My Journal :)


Hello there, my name is Trafalgar Lami and if you're reading this you've found my journal. I live in Flevance with my mother, father, and down to earth but yet overachieving brother. I'm pretty sure Flevance is in the North Blue? Don't believe me though because we're just going over this in class and there's three other blues! ISn't that crazy? Like why would there be a whole other blue and what does the blue stand for? An ocean? A sea? Well no more geography until it becomes important to me, I guess. I am currently 5 years old and writing "extraordinarily for my age" Law said. Oh yea by the way Law is my brother the one with the adorable furry hat. Even though we're an inseparable pair we don't really look like kin to one another.

He's 7 so we have around a 2 year age difference. However recently he's always been so absorbed into his book that he scarcely puts it down. What's the book called Ana - Anthe- Oh Anatomy! But the times he does let go of his books they're spent with entertaining me. Sometimes we'd go to the park and maybe play catch or sometime he'll read to me, that's if i'm really lucky. Yea, I am one lucky sister. All the girls love Law and all the boys also admire Law. Since once again he's not only brain smart, but handsome, athletic, funny, caring, and just a tad perfect. Yet, he does have a small little temper that only my family and I are aware of.

Enough about my brother! This journal my parents got me is for me! My thoughts! My life! My favorite things to eat! My frien- . . . frien- . . . My favorite movies and jewelry! So I am very happy maybe i'll write everything I like and i'll keep track of everything. Oh golly i'm so happy to be doing this my brother had a journal and used to write in it but stopped suddenly. Saying something like "It's not cool to do that anymore." Well surprise it is cool! Ah! My brother is coming to play with me for a while so I have to go, see you next time on dragon ba- just kidding haha. See you, journal.