
Just a warning. Starts to get a little more rated M from here on out.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

A deep mist drew deep into my lungs and came out puffing like a heavy flame.

I knew what this was. I was dreaming, well not really dreaming as much as stuck between the realms of the living and the dead.

But I wasn't afraid anymore. I had been having these visions for practically my whole life now. I was 16; a teenager now. It was time to be brave.

Ivan smiled at me from across the billowing winds of the other ghosts.

I smiled back, and took his hand when he offered it.

Except we weren't back in the dark room.

We were in a cemetery.

He didn't say a word until we walked up to a grave.

I stared at the stone column and read the words out loud in my head. It was faded and hard to read, but I could see that this was his grave.

I turned back to Ivan.

He stared at the grave for a few moments before turning back to me again.

He smiled, but his face was wrinkled, as if fighting for the smile.

"Ivan, why did you bring me here?"

His frame towered over me as he walked closer.

He rested his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them gently.

I had to admit. He was hot, and over the years I had developed a crazy crush on him, but it's not like I could date a ghost.

Besides, it would be weird. He's like eight years older than me.

"Atticus, I brought you here because you are the only one who can help me."

He sighed and removed his hands from me.

My body shivered against the now empty space.

I wanted him to fill the space with his tall frame and to never leave me gaping again.

"You have special powers Atticus. Not only can you shift between a strigoi and dhampir, but you can command life and death itself."

"It's selfish of me to ask." He continued after a moment. "But I want to be alive again."

His eyes turned to his grave, and I could have sworn in a glimmer of pale moonlight I saw a small tear slide down his cheek.

I didn't say anything to acknowledge it. Even when he wiped at it.

He turned back to me. "I want to be with you."

I reached out for his face, but he wrapped my hand around his and clasped it to his chest.

"Would you bring me back Atticus?"

A million thoughts tumbled through my head at once.

Aunt Jenessa hadn't taught me how to use any other powers. She had only taught me control. How to push back against my strigoi form. How to suppress it.

Helping Ivan would go against everything I she had taught me.

Besides, even if I could do it I had no idea how.

But instead I asked the question that I dare not ask, and made a promise that was too dangerous.

I loved him, and the selfish part of me wanted to be with him too.

"Ok, I'll help you. Show me how."

He bit his lip and grazed them with his fangs.

I could tell I wouldn't like what he was about to say.

"You have to make a choice Atticus. You must kill someone. You have to trade their life for mine."

Oh shit…