"Final Resolution"

Chapter One

My first Criminal Minds fan fiction story. I had to resolve one of the great mysteries of the show. Who is the boy in the grave Derek visits when he's home in Chicago? The final chapter of what I call "The Derek Morgan" trilogy. Starting with the episodes "Profiler Profiled" and "Restoration", I find it fitting to bring this story arc to an end...

Derek Morgan had just come in from a long day at office. He had his favorite Chinese takeout in hand and with a cold beer, sat down to catch a football game on television. This was going to be a big game, A perfect way to cap off the evening, the only thing missing was his girlfriend and she was out of town on business.

It was near halftime when the phone rang. Man, and it was getting real good. My team is winning. He thinks reaching over to answer it. "Derek, it's Hotch. We need to talk. I'm coming over now." The voice on the other end says before hanging up. What would bring my boss over here?

Quickly he takes a shower and throws away the empty beer bottle, just before the doorbell rang. It was his boss and he notices he's holding something. "What's in the box? I know it isn't my birthday." Derek says letting him in. "Want something?"

Aaron Hotchner sits down, refusing Derek's offer. Then he realizes that he's never been here before. "Nice place. Who's your decorator? But all pleasantries aside, we do have something to discuss. This came to your desk right after you left."

He hands Derek the box. It had been addressed to the BAU and the return address was from Chicago. Upon opening it, they found an envelope with a letter enclosed. It said, "Read this first" on the front. Derek had to wonder what was this all about. Opening it and removing the contents, he began to read silently. His face turned pale. It was a letter from Carl Buford.

It had been almost six months since he was killed in prison, he thinks taking in every word, why is this just coming to my attention? Hotch became worried. The name on the package came from a law firm that represented his once former mentor in court.

Derek reads the letter aloud. Derek, you were always special to me. No matter what happened between us, you could have said no. I live in fear every day of the other prisoners finding out what I did. My first week in, a rapist was killed for attacking a infant. I always thought I would get away with what I had done, to not just you, but all the others. But deep down, I knew it was only a matter of time I would be proven wrong.

Prison changed that, found a group to fit in and lied about why I was put there. Now I am a man of many regrets. After our meeting in the prison, I made a decision. My own way of atonement for my sins.

Enclosed in this package I left with my lawyers, are the names of all my victims. Including those I killed and where I left their bodies. My journals, well, you are trained to think like a criminal, so decided to leave them for your own study. Maybe they can be of some use someday.

Derek began to feel sick, and it wasn't from the one beer he had after reading this. Running to the bathroom, he threw up everything he had ate. Hotch follows him to the door, standing there worried. He was there when it all came out. And him and the team were there every step of the way. His friend and coworker, the smooth talking, good looking, tough man he knew was now becoming physically sick at the mere thought of his childhood abuser.

Derek was able to recover and let Hotch finish the letter. I had to do this after our last meeting. It was dated that day after he visited the man in prison. When he shook his hand, it was like making a deal with the devil. All night I spent writing everything here and ensuring it would get to you eventually. The detective who arrested me also has a copy of what I sent you too.

Who knows why I decided to do this. I know full well it's only a matter of time before I'm found out and justice is administered by general population here in the prison. Maybe I do have a sliver of remorse after all. The next to last thing I have to say is that I'm sorry for what I did, you and everyone else.

I would watch the news and read the papers, seeing if any of my boys were there. Good or bad. Some fell to drugs, gangs and crime, others lived some kind of life. Others left this world before their time because of me and my demons.

You were my biggest success story Derek. I'm proud of you, but it's all mixed with guilt of what I did to you. I only have one request: please find it in your heart to forgive me. No matter how hard it is, do so. I know we will never see each other again in this life. I am sorry. So, this is goodbye. The letter ends with Buford's signature along with those of his lawyers, also those of two witnesses.

Derek thought, Maybe he did have a sense of guilt, even finally getting the courage to apologize to me. What about the other victims left in his wake? What about them and their families? Then he breaks down right there. Despite all the counseling, he still had to do it.

Aaron wraps his arm around him and like before, wasn't his boss, nor teammate, but a friend. Taking a good look at the last page of the letter, he notices the one of the last sentences. I trust you will track down and inform the families of everyone on this list. It's the best I can do for you and them. A small way to redeem myself for all the wrongs I did in this life.

It was very difficult for Derek to know how to feel at that moment. Anger, relief, even rage. There were some answers lying right there in front of him. The man was too much of a coward to face up for all he did in life. Waiting till he was dead to tell everything.

"How about we talk in the morning? Will you be okay for tonight?" Aaron asks him, wanting to be sure. Derek nods his head, "Yeah Hotch, I'll be fine, just leave this for me." He points to the box and it's contents spread on the table in front of them.

This is only the beginning...