Chapter 4

Trying to open her eyes made Annie feel like the energy was draining out of her. After a few attempts, she finally opened her eyes and saw that she was in a white room and she was alone.

"Miss Gilbert?" A nurse asked, getting into the room. "Are you feeling alright? Do you want someone to bring you some food? Do you want me to call your friends?"

"No, yes and no. Can you please stop asking me stupid questions right now?" She asked the nurse, completely annoyed she got into this situation. She hoped she won't have another seizure for the next few weeks, but luck clearly wasn't on her side. "Can you, please not tell my friends about my heart condition?"

"They don't know yet?" The nurse asked. "I thought that your doctor already told them."

"No, and I'd like to keep it that way." Annie muttered. "Did Dr. Grayson Gilbert send the blood needed for my transfusion?"

"Yes, it's already entering your system. He said you should feel better after it's done. And that you'll be good for a few weeks, but as soon as you start feeling different, to give him a call."

"When can I go home?" Annie asked.

"In a few hours." She said and left to get her food. Annie was thinking about things, when the nurse came back, carrying a plate with green, gooey liquid, followed by Sam and Dean.

"I'll leave you three alone." She said.

"What happened to you?" Sam asked.

"Nothing," She lied quickly. "I only hit my head hard, and the scratches were pretty bad."

"I hope you'll feel better soon."

"The nurse said that I need a few hours and I'll be good to go." Annie muttered.

"Are you sure everything is alright?" Sam asked her, eyeing the food she hadn't touched.

"Hospital food is disgusting, I'm not going to touch that." Annie said. "I mean… I've heard it's disgusting."

An hour later, they were back on the road, Annie was eating the chocolate muffins she got like her life depended on it. They drove and dropped Sam off at his house.

"Call me if you find him?" Sam asked, making Dean nod in response. "And maybe… I can meet up with you later, huh?"

"Yeah, all right" Dean said. And with that, they took off. A few moments later, Annie yelled at him.

"Dean, something's not right, turn around!" She yelled. He ignored her. "Dean, turn back around!"

"What does the Princess need?" He asked her mockingly.

"Turn the bloody car around! My watch stopped!" She cried out. "And I can hear the EMF reader went off in the trunk. Dean!"

"Sam!" She heard him mutter, and he turned around. The kid wasn't joking. When he got back to Sam's house, he got out and told her to stay there. She didn't wait, she used the window to get in, when Dean emerged with Sam. Annie kept looking around, but there wasn't a trace of Jess.

"Baby Pikachu!" She yelled. She saw her pinned to the ceiling, burning which made her realize exactly what happened. She casted her eyes down, in tears, and got Jess' body off the ceiling as quickly as she could. Then she used one of the healing things she knew she could do thanks to Mrs. Bennet's input a few months ago, which could make plants and animals come back to life, to heal the would on Jess' abdominal region. She tried and tried, and the house was still burning around her. Jess finally took a deep breath, making Annie hug her tight. The two emerged, but Annie put the Invisique spell on Jess, so she'd be invisible. She wanted to keep her safe.

"What the fudge is wrong with you, Princess?" Dean yelled at her, while shaking her. "You could've died! Can you not understand two simple words like 'Stay here'?!"

"Sorry, Dean, but I'm not a soldier. I don't like it when people tell me what to do!" She spat out. "I wanted to get baby Pikachu out!"

"Annie, Jess is…dead!" Sam muttered, tears streaming down his face. He pulled her into a hug.

'Dead? What does he mean by that?' Jess asked herself, but then remembered what happened, she was paralyzed on the ceiling, with blood coming out of her abdomen. She looked at her Charmander and thanked in her head. She was grateful that the kid saved her, but she would make her tell her how she did it, sooner or later, as well as why she muttered Invisique. Reviving her plants was one thing, but healing that gash on a human was a big work.

Annie's nose started bleeding, just like it did with any witch who used too much of her powers. Annie didn't know what she was, but she knew that bringing Jess back took a lot out of her, and she was very weak at the moment. "B.P. Follow me into the car." She muttered.

"Riley, your nose is bleeding!" Sam muttered.

"I'm fine, I just need a bit of rest." She said, getting into the back seat followed by Jess, she laid her head on Jess' lap, hoping that the boys wouldn't notice it.

They stayed there for ten more minutes, and Annie could hear Sam say, "We've got work to do." The invisible Jess was caressing her hair, and it made Annie fall in peaceful slumber first time in months.

"Rise and shine, sunshine!" Dean yelled at her.

"Morning!" Annie muttered, sleepily. "B.P, are you still here?"

"Yeah." She heard a faint whisper from the trunk, it made her aware of her surroundings. Annie realized that the spell must have worn off and Jess had to hide back there.

"Oh, crap!" Annie muttered, not knowing how to explain this to the guys that the girl they considered dead was alive and in the trunk.

"Did you say something?" Sam asked her, sleepily.

"I just remembered I have to go back to school. I have to pick up my graduation documentation on Tuesday." She said. "You can drop me off at the first city, and I'll get on a plane from there."

"Do you honestly expect me to let you go alone?" Sam asked her.

"I won't be alone." Annie said, but remembered she can't tell them about Jess. "There will be people on the plane."

"You know that's not what I meant." Sam muttered. "I just lost Jess. I can't lose you as well."

"Sammy, I'll be fine. I only have a few more things to finish up, then you can pick me up and get me a one-way ticked down the Hunter lane."

"And what about university?" Sam asked her. Last time she was at Stanford, she was so happy about the fact that she was graduating two years earlier with GPA 4.0 Sam was proud of her, so proud, but he was disappointed that she will throw all of that away for the hunting life. She was like a real-life Hermione Granger. He knew she could do anything she wanted to, if she set her mind on it. The scenery they were passing by came and went, and there were many animals around. He looked through the window, but was lost in his own mind, thinking about Jess. He fell asleep soon after, his mind slowly shutting him down.

"Saving people, hunting things. That's more important. It's the family business" Annie muttered

"You are not family, so feel free to go study about stupid things." Dean mocked her.

"Go to hell, Dean!" She yelled at him.

"I think I'm already there." He said, looking her dead in the eye. "As long as you're here, this is my own personal hell." He spat. "I don't even know why you're here in the first place. Why did you parents cast you away? Did you push your pregnant Mother down the stairs or something? You said you were problematic, right?" He was assuming things and saying shit, just to hurt her. He was fueled by the fact that she had been in contact with Sam, but didn't tell him anything, and he wanted to hurt her. She knew that, for some reason, he never liked her. "They cast you away, my Dad took you in, yet you still go back to them whenever you can. Why is that, Princess? Is it because you have some family issues? Or Daddy ones, huh?"

She was sick of him. Why couldn't he just drop dead? He was just an annoying piece of a very hot ass... 'Not the time, Annie, stop it!' she scolded herself. "Stop the car, Dean!" She said, trying hard not to wake Sammy up. "Stop the bloody car! Pull over and stop the car, it's not that hard, I bet that even your tiny brain can comprehend it." And he pulled over. She got out of the car, closed the door, carefully, as to not wake Sam up and went toward the trunk. She opened it, helped Jess out, hiding her in the bushes and grabbed her things, slamming the door, she headed in the opposite direction.

"Where are you going?" Dean asked her.

"I'm heading home." She spat.

"Hopefully, you'll reach Kansas by Christmas." Dean laughed, then smirked at her and drove off.

"You think he'll be back?" Jess asked her.

"Not a chance." Annie said.

"Sam will make him."

"By the time Eli wakes up, you and I will be long gone, Baby Pikachu." Annie muttered.

"Maybe we can go back to Stanford. You were accepted, weren't you?" Jess asked her, making Annie nod her head. "Then we will call my parents to pick us up. I'll say that our house burned down, and Sam had to reunite with his family for a while. They'll help us rebuild or buy a new house."

"I'll call my parents to help us, as well." Annie muttered. "You and I can live far away from the Supernatural stuff… Maybe we could go somewhere far away, you could switch university, and we could live peacefully. I could go back to hunting, if needed, and I'll teach you everything I know, if you want to."

Annie dialed her Dad's number and told him about her fight with Dean and everything that happened, excluding the fact that Jess was on her deathbed when she found her. He said that he will help them get into Whitmore college, but the girls refused. They wanted to start fresh. They agreed to live in Miranda's old house in Sioux Falls, and for Grayson to arrange the documentation. Jess' parents picked them up and got them a Jeep. They were happy their daughter didn't die in the fire. The girls stayed in Stanford for the next month to fix up Jess' university stuff, and they were off on their merry way. In Sioux Falls, everything was beautiful, their house was surrounded by forest, the lake was nearby as was the road. The girls were happy and content with the life they led during the next two months, occasionally visiting their families and working their asses of to prepare for the new school year. One thing took them both by surprise. They found out Jess was three months pregnant, which meant she got pregnant the night Annie and Dean picked Sam up. They decided to postpone school and prepare for the arrival of the new Winchester. They went through the morning sicknesses, cravings and mood swings together. Annie was there for everything and anything Jess needed. The girls also, occasionally, visited Bobby Singer, the hunter who helped out with research, and Annie considered him part of her family. Moths passed and July was slowly rolling in. Bu the time July 5th rolled and Jess' due date was July 2nd, the girls were getting worried, but all the worries would cease each time Spot played football with Jess' organs. The doc said that it's possible for the baby to be born a day or two later.

"J, I need to visit Bobby. Do you want me to get you something?" Annie asked. Jess said Chinese, Nutella, Oreos and Twizzlers, which made Annie a bit perplexed. 'Is she going to eat them together?' She shuddered in disgust. She walked to the shop to get Bobby groceries and then took a cab to his house.

"Uncle B, I brought groceries. J and Spot are fine. She should pop any day now." She called out. Her voice echoed through the house. Suddenly, a gun was pointed at her spine. "Uncle B? It's me." She muttered. "It's Wednesday today and I brought the groceries."

"Put your hands in the air and turn around." The deep, male voice said. It was familiar.

"Yeah, right!" Annie muttered, turning around, knocking the gun out of the culprit's hand and pointing it back at him.


"Eli?" She asked. "You're taller than I remember."

"Why did you leave?" He asked her, hugging her tightly.

"I had school to worry about. I started working and now I'm living with my pregnant best friend."

"I thought I was your best friend." He teased her.

"Nah." They talked for about half an hour when she had to answer the phone, which rang in that moment. "Hey, Baby P…okemon! Yeah, I'm at Uncle B's now. Does my nephew need anything else? Oreos, Pizza, Twizzlers, Icee, Nutella, Milk, Chinese. Do you really think you'll be able to eat all that? And pickles, California rolls and mayo? You're disgusting, Baby Pi...okemon" She corrected herself. "Yeah, something, better say someone. Are you sure you won't pop? Alright, I'll tell you when I get home, until then, lay down and get some rest. The book won't go anywhere. Go to sleep. If not for you, or me, do it for Spot! Call me if the contractions start! Love you, guys!"

"Baby Pokemon?" Sam asked her, suspiciously. He noticed her pauses when she wanted to say the second word.

"That's my friend?" Annie was unsure.

"Which friend? The only person you watched Pokemon with was Jess, and she is dead, Anastasia." He said.

"Whatever floats your boat, Samuel." She spat coldly. "Tell Uncle Bobby that I brought groceries, that Spot is fine and that I left because I have to make sure he won't pop out without me there."

"Why did you leave?" Sam asked her.

"I don't have to explain myself to you. I'm certain that Dean told you what happened and everything he said and did that day." Annie spat out. They bickered and bickered for what seemed like hours, but was no longer than twenty minutes.

"What's the commotion?"

"Nothing, I was just leaving. I brought your groceries. Spot and J are fine. I'll see you in a couple of days. After J pops Spot out. I have to buy more stuff for them." Annie said, looking at Bobby, not paying any attention to Dean.

"Still wants weird food?"

"You have no idea." Annie muttered. "Oh, yeah, the thing you asked me about, I wrote you what I could find in one of the rare books. I've got to go now, I have to stop by Supermarket for pickles, mayo, Oreos, Twizzlers, Icee, Milk and Nutella, oh and the places for Chinese, Pizza and sushi."

"How can she eat that together?"

"Beats me, she certainly has weird cravings."

"Princess." Dean acknowledged her.

"Asshole." She greeted him, and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" He grabbed her hand.

"Home. Now let me go!" She ordered.

"No, we need to talk." He said.

"There is nothing to talk about, asshole." She spat, her eyes very angry. Then she heard the car getting into the driveway, the familiar Jeep rolled inside with the huge blonde behind the wheel. "Oh, bloody hell!" She muttered, she looked at Bobby, and he nodded his head at her. She kicked Dean in the shin, and when he let her go, she sprinted toward the car. She sat in the passenger's seat and yelled "Drive" to Jess, but she didn't listen to Annie. Jess got out of the car.

"Bobby, why did Charmander run out like the Devil is chasing her?" She asked, when she waddled through the front door. She saw Dean and Sam, and realized that walking inside was anything but a good idea.

"Jess?" Sam asked, puzzled. His eyes darting between her face and her swollen belly.

"Sam." She greeted him, her hand subconsciously touching her belly.

"You should've drove away when I told you to, Baby Pikachu! What if you pop out today?" Annie muttered. "Now I have to explain things I don't understand myself."

"Let's just sit." Bobby suggested, a small smile on his face.

"You planned this, didn't you?" Annie asked him. He shrugged and went to sit down. Jess and Sam sat on the chairs, Bobby sat on his armchair, and that left me sitting with Dean.

"Where do I start?" Annie muttered.

"Maybe at the beginning?" Bobby teased her.

"Well, remember when my parents got Dean to pick me up from MF?"

"Are you finally going to tell them?" Jess asked her, seeing Annie's hesitation, she took the lead. "She has had a rare heart condition since she was born. Her parent's thought she was going to die when she turned 9, and that's why she was dropped off with your Dad."

"W-What?" Dean asked Jess.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Sam asked Annie.

"I didn't want you to pity me." She murmured.

"You went with us to so many hunts…" Sam murmured. "You've been with us for years, and you've never told us! Not even once!"

"Sorry, Eli, I didn't want you to worry about me."

"How are you even alive?" Dean asked Jess.

"This kid has one hell of a guardian Angel. She is the best one of them all. I mean, what Angel would be taking care of me in November, if it wasn't for the kid..." Jess simply said, making Annie laugh, and her cheeks slightly redden. "When Dean got you out, I saw Charmander get in through the widow. Someone put me on the bed and was healing me, and then Charmander helped me out. Then they said Invisique and I was invisible, Charmander somehow got me to the car. Then she and your asshole of a brother had this huge fight, and we got out. I became visible and we finished things up with our parents and moved to her Mom's house in Sioux Falls. I thank God for the guardian Angel though, because I don't know what I'd do without her."

"Jess, baby, I think that they hurt you to get to me, because I'm…"

"A hunter, I know." She said. "There's no secrets between me and Charmander. I knew everything about her condition and a few months later, when I found salt and knives and stuff in her bag, she explained stuff to me. She's been teaching me stuff while I was still able to walk properly."

"So, that guardian Angel…" Dean started "You said she… Is she hot?"

"The hottest!" Jess said.

"So, you're pregnant?" Dean asked her.

"Like Spot isn't already a dead giveaway." Annie muttered, dryly. At Dean's surprised look, Jess took over.

"She could see his head first when she saw the first ultrasound, that she started calling him Spot."

"How about you two have a talk. I'll go take a walk and get some of the food you asked for?" Annie offered. "The bag is packed up. If Spot decides he wants out today, call me."

"It's all in the car. I couldn't wait for you to get back." Jess said, sheepishly. "I got you pie."

"I guess I'll take a walk for a bit then and check up on, um...things." Annie muttered, leaving the room. She started walking toward the back of Bobby's. She hid a puppy from in one of the old trucks two weeks ago, she wanted it to be a surprise for Jess. The puppy was a small rottsky, and Annie hoped that Jess will like it. He was adorable, one blue and one brown eye. A cute, little Munchkin. Annie was working on the training, before bringing him home, and so far, it was working well for her. "Hey, boy!" One woof in return. "How's it going?" Two woofs, it made Annie smile. She petted his head and cradled him into her lap. "What are we going to do, Hunter?" She asked the puppy. He looked at her with his beautiful eyes, which made her smile. She played with him for what seemed like hours. She needed to get her mind off the possibility of Jess leaving with Sam, and her staying alone, as well as thinking about forgiving to the green eyes who looked at her with so much regret.

"I'm sorry!" She heard a deep voice say. "I didn't know. I assumed and I hurt you."

"Go to hell, Dean!" She spat. Hunter started growling at the green-eyed guy. If his owner dislikes him, he dislikes him as well. He licked Annie's hand and then started moving toward Dean threateningly. "Hunter, you're just so adorable!" She laughed, petting him again. He snapped his jaw in Dean's direction "Good boy, Hunter!"

"You got a puppy?" Dean asked her.

"Yes, he's a present for Jess and Spot. He will protect them, and keep them safe when I'm at school or work. He's still training, though." She said, smiling at Hunter.

"He's cute." Dean muttered.

"I think he's adorable." Annie said, pouting. "Hunter, this is Dean. Dean, this is Hunter."

"What do you think Sam and Jess are going to come up with?"

"Knowing BP, she's going to tell him to continue with hunting, but to visit from time to time. He has to hunt evil things and save people." Annie said. "That's what I've been doing every few weeks, although, BP would stay at Bobby's then, and I'd only do simple, one-man jobs, salt'n'burn, exorcising, vamps and stuff."

"How many cases did you finish in the past 9 months?"

"Around 15." Annie stated. "But those were before Jess got into 7th month of her pregnancy."

"Fifteen cases?" Dean was taken aback. A girl, a 16-year-old girl finished 15 cases alone. In her age, he was still working with Dad.

"Yup. 5 Salt'n'burns with either violent or vengeful spirits, 1 Wendigo, 2 vamp nests, 3 exorcisms, one poltergeist, two shtrigas, oh and I had a run-in with a Trickster. He was cool."

"A Trickster?" Dean looked at her.

"Yeah. He was awesome. I really liked him." Annie said.

"Did you kill him?" Dean asked her.

"I only ran into him on the way back from a hunt. I tried to kill him, but he ended up tricking me into making a deal with him. At the time, I needed some sweets that I couldn't get my hands on, because Jess called me when I finished my hunt and asked me to look for those. I saw he had them, and we made a deal. He'll give me the sweets and make a break with the killing for some time."

"And what did he ask in return?"

"My best prank, for me not to try kill him and…my first kiss." Annie laughed.

"You gave a Trickster your first kiss?" Dean asked her. He clenched his fists. If she didn't know him, Annie would think he was jealous.

"I wanted to save people, Dean. And myself from Jess' wrath. She's a beast when she's hungry." Annie muttered.

"Annie!" Bobby called out to her and Dean. "It's Spot."

"Let's go, Hunter, it's time!" Annie said, grabbing the puppy and carrying him with her to the jeep. Thank God that Jess' bag and the baby bag were packed into the car two days prior. "You guys coming?"

"I'm driving." Dean said. Annie sat in the shotgun next to him, the puppy in her lap. She gave him the directions to Sioux Falls General Hospital.

"Jessica, breathe!"

"I am breathing!" Jess yelled angrily. "Wait, what is that?"

"This is Hunter." Annie said. "I got him for you and Spot."

"Awwww" Jess said, seeing Hunter yawn, but another contraction hit her. "I can't wait to finally get him out."

"Don't torture her too much, Spot!" Annie said. Happy to finally meet the little guy. They got Jess into the hospital and the process of giving birth was long and painful, judging by Jess' screams. Three hours later, Annie, Bobby and Dean were called to get inside to see the newborn.

"Is the name still the same?"

"Yes, Elijah Winchester." Jess said handing him over to her. "Although, I thought, since you're the Godmother… Would you like to give him a middle name?"


"I'm all right with it, Angel." Sam winked at her. Annie groaned, Jess simply couldn't keep her mouth shut.


"Go ahead, sweetheart!"

"Fine. Elijah Aiden Winchester."

"It suits him." Sam said, smiling at the bundle of joy.

"Aiden, huh?" Bobby and Jess shared knowing looks and smirks.

"Shut up! Don't make me wipe those smirks from your faces." Annie stated, not even glancing at the two. Annie sang "Hey Jude" to Elijah and he fell asleep after the chorus. She handed him to Dean and then sat down on the edge of Jess' bed. "Whatever you're planning with Bobby is…"

"None of your business, Annie." Jess simply said.

"So, Lie is really cute. He looks like Eli, but he has your hair and eyes." Annie grinned.

"We made an adorable kid." Jess said. "So, in four months, you'll be back to work, right?"

"Which one, waiting tables or the other thing?" Annie asked her.

"Both." Jess grinned. "How will you manage both works, business school and classes on university where Psychiatry is your major, while Art, Music and Writing are your minors?"

"I will have enough time to prepare for everything mentally. Besides, you know I can't start university for another year. By the time I start university, I will probably already have the diploma of the Business school. If not, then weekends will be for the hunts, workdays for school, college and the job. And at night, I'll help out with E and I'll get enough hours of sleep to function properly."

"You'll overwork yourself."

"When I have a chain of companies, record labels, hotels and restaurants, and all monsters are extinct, I'll sleep properly." Annie muttered.

"Yeah, you're right. That'll happen 400 years after you've got into Heaven."

"Shut up."

Jess grinned, and Annie rolled her eyes at the girl's antiques.