Greetings All! Thank you for taking the time to read this slightly unusual story. My motivation for writing this comes from my desire to have mermaids in Middle Earth. There are Elves, Dwarfs, and Ents, but no mermaids! Apparently Tolkien considered having them in his universe but they didn't make the cut.

This story might take a while to get where you want it, but a good foundation is key!

I own nothing.

Aeriel (Daughter of the Sea)

Nemir (Water Jewel)

Reavor (Netter/Fisher)

Chapter 1

Once upon a time…

A lone, young man launched his small wooden boat from the smooth sand and into the dark still waters of the Bay of Belfalas. With swift, strong strokes he sent it deeper into the night as the silvery halo of the full moon above provided his eyes with plenty of light and scattered slivers of silver upon the waves. As he prepared to cast his nets, he heard the faintest hint of a sweet sound traveling upon the breeze. Drawn by curiosity, he abandoned his mission and maneuvered his boat towards the mystic voice of forlorn beauty.

The mesmerized man found himself near a cluster of rocks that were hidden under the waves during high tide. To his amazement, he witnessed a wildly, beautiful maiden trapped against the rocks. She was tangled in an abandoned net that was stuck on the rocks. Her skin, pale as a pearl, shimmered in the cold light. Her dark hair pooled around her as it floated on the surface, and large aqua eyes gazed up at the moon, searching for hope. The ropes entwined itself around her arms and waste, suspending her above the water. The song she sang was foreign to him, but her desperation and grief were clear. His heart shattered at the sight of her suffering. He yearned to end it.

Like all coastal folk, he had heard legends of the Foam Maidens also called Oaritsi in the elven tongue. He could think of no other explanation to finding a woman restrained in such a way this far out in the bay.

"Please do not despair sea maiden," the fisherman called out to the distressed woman. "I will do all in my power to free you."

The maiden, so absorbed in her grief, was startled by the fisherman's approach. "What price would you require for this act?" she asked skeptically.

The man was confused by her response,"My action would require no price. I simply desire to end your despair".

At this, the lady met his eyes. Their intensity froze him for a moment as he was lost in their pure blue radiance. "Have you not heard the legends? Do you not believe that my capture would bring you a wish?"

"Aye, I have, but I did not capture you dear lady, so it seems as if I am unworthy of such a boon." he said with a small smile hoping to calm the creature.

" Ah, but it is not the capture that brings the reward, " she challenged raising her brow, " but the release."

"Even so, I am satisfied with witnessing your beauty and hope that in the future I may hear a happier song from your lips." replied the man.

This response silenced her as he slowly paddled closer to the rocks making sure not to startle her with quick movements. He gently drew a knife from his waist and began to saw at the cords.

"Do foam Maidens have names?" he asked as he worked. Her eyes intensely followed his hands as he smoothly moved the knife along the nots freeing both hands and beginning the delicate process of freeing her waist.

"I am called Aeriel by my sisters."

"Aeriel," repeated the man savoring the name on his tongue. "A well, fitting name for sure. I am called Reavor son of Beavor."

The maiden's chest was covered only by her long locks and layered necklaces made of shells and sea glass. The lack of clothing made the fisherman's face blush and he tried to avert his eyes when possible. The sea daughter was amused by his embarrassment and she laughed. The sound caused the man to pause as it was delightful to his ears, like a quickly running stream over smooth stones.

"I never did understand the need to hide and constrict your bodies in layers of cloth," she stated gesturing to his own clothing. "You try to pretend as if the body underneath is a great mystery only to be peaked at through gaps of fabric."

The man smiled, "I could see how the need to clothe ourselves would seem strange to you. It would only restrict your movement as you swim through the waves, but it has many uses." He cut two more cords and moved to the last one.

"Are you not afraid of me?" the maiden asked with predatory grin as her arm was released from the cord, "How do you know I won't seduce you down into the waves once I'm free?"

Reavor paused his work and looked up at the dangerous beauty, "I have heard the stories. An entire crew bewitched by gorgeous maidens and dragged into the icy depths. Is there truth to it?"

"There is," she focused on his face, studying his reaction as his eyes widened and the grip on his knife tightened, but he didn't stop his task.

"If it was within my power to grant you a wish, what would it be fisherman?" she asked quietly as her face easily morphed from intimidating to welcoming.

"Nothing, for i have all I need. A fast boat. A sturdy net. A warm house. And clothing to protect me." he stated confidently.

"Please, humor me." she asked sweetly with a full smile, gazing up at the man with her bottomless, blue eyes.

The man hated to refuse her, but was embarrassed by his one true wish and was reluctant to reveal it for fear of mockery. "I am unwilling to reveal it to you for it would be impossible for even Valar to answer."

He cut the last cord, allowing her to sink into the water. The fisherman leaned over the side of his boat, staring at the ripples expanding over the inly water. He almost tumbled overboard when she resurfaced by grabbing the side of his boat. She rested her elbows on the edge of the boat to stay suspended above the water.

"I see the spark in your eyes. I know, there is something you desire," she gently caressed his hand and muscled forearm. The man enchanted by her presence, could refuse her no longer.

"I would wish for you to join me on land as my wife…all women would forever pale compared to your beauty," he turned away, bracing himself for ridicule.

She smiled at this for she had seen goodness in him and found him appealing to gaze upon. "I will join you on land for 3 days, and if I find you worthy I will wed you."

The man was speechless and could not bring himself to hope that her words were true.

"Take me to your home Reavor son of Beavor."

And so the Foam Maiden traveled to a small cottage on the coast of the ocean with her rescuer. After three days, Aeriel agreed to marry Reavor for she knew him to be honorable and worthy of her love. She soon gave birth to daughter and they named her Nemir.