Welcome to the story, this is kind of a preview/taster thing and I was just seeing what the reaction was, enjoy! Note: contains talk about female bodily functions ^^;;; This is a rewritten chapter too from the first published one so if you've already read it then there are a few changes!

Disclaimer: I do not own Escaflowne, it would be sooooo cool if I did though

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"Hitomi are you alright in there?"

Hitomi slung her head up from the bowl and cried wretchedly "Yeah, mom, just a little bit of sick, must be the weather"

"Well, if you're sure"

Hitomi heard her mother walk away down the hall and call the school; she was having another sick day after all.

The bathroom seemed to be her permanent residence these days; Hitomi leant on her arm next to the toilet and wiped the sweat away from her forehead, looking at the calendar strewn across the floor.

Four months since she'd returned from Gaea, four months since she'd been home and everything seemed to be going all right, better than she'd expected. Amano had left, and she hadn't been as sad as Yukari although she did miss him, but she wrote to him as did Yukari and had known for a while that they'd eventually gotten it together, Hitomi didn't mind at all, it was great Yukari could actually talk to her again after she'd hidden her feelings for Amano for so long.

Hitomi had carried on with track and had even won a medal a few weeks after returning from Gaea at a competition, her grades were up and she'd been given a whole new outlook on life after her experiences on the other world. Van had shown up twice, once at the railway station and once from a far away building, they hadn't talked but they both got the jist of the others feelings anyway. It was fine with her to see him just like that because it made her feel warm when she saw him, even at that distance.

Yes it was going well, at least, it had been going well until she'd noticed the calendar.

It was just a calendar but it was the one she marked her periods on every month before she'd gone to Gaea, it was like a tradition since they'd started, Hitomi didn't know why she did it but the red marker made her feel that she was in control over them and not the other way around.

She hadn't even noticed it until this morning.

About three weeks ago she'd been getting nauseous in the morning but she'd put it down to nerves about an upcoming track competition. Yesterday morning after throwing up her mother had joked that maybe it was morning sickness. This morning Hitomi was worried.

It had been a joke, her mother wasn't serious, and Hitomi hadn't taken any notice at all but to laugh with her mother and go to school in the afternoon. But she'd woken up this morning with a horrible feeling and had gone looking for the calendar. It was in the place she'd left it and Hitomi almost wished it hadn't been.

Taking out a red marker, she'd filled in the dates missing with trembling fingers, week one, week two, week, three, week four. One in Gaea, week one, and week two, week three, week four...

Hitomi hadn't bothered to wait to see week four, but took the calendar with her into the bathroom as her stomach revolted again.

Now she was counting through again, making sure, hoping against hope, and trying to remember. It was impossible that there hadn't been one. She had to try and remember...but she couldn't.

Hitomi took the pen and sliced a red line through the month and turned to the next page. It hadn't come then either, Hitomi wiped her eyes again to draw another line through it and then turned to the next month, last month, and sliced another red line through it.

If it didn't come this month then that was it, four months without a period...four months. Hitomi let her eyes water, there was nothing wrong with being afraid, and it was normal in these sorts of situations. She gulped, hopefully there wasn't a situation and she was being stupid.

She thought hard trying to double check something she'd double-checked over and over again that same morning. With all the track competitions and exams she hadn't noticed that she'd skipped her monthlies until today.

With this strange sickness too...Hitomi dreaded the thought of what it could be and got up, tipping the pages of the calendar into the bin to hide them and opened the bathroom door.

Mamoru stood in the hall.

"Are you alright?" he asked cautiously, eyeing her red eyes and the mess the bathroom was in

"Yes" Hitomi snapped, "Mind your own business"

Mamoru shrugged and went into his room.

Hitomi waited till she heard the computer going and then dashed down the stairs into the kitchen where her mother was making breakfast. She stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do and then went in.

"Are you feeling better?" her mother asked, twisting the dial on the toaster

"Uh...yeah. Hey mom" Hitomi said suddenly "What can cause you to skip periods?"

Her mother stared for a moment; it wasn't something they usually talked about at home, "Why?"

Hitomi jumped and replied breezily, "I just wondered" she folded her arms "That's all"

"Well" her mother thought for a moment then put down the knife to answer "It can be stress, not eating right, a number of reasons really. Oh yes, pregnancy of course, when I had you I went for about three of four months before realizing. Does that answer your question?"

"Oh, well, thanks, really" Hitomi stood there, the timings were about right then...

"Have you been skipping periods Hitomi?" her mother asked, concerned, turning away from the toaster to look her daughter up and down

Hitomi stepped back "Me? No, I was just asking"

Her mother moved forward "Hitomi you'd tell me if something was wrong wouldn't you?"

"Of course, mom!" hitomi said with a quick wave of her hand, and shot out the back door "Be back later!"


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"So you're going back to the Mystic Moon?"

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She stared at the door, what would it take to go in and ask for one? Hitomi paced the door of the Pharmacy and then sat down on a bench outside with a sigh instead. It was her age that was the problem with asking.

Pregnancy, how could it be possible? This was why you had sex ed classes. Why didn't she listen? It was such a stupid situation to get into.

Because you thought it wouldn't happen to you, a voice in side her head whispered, you thought that the first time wouldn't make any difference even though you knew all the risks.

"You're right" Hitomi sighed, feeling disgusted with herself "One time and it all falls down"

"So who was it?"

Hitomi yelped and jumped out of skin, Yukari giggled and threw herself down on the bench next to Hitomi.

"W-w-what?" Hitomi stammered, going red to the roots of her hair, where had Yukari come from?

Yukari grinned, "Just walking home from the gym" as if to answer Hitomi's mental question "When I see who else but Miss Hitomi Kanzaki looking like the world has fallen down on her head. And I say to myself, it must be a guy"

Hitomi smiled dejectedly, how could Yukari speak to her heart so clearly and so easily?

"Yeah" Hitomi said

"What's up then, old chum?" Yukari said easily, settling herself down for a tale of woe

Hitomi thought for moment, Yukari wasn't easily embarrassed, and so then an idea struck Hitomi on the head. She leaned forward and grabbed Yukari's hands.

"Yukari would you do me a HUGE favour?" Hitomi asked

Yukari looked surprised then said, "Sure, want me to beat this guy's brains out?"

"No, no, nothing like that" Hitomi replied, "I'd like you to go and buy me something from in there" she pointed toward the shop door

"Um...ok, sure, why not?" Yukari shrugged and stood up while Hitomi dug cash out her pockets for her friend "What do you want me to get?"

Hitomi paused and looked at the ground "A..." she mumbled

"What was that?" Yukari leaned in to get a better hearing

"A pregnancy test" Hitomi's words were spoken so quietly it was almost like she hadn't even used her voice and only breathed the words

Yukari stared, had she heard correctly? Hitomi looked so upset and embarrassed that she almost believed her. Yet it couldn't be true.

"You're kidding right?"

Hitomi shook her head and didn't say anything.

Yukari stared even more, then turned away with an "Alright...but you have a LOT of explaining to do missy when I come back"

Yukari marched off and threw open the door of the shop, leaving Hitomi with nothing but worry.

* * * * * *

"Well?" Yukari's voice rang through the wood of the bathroom door, "Come on out, either tell me what colour it is or what the hell is going on Hitomi Kanzaki! I'd prefer to hear both!"

Hitomi didn't open the door, just leant against it, timing the test.

"Let it be ok, let it be ok" she chanted under her breath, waiting for the result.

It was beginning to change...

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Well, what do you think? This is kind of a preview/taster thing to see what the reaction is to it, I just thought a lot of people make Hitomi pregnant but never this young, but who is the father? Please read and review I'd love your comments to help me continue!