat.
"I couldn't get to sleep, so I decided to go for a walk." I tell him, but his glare remains.
"What kind of fool doesn't bring their pokemon with them. What if it wasn't me? Ever think of that?" He demanded, and I stared at him wide-eyed. "There are some pretty sick people out there Troubesome." He growls, and I grow scared.
"I have Ash-" I start, but stop myself. We weren't going to travel together forever, we were actually separating in a few days.
"What are you gonna do once that loser is gone?" He demands, and I look away from him.
"I'll take care of myself." I tell him, and he laughs, a very bitter laugh.
"Don't be a fool." He says, his tone is dead serious. "Your weak, Troublesome. Your not capable of fending for yourself." He says, and I feel my spirit drop. "Once that loser leaves you, your gonna be alone. If you ask me..." He starts, stepping away from me. "You should go home, to your mommy. Your not meant to travel. Just go home, and stay there. Maybe then you won't be so Troublesome." He says, and with that leaves me.

End of Flashback

Dawn sighs, and looks at May. May is waiting for a reply, and Dawn is ready to give her one.
"I'm sorry. I just can't. Goodbye May. Tell the others I said hi." She says, and goes upstairs, without another word. May and Johanna exchange looks of worry, and May sighs.
"I should go." She says, no longer in a good mood. "I'll see you later. Bye, it was nice seeing you." She said, and left. Johanna sighed, and glanced up the stairs.
"Dawn...What am I going to do with you...?" She asked herself quietly, as she headed into the kitchen.
Dawn's POV
I sit on my bed, staring up the ceiling, and sigh. May seemed really upset, about me saying no. I think to myself, and frown. Maybe it is time for me to travel again. I consider, then remember what Paul said. I'm not weak. I'm fully capable of taking care of myself. I decide, and smile. I sit up, and look around my room. I've been home for years. I need a change. I think, as I throw my legs over the side of the bed, and get up. Paul can't tell me what I'm capable of. He doesn't know my limits. I think, as I grab my backpack out from under my bed. I go to my closet, and grab some clothes. Only I know my limits. I think, as I grab my pokeballs. I grab my belt, put it on, then clip the pokeballs to it. I zip up my bag, and head downstairs. I go to the supply closet, which is in the living room. I grab some pokemon food, and healing equipment. I go to the kitchen, and grab some dry food. As I finish I hear someone clear their throat from behind me. I turn and see my mom. She has a smile on her face, as she walks up to me. She gives me a hug, pulls away, and kisses my forehead.
"I knew you wouldn't just give up." She admited, then chuckles quietly. "You are my daughter after all." She says, which makes me smile. We head to the door, and I hug my mom one last time. "Have fun Dawn. Just be safe while your doing it. Remember to call." She tells me, and I nod. I grab my bike, and start to ride away. I look behind me, at my mom, and smile.
"Bye mom!" I yell, then turn and ride away.

Its been a couple of days, and I'm finally in Hoenn. According to my map, I should be getting close to Mauville City. There isn't a contest there, but there is a gym, and a pokemon center.
By time I arrive at the city, its getting late. It starts to rain, so I hurry to the pokemon center. I rest my bike against the side of the center, and head inside. I walk up to the counter, and smile at Nurse Joy.
"Hi, can I get a room for the night?" I ask, and she frowns.
"I'm sorry, but all our rooms are occupied." She explains, and I sigh.
"Its alright. Thanks anyway." I say, and she nods. I walk out, and head to my bike. I gasp, it was gone. Someone stole my bike! I realize, and frown. I sigh, and start walking through the city. I end up leaving the city all together, in a very bad mood. I shiver, as I continue to walk down the route. "This sucks. I'm cold, wet, and have no bike." I grumble to myself, and stop by a tree. "Why didn't I think to bring a tent. Or at least some money so I could buy one." I sigh, as I sit down under the tree. "What else could go wrong?" I wonder, as my stomach growls. I search through my bag, only to realize I'm out of food. "Oh, well that makes things worse." I grumble, as I look at my pokeballs. They're probably hungry too. I realize, and release everyone. They all look at me, and I smile weakly. I grab the pokemon food out of my bag, and give it to all of them. "Eat up guys." I sigh, and my stomach growls once again. Mamoswine looks at me worried, and strokes my hair gently with his trunk. "I'm alright. Just eat." I tell him, and he does as I tell him.
After they finish, I return them all to their pokeballs, aside from Piplup. I feel my eyelid grow heavy, and eventually fall asleep.

?'s POV

I walk out of the gym, annoyed. I had beat the gym leader with only my Ursaring.
"That weakling was a waste of my time." I growl, as I leave the city. I walk for a while, then notice someone near a tree. I narrow my eyes at them, as I walk closer. It was a girl, I frown. And continue to walk past her. "Not my problem." I grumble to myself, when suddenly I hear something yelling.
"Pip Piplup Pip!" A little penguin Pokemon yells, as it runs after me. I glare at it, as it continues to yell at me. "Piplup Pip Pip!" It yells, and points at the girl.
"Go away." I demand, but it ignores me. It grabs my pants leg, and tries to pull me to the girl. "No. Go away." I growl, shaking the penguin off on me. I walk away from it, then I am thrown forward, by a bubble beam. I get up, and turn to the Piplup. It has its flippers crossed, and is glaring at me.
"PIPLUP PIP PIPLUP!" It screams at me, and I sigh in annoyance. I walk towards it, and it quits glaring at me.
"Fine, have it your way." I say to it, as it takes me to the girl. She is sleeping, soaking wet, and shivering. Her hair is a dark blue, and her expression is troubled. She looks familiar. I think to myself, as I set up my tent. I won't let her sleep in my tent, but I'll give her a jacket. I think, as I shrug off my jacket. I lay it over her, and look at her face as I do. That's when I realize who it is. I shake my head, as I stand back up. "It had to be Troublesome." I grumble, as I go into my tent.

Hope you guys liked the chapter! I will be uploading a chapter every Friday. Yes I know this isn't a Friday, but I don't have time to actually upload it this Friday so its being uploaded a few days early. Please Review, and let me know what you think so far! Thanks for reading!