I don't own these characters or the show.

Please Enjoy.


Elena had lived in Mystic Falls her entire life. She had good friends, was on the cheerleading team and had a 3.8 GPA. Her parents, Grayson and Miranda, were both doctors. Due to this her time with them was scarce and could be cut short at any moment. She had a younger brother, Jeremy, who was currently in a rehab facility just outside of Denver. She missed her brother, he had been gone all summer and was supposed to be back before the start of school, but a few days before he was set to come home he relapsed and her parents had decided to pull him out of school and get him a private tutor in Denver.

School would start tomorrow. Elena was in her senior year and while all her friends were excited about going to college and seeing the world, Elena always felt that something was missing. She was almost 18 years old and she had experienced so little life had to offer. She'd never had a boyfriend, which her friends didn't understand. Elena was one of the prettiest most popular girls in school, but she was reluctant to give any attention to boys. That didn't stop them from asking her out, yet she'd always turn them down, stating she wasn't interested. She poured all her time into her school work and extra-curricular activities. As well as cheerleading, she volunteered after school at an animal shelter and on Wednesdays she went to the care home and spent a few hours with Mrs Twidal, an elderly lady who used to live a few houses down from her as a child.

She looked out of her bedroom window with her journal in her lap and thought back on her time at school. She was determined to make this year count for more than just homework and studying. Caroline had always been begging her to come to at least one party. Maybe she would. She laughed a little as Caroline entered her mind. The two friends were so different. Caroline was loud, bubbly and a real party goer, but they had been friends since first grade and never let anything tear them apart. She flicked her lamp off as she got under the covers and sighed contentedly as she drifted off into sleep, thinking of what tomorrow would bring.


First day of school.

Elena picked Caroline up that morning and the blonde was her usually peppy self. She was so enthusiastic about everything.

They walked in the school entrance and went their separate ways as Elena had math and Caroline biology. They would see each other again at lunch.

"Hey, Elena." A girl, Gillian, sat next to Elena as the class started. She smiled back and they spoke about their time off.

"Did you hear about the new English teacher?" She asked Elena.

"New English teacher? What happened to Mr Ryan?" She hadn't heard about any new teachers starting and her old teacher hadn't mentioned any plans to leave before summer.

"He got offered a job at some fancy private school in England." Elena was bummed. Mr Ryan was a great teacher and he really loved his job. Every student did great in his class.

"So, who's the new teacher?"

Her friend looked excited. "I don't know his name, but Maddison said he is absolutely gorgeous. A real hunk."

Elena scoffed. She couldn't care less what the guy looked like, she needed a good teacher who would actually teach. She'd had too many lazy teachers who just read from books and clicked through power points. The conversation stopped as their math teacher walked in and the lesson began.

The day dragged slowly as the clock signalled lunch. She waited for Caroline at her locker as usual and listened idly as girls flittered through the hallways chatting about the new English teacher. It was all she'd heard the entire morning. She could hardly blame them though, they lived in a small town and new neighbours were a rarity. Caroline walked over to her with a little skip in her step and they headed down to the cafeteria.

"So, you've heard about the new guy, huh?" Caroline began as they sat down.

Elena rolled her eyes with a smile as Caroline babbled on listing off everything she had learned about him in the 3 hours they had been here.

"I haven't seen him yet, but everyone says he's absolutely gorgeous, and guess what? We have him at the end of the day." Caroline stabbed her food none too gently with her fork.

Elena pulled out her timetable and scanned it as she came to her last period of the day. English Lit, but Mr Ryan was still listed as the teacher. He must have quit pretty late into the summer then.

"Elena!" Caroline snapped her fingers. "Are you listening to me?"

"Yeah, sorry." Elena apologised as Caroline continued.

"Don't forget we have cheerleader try outs after school."

"How could I forget Caroline, you've only been reminding me for the last 2 weeks." She laughed as Caroline turned red.

"Sorry," she said sheepishly. "I just want to get a good team this year, we need to leave it in the best hands possible."

The rest of the day went pretty quickly, each teacher went over the plan for that year and a brief recap of what they remembered from last year. By the time English Lit rolled around, Elena was ready to collapse. Her and Caroline had the last two classes together, so they strolled through the hallways arms linked together for their last class of the day. Their mysterious new teacher wasn't there yet so they grabbed a couple of desks near each other. They were two of the last few people there and the only two desks together where at the front. Elena didn't mind, but Caroline groaned as she realised she wouldn't be able to gossip as easily.

A few seconds later the door flung open as their teacher arrived.

"Sorry, I'm late I had to pick up some books from the library." He apologised as he walked over to his desk.

Elena looked up as he dropped the boxes that were obscuring his face. Her eyes widened as her lips parted slightly. All day, she had been laughing at the girls who were falling at the feet of this man. Surely, he couldn't be that good looking, she had thought to herself. But now, she couldn't think. Here in front of her, stood the most beautiful man she had ever seen. Absently, she heard Caroline say the word 'wow' under her breath but she paid no attention as she silently gawked over her new teacher. Her mouth snapped shut as he introduced himself.

"Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Mr Mikaelson, your new English teacher. If you'll all take one and pass the rest along…" He gestured to the books that he handed to one of the students on the front row. Elena was entranced. She couldn't take her eyes off him. He was tall and well built, broad shoulders that stood out in his fitted grey shirt. Elena always thought there was nothing sexier than a man in a suit as he picked up his blazer from the back of his chair and put it on. His hair was slightly hanging over his face. Elena chewed her pen as she stared at his face. His skin was pale and youthful and his eyes were a deep brown that glimmered when the light hit them. The next hour was probably the most difficult she had ever been through. Every effort to concentrate was diffused by something as simple as Mr Mikaelson running his hand through his hair or his tongue darting out to wet his lips before he spoke. What was happening to her?

Finally, the bell rang and students began to file out of the room.

"Miss Gilbert?" Damn, so close. She smiled as she turned back around and walked over to him.

"Yes, Mr Mikaelson?"

He sat on the edge of his desk as she held her books close to her body.

"I've been reading over the notes your last teacher left for me. He mentioned you were his best student so I expect to see the same level of effort applied to my classes. You need to pay more attention, you seemed very distracted in today's lesson."

Elena bit her lip and looked at the floor. How obvious had she been?

"Sorry, sir. It won't happen again."

"Thank you. You may go." He dismissed her.

He watched her walk out of the room and released a long breath, running a hand over his face.

Elijah's POV.

The day had been long and in the first day of school excitement, he'd forgotten to pick up the books for the last period of the day. He ran to the library and grabbed the boxes waiting for him, giving his apologies to the librarian. The walk back to his classroom was slower this time around because of the extra load, but he made it only a few minutes late.

"Sorry I'm late…" He mumbled his excuse from behind the books. He dropped them on his desk and as he looked up his breath was stolen from him. Sitting in the front row was a brunette goddess, staring at him intently. Elijah prided himself on having a good poker face so on the outside he appeared cool, but on the inside his heart was threatening to burst through his chest and his mind was hazy. He attempted to make it through the next hour without breaking his façade, which was harder than he thought. He could physically feel her eyes on him, his body was stiff and rigid as he nervously licked his lips, his dry mouth making it harder to speak coherently. He ran his hand through his hair as he made the mistake of turning to the class and saw her biting the end of her pen.

He looked to the clock, only a few minutes left. He could do this. He sighed a small breath of relief as the bell rang and his students began packing away. He turned as she walked towards the door.

"Miss Gilbert?" What are you doing?! The voice in his head screamed at him. In all honestly, he had no idea why he stopped her. It was hard enough being in a room with her not speaking to her directly. Again, he asked himself, what are you doing?

"Yes, Mr Mikaelson?" He groaned internally, she had the voice of an angel.

He rambled of some bull about expectations. He thought he would die when she bit her lip. He had to stop this. She left the room and he took a deep breath before collapsing in his desk chair.


Elena left the locker room dressed in shorts and a tank top and headed out to the field where she and Caroline would be picking out new members of the cheerleading team. They were co-captains and it would be up to them.

Her mind was full of thoughts of Mr Mikaelson, so she began warming up in an attempt to concentrate. She took a few deep breaths, eyes closed as she and some of the other girls stretched. They began teaching a basic routine to the girls who hoped to be on the team, there were some really good girls this year. Elena always hated this part, seeing the looks on the girls faces when she told them they didn't make the team.

Caroline was getting a ride home with her boyfriend Tyler, he was on the football team and they had try outs today so he was still at the school by the time they were finished. She headed to the parking lot alone with some equipment. She was struggling to open to trunk of her car when a pair of hands relieved her of some of the boxes.

"Let me help you." She would recognise his smooth voice anywhere.

She couldn't look him in the eyes. "Thank you." She turned to her car and opened the trunk, he quickly put them inside.

He was leaving the school when he saw her walking across the lot. He didn't plan on approaching her, but he couldn't help himself when she struggled to open her car.

"Um…I'll see you in class tomorrow." And with that he was gone.

Elena drove home and quickly went up to her room, dropping her bag on her bed and entering the shower. She washed away the stress of the last few hours and donned a pair of yoga pants and a sweatshirt as she went downstairs and made a quick bowl of pasta since her parents would be working until late tonight.

After a bit of light reading she went to her room and decided to go to sleep early. She couldn't stop thinking of Mr Mikaelson and it was stressing her out. She had never acted like this before. She had never shown such interest in a man before, but he was shaking things up. And he was her teacher.

She groaned and pulled her pillow over her head.

A/N: So, any good?