Here is Chapter 2 of "The Return of Elliot Stabler" I hope you all enjoy reading this chapter! Please review.

That evening, Olivia decided to bring Elliot over to her house for dinner. However, Olivia was a bit worried about telling Elliot that she had a son.

Before entering the house, Olivia turned to Elliot.

"I need to tell you something." said Olivia.

"You can tell me anything you want, I won't be mad at you." replied Elliot with a smile.

"I have a son." Olivia said nervously.

Elliot was a bit puzzled.

"You… have a son? I guess you have a husband then." Elliot said.

"Nope. I adopted him." Olivia replied.

"Whoa. Since when did you adopt a child?" Elliot asked

"I really shouldn't say why I adopted him, but he's been through a lot." Olivia responded.

"Oh." said Elliot. "What's his name?"

"Noah. He's probably hungry, let's go inside so that you can meet him."

And so they did. Noah was playing his with his Nintendo 3DS, when Olivia and Elliot walked in.

"Hi sweetie." said Olivia to Noah. "Mommy has a friend she wants you to meet."

Noah put his 3DS down as Elliot walked into the room.

"Elliot, I want you to meet my son Noah."

"Hi." said Noah sweetly.

"Hey, little man." said Elliot. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too." Noah said.

Noah went back to playing his 3DS as Elliot turned to Olivia.

"He's so adorable." Elliot said.

"He is. I finally got the baby that I wanted for so many years." Olivia replied.

Soon, Olivia was cooking dinner while Elliot played with Noah. Playing with Noah made Elliot think about his own children and how he would do anything to get them back. A couple of minutes later, dinner was ready and Olivia, Elliot and Noah sat at the table and ate their food.

"I think he likes you." Olivia told Elliot.

"Aww. That's nice." Elliot said.

Soon, dinner was over and the friends helped clear the table and put the dishes away. They continued to play with Noah until Elliot had to go home.

"Liv, I need help with something." Elliot said before leaving.

"What do you need help with?" Olivia asked.

"I want to get my kids back." Elliot said.

"Tomorrow, I'll talk to my squad and we'll help you get your kids back. I'm sure we might be able to help, but… don't get upset if we can't help you." Olivia replied.

Elliot smiled.

"Mind if I came to work with you tomorrow?" asked Elliot.

"Sure." replied Olivia. "I just have to drop Noah off at school in the morning, and then I'll probably arrive around 8:45."

"Sounds good." replied Elliot. "Have a good night Liv."

"You too." said Olivia.

Elliot left Olivia's apartment and she continued to play with Noah.

They played for hours until it was time to go to bed.

Noah went in his room to put on his pajamas and he went into the bathroom and he brushed his teeth. Soon, Olivia tucked him into bed and they said good night

Then Olivia went to bed, feeling happier than she had ever been in her life.

Next morning, Elliot and Olivia arrived early to work.

Amanda still wasn't sure if Elliot would make a perfect fit in the Special Victims Unit, but she had decided to give Elliot a chance.

"Hey." said Amanda. "Sorry if I sort of got mad at you yesterday."

"That's alright." replied Elliot. "Me and Olivia sometimes didn't get along, but we managed to fix our problems."

Fin raced into the room.

"Pedophile alert." he boomed. "We need to get this man arrested at once. Last location was near Central Park."

"I'll go." said Amanda. "Maybe Elliot should come along."

Fin thought this was a great idea.

"Good idea." he said.

Olivia turned to Elliot.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" asked Olivia. "I don't want you getting in trouble."

"Why would I get in trouble? Besides, they already allowed me back here." Elliot replied.

Olivia smiled.

"Go right ahead." said Olivia. "Just don't get on Amanda's bad side."

"What?" asked Amanda, who had clearly heard what Olivia had just said to Elliot.

"Uh… nothing." Olivia said with a weird smile.

Amanda sighed, and then went off with Elliot.

The pedophile that was wanted was in fact, in Central Park.

Amanda went over to the suspect.

"Amanda Rollins, NYPD."

"What the fuck do you want?" asked the pedophile.

The pedophile was very dirty looking. He was only in his mid-30's, but had a very long beard, and was was wearing a dirty green jacket, dirty underwear, and no sneakers.

In fact, he was feeding some birds a leftover sandwich he had taken out of the trash.

Amanda turned to the suspect.

"Do you realize you are wanted for selling child pornography here in Central Park, and molesting a nine-year-old boy?"

"I didn't do shit, leave me alone."

"We have the proof." said Elliot. "Confess the truth to us."

The pedophile growled, then began attacking Amanda.

Amanda reached into her pocket for her handcuffs, and placed them onto the suspect.

"You are under arrest for possession of child pornography, gross lewdness of a minor, and assault and battery of a officer." Amanda said.

The suspect finally gave up, and was led into a police van.

After the suspect was taken away, Amanda turned to Elliot.

"What was that for?" said Amanda sternly.

"What are you talking about?" asked Elliot.

"I was attacked by a pedophile! Do you realize that I could have been raped?"

Amanda gave Elliot a dirty look, and for the rest of the trip back to the office, things were silent.

Later that day, Amanda barged into Olivia's office, and handed Olivia a paper which read…


"What's this for?" asked Olivia.

"I'm quitting." said Amanda sternly. "I nearly got raped today, because your friend is too lazy to help me. Lucky I had those handcuffs."

"So why are you quitting?"

"Because I'm not getting hurt on this job again! I'm sick and tired of your friend Elliot too! I thought that I can give him a chance, but I don't know."

Amanda sternly walked out of the office and she walked into the showers to cool off for a few minutes.

Then, she walked out the door, hoping that she would never see Elliot again.

Olivia was sure that Amanda would eventually return to the Special Victims Unit, and learn to respect Elliot.

I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 2! The next chapter is going to be uploaded soon. Please review.