Written by Diamond Child, Carmel Rhodes & QueenBee03

Anastasia Steele desperately needs an A- and she'll do just about anything to get it. Even if it requires a special kind of extra credit.

Pretty girls don't have to be smart. It's like an unspoken rule of society. Everyone knows this, everyone accepts it, everyone, but my father.

Ray Steele is a progressive, an academic. He reads stuff like Dickens and Steinbeck and wears peeling wool sweaters and thick tortoiseshell glasses. His idea of a good time is debating current events and commenting on the changing political climate.

In short, he's a nerd.

I am not.

I'm pretty, I don't have to be. I'm not stupid, I may not be as smart as my older sister, Kate, but you don't grow up with a father like mine and not pick up a thing to two. I just don't care. Scratch that, I care about plenty, my hair, my clothes, my car- the important stuff. But telling my tenured, college professor father that fashion is more important than physics, and Beyoncé is the only Queen that matters, didn't go over so well.

Life is hard when you're a pretty girl stuck in an intellectual family, but I made it, my senior year, I'm almost free. It's my last year strolling down the hallways at Lynwood High. Soon I'll be at college, where I'll meet my future husband, and live the rest of my life as a pampered housewife. I've just got to make it through the twelfth grade.

"Sup, Steele," Mia, greets, coming up beside me, and linking her arm with mine, "That calc test was fucking brutal, how do you think you did?"

"There was a test today?"I ask, turning to look at the usually bubbly brunette. The scowl on her face indicates that was the wrong answer.

"What do you mean, 'there was a test today,' Ana," she shrieks in annoyance, "We spent two hours studying for it last night."

Correction, Mia spent two hours studying, I spent two hours staring blankly at my calc book and texting my boyfriend. "I skipped fourth to give Jose a blow job in the handicapped stall in the boys restroom," I confess. In my defense, I'd forgotten all about the damn test and Jose was stressing about next week's game. I was just doing my girlfriendly duties. "My dad is going to blow a fucking gasket."

"More that than," Mia says, stopping in front of a tacky poster for the spring musical, Grease, apparently is the word. "He isn't going to let you go to Cabo if you're flunking calculus."

"Why didn't you remind me?" I narrow my eyes at my best friend. Mia is the responsible one, with her shoulder length bob, and regulation uniform. She's student body president for fucksakes! This is her fault.

"I told you at the beginning of the year to switch calc to sixth with me, but no, you didn't listen," she huffs, tugging me along. We shoulder pass a band geek with his flute in a polished silver case to get to our lockers. Mine has a large rose sticker on the outside, Rose, my middle name and my signature scent. Jose says I taste like them, but I doubt he's ever eaten a flower that's as delicious as me.

"Because," I huff, turning the lock, right then left, then right again, " if I switched calc to sixth then I would have had to drop gym, my only class with Jose." It made sense at the time. Seeing my boyfriend in basketball shorts is like a religious experience. My thighs clench at the thought.

"Well, now you're going to have to explain to them that you aren't going on spring break." Mia says pointing over my shoulder. I turn to watch as our boyfriends approach. Jose is tall and handsome, in a boyish kind of way. He's the hottest guy in our class.

Brown skin glows under the florescent lighting of the senior hallway. I can't help the smile that spreads across my face as he nears. He came to Lynwood our sophomore year, an army brat. His dad is some high ranking Captain or Sergeant or General, whatever. All I know is all the girls wanted him. Not only was he hot, but he was new. A shiny toy everyone was desperate to play with.

He ignored me for three months, but I won him over in the end. I always get what I want. It doesn't hurt that I give the best blow jobs at school, and that isn't a self appointed titled either, there was a vote.

I won by landslide.

"Hey babe, what's wrong" Ethan, Mia's boyfriend, asks, his tawny brow furrowed with concern as he wraps Mia into a bear hug. They were seriously ridiculous. They've dated since middle school, MIDDLE SCHOOL. It's totally true love, and I kind of hate her for it. Ethan is hot, and smart, and his dad is the Mayor. Lucky bitch.

"Ana is totally ruining our last spring break as high schoolers," Mia pouts.

"What did you this time, trouble?" Jose asks tugging on my pony tail.

Tilting my head back, I grin up at him, "there was a test or whatever fourth period, I missed it," I shrug and his smile widens, no doubt remembering why I missed the damn test. I could almost see the instant replay in his brown eyes, me on my knees choking on his cock. Guys we're weird. They like all the choking and, spitting, and gagging. It's kinda gross but also kinda hot.

"Wipe that smile off your face Rodriguez. Remember what Ray said about her mid-term grades."

Jose's grin turns to a grimace. My participation in this year's spring break festivities was extremely conditional. My parents called themselves cracking the whip after a particularly rough parent-teacher meeting at the beginning of the year.

"You have until mid-terms to turn this around or you can kiss your social life goodbye." My father said over dinner that night. It was like he was trying to ruin my senior year. I was already accepted to college, my admission guaranteed. Being Professor Steele's daughter had its advantages. This year should have been a breeze. All I had to do was show up, take my finals, and strut across the stage to get my diploma.

"Fuck," I groan, missing that test is a major bummer. It couldn't have been any other teacher, or any other class. It had to be him. It had to be Mr. Grey. He's been a pain in my ass ever since he told my dad I was, "wasting my potential." And to think I use to masterbate to his picture in the yearbook. This was his fault.


"Just go talk to him," Jose suggests kissing my nose, "his brother is pretty cool, he lets me make-up shit all the time."

Pursing my lips, I tug at the heart shape pendant around my neck. Jose gave it to me on our three month anniversary. There's a little picture of him inside. He has a point about Coach Grey. The cooler of the Grey brothers let me turn in an extra credit assignment after I bombed a world civics exam, it didn't help much, I'm still sitting on a big fat D, and not the kind of big fat D's I like sitting on, but it was better than failing. Maybe kindness is genetic?

"It couldn't hurt, Ana," Mia adds, "all he can do is say no."

The warning bell rang, putting and end to the conversation for now, "Okay, " I agree, "I'll talk to him after ninth."

I'm charming enough. Mia is right, it couldn't hurt ask.

What's the worst that could happen?

The final school bell rang for the day, and as everyone makes their way home for the day, I find myself walking the familiar path to Mr. Grey's room. The hallways are deserted as I stand outside his door. I hike my skirt up, so my ass is on full display. I "lost" my underwear in the bathroom before I came here. I also unbutton my shirt, so my breast are exposed.

He won't be able to say no to me. No guy can ever says no to Anastasia Steele.

I peek in the window in the door and notice he's alone, typing at his desk. The man is incredibly sexy, and god knew that, when he made two of them. Mr. Grey and Coach Grey are the hottest teachers at Lynnwood. The only difference between the two, is Coach Grey is a blond, and Mr. Grey sports the copper curls.

I only wonder what it would be like to have both of them. If there's any indication of what's in those gym shorts Coach Grey wears, it's that he's packing heat. And since they're twins, well shouldn't they be identical in every way?

But first I need to handle the task at hand: Persuading Mr. Grey to let me retake the test, or maybe just giving me the A.

I open the door and walk in. With further examination of the room, it is empty. I lock the door behind me, putting on my best sweet innocent smile.

"Hi, Mr. Grey." I say sickly sweet as I skip to the front of his desk.

"Miss. Steele. What can I help you with?" He pushes himself back in the chair. I can see him doing his best to keep eye contact with me, but I see him rake his eyes up and down my body. I smirk. Hook, line, and sink.

"I wanted to tell you I was sorry for missing today's test." I pout as I walk to the side of his desk, closer to him.

He raises his eyebrow at me, rolling his chair slightly away from me, "You're sorry, and what excuse do you have for me today, Miss Steele?"

"I got a stomachache and spent fourth in the bathroom."

"Did you go to the nurse and get a note?"

I shake my head, "No, nobody likes to go see Mrs. Engle. She's a mutant. Those moles on her neck would only make me more sick." I step closer to Mr. Grey, this time he doesn't retreat.

"Please Mr. Grey, I'll do anything to make it up. I do mean anything."

I prop myself on his desk, exposing myself to him, before I cross my legs. Mr. Grey clears his throat and tries to look away. However, he can't look away from me.

"Ms. Steele. I know what you're trying to do and it won't work. Everyone else today showed up for the test, you should have too… or maybe you were too busy with that boyfriend of yours. Now please get off of my desk."

"But Mr. Grey. Please. You know my father and you know he'll kill me if I get an F. Please I'll take it again. Right now, if I have to. I beg of you, Mr. Grey. Pretty please."

He rolls his eyes at me, pursing his lips together. "Fine. You have thirty minutes. Go sit down. And pull down your skirt."

I hop of his desk, humoring him, by giving my skirt a tiny tug. I make my way to the front desk and sit down. I watch as Mr. Grey digs into his desk drawer and pulls out the test. I also notice his hand adjust himself.

Oh, why are you denying yourself, Mr. Grey.

He walks over to me, still sporting a semi in his pants. I can't keep my eyes off it. He has to be bigger than Jose, or any of the guys that I have sucked off before.

He puts the test on my desk, giving me a pencil, since I clearly came empty handed. "Your time starts now." He says gruffly before walking away.

Moving back to sit at his desk, I'm now on perfect display for him. I open my legs so he gets the perfect view of my tight pussy. He's avoiding looking at me, so now I have to play this game harder.

I glance at the paper and know that I have no idea what is going on here. A bunch of fucking numbers and equations I'll never use again. I sigh dramatically and tap my pencil on the desk. Looking up through my lashes I see Mr. Grey glancing at me. I look back down at the test and sigh again.

"Something wrong, Miss Steele?" He asks and I avoid to look at him.

"No. Everything is fine."

"Then get to work, time is ticking."

"Yes, sir." I purr.

I start to doodle on the paper as my free hand moves down my body and in between my legs. My fingers find my soaked core and I start to rub. Mr. Grey clears his throat and I take the chance to look up at him.

He's staring at me, touching myself. He's not even aware that I'm looking at him now.

This is like taking candy from a baby.

My fingers rub my clit and I moan out. It draws his attention to my eyes. He shakes his head, "Miss Steele, you need to take this test seriously."

"I am." I grin as I stick to fingers inside of me and start to move. "I have to relieve the stress to clear my mind."

"Stress?" He mutters

"Yes.. stress…" I smirk, "It's hard to be a teen these days you know."

"Oh, I'm sure." He answers and rolls his eyes.

"It is. I mean I'm sure you've heard about me. The things people say…" I take my fingers out and suck off my juices.

"Fuck…"I hear faintly and he loosens the buttons on the top of his shirt. I stand from the desk and move to him.

"Ms. Steele…" he's trying to ward me off, but he's not trying very hard.

I drop to my knees in front of him "Want to see if the rumors are true?" I grab his belt buckle and undo the hooks. I slid the leather belt through it's hoops and send it to the floor. I cup his crotch through his pants, he's wonderfully hard, and I can't wait to see this thing up close.

I lick my lips as his steely grey eyes bore into me. He wants this. It's a small price to pay for an A. I can suck dick like a Hoover, a skill I am quite proud of. I used to dream of being in this position with this man, and here I am finally living it up.

I pop the button on his trousers, pull down the zipper, revealing his blue boxer briefs. He grabs the back of my head as I place a small kiss on his covered dick. He smirks at me, grabbing a handful of my hair and pulling me back.

"I've heard the rumors Miss Steele. I didn't want to believe a sweet little girl like you would be capable of such things. But I guess if you really want that A… I do think you need to show me how good you really are, since you waste most of your time on your knees." He roughly lets go of my hair and sends me back a little.

Mr. Grey stands from his chair and pulls down his pants around his ankles, before sitting back down.

Damn the man is hung like a fucking horse. Jose's looks microscopic compared to the one looking me in the face right now. Okay, remember Ana, relax your throat muscles and he will slide down easily.

"I think you need to be under my desk. I would hate anybody to see you like this."

I crawl and get under his desk. His chair twists tucking me under the desk. My hands brush up his legs, before I grab the base of his cock.

My eyes find his, and I suck my bottom lip into my mouth. Little girl huh?

Mr. Grey arches a brow, his response to my challenge written all over his smug face, little girl, he confirms with a slight nod. He's either deliberately being an ass or he's a perv, because his eyes are glazed over with lust, his mouth is open ever so slightly, and his grip on the chair is so tight I can see the whites of his knuckles. He's losing his shit, all because of this little girl.

With a flutter of my lashes, I turn my attention to the monster in my small hand. An easy A, the most fun too. Mr. Grey, despite his personality defects, is hot. He's tall and muscular, with a face better served on a runway in Paris, than in the halls of Lynwood high.

"You're bigger than the other boys," I say, my tongue darting out, tasting the salty head of his cock.

"I'm not a boy, Anastasia," he replies, tugging the elastic band out of my hair, "and your grade drops a half a percentage point the longer it takes for you to make me come."

Brown waves spill out around me as I taste him again, dotting little kisses and nibbles down the side of his shaft. My big blue eyes peek up at his stormy gray's and saliva pools in my mouth. I watch his reaction carefully as my lips part and spit drips down my bottom lip onto his dick. It really is the biggest one I've had my hands on. It will be hard to get the whole thing in my mouth, but the thought of my friends laying on a beach in Mexico, while I'm stuck here in rainy Seattle, spurs me on.

My daddy didn't raise a quitter.

I pump my hand up, then back down, smearing the wetness down his shaft. My head follows the path of my hand, my mouth wrapping around his cock, my tongue exploring the muscle. I memorize every curve and vein and plane, familiarizing myself with every inch of him.

Sucking dick is basically the same as war. The key to any victory is to know your opponent. What he likes, what he doesn't. What makes his heart race and his eyes roll in the back of his head. You find the weakness and you pounce, well, suck.

Hollowing out my cheeks, I take in more of him. Sucking my way down his shaft. My head bobs up and down and up and down. The tight suction of my cheeks causes his hips to twitch. I've got Mr. Grey right where I want him.

Leaning forward I squeeze my tits together, my lacy bra peeking out from beneath my white oxford.

"Jesus you really are a little slut, aren't you?" He hisses, stroking my hair. The gestures is soft, almost comforting, at complete opposition with his words.

"Give me an A and I'll be whatever you want," I purr, leaning into his touch.

"Keep sucking."

I pout, because guys like the shit, even though they say they don't, and lower my head back over his shaft. It's cramped under the desk, and I have to arch my back, just to keep my head from banging of the edge of the desk.

My jaw drops open and I suck him down to the root, heaving in the process. Spit seeps out the sides of my mouth as his dick tickles parts of my throat I didn't even knew existed. I gag, pushing myself down further, my forehead resting on his abs.

A growl escapes his lips, the sound deep, manly. It turns me on. I can feel the wetness dripping down my legs. I can smell myself in the air. Roses, and sex.

Mr. Grey's fingers thread through my silky hair and his hips buck slightly, he's holding back. "You want to fuck my mouth?" I ask, only if doesn't come out so clearly, more like, ew wanna uck my mouf?

He stands abruptly, his dick slips from my lips and this time I pout because I miss the damn thing. My face contorts, confused as to why he stopped then I see him lowering the blind on the small square window of the classroom door. "Come here," he commands, his index fingers beckoning me forward

I start to rise, but he shakes his head, "No, crawl."

Kinky bastard. I grin slowly making my way over to him, happy to be out from under the desk. I kneel in front of him, my legs parted slightly, my pussy shines with need.

"You like choking on my cock?" he asks, rubbing the tip down the bridge of my nose. It tickles and I giggle, nodding. My tongue darts out and I try to reclaim the prize.

Running his fingers through my hair, he yanks me hard, forcing me to look up at him. His gaze hooded with lust. The uptight math geek is gone and in his place is one of the most beautiful bastards I've ever laid eyes on. Why did he have to be such an asshole?

"I can take it," I say, my hand sliding down the valley of my breasts and between my legs, "I'm a big girl, see." Pumping two fingers inside my wet opening, I present the evidence to him and he licks my fingers clean, moaning at the taste.

"You kiss you father with that mouth," he asks, hitting my lips with his dick. I open my mouth the answer, but he shoves his way back inside before I can speak. His thrusts are brutal, his pace is punishing. With each push and pull of his hips, my eyes water, macara rolling down my cheeks as he fucks my face.

Smearing the wetness from my pussy over my clit, I rub furiously while Mr. Grey uses my mouth. With each stroke I can feel him getting closer and closer. When I cup his balls, he goes crazy. His body tenses, and with one final stroke, a shudder rips through his body and warm come squirts down my throat.

I swallow every last drop of him and clean him off. I glance up at him and he's looking smug, but yet satisfied.

"How was that Mr. Grey? Do I get my A now?" I bat my eyelashes at him as I stand to my feet.

"I'll give you a B... plus."

"A B?" I gape at him. I gave him an A plus performance with extra credit. What the hell?

"Take it or leave it, Miss Steele." He tells me sternly, tucking himself back in his pants.

"What do I have to do to get that A?" I ask, twirling my hair around my finger.

"Work harder. Now why don't you run home and actually study." He says waving me off.

"Oh, trust me Mr. Grey. I'll work harder… you'll see." With the flick of my hair, I turn on my foot, and leave the room.

Work harder. I'll show him. He will give me that A and I know right where to start…

The following day, I wait outside the locker room waiting for the team to leave, before making my entrance into Coach Grey's office. I told Jose that I needed to stay behind today to talk to Coach Grey, because I needed better than a D to make daddy happy. I sat on the bleachers watching the football practice. My core is soaked from watching all those asses in silver pants bending over, running, sweating, then there's Coach Grey. He's not as toned as Mr. Grey, but the man has some guns on him. His biceps are huge and they have these sexy veins popping out of them, I shiver thinking of running my tongue along them.

"Hey Ana…looking good." Scott calls out to me as he walks out. I roll my eyes at him. Scott and I had a fling last year. By fling, I mean I blew him a couple of times. "When you get bored of Jose, I'll be waiting for you." He winks.

"Never going to happen." I roll my eyes as two other football players walk out of the locker room, making eyes at me. Keep dreaming boys.

Scott laughs, blowing me a kiss, before finally walking away.

The final member of the team leaves and I readily enter, ready to get what I want from yet another teacher.

I watch through his office windows as he tosses a football in the air while he talks on his bluetooth ear piece. Today I'm wearing a plaid skirt, high top stockings and a white shirt. I put Britney Spears to shame with my ensemble. I fix my hair and walk into his office. His back is to me as I walk in and I tap him on the shoulder.

"Coach Grey." His head snaps to me and he drops the football out of his hand.

"I'm going to need to call you back Rhonda…" He says and clicks the end call button on his ear piece.

"Ana? What are you doing in here?" He's shocked to see, but his eyes lazily run up and down my body. A sly smile crosses his face, but it's gone in a nano second.

"You're a hard man to see, I thought I would wait around till you were alone, so I could talk to you…"

"Talk to me about what?"

"My grade silly. I was hoping that I could maybe do some extra credit work for you to help improve my grade."

"I think I've given you enough chances Ana to make up the work…"

"I know…" I reach out my finger and touch his chest, running it slowly up and down. He smirks at me, but doesn't remove my finger.

These Grey brothers are so easy.

"But your brother was so kind and let me make up his test for a small favor I was hoping maybe I could return the same favor." I lick my lips and look down at his crotch then back at him.

"Favor huh?" he quirks his eyebrow at me. "And what did this favor consist of? Were you dressed like this when you did my brother a favor?" His finger dances along my body.

I giggle, "Maybe something close to this. Don't you like it?"

He shrugs and sits on the corner of his desk, "I'm waiting Ana, I have things to do this afternoon. So either tell me what you want or I need you to leave."

"You see I really could use an A in your class. And well.." I walk closer to him, my hand rubbing over his semi harden bludge. "I would be happy to please you and make it worth your while."

"Humm." He grabs a hold of my hand, stopping my assault on his dick. "You know, Ana-stasia. You are a brave little girl…" He chuckles

My eyebrows knit together, what the fuck is with these fuckers calling me a little girl? I have to reset the urge to stomp my foot. I'm eighteen, a woman, who knows what the fuck she wants.

A throbbing large dick in my mouth.

"So, you gave my brother a blow job I'm guessing.. And what did you get in return for it?"

I roll my eyes and remember the B he gave me for my oral exam.

"A B on a test I missed." I huff. "I should've got an A."

"Maybe he didn't think those luscious lips were worthy enough for an A"

"Oh, but they are worth it. Let me show you…" I bat my eyes at him and reach out for him again.

"And what? In return you get an A in my class?"

I nod.

"Well if you want to change that D you have to an A, I want your pussy not your "used" mouth that's been wrapped around everyone including my brother."

My eyes widen for a second and my breathing hitches. He wants me to fuck him. Can I do this? I mean blow jobs were one thing, but sex with him would be like cheating on Jose. I don't know if I can do that to him. But I really need the better grade. An unhappy daddy is an unhappy Ana.

I mean Jose will never find out and I happen to like a man that tells me what he wants.

But what the hell?… Used mouth?… These Grey brothers are assholes.


It's not like I'm a virgin. I lost that Freshman year to Oscar Fernandez. He was hot, but a terrible lay. But even as terrible as it was, from the moment he ripped through my hymen, I was addicted to sex. Whether it be blow jobs, pleasuring myself, or fucking I needed to have it. It's empowering. I have most of the boy population of this school wrapped around my finger.

And it seems like the male teachers too.

It's good to me.

"Do it with a smile on your face." He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

I plaster a smile on my face, "So this is a guaranteed A?"

"We will see…"

Coach Grey grabs me by my hips and bends me over his desk. He flips my skirt up and smacks me in the ass with his cock. I feel him run it over my core before he forcefully rams into me.

A here I come….
