Chapter I

"I should go now," replied Belle as she stood up to clean off the dust from her vest while adjust her scarf. "There is a monster of my own which I must vanquish." A week ago, the possibility of Belle returning back to the Dark Castle became absurd. Saving Prince Philip from both the curse of the Yougaui and the wrath of the mob gave her a new sense of courage than the nineteen year old noblewoman ever considered.

If she could find the means to save the Eastern region, then it is possible to save Rumpelstiltskin from his self-induced curse.

"Wait" stated Prince Philip causing Belle and Mulan to focus their on him. "You can't just go back into the woods this late." He then looks back at Mulan still on the ground, then back at Belle. "Besides, we must take Lady Mulan back to be healed. I could not in good consciousness allow myself to leave the both of you in an unknown state."

Both Mulan and Belle smiled at the chivalrous attitude of their new friend. Belle then took a better look at Mulan noticing the full extent of Mulan's injury; she couldn't call herself a hero by leaving behind the one person who truly believed in her in a vulnerable position.

Mulan intervened: "My family's farm is close by, you guys can stay there for the time being until my leg gets better. My family is really hospitable and Philip can take you whenever you are ready."

They all agreed in Mulan's idea and headed to her village with Philip carrying Mulan in tow. The trio reached the Fa Farm greeted by a younger boy and girl who hugged Mulan to tight nearly causing Philip to stumble when he tried to get her down, a middle aged couple and an older woman who Mulan eagerly introduced as her parents, grandmother and younger siblings. It had not taken long for the older women to fawn over Philip as Belle noticed Mulan would become embarrassed as her great-grandmother constantly assumed Philp was her beau to the point of asking questions over what the plans of their wedding will be. It had not taken long for the Belle and Philip to be accepted into the family. The younger children were very welcoming of the guests as Philip was always playing with them as Belle entertained the children with stories. Although Belle had trouble conversing with the elders due to dialect differences, Philip needed to constantly either point or ask Mulan whenever he needed a direct translation.

Belle was surprised when she learned about the supportive attitude Mulan's parents enacted towards her decision to join the army especially after she learned how Mulan would have risked imprisonment if her identity was revealed. It seemed even though Mulan was given a high honor by the Emperor, she was still met with scorn and distrust by the rest of the village where if it weren't for the respect they had for her father, Mulan would have altogether left to relieve them of any public embarrassment. Even though Mulan had not wanted to elaborate, it was evident to Belle how Mulan only wants the best for her family. At times Belle wanted defended her friend against the gossip by pointing out the town's hypocrisy but Mulan reassured her that the gossip no longer bothered her. Throughout the remainder of the week, Philip and Belle repaid their hospitality working at the farm and helping around the house. Mulan amused herself hearing her companions talk about their experiences in manual labor as they poor cleaned around the kitchen leading to some inside jokes about pampering Mulan as she became their taskmaster. The constant pampering lead to Mulan to regain her health allowing begin sparring practices with Philip as Belle would point out one of them was losing their technique.

In time, Philip revealed his story about being engaged to the Princess Aurora of Dornroschen. Due to the king and queen offending the sorceress Maleficent, the sorceress cast a spell throughout the kingdom where Aurora placed herself in a sleeping curse in order to keep the kingdom yet Maleficent transformed Philip into a Yougaui for further leverage then placed the sleeping princess in a mausoleum with a wall of deadly thorns leaving Dornroschen in a hopeless state. Belle's heart broke as Philip told his story. What she found most admirable about the young prince was his constant optimistic attitude. It wasn't denying reality as one would have assumed but instead Philip would go out of his way to make sure everyone around him even they were not in a good mood conduct a smile a few moments later.. He was given a grunt of the work and never bothered complaining even when letting everyone know he did do manual labor during his time in his father's army. Belle would always see Mulan laughing as Philip would nurse back to health by telling the girls corny jokes or ridiculous stories. Those times would allow Belle to smile where she hoped it would be possible to one day be like Philip and try to see the world in a complete positive outlook.

One afternoon Belle walked around the garden of the farm enjoying her book as she strolled amongst the cherry blossom trees. In a moment to take in the story, she glanced back at her bookmark containing a laced mark with a rose stitched in a golden thread. Belle smiled from the memory of obtaining it as Rumpelstiltskin presented the bookmark to her as a present, supposedly giving her something consistent to use rather than twigs or the piece of parchment he would find her books. The bookmark was on her teacup one evening; however Rumpelstiltskin insisted on not being thanked as justifying the bookmarked made her life easier. She had not cared what he was telling her as his occasional glances betrayed leading Belle to cherish the bookmark when caressing the stitching as her eye could tell it was indeed homemade for precise detail.

Those were moments Belle believed there was good man underneath the scaly exterior.


Belle turned finding the screams came Philip and Mulan running towards her holding a piece of paper in their hands.

The pair stopped to catch their breath when Mulan handed her the parchment. Belle looked at the parchment seeing it was a wanted poster of her by order of Queen Regina of Lilibet, while it was a serious charge, Belle couldn't help but chuckle at the how the poster mistook her eyes for green instead of blue.

"I don't understand, what this does the queen of Lilibet want with me?" I have never even met her. It took a few second for Belle to put it together who the monarch was. The woman from the forest, the one who said if I kissed Rumple then his curse would be lifted. He thought I was working for her as a means to destroy him, what does she want from me now.

"I don't know, Regina is someone who I wouldn't want to deal with" said Philip. "There have been rumors she killed her husband and framed her stepdaughter Snow White in order to stay in power. Last I heard, her relentless attempt in finding the princess has led to many villages throughout the region being massacred for even being suspected of holding Snow White sanctuary.

"Turns out the guys we met a while back have been handing these out throughout town all day with a promise of a reward for information. Luckily they saw us and left but we don't know how many of these were posted out."

"It will be only a matter of time before someone remembers seeing us around the village the past month with guards knocking at the door." Stated Philip, "We have to leave tonight so her bounty hunters aren't able to find you. If possible, we can reach Avonlea within two days."

"No" Belle interrupted. "I have to go back to the Dark Forest" she can see her two friends looking shocked when mentioning the name. "Please, I have to help the man I love, I know it sounds crazy, but I should be with him and the Queen is trying to stop me." She turned to Philip almost pleading, "You can understand this Philip." The prince looked at Mulan whose eyes began to bulge at the realization.

"Wait…your true love is the…" even Mulan couldn't finish the rest of the sentence. "Okay, uhmm, I will go and help you. Although you are always welcomed back here anytime you want."

Belle hugged Philip and Mulan nearly crying as they embraced her tighter. "Thank you guys for understanding how much this means to me."

When night fell, the trio left the farm in great haste were Belle rode with Mulan rather than acquiring a third horse. They took a quicker route towards the Llwch Mountains stopping at the tavern to give the horses rest. At the tavern, the trio made themselves popular amongst the patrons as Philip and Mulan drunkenly sang on top of the tables on a dare whilst Belle played on the pipe organs leaving the tavern into a festive mood afterwards.

As Belle spent more time with Philip and Mulan, she couldn't help but smile at seeing the pair interact with one another as it began to remind her of when she would first begin to flirt with Rumpelstiltskin to the point of being voyeuristic. She would always give them time together when needed, even making subtle hints leaving Mulan looking at Belle slightly puzzled and Philip blushing at various states confirming her suspicions. Although whenever he mentioned Aurora, Belle could see Mulan's mood change as the remembered the prince was engaged were unlike her, he loves his fiancée. Belle began picturing the Princess Aurora being a shallow and bratty royal, giving her the likeness of a baroness she remembered in court who was completely insufferable due to her pretentious behavior. Belle acknowledged these thoughts were petty where Aurora must have been a kind person for Philip to take her in high regard, however it didn't mean she had not wanted her friends to be happy but Belle needed to conclude the flirting must have been in her head.

Philip was a bit disappointed when they reached the dark forest noticing the path was clear for them. Belle revealed to them the reputation of its inhabitant made the terrain more threatening while subtly mentioning the owner is nothing like the legends that have spawned. Traveling to the mountains they made towards the entrance of the castle, Belle took a deep breath seeing the castle once again.

I've made it home

Philip and Mulan got out of their horses helping Belle get off as they looked nervous at her.

"Are you sure you still want to do this?" Declared Philip, "what if you're mistaken how he feels for you?"

"I am absolutely certain how he feels about me; he let me go once before because he is afraid to face the truth about us." Despite Belle explaining it to them, Mulan and Philip were still uncertain about Belle's declaration because of its fantastic absurdity. Belle then felt something in her pocket causing her to remember its content. "I can't ever thank you enough for helping me, you two have been great friends. Although what will you guys do?"

"I have to go back to my kingdom, my father probably thinks I'm dead after all this time. I also have to think of a better plan to help Aurora." He turned to Mulan. "What about you?"

"I don't know, my parents always said I was wasting my time back in the village. Maybe this was chance I needed to fully leave. She said defeated "I can always offer my services as a sell-sword I guess."

"Come with me." Philip took Mulan's hand surprising both the women. "We can always use another commander in my father's army." The prince hesitated for a minute before standing tall, "and what better partner to help than one of the warriors who saved my life."

"I was trying to kill you!" Mulan pointed out causing Belle to giggle.

"Will you come back with me or not?"

"Okay fine, your technique needs improvement anyway." Mulan smiled quickly changing back to her stoic expression.

Belle handed Mulan a brooch with her family's crest engraved on it. "Should you need to be in Avonlea, show my father this and he will reward you with whatever you wish."

"but Belle, this is unnecessary," Mulan tried handing the brooch back but Belle refused it.

"I insist, you never know if it will bring you good luck." She smiled winking back at Philip drying her tears. "Both of you promise me that you will take care of each other. It would be a pity if the sword practicing finally ends." Belle smiled as Philip chuckled.

"You know we will be fine. I hope you save your beast" stated Philip as they hugged Belle.

"And I hope you save your princess." The trio said their goodbyes with Philip and Mulan gathering on their horses riding the opposite direction. Belle watched them shrink within the distance until they no longer were within her sight.

She shed a tear seeing her friends ride off hoping one day they will meet again.

Head held high, Belle turned around seeing the Dark Castle surrounded by vines in the front just as it was left before. The wards recognized her leaving her able to enter with ease. The last obstacle came with the front doors still maintaining the lion handles that always lead her to believe that it would eat her hand out.

Please Rumple, please believe in us. Belle said in her head over and over, taking a deep breath. She opened the door, unsure of what awaited her.