Abby would kill to remember what her friends liked for snacks.

Various treats were displayed on Abby's living room coffee table. Oreos, popcorn, liquorice, she didn't know if she had gone overboard or had missed something completely. Stacks of movies of different genres from Redbox challenged the TV. Maybe she did go overboard….

A knock on the door caused Abby to jump. Hoagie was at the front step grinning, several pizzas in hand, the steam rising from the white boxes.

"Order up!" He sassed. Abby rolled her eyes before inviting him inside "Put them on the counter, fool." Hoagie stuck his tongue out at Abby playfully before following her instructions.

Wally arrived, large bag of rippled potato chips in hand, quiet as always. He didn't say more than a greeting when he walked in, but Abby figured that may just be the way he is.

Kuki arrived with a large container of iced tea, fruit and ice clinking in the pitcher. She smiled and greeted the three others gracefully, describing how much she loved parties. Abby felt like she had already known.

Abby couldn't help but grin. She was already starting to feel like things were falling into place.

The chit chat was slow to start, but before Abby knew it they were sprawled out between the couch, loveseat and carpet, watching a horror movie. They spent more time commenting on the ridiculousness of it, but it felt like for the first time in years, they belonged somewhere.

Abby leaned into Hoagie's shoulder, comfortable and drowsy; she looked around the room to see the others already asleep. She sighed happily; for the first time in what felt like forever, Abby felt at peace.

It wasn't until Abby awoke to bright lights and Kuki's shrieking that Abby realized that peace didn't exist and people who believed in it were full of shit.

Abby thought her head was going to explode, but she wasn't sure if it was because of the bright lights or the high pitch screeching in her ears that almost drowned other sounds out around her. She squinted down, seeing her arms strapped down to scratched up metal chair. The light reflected off of the metal, accentuating every flaw on her deep skin.

Pull. Pull. Snap!

She pulled forcefully at the belt straps on her wrists, jerking one free with some struggle before unstrapping the other with the free hand. Her wrists were blotched with purple bruises from her struggling against the leather. She started to pull off the various small suction cups attached to various parts of her head. She desperately wanted to make sense of her environment but her head hurt far too much to allow it.

Abby sprung to her feet, but immediately swayed as she lost her footing. The room tilted sideways and Abby found herself stumbling forward, falling to her hands and knees. Where was she? What was that machine she was strapped to? How long had she been there? The room began to spin as images flashed before Abby's eyes.

A mountain of golden ice cream…

Everything hurt. Bells screeching.

A blonde boy with sack of caramels…

Flashing lights.

A large Red tree shaped spaceship on the moon…

Kuki's screams.

Five eeary children with blank stares….

Wally's moans.

Fluorescent stuffed monkeys…

Hoagie's cry for help.

A handsome boy with locked hair..

Abby's muscles twitched, recognizing former muscle memory they had once forgotten.

Candy that resembled priceless jewels…

An old red hat.

A bald boy with sunglasses.

"Kids Next Door...Battle Stations!"

Darkness and silence.

Abby's eyes flew open, staring at the high glass ceiling above her. Stars raced across the glass as Abby wonders how long she had been unconscious for.

Her brain still ached, almost sloshing between her temples as she sat large metal throne that had confined her sat a few feet away from her. The large, metal oval room had very little to it. Some closed doors along the perimeter, some lights and windows above. The room seemed eerily empty save for the massive chairs.

Kuki, Wally and Hoagie were all strapped to those same chairs, their unconscious heads dangling haphazardly on their shoulders. The suction cups that Abby had pulled off of her temples were also on her friends, puckering the skin underneath.

As she started at them, memories began to leach into her thoughts.

Hoagie. Number 2. Technology expert. Specialized in aerial mechanics. Loves comic books and bubble gum. Loves root beer but hates root beer flavored candy.

Kuki. Number 3. Medical specialist. Designated animal care technician. Loves parties and stuffed animals. Always had an affinity for animals.

Wallaby. Number 4. Hand to Hand combat specialist. Next in line to become leader of the Anti-Adult Combat Regime and deathly allergic to coconut. Dumber than a fence post but stronger than an Ox.

Herself. Number 5. Sweets Hunter and Archaeology expert. Leader and Commander of Sector V following the departure of…

"Numbah 1."

Nigel Uno. That's right. He didn't disappear; He left.

Hoagie groaned, causing Abby to stumble to her feet and run to him. She unlooped the belts from his wrists and yanked off the suction cups before trying to pull him from the chair. He groaned again, collapsing into Abby's arms. Struggling to hold up his weight, she lowered him gently to the ground before pushing his chestnut hair from his face. He was drenched in sweat; Abigail wondered if he had experienced the same events she did.

Wally was easier to move; while he was lighter than Hoagie his arms and legs seems to be 10 feet long, flopping against his limp body. His face was burning red, a dark vein pulsating out from the thin skin on his temple

Kuki's face was soaked in tears while her hair was soaked in sweat. She must have been crying while she was screaming. Abby felt guilt rush through her, slamming against her breast bone. She shouldn't have gotten such a sensitive person mixed up in all of this. Kuki was too soft.

Wally was the first to come to, eyes glazed over for a moment.

"What...What happened, Numbah 5?" He asked, sitting up, rubbing his temples with his forfingers. "Did we get grabbed by the Stickybeard again?" Abby cocked her head, excitement welling inside of her.

"Wally...what did you just call me?" Wally's eyes lit up as they started to clear with realization.

"Numbah 5…. Abby...Oh Christ…."

"Wally…" Abby watched the blonde boy turn around to see Kuki sitting straight up, staring wide eyed at him. His eyes grew as well as memories began to flood both of their brain, overwhelming their senses and ripping through their emotions.

"K-Kuki….Oh my god…" Kuki pulled herself to her feet, stumbling to the ground before getting back up again. She had tears streaming from her eyes while she ran to Wally, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him into a tight hug. He gripped her waist, pulling her as close as he physically could. Abby could see the tears starting to dew in Wally's eyes. Kuki's fingers gripped his shirt so tightly her knuckles turned white, as if she was afraid he would leave her again.

Abby turned her eyes to the ground, feeling like she was violating a private moment. She had forgotten how close they were when they were children. She and Hoagie used to joke that they were soul mates, that they would eventually be invited to their wedding and their children's first birthday party. They hadn't considered at the time that when their memories would be erased,they would forget their most personal connections. If Abby and Hoagie hadn't lived next door to each other, would they have lost their connection like Wally and Kuki had?

"What happened? What's going on?" Hoagie rolled over, glancing up at Abby with confusion before glancing over to Kuki and Wally.

"We got our memories back, Hoagie." Abby said, slowly, unable to stop staring at the couple embracing just a few feet away.

"We got that piece of us back...but why?" She asked.

"Because I have an offer that I am hoping you will not refuse."

She wasn't expecting an answer. The four teenagers turned around to see a young boy, bald with pale skin, squinting brown eyes. His arms were crossed over his chest.

"Numbah 1." Hoagie stuttered out, eyes wide. Kuki and Wally stared, mouths dropping.

Abby could not believe her eyes; Nigal Uno stood before them, frozen in time; He didn't look a day over 12 years old.

That had to be impossible. What the hell was going on?

He smiled eerily before opening his arms wide "Welcome back, Team."