Disclaimer: I do not own Kimi no na wa. or any of it's characters.


I woke up with a start. Something felt different, but also sort of familiar. I slowly opened my eyes to take in the sight of mine and Taki's room. It felt like I was sleeping on the wrong side of the bed, everything seemed to have shifted a few feet to the right. Did we move the bed?

I thought back to last night. Taki and I didn't do anything outrageously stupid last night. We had just come back from work, he cooked us some curry and then we went to sleep. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Well, what am I doing at Taki's place, you ask? We had moved in together after my office shifted my branch from the building on the outskirts of Tokyo, to the head office at the heart of the city. It was pretty close to Taki's office, so we decided it was the logical option. He had already searched out some places to live because he was planning to ask me to move in with him for our 2nd anniversary as a couple, which is in a month. Today marks the first weekend since we moved into this new apartment.

Back to the story. I turned my head to the left in search of my boyfriend only to find the space empty. He wasn't there. The surprising part was that there was no bed either. I jerked my head to the other side, and found my body lying to my right on our bed.

My body…

What is my body…

Wait, did we switch bodies?

I quickly felt around my… Taki's body. Yes, we switched bodies again. I quickly shook my body… Taki awake.

"Taki. Taki. Wake up. Taki, we switched again. Taki." Ugh, he's such a heavy sleeper.

"Taki, wake up." He slowly started rouse. "Finally."

Taki sat up and stared at me with sleepy eyes and an atrocious bed head. Wait. That is my hair. Is that how I look every morning? Is that what Taki wakes up to every morning?

"Mitsuha, why do you look like me?"

I sat still observing his sleepy expression change into one of shock and surprise. It was glorious.

"Mitsuha! We switched bodies again!"

Ugh, he's so slow.

Just thought I'd try this out after the story hit me today. Please let me know how you felt about it through a review, favorite or follow. Thanks.