Hey guys it is the 3headed-dragon and I'm back with Chapter 6 for this story. I know I've been gone from this story for a long time but that's because I had a serious case of writer's block when it came to this story and I was working on new stories.

Disclaimer: Stigma 13 and I don't own anything you may recognize.

Chapter 6: Reactions

Olympus was in pure chaos at the moment as all the minor Gods ran around in a panic and thunder roared through the air none stop. The reason for all of this was that word had spread quickly that not only did Hera of all Goddesses have a demigod, but said demigod was the newest host of the Darkness. None were able to believe that Hera had actually cheated on Zeus though most didn't blame her, it was just the shock that the Goddess of Marriage had an affair that took everyone by surprise. For now though let's go to the Throne room where all the Gods have gathered to talk about the recent claiming.

"HOW COULD YOU HERA, YOU ARE MY WIFE AND YET YOU DARE TO HAVE A DEMIGOD!" yelled Zeus as he was obviously pissed about Hera having a child. Zeus stood at 6'1 with fair skin, electric blue eyes, long white hair, and a muscular build. For clothes he wore a simple toga with brown sandals.

"I don't want to hear that from you as you should remember the fact that you are my husband and yet you have more children outside of our marriage than you've given me inside our marriage." said Hera with a calm yet irritated voice.

"That doesn't matter, we'll talk about this more after I kill that-" Zeus didn't get to finish his sentence as he suddenly found it hard to breathe with Hera's hand around his throat. Her eyes were glowing bright red as a sign of her rage from the mere idea of Zeus even touching her son.

"You will not touch my son, if you do then I will make you reform over and over again until even Mother Rhea doesn't recognize you." said Hera with her voice filled with rage and the promise of pain. "This goes for all of you! Unless my son does something to warrant it you will leave him be! Now we will all sit down and talk about this rationally and act like the centuries old beings we are rather than children!" said Hera as she glared everyone else while still choking Zeus.

No one had the courage to argue with Hera right now and simply nodded to Hera before taking their seats. They were all very tense as neither of them wanted Hera to direct her anger at them. Once everyone was seated Hestia the Goddess of the Hearth, Home, and Family walked up to Hera. Hestia was beautiful woman with fair skin, deep brown eyes, and long chocolate brown wavy hair. For clothes she wore brown robes that covered her entire body and hid her figure leaving only her hands, face, and feet exposed. "Sister, perhaps you should put our brother down so that we can talk." said Hestia gently as she saw their shared brother starting to turn blue.

Hera carelessly threw Zeus into his throne before taking her seat beside him. "Now you may ask me any question you would like or state a concern you may have." said Hera.

"Sooo….I have a new little brother." said Apollo being the first brave soul to speak after Hera's show of rage. Apollo was a handsome young man with lightly tanned skin, blue eyes, bright blonde hair, and an athletic build. For clothes he wore short sleeved red button up shirt with the top two buttons undone, khaki shorts, and sandals.

"Technically yes, he would be your half brother." said Hera.

"Where has he been all this time?" asked Demeter. Demeter was a beautiful woman with fair skin, long blonde hair the same color as wheat, green eyes, a slender build, wide hips, a round ass, and D-cup breasts. For clothes she wore a green dress, a dark cape, brown sandals, a crown of woven wheat.

"He lived with his father until he died, at that point he lived on his own and I had my handmaidens act as his legal guardians." said Hera.

"Did he know about you at all?" asked Poseidon. Poseidon was a handsome man with lightly tanned skin, sea green eyes, black hair and beard, and a strong build. For clothes he was currently wearing a red Hawaiian shirt, jean shorts, and brown sandals.

"From what I know he knew that I loved him and that I wished I could be with him, but he never knew I was a Goddess or which Goddess. I raised him for 3 years alongside my husband before being taken away from him so he most likely doesn't remember me too much." said Hera a little sad at the end.

"You know it is against the laws for us to raise our children Hera, especially such an abomination." said Zeus. Zeus then suddenly found a blade of celestial bronze pressed up against his throat, it was close enough to cause a bit of his ichor to drip.

"This is your last warning Zeus, say something like that again and I WILL force you to reform." said Hera with her eyes glowing once again in her rage.

Zeus was scared beyond belief as he never thought that Hera would pull a weapon out on him. She always threatened him before but never made good on any of it. Now though because of this one boy that should have never existed she was actually holding a sword to his throat and he could see the seriousness in her glowing eyes. Everyone else was afraid as well, it had been so long since they have seen Hera this angry and even then it wasn't directed at one of them. No one wanted to even move as they were afraid that Hera would turn on them. Slowly Hera removed her sword from Zeus's throat and her eyes returned to normal.

"Like I said I had made myself mortal when I had my son therefore I technically I didn't cheat on you. And the laws say that we can't interfere with their decisions and future glory, there is nothing against the rules about us simply loving and raising our children. The point of the law is to keep us from controlling our children and picking a path for them, if we simply love them and support any path they wish to take then it would be fine for us to raise them." said Hera.

"Wait, really!?" asked Apollo with hope in his voice. There had been a couple of his kids he wanted to be there for but stayed away because of the laws, if all he had to do to be in his kids' lives was not be a controlling dick then you bet your ass he would do it.

"Yes, the only reason most of you didn't realize this is because Zeus keeps saying that you can't raise your children. The truth is he can't raise his children because he's too controlling and would push them to be what he wants them to be." said Hera. "Now would anyone else like to say something?" asked Hera.

"Is he safe to have around others?" asked Artemis. Artemis was a beautiful woman with fair skin, silver eyes, shoulder length red hair, and athletic but feminine build, long toned legs, wide hips, a toned ass, and C-cup breasts. For clothes she wore black combat boots, dark green cargo pants, a short sleeved green shirt, a brown leather jacket, and black fingerless gloves. She really didn't want to be the one to bring this up after Hera's show of rage but it was a valid question.

"If you're worried about the Darkness then you have nothing to worry about, Vincent is a sweet boy with a strong will so the Darkness won't corrupt him." said Hera.

"If you believe in him sister then I shall trust your judgement." said Demeter.

"We'll all trust your judgement sister, I'm sure Vincent will do well." said Hestia.


Vincent was standing outside of his mother's cabin, one of the few cabins in camp that never had a camper stay in it. It was truly a grand cabin with marble pillars and a gold trim. Taking a deep breath Vincent opened the door and walked inside, he found that it was just as nice on the inside as it was on the outside. He noticed that there were pictures of him as a baby on the walls but what really caught his attention was the picture of Hera holding him as a baby and smiling at him. Vincent could clearly see the love in her eyes and the care that she held him with, it made him happy to have visual proof that his mother loved him. Walking further into the cabin Vincent soon came across a door with his name on it in ancient Greek, opening the door he saw that it was his bedroom.

The bedroom was really nice and big with a king size canopy bed with silk sheets, a work desk off to the side, an attached master bathroom, a peacock was sitting in the corner, and sitting off to the side of the bed on a display stand was what looked to be a sheathed traditional Japanese chokuto with a note under it. Picking up the note Vincent read it.

{Dear Vincent

I'm pretty use learning that I am your mother was pretty shocking, but it's true that I am your mother. The first thing I want you to know is that I love you and I always have, I loved you the moment I found out I was pregnant. The next thing I want you to know is that I'm sorry for leaving you, I didn't want to but your step-father forced me back to Olympus. The 3 years I spent raising you alongside your father were some of the happiest times of my life, the only thing I regret is being taken away from you. I know you are the newest host of the Darkness and I don't care about that, you are still my son and you have my full support and faith. I would like to tell you some perks you have by being my demigod but since you are my first demigod I don't know what you could have inherited from me so I guess we'll find out together. Now I'm sure you're wondering about the sword on the display stand, that is a very special blade that I had your brother Hephaestus make just for you. It's made from a combination of celestial bronze, imperial gold, and the nose ring of the Minotaur and the sheath can actually turn into a rifle once you unsheath the blade. If you're wondering what celestial bronze and Imperial gold are, they are magical metals that can help you kill monsters as normal metal won't work, though you should know that these metals are very prideful metals and therefore will pass right through normal mortals like an illusion. There is also a rune engraved on the sheath that will allow it fire an infinite amount of celestial bronze bullets, though after 6 shots there will be a 10 second cool down period so that it can "reload" so to speak. This weapon doesn't have a name as I felt it was best to allow you to do that and be sure to thank your brother for making it for you. Be careful my son as the world is a very dangerous place and I just want you to be safe, the peacock in your room will allow you to instantly send messages to me anytime you wish, her name is Flora, be sure to treat her well.

Love your mother, Hera}

Vincent smiled as he finished reading the note from his mother, though it did piss him off to learn that she only left because Zeus made her. He decided to think about that at another time so he could inspect his new weapon. Picking it up he found it to be much lighter than he was expecting it to be, unsheathing the blade he found that it was straight with a single edge and mostly gold in color with a bronze edge. He took a few test swings with the blade and found that unlike the other swords he had used this felt right in his hand. Vincent then inspected the sheath/rifle which was gray and black in color, it had his mother's symbol on the side, and on the very bottom was the rune she was talking about. He shifted it into its rifle mode and found it to be rather cool, though he would have to practice shooting with it. Looking at the 2 in 1 weapon Vincent decided to name the sword Hera's Grace and name the sheath/rifle Hera's Rage. Turning Hera's Rage back into its sheath form and sheathing Hera's Grace.

Vincent then walked out of his cabin with his weapon in hand and headed for Thalia's tree so he could talk to her about what happened. On his way to the tree Vincent noticed that a lot of the campers were either looking at him strangely or trying to avoid him all together, he couldn't really blame them since his mother was never supposed to have a demigod and no doubt the Darkness freaked them all out. Reaching Thalia's tree Vincent place his hand on the tree and entered Limbo.


"Hey Vincent, welcome back." said Thalia as she saw Vincent appear.

"Hey Thalia, man you would not believe the day I have had." said Vincent.

"Why, what happened?" asked Thalia.

"Well we were playing capture the flag but when the game was over a Hellhound attacked me and Percy though I did manage to kill it." said Vincent surprising the hell out of Thalia.

"How did you do that?" asked Thalia.

Vincent sighed but decided that he might as well tell her. His eyes started to glow yellow and the serpents came from his back. "I used this to kill the Hellhound, it's also how I plan to get you out of here." said Vincent.

"What the hell is that and how can it help!?" asked Thalia as she took a step back.

"It's called the Darkness, it's an ancient being that's been around since Chaos, I'm apparently its new host. As for how it can help, well here in Limbo its word is law and with me being it's host I have complete control over this place including the ability to bring people in and out of Limbo. By feeding the Darkness the hearts of monsters I can gain enough power to pull you out of Limbo." said Vincent.

"Really, are you actually telling me that with the Darkness you can pull me out of here!?" with hope shining bright in her eyes.

"Yes, but I don't have the sheer power needed to do so which is why I need to feed it the monster hearts." said Vincent.

"Well what are you waiting for, get out there and stuff this Darkness full of monster hearts and get me out of here!" said Thalia.

"I'm working on it Thalia, I've been in the fully stocked forest alot killing the monsters in there but I still don't have enough power to free you yet, not to mention that once you're out I have to restore your body." said Vincent.

"Why do you have to restore my body?" asked Thalia.

"You were half dead before you were brought here, if I just pull you out there is a good chance that you'll die. I need to pull you out then quickly heal you of your past injuries." said Vincent.

"Fine, let's just move on from this until to have the power to free me. What happened after you killed the Hellhound?" asked Thalia.

"Percy was claimed as the son of Poseidon and then I was claimed as well." said Vincent.

"Why am I not surprised he broke the oath as well, and let me guess you're the son of Hades after he decided to try life out as a woman?" asked Thalia.

"No I'm still not a child of Hades, I'm actually the son of Hera." said Vincent.

"...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, oh Gods that's a good one Vincent, hahahaha. Oh I needed a good laugh like that, but seriously who is your godly parent?" asked Thalia after she calmed down from laughing.

"I'm serious, Hera is my mother. Here is a note she wrote for me as proof." said Vincent handing her the note. Thalia couldn't believe what she was reading and couldn't help but look at Vincent in pure shock. "I know, I couldn't believe it either." said Vincent.

"Damn, you know it's actually pretty cool that you're the only demigod of Hera. It's also really cool that you have a sword and a gun as a weapon." said Thalia.

"Thanks Thalia and yeah it is pretty cool." said Vincent. The 2 of them continued to talk for a while before Vincent had to leave, before he left Thalia tried to pull his mask down but he dodge her. "Hahah, nice try Thalia but you'll have to try harder than that!" laughed Vincent before disappearing.

"Damnit Vincent, I will see what you're hiding under there!" said Thalia.

Alright guys there you have chapter 6, I hope you liked it. Vincent's weapon is based off of Wilt and Blush from RWBY for those of you that need a better idea of what it is. The next chapter will be the start of the quest.


Thalia, Silena, Clarisse, Aphrodite, Artemis, Medusa, Arachne, Rhea, Athena, Zoe

Well that's it for now remember to Fav., Follow, and Review and as always Listen for when the Dragon Roars!