The Search for Splinter

Somewhere Within New York City…

"Stockman, report."

Stockman, or what was left of him, turned from the computer console he was building from parts scavenged from the Foot Building.

"It's coming together, Master, we should have the device back up and running within a few hours." Saki growled but turned and left, leaving Stockman to continue rebuilding the tracking device. After the fight, he had sent his Foot Ninjas back in to scour the building, collecting whatever could still be used…and to keep an eye out for Lucian. Instead they'd returned with Stockman…or at least his head…and reported to having found no sign of Lucian within the building or out.

Saki entered his room, sitting behind his desk as he thought things out. Once the device was up and running, they'd be able to pinpoint exactly where Lucian, or his body, was through the implant in his neck. He looked up as Hun entered the room and put his cup down. Lucian aside…

They had business to attend to.

Back in the Sewers

"Okay, we've searched Shredder's building and every other place the Foot have been encountered. We've scoured every sewer tunnel, back street and dark alley in the city with only one area left."

Lucian looked over at Don as the olive turtle sighed and stood saying
"The worst part is we don't even know if Master Splinter is still…" Mikey looked down, spinning his nunchuks as he said
"I-I don't even want to think about that." Sensing they needed a little push, Leo walked over, Katana's resting on his shoulders.
"Until we learn otherwise, he's alive and awaiting our rescue." His gaze was drawn to Raph, watching as the hot tempered turtle pounded away at the punching bag before slitting it open with his sais yelling
"I'm done coming home empty handed. We find Splinter, tonight!" The others were silent, all nodding in agreement and all determined to find Master Splinter. Lucian stayed seated for a bit before he asked
"What do you guys want me to do?" The four turtles and April looked at each other, Leo and Mikey sheathing their weapons. Don had told them what Lucian had said, how he wanted to help but they weren't ready to let him go off on his own, not yet. Leo stepped forward saying
"You'll be coming with me." Lucian just nodded and smiled, checking to make sure his Chakram's were in place before following them up to the surface.

He knew why Leo wanted Lucian to go with him. As the Leader, Leo wanted any possible danger close by. He stayed quiet and followed Leo up to the rooftops, running close behind him at all times as Leo led the way. In complete silence, the two swept through the area searching every abandoned building and back street alley along the way but they came up empty. Lucian sighed, squatting down against the wall as Leo's phone went off and he answered asking
"Please tell me someone found something." Lucian listened as the other four answered back in mixed tones of disappointment, sadness and anger.

"Nadda from the sewers."

"Nothing on the rooves either."

"Or the junkyard. Lots of rats but none of them ours."

"Man, where is he?!"

Leo sighed, glancing down at Lucian again saying
"Keep it cool, Raph, we'll find him." Hanging up, Leo put the phone back into his belt before he sighed.
"He's not real good at controlling his temper is he?" Leo looked down at the black banded turtle again and shook his head, standing and saying simply
"Come on." Lucian nodded, following after Leo once again. Turns out the blue banded leader wasn't much of a talker when he had something else on his mind. Though Lucian sure as shell could understand why. Jumping down and landing below a street lamp the two watched as a car raced past followed by a turtle on a red motorbike. Leo rubbed his head muttering
"Aw great."

"That was Raph wasn't it?" Leo just nodded again, the two setting off after the red banded turtle quickly, catching up just as he yanked the guy out of the car looking ready to give him a beat down. Don and Mikey arrived seconds after they did, all watching until Leo called out
"Let him go, Raph." Albeit reluctantly, he did, the guy scurrying off like the wimp he was as Raph growled out
"Beat it." The four turtles approached Raph, Leo saying
"Raphael, this doesn't help anything." Raph removed his helmet grumbling
"Helps more than you think!" before he threw his helmet to the ground in anger. Things were quiet for a second until Mikey piped up with
"Gotta admit, the guy knows how to blow off steam."

No one else noticed the small smile that crept onto Lucian's features at that comment, agreeing with the orange turtle while Leo juts sighed again,
"Maybe, but if we're gonna find Master splinter, we have to keep a lid on it." Raph turned, clearly peeved.
"Well prowling around ain't cutting it anymore, Leo. We need something to go on!"

"What about the Guardians?"

All four turned to look at Don as he continued,
"If you think about it. Right after Master Splinter disappeared, they disappeared." Leo nodded in agreement with Mikey saying
"Yeah, hey, they could have taken him easy!" Lucian blinked, eye ridges furrowing as he tried to remember something…that nagging feeling coming back as Raph said
"Somehow, we need to hook up with one of those guys." Leo looked thoughtful before he said slowly
"Raph, we might have something to go on."

Five heads turned to the sound of a vehicle approaching…and it wasn't the purr of a well tuned engine. The Battle Shell pulled up, April opening the door saying
"Sorry, after your patch job on this rig even my grandma's tractor handles better. Uh come on guys, the cops are coming the neighbourhood." They all headed toward the van as sirens sounded in the distance, Donnie stopping briefly to ask
"Maybe I should drive?" April just smiled replying
"Nah, I think I'm getting the hang of it."

It was second later Don was finding himself face planting the window as April turned a corner. Peeling himself off the glass he took a seat again beside Mikey, casually holding onto the seat like everyone else was. He glanced past Mikey, taking note of Lucian's thoughtful but confused expression before asking
"Everything ok, Luc?" Lucian looked up and found four pairs of eyes on him. He smiled weakly before he sighed, letting it fall as he tried to explain.

"Ever since that night you found me…I've had this feeling I've forgotten something…"

"That's to be expected. You had a concussion after all." Lucian just waved Don's words away.
"I know but I can just tell it's something important but whenever I try to remember all I get are blurred images…" He looked up at Leo as the blue banded turtle smiled and said
"Lucian, relax. It'll come to you in time. Don't stress yourself, okay?" Lucian didn't look convinced but he gave Leo a small smile back in response and nodded, casting his eyes back down as his frown returned. Leo frowned slightly before he raised his head, looked at his brothers.

"Okay guys, this is what we're going to do…"

To Be Continued

Set in: Season 1, Ep 25
Series: 2003
Character: Lucian (at 14 years)

2003 TMNT and its characters belong to Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird
Lucian and his story (c) KJsPlace