Barbara was the second relationship! I always liked her but felt like there was more of a companionship. She remained a positive force in Dick's life even if it was not romantic.

On with chapter three!

If Barbara was like ice then Kory Anders was all fire and passion. She was a whirlwind that never feared the unknown. They had started as teammates in the Teen Titans and had easily been drawn to each other. Dick was easing out of leaving Batman behind and had been going through a hard time when reaching Jump City. The Titans as well as Kory…Starfire had helped him cope with the changes and somehow he had managed to reach a sense of peace. He had been in such a dark place for a while and Kory was their through every step. She was a constant ball of energy and positivity that once Dick had always felt but now tried to avoid. He had wanted to show Batman that he was capable and by doing so he was only smothering who he actually was. Kory helped him find himself again. She was all freedom and excitement and for once, Dick had found his match in personality and zeal. It should have been perfect.

"We are friends, Robin."

His first time was with her, both fumbling together and giggling despite themselves. He was gentle and she guided him on what she enjoyed and helped him find what he did as well. Loving Kory was like playing with fire. There was a wild freeness that came with being with her and Dick had easily allowed himself to fall into it completely. When Dick fell, he fell hard. It was obvious as it was consuming. She had crashed Kitten's prom to help him, she had tried to help him when his mind played tricks on him. She was his friend when he felt so alone. As the Titans became more powerful, more people joined their ranks. After Cyborg had gone to join the League, a shapeshifter named Mirage had joined the team. Dick had finally transitioned from Robin to Nightwing and it finally felt like he was an actual adult with his adult girlfriend by his side. Everything was going perfectly…it only made sense that things would go wrong. Fire however had a habit of burning those too careless with it and it did not take long for Dick to be burned. One night when Kory had gone off to visit her family, Mirage had approached Dick in her form. Dick had been tricked into sleeping with her and the fallout was catastrophic. It was something Dick didn't enjoy thinking about.

"Dick, you slut !"

Kory had faced terrible horrors before coming to earth. She had faced them and still managed to find kindness in herself. But there was nothing she would spare for Dick's 'betrayal'. They parted and even to this day avoided each other. It was the one relationship that always left Dick feeling lost. How one moment they could be whispering endearments to each other while at the carnival to Kory not even being able to look at him. She had been a constant in his life. He had been seventeen and nearly an adult but he felt so small and useless. He didn't like to think on it, or about her. There was too much hurt involved and Dick was so tired of feeling hurt.