DISCLAIMER: I do not own any Dragon Ball Z or DC characters. And I make no money from this fan fiction.

Superman VS Son Gohan


Rhonnel Ferry

In her Goddess of Peace Great Saiyaman 2 disguise, a sleeveless blue green gi worn over a purple figure hugging body-suit, an orange cape, and a modified helmet with eye shield, antennas, and a heart design on the front, Videl, the young daughter of World Martial Arts Champion Mr. Satan, flies over unfamiliar skies in desperate search of the superhero known as Superman.

She eventually encounters two beings flying amongst the clouds. The man is tall and muscular with chiseled features. He has short dark hair, and he's wearing a skin tight blue suit with a long red cape flowing in the back. The woman is absolutely stunning! She has long dark hair, and an athletic build which she covers in a gold and red bustier-like armor, and a short, blue gladiator skirt.

They move so gracefully, it's as though they are dancing in midair. And it makes Videl yearn for her own lover, the Saiyan/human hybrid, Son Gohan, even more.

"Superman!" she yells. "I need your help!"

"Diana, look!" Superman tells his companion, the Amazon called Wonder Woman. "That girl can fly, too!"

"These days, Kal, that doesn't really surprise me anymore," she responds.

"You're right. I kinda' miss the old days when flying was special."

"I am Great Saiyaman 2!" Videl introduces herself. "I'm a super heroine from Satan City!"

"Satan City?! My God!" Superman exclaims. "It certainly sounds like a city that could use superheroes."

"My partner, the superhero, Great Saiyaman, has been possessed by the alien criminal, Boo-boo!"

"I thought you were the Great Saiyaman."

"No, she's the Great Saiyaman 2," Diana interrupts. "Pay attention, Kal."

"Please," Videl begs him. "You're the only superhero strong enough to rescue my partner, and defeat Boo-boo!"

Superman thinks a second, while rubbing his chin.

"Well, I don't know you," he says. "But you ARE wearing a cape."

"And she has that really cute heart motif on her helmet," Diana adds.

"Guess that officially makes you one of the good guys! OK! We'll do it!"

"Thank you! Thank you very much!" Videl shouts, bowing to them.


The alien criminal, Boo-boo, in possession of Son Gohan's body, or we can simply call him, Boo-boo/Gohan, hovers high above Satan City.

'This Saiyan/human hybrid is one of the strongest beings I have ever possessed!' he thinks to himself. 'I must test its power! The temptation is far too great!'

The spiky haired young man, wearing a green gi over a black skin tight costume, aims an open hand at the city below. From his palm, a ball of energy, roughly the size of a soccer ball, appears. In just one second, it grows to twenty times in diameter!

"REALLY BIG SCARY ENERGY BALL!" Boo-boo/Gohan yells, and the energy ball zooms downward!

The citizens below are momentarily petrified when the dark sky is suddenly illuminated by the giant glowing orb speeding towards them. And then panic ensues! Frightened people scream, run for cover, and trample each other!

"There is no place to run, you worms!" Boo-boo/Gohan laughs. "Your entire city is doomed!"

Suddenly Superman appears in the nick of time to catch the ball in his hands before it could cause any damage to the surrounding buildings! He grunts as the heat from the sphere painfully singes his palms, but still the superhero continues to slowly push it back. When it is far enough, he kicks the ball upwards into the night sky! Then he fires his heat vision, a pair of red beams from his eyes, at the sphere, and it harmlessly but fantastically explodes in the air!

"Such power!" Boo-boo/Gohan says in awe. "You destroyed my Really Big Scary Energy Ball near effortlessly!"

"And if you don't release that young man right now, I'll show you just how powerful I can really be!" Superman threatens him, as Diana and Videl flank the famous superhero.

"Actually,...I think I would like to see that," the criminal responds with a smirk.

All of a sudden, Videl locks her hands together, and smashes Wonder Woman from behind, knocking out the heroine!

"Diana!" Superman shouts, looking back in concern.

Taking advantage of the opening, Boo-boo/Gohan sucker punches Superman with a right cross to the jaw! Superman is stunned! Boo-boo/Gohan follows up with a roundhouse kick to the stomach, a one-two combo, and finally a head kick!

"You're fast, and also quite strong," Superman says, wiping blood from the corner of his mouth. "But I've been hit harder before."

Insulted, Boo-boo/Gohan yells and charges forward with another punch! Superman catches the fist in his left hand, and squeezes it! Boo-boo/Gohan howls in pain. Superman punches him in the face with a right straight!

The punch is so strong, Boo-boo/Gohan is launched outside the city limits! Superman chases after him, and then punches him right into the side of a mountain!

"You can't win," Superman informs his opponent, who is half buried in the mountainside. "It's best that you give up."

"You are correct," Boo-boo/Gohan weakly agrees. "You are definitely much better than this body I am currently inhabiting."


But before Superman could react, a hairless, blue skinned apparition emerges from within the boy.

"Gohan!" Videl worriedly calls out, as she flies towards them.

"Videl," Gohan mumbles weakly. "What have you done?"

"Gohan, I... I did it for you!" she confesses, tears flowing from her eyes.

Above them, in the dark skies, Boo-boo/Superman cackles madly.