Chapter 2: Eyes

Christmas once again and you know the saying -never accept a present from a toon.

"I mean I didn't know that mug was going to mug him!" Roger exclaimed.

Jessica glanced down, her faux fur trim of her coat brushing her cheek at the action. The rabbit continued to gesture.

"And now, Raul won't even accept a thimble from me." His arms got entangled in his blue scarf from all the waving. "That's why-" his struggling only got him more knotted "-I need-"

She pressed down her lips as the scarf now went over his eyes and wounded up around his ears.

"Help!" he cried, ending up in the snow like a incompetent caterpillar who couldn't become a pupa.

Jessica calmly plucked one end of the scar and gave it a tug.

"And that's why I need you!" Roger dramatically cried, as though he didn't whirled into a wall and dented it with his body. He grabbed her hands and crashed down on his knees. "You're one of the most human-y toons I know and I don't want to mess this up!"

She tugged him up and took her time wrapping his scarf around his neck. "You want me to help you get a gift." Humans weren't as used to toons objects like toon people. It was a clash of perspectives, to say the least.

"Yes!" He clasped his hands, ears drooping low as he looked up at her with big, puppy eyes. "P-p-p-pleeeassse? With whipped cream and rainbows and Herman on top?"

"Hold the Herman," she murmured, finally tying his scarf into a Parisian knot. "What's Raul's favorite color first?"

"Color?" Roger asked, bewildered. Her emerald eyes took the time to appreciate her handiwork around his neck.

He scratched his head. "Funny, I never asked people what's their favorite color."

She raised a brow. "Funny too, because I never thought you'd be the type who don't."

"Because it always changes," he replied. His head suddenly ducked inside the scarf as though nuzzling in its newfound warmth.

Jessica folded her arms. "Well, what's your favorite color?"

He suddenly looked up, smiling.

"...what?" she asked, feeling self-conscious at the way he's staring right into her eyes.

His smile went wider. "It used to be red."

Then he hopped off, shouting. "Let's go, Jessica! Before the others beat us to the good -AAUGH!"

Passerby only dodged when he skidded on an icy sidewalk and floored a dancing Santa.

But she stood rooted at the spot, trying to process what happened.

Despite the chill of December, it felt glowingly warm.


Author's Notes: Did Roger just hit on her? We'll never know. Happy Holidays, everyone.