A/N: Don't own anything, I make no money, etc. Wrote this for fun more than anything, I know it's a bit of an odd pairing (if it can even be called that) Fred and George are 17 (legal consent in UK is 16), Harry and friends are 15, don't expect this to keep with the plot of the books at all, just go with the flow :)

Chapter One: The Cheeky Sod

by BelovedWithKindness

Fred and George to most would seem like their usual chipper cheeky selves, however to the well trained eye one could see the slightly winded confidence at the loss of their beloved notebook surely they would never see again. As dedicated pranksters the pair had spent hours and days and weeks and months scribbling and researching for their japes, ingredients and recipes they would need, pricing and timing, methods to use spells the way to pull off their jokes and even their developing business plan for their Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

Unfortunately, woefully, the pair had accidentally left it behind in one of their classes…Potions.

Some professors might have been lazy enough to not read the content and hand it back at the end of their class time, others might have peeked at it and wrote a note of concern to parents or delivered detention for the planned pranks, but they would receive it in the end, and then their was Snape.

In truth, the twins really liked the Potions Master, entertaining as hell to watch and wit that could undo even the sharp tongued, and a small detail most might have missed: the man was definitely, damnably, curious and cheeky. Qualities they couldn't help but enjoy once they had realised, brave enough to insult with a dangerous subtlety, pushing a comment just to the limit and getting away with it, otherwise he was engrossed in tasks and researching new projects to take on. But that said…the man did not suffer fools gladly.

No doubt he would have seen the book of pranks left behind, and sharp as he is know who it belonged to, read the content and before long find the rule-breaking intent and have their precious notebook of hard work and love destroyed, point deductions, detention and scolding waiting for them.

Walking with what appeared to most to be their usual happy smiles the twins were steeling themselves for their fate and made their way to the dungeons. Holding their breaths they entered the classroom to see other students settling into their seats and a busy Professor Snape setting out a few ingredients, keeping their heads down they beelined for their table and in such a haste they didn't realise until both sat with a sigh that…there it was.

Still, there it was, their beloved, well worn and written in, precious notebook, appearing as innocent as the day they last saw it and almost exactly where they left it. Almost.

Had the diligent Professor wanted it to seem like he hadn't noticed it he would have found a way for them to believe such a thing, but there it was, no doubt Snape had seen it and found out what it was and yet, there it was, just waiting for them, how convenient, how…Non-Snape-ish. Fred's fingers twitched o open the cover and in the next instant George's ceased the action, whispering quietly but urgently, "what if it's charmed, or worse, cursed, or…I don't know." Fred's hand immediately distanced from the books cover and both thought a moment while students continued to file into the classroom, "I can just imagine now" Fred started "we open it and then we get hit by something loud, or frightening or gross and the Professor catches us out not only for the book but gets to add in not paying attention in class!"

"So…we don't open it then?" George elaborated.

"I don't think so, not yet, somewhere safer, assuming he doesn't call us out on it during class anyway" looking unhopeful on that comment "who are we kidding, so he doesn't get to rub our noses in it, but there's no way he isn't going to punish u-"

And all of a sudden class began, Professor Severus Snape stood at the front of the class and all hushed ready to start; and twins readied themselves for a scolding…which never came. The twins waited and waited and waited and felt all the worse and on edge for the entire period, making them strew in anticipation. The git. They knew that he could be crafty but that was just cruel. Yet, as the class ended there was still nothing, students were dismissed on time and they files out of the room, the twins slowly amongst them with much confusion and a little notebook securely in their possession.

They couldn't help but wonder what Snape was thinking, they hadn't expected to get away with their notebook or without punishment for all the mischief it contained. Hence why the pair were in a safe corner of one of the castles many towers, where hardly anyone came by, setting up defence charms and an array of protective measures as they stared at their precious notebook, afraid to open it.

After much hesitance, planning and nudging one another to be the one to open it, they agreed to use a small charm from a distance together to open the book. It did occur to them that this would be seen as paranoid but silly behaviour if it was the safer option then why not do it. The brothers looked at each other and on the count of three muttered a small charm to flip the book open, holding their breaths they watched as the book fluttered across the floor at the force and landed at a random page, a loose piece of note paper falling free and landing some feet away.

Slowly, unsurely the pair shifted closer, inching their way until they could see plainly that their beloved notebook was indeed not how they had left it, but not was it boobytrapped. Inside the pages of the book, over or around its contents, were diligent, red inked notes and corrections.

Snape had marked it. Snape had marked their prank book!

With this sudden realisation he pair forgot their paranoia and Fred was the first to snatch the book into his possession as both peered at the pages was awe. They found themselves proud of page after page that required no correction and when there was a neat note of improvement they could only find themselves thankful. Swapping out ingredients in potions for just as effective for the prank itself but more crowd friendly, giving off nothing that would harm anyone with a health condition, crossing off irrelevant ingredients which could be swapped for one or two if you knew the craft which the Professor certainly did, most of the notes were about making the pranks safer, even writing "it's fun until someone gets hurt, I'm sure you've heard. Use Raven's blood in the mix and no one with a heart condition will be suing you, it will make the prank quieter and therefore less frightening but if you insist on making a ruckus I'd rather you not make the mistake of adding amplifying spells, see your second term Charms textbook, page 235, for a spell that should suffice without deafening half the students in attendance."

As the boys read page after page of the book, seeing both a care for the students and staff but not without the point of the pranks in mind the twins laws hung open and eyes glittered at what they held in their hands. Then they reached a point in the book where they almost felt embarrassed that the Professor would have read, their business plan, it was an early draft and they were sure he would pick it to pieces.

But to their surprise there was no ridicule of their attempts, only supportive suggestions and tips throughout, although a few mathematical and even grammatical corrections made the boys wince. There were suggestions for marketing events, funding pots to look into applying for, even pointing out which of the products the boys had listed for stocking were particularly popular. or as the Professor wrote "amongst the list of products I can firmly note the most regularly confiscated and used as pranks in my observations include the following items…" He even suggested pranks to sell and alterations based on ones he's seen the twins do in the past "not included in book", and suggested viewing a closing shop in Diagon Alley for venue.

George then remembered the piece of note paper and collected it a little ways away and returned to his brothers side to show the accompanying words and they read together, desperately needing a reason why they were lucky enough when they should have had their hard work hexed to ribbons.

"For the attention of Fred & George Weasley,

As the two of you have been reckless enough to leave behind your notebook, of which I am sure you have used many a studying hour and possibly class time to produce, it must be of some surprise for you to have it returned.

Your business endeavours are commendable and it was upon reading your plans that I decided it best not to destroy it, any attempts at maturity for the two of you something not to hinder, but not without its changes.

The pranks at very least I can consider planning and ideas for your shop, rather than instant detention fodder for school disruption. This time. Do make use of suggestions, not at your leisure, but sense of responsibility.

- Professor Severus Snape

P.S. for reasons which at very least I know you are smart enough to figure out yourselves I have deducted 20 points from Gryffendor each. Your Potions reports are due on Monday, I expect to see similar dedication witnessed in your apparently easily left behind notebook."

Reeling from the content of the letter and what it ascertained, eventually the two let it all sink in and grinned. The Cheeky Sod!

Despite the stress of the morning and being 40 points down between the two of them, the twins couldn't help but beam. Next class with their favourite professor they were few with happy positive voices rather than the hushed scared ones, active in the lesson and steadily working on their report for Monday, ensuring it would be mathematically and grammatically immaculate.

The week turned into much of the same, twins looking into all the tips for their business and it becoming a fast approaching reality thanks to them, and even an incident of the pair needing their mischief fix, they had been awfully good the last few days, and when standing in the headmasters office they were able to explain all of their safety measures taken, mentioning switching out ingredients and so on. Shockingly their 'professionalism and care' in their antics lessened their punishment from what they would have expected to be detention for a week and many points deducted was 15 points all in and a slap on the wrist.

Quickly enough the boys found themselves talking about the Professor more and more, especially with better behaviour in class they found so long as they were there to do their jobs, be students and learn, it was pleasant class with lots of interesting things to create and learn. Just how Snape seemed to get the point of pranks, what effect they were looking for when he marked their book and never sacrificed it but problem solved around it. How they started liking hearing the mans voice, what a vice, especially when delivering an either fascinating lesson filled with beautiful words and points, or a well sarcastic and sharp retort so someone disrupting the class. Even just the man's name, the boys had known, technically, his first name was Severus, but having a letter signed with his name they rolled it over on their tongues enjoying how it sounded and suited the man.

Then, after one lunch time, the Professor would return from lunch to find a particularly cheeky pair of twins had been by and left a gift on his desk. A neatly written note on top of a finely minimalist box read,

"For the attention of Professor Severus Snape,

Thank you kindly for your time and energy improving our notebook and the plans inside of it, we can only apologise for the lack of proper grammar as we did not intend for this draft to be presented externally; as for the mathematical errors we can only promise to focus better attention to important sums in future.

We wondered how to say an appropriate thank you and hope this gift should suffice for now, at very least, in showing that we are indeed grateful and consider you our favourite Professor. Notorious point dedicator and all.

The gift is something we were able to receive via our brother Charlie's work, we're sure you'll find use of them.


Fred and George Weasley

P.S. We fully understand the point deduction and hope find future reports to be of high quality."

Genuinely surprised the Slytherin found himself reading the note over several times, even he hadn't been entirely sure what came over himself when he decided to help the pair. In truth he liked them, not that his role in the war would allow him to show kindness for anyone other than a highly regarded Slytherin, but they were deceptively clever, and had some wisdom about life figured out beyond their years even if it included the occasional silliness. But also, he did run his own apothecary outside of teaching, he'd even started it while still a student and knew how hard it could be, especially with self doubt and a whole manner of obstacles.

Slowly he opens the present, never forgetting the pair are pranksters but doubts they'd do something without an audience to gain from it, and sees vials and jars with handwritten labels filled with rare ingredients. some them unable to even source within the UK, some so rare most wouldn't have the first clue what they'd be used for. the things he could create with these, a truly extravagant gift and Severus took a moment to be genuinely touched. Their notably improved behaviour had been enough good, then for them to think to leave a note was better, any gift even as gesture would be unnecessary but appreciated, but for them to think about what he would like and use, and for it to fully succeed in that endeavour?

They certainly were fine young men, and Severus did wish them well.

The next class he saw them in there was a silent exchange where they locked eyes and gave an appreciative nod. The twins smiled between them and he thought it done with, he treated them no differently in class than he would usually, though they gave him little reason now to be harsh with them. After a couple of weeks more he found he could tell them apart, their switching joke never working and points always deducted and awarded under the correct name. Then, the twins, seemingly accidentally, left their notebook behind yet again and Severus thought to just leave it for them to find again, but wondered if they would be so reckless again and opened the book.

A bookmark lead him swiftly to a whole new set of pranks and business plans since doing the research that Severus had suggested, the cheeky things, did they really expect him to just mark it again and hand it back, this wasn't a service. However, maybe they just hoped that he would, and as he read he couldn't help but think of resources the boys could utilise, odd bits of advice to keep them right as possible and he had to give in when he noticed the niggling error of a misplaced comma.

And so it began, their routine. Severus would mark and the twins would read, research, improve, the occasional gifts graced the professor's desk and, of course, the Slytherin continued in never treating them differently in class, and he found himself looking forward to seeing them achieve next steps and the odd embellished note would make him smile, not that anyone would ever know of course.

Meanwhile the twins found themselves in deeper and deeper interest with the Professor every note and revision to their notebook, taking great care in choosing gifts and ingredients for the man, they'd gotten so good at potions they were actually able to help with some of the class activities, who knew studying could do so much? They talked about him almost constantly, between themselves of course, they weren't about to spread that the Professor was nice in any way, heaven forbid, wishing they could call him 'Severus', maybe see him outside of school, see if he ever took the time to unwind and what that would be like.

But most notably, the twins experienced something else, something unexpected when this whole thing had started. The twins were no strangers to a bit of flirty fun, and after weeks of exchange with their favourite professor and him always on their minds, as they were flirted with by pretty girls from the year below them, and despite having their replies rehearsed and practiced to a tee the pair came to realise they…really weren't into it.

The Ravenclaw girls were very attractive, smiley and offering it up for the two, even their shy friend with cute freckles whom they would usually pick up on for how they could tease her into a blush very easily and have the other girls compete for their attention, just didn't appeal to them. All they wanted to do was think about, talk about, wonder about or be around their favourite Professor. Making a flimsy excuse the brothers left and headed for their rooms, no girls in tow, and had to reason out what had just happened.

They had developed a crush on Severus Snape.

They had liked males before though it had never been their top preference, but maybe they hadn't met the right man, had some sexual experience but were best versed with women, and sharing a crush was no problem, they'd shared girls quite frankly, intimately at that.

Professor Snape was a catch, a lot of students might consider him scary and mean therefore their imaginations ran wild with a caricature of the man, but the twins knew better, they saw the fine qualities of his face, pale like porcelain, black eyes and hair that made him seem otherworldly, that voice, that intelligence, that wit, that self control; that cheekiness. Also there was the case of where the mans loyalties lay, most let their thoughts run rampant rather than consider the facts that Albus Dumbledore, Hagrid (who couldn't keep a secret if he tried), McGonagall and even the twins own parents absolutely trusted him and respected him. Misunderstood, certainly complex and likely difficult, but the twins figured it might just be worth it.

So it was decided, the twins had another mission amongst their schooling, budding business and cause for chaos: to get to know Severus Snape even better, and even more intimately.

A/N: Hope you liked it, I know its a bit of an odd subject matter, if its not for you please don't flame, if you do like it feel free to make suggestions for this story, things you would like to see, and please review!

- BelovedWithKindness