Author's Notes: Hi everyone, I know it's been awhile since I last uploaded a chapter of this. It took me away longer to get this done then I expected I wanted to get this out way earlier but, I think taking a little longer on this chapter really helped. This is the final chapter of the fanfic and I hope i did a good job on it. I had fun writing a more serious fanfic then what I've done before and I really hope the ending is way better then the ending to the first arc of The life of the ultimates. Anyways If this author's notes sounds weird I'm sorry it's been awhile since I wrote one and with that I hope you enjoy the new the new chapter.

Delusions of the Heart

Chapter 5: False love

Weiss just exited Ozpin's office. As the rain poured down on Vale Weiss thought to himself. I wonder if the world knows this is the day I die and that's why it's raining.

"Probably not," Ruby said. Weiss then realized he was in the wooden chair surround by white flowers again.

"What," he said.

"Why would the world rain for someone who cause the death of a young man and girl? It won't."

"Yeah, your right."

"Let me ask you something, you really going to go through with this aren't you."

"Yeah, it's the only way I can pay for my mistake." A smile then suddenly spread across her face. Weiss then realized that the flowers around the chair Ruby was in where red. It wasn't big but just enough to go past her feet. Weiss suddenly found himself walking in the hallway again. He headed for Vale

It was Sunday. Everyone were trying to make the most of their final day of the weekend. Ruby was resting in her bed, she had been coughing up blood for a month. She hid it from everyone, she knew if she told anyone they would make her go to the hospital. If that happened she couldn't be by Weiss as much as she has. Her teammates were getting ready to go out.

"So where you guys going," Ruby asked her team.

"Blake and I are going to go have fun with Sun," Yang said.

"I'm going to hang out with Ren and Nora," Weiss said.

"Oh. Hope you guys have fun." Her team then left. She was left to her thoughts. She had been having these brief thoughts about if she truly loved Weiss. Of course I love Weiss. If I didn't then why would I do all I have done. After another hour of thinking to herself she decided to get her scroll out. She was watching some videos when she saw Ozpin come in.

"Oh, hello Ozpin what brings you here?"

"I've came to check on you Ruby. So how are you, are you feeling better?"

"I'm feeling a little better." That was a lie but she wanted people to think she was getting better.

"That's good. Hopefully you can start going to your classes soon."

"Yeah I hope too."

"Ruby, I wanted to tell you something."

"What is it."

"I wanted to tell you to not to make the same mistakes I've had. A lot of people care about you and so please get better for them. Please don't hurt them, we've lost and almost lost good people this year."

"You mean Cardin and the one girl right."

"Yeah. I know Cardin wasn't the most liked person and yes he was kinda of a bully but deep down he wanted to do good. Why do you think I let him come here, I let him come here because I looked past the way he behave and saw that he wanted to keep people safe from the grimm."

"Wow, I've never looked at him like that."

"I have to go but when you get better, come to my office."

"Ok." After Ozpin left she thought about what he said. She knew what she needed to do. She started to truly try to become healthier. After a week she was starting to look better. She was still coughing a little bit of blood once in a while. She was let to go to some classes now. After another week she was let to go on a mission.

Weiss was almost to Vale. He had one last place to drop a note off to. He had all ready drop notes off at his dorm, JNPR's dorm, and Ozpin's office. He was heading for the therapist office. It took him about an hour to get there. When he got there, he went to the assistant.

"Can I help you," the assistant asked.

"Yeah. I have a note for Mr. Bryan."

"Okay, I'll give it to him when he gets back is that okay?"

"Yeah, thank you." He left and headed for his next location. When he was on his way he found himself surrounded by the white flowers again.

"Good job, we're almost done," Ruby said.


"So where do we end it."

"You should already know."

"So your really going to do it there."


"I guess that's okay." After a couple of minutes of walking Weiss arrived to his destination. He was at Ruby's grave

When Ren dashed out his dorm he knew where he was checking first. He ran to into RWBY's dorm. When he went in he saw a note on Yang's bed. It was the same note has he got. He started to run to check other places when he got a message from Ozpin. When he looked at the message it said to meet him immediately. Ren ran towards Ozpin office. Within minutes Ren was at Ozpin's office. He quickly walked into the office.

Ruby stared up into the sky. This would be the first mission in a long time that she was able to go on. It would only be her and Weiss this mission so she was looking forward to it. It was going to be a great day. She got up from her spot on the balcony and went back to her dorm. When she got there she got ready for the day. A couple minutes after she finishes getting ready Weiss comes in to get ready too. He finished in a couple of minutes.

"You ready," Weiss asked.

"Yeah, finally I can go on a mission."

"Yeah it's going to be fun going on a mission with you." They then left for the mission. A half hour later they were at the location of the mission. The mission was to investigate a village and kill any grimm they see. They started their investigation. An hour later they were done going through the whole village. It was a small village, all the buildings were in bad shape. It was just recently destroyed by the grimm. They made their way back to the center of the village. When they got back they were ambushed by a group of grimm. They quickly killed the grimm. They weren't done because right after a Deathstalker showed up. The two slashed and stab at it. They kept attacking it, pushing it back to a certain point. After a couple of minutes of dodging and attacking they got the Deathstalker where they wanted it. Weiss then used fire dust to push the Deathstalker into a building. The building collapsed on top of the Deathstalker. Ruby was exhausted from fighting. Even though she was able to go on a mission she was still sick.

"How are you holding up," Weiss asked.

"Good, just a little tired. My aura is gone."

"Okay well we're done here anyways so I'm going to call to be picked."

"Yeah. Hey could we talk about something?"

"Yeah, what do you want to talk about." He didn't turned around. He was still on guard from the grimm ambushed.

"So what I wanted to talk about feelings."


"Yeah. I wanted to say that I love you."

"Wait what?"

"I love you Weiss, don't you love me Weiss?"

"I'm sorry Ruby but I don't feel like that about you. I'm sorry." Ruby was crushed. She has been waiting for this moment for so long to confess her love to him. But do you really love him? She thought to herself. You thought you were in love with him right has you saw him, but was that true. Of course it's true, I do love him. At that moment Weiss heard something moving. He turned around and he saw that the Deathstalker wasn't dead and that it was right behind Ruby, getting ready to strike her with it's tail. He dashed for her.

"Ruby watch out!" She was too much in shock to notice the Deathstalker. She didn't hear what Weiss said or what he was doing. She then suddenly felt a sharp pain go through her chest. When she looked down she saw the stinger of a Deathstalker in her chest. The Deathstalker pulled it's tail back out of Ruby.

"RUBY!" He quickly stab his weapon into the opening of the Deathstalker's shell on it's head. The Deathstalker fell over dead. Ruby fell on the ground. Weiss ran over and put her in his arms, he signaled for an emergency pick up.

"Hold on Ruby, your going to make it."

"W..Weiss." Weiss looked at the wound. He felt his hands getting covered in her blood.

"Please Ruby you got to make it." He heard the sound of the plane.

"Weiss, Please I don't want to die." She stared into his eyes. She then slowly went limp.

"No Ruby don't go!" He hurried to the plane. I love you Weiss.

Ren and Ozpin were running quickly towards the therapist's office that Weiss was seeing.

"Is Mr. Bryan here," Ozpin asked right as he walked through the door.

"No, he is at a meeting with some people," the assistant said.

"Did a man with white hair come in," Ren asked the assistant.

"Yeah not to long ago. Maybe a couple of minutes. Yeah?"

"Did he have anything," Ozpin asked.

"Yeah, he had a letter. He was looking for Mr. Bryan."

"Where did he go," Ren asked.

"I don't know." They left the therapist's office. Ren and Ozpin had a pretty good guess where he would be.

"So we are finally here," Ruby said.

"Yeah," Weiss said.

"So what are you waiting for?"

"Sorry, just I thought I would talk to her for a little bit."

"You're scared Weiss."

"Of course I'm scared. How couldn't I be scared."

"Well I guess your right death can be pretty scary, but you deserve this Weiss. It's your fault she's dead and you need to be punished."

"I wished I knew how she felt, if only I did I might have been able to do something. I might've been able to stop her from planting that bomb or stop her from killing Cardin."

"If only you did know, you sure you could have stopped her if you knew?"

"I don't know, but what I do know is this is the only way to be forgiven." He looked up at her. She was still sitting in the chair and the flowers around them were almost all completely red. The only white flowers were a small circle around him.

"You sure this is the way to be forgiven. You sure this is your fault?"

"Yeah. Why are you asking, you were okay with this idea just a minute ago."

"I'm still am just making sure your not going to chicken out."

"I'm not going to. I can't keep moving forward with all of what I caused." Weiss stood at Ruby's grave, he had a gun in his hand. It was still raining. He put the gun to his head and was about to pull the trigger when he was suddenly tackled.

"Ren," Weiss yelled as he looked at who tackled him.

"We made it just in time," Ozpin said as he caught up with Ren.

"Why are you two here?"

"We are here to stop you," Ren said.

"But why it's all my fault."

"No it's not. Why can't you just see that," Ren asked.

"It is my fault. If I knew how she felt about me I could've stop her," Weiss said.

"Maybe but you didn't know how she felt none of us did," Ren said.

"It's not your fault Weiss," Ozpin said. Weiss found himself back with Ruby.

"Are they right," he asked.

"Who know. That's your choice if you want to believe them or not."

"But I don't know how it can't be my fault." He found himself back looking up back at Ren. He was crying.

"It's not your fault Weiss," Ren said.

"You keep saying that but what would Ruby think."

"She loved you, she wouldn't think it was your fault. I want to tell you something Weiss," Ozpin said.

"What," Weiss asked.

"I talked to Ruby a week before the mission that she died on. I told her how there was a lot of people who wanted to see her get better. If I didn't tell her that and she started to try to get better, she wouldn't have gone on that mission. She would still be alive, so if you want to blame anyone blame me."

"What," Weiss said.

"Even if he didn't talk to her it still wouldn't be your fault. Just think Ruby loved you she would want you to keep moving forward, she wouldn't want to see you end your life. So please realize it's not your fault and keep moving forward even if it's only for Ruby," Ren said. Weiss blinked and he was back standing in front of Ruby.

"They're right about everything," he said.

"So you believe it's not your fault."

"I don't completely believe that but I don't believe it's all my fault."

"Do you blame Ozpin for it?"

"No, how can I? All he did was try to help, he couldn't have know this would happen. All he knew was that he wanted her to get better for herself and everyone who loved her."

"So you think it's not all your fault of what she did and her death."

"No, I wanted to believe that it was because I didn't want to blame anyone else especially Ruby for what happened."

"So what are you going to do now."

"I'm going to give up this delusion and keep moving forward. For Ruby and everyone else." He walked towards Ruby, he put his hand on her shoulder. "Goodbye Ruby."

"So are you going to just forget about her?"

"No, I'll always remember her."

"Fine then goodbye Weiss," she said while her body slowly disappeared into red rose petals. The petals flew away and turned to white. The red flowers everywhere slowly turned back to white. Weiss had Ren slowly help him up.

"You okay," Ren asked.

"Yeah, lets go back to beacon." They started to make their way back to beacon. On they way back Weiss thought to himself. Thank you, and to you Ruby even though we only knew each other for a year you were a great friend. I'll keep moving forward for you. The rain soon died down and stopped soon after that.