Sorry this took so long after Eclipsa's bio was posted in DeviantArt. I was doing other projects at the same time, but I finally finish this enjoy!

"So, if your mother is Hekatia, do you think you're going to tell me your story?" Marco grinned excitingly.

"As former queen, it would be my honor," Eclipsa bowed willingly.

Marco turned to Eclipsa's tapestry. A pale woman with red spades on her cheeks and glowing eyes, wearing a Victorian-like black dress, holding a parasol in both of her hands. She's being carried by a giant monster with burgundy skin, four eyes, and pale hair. Both of them, on a flourishing garden under the night.

Then the pedestal rose and glowed.

Eclipsa Queen of Darkness
"Eclipsa Queen of Mewni
to a Mewman King was wed,
but took a monster for her love,
and away from Mewni fled."

"Alright, I think I heard about you being the 'evil queen' because of... this, but what are you back in the days before you were like this?" Marco was a little nervous to ask.

"Well, that was when I was just a little girl, younger than your or Star's ages," Eclipsa began her story. "I was a calm, approachable, and sympathetic girl, with a great willingness to forgive people, like right now when everybody thinks I'm evil. Sometimes, I presented an impulsive behavior, doing whatever it takes to achieve my goals when I'm desperate. I also have curious, adventurous, and a snoopy side. I like to sneak around the castle, telling the servants' gossip to my parents or just to my father, King Edmund," Eclipsa sighed, remembering her times with her father. "We were always close, walking with him in the Rose Garden while playing the Coronation's Ceremony since I soon become queen that time, and giving me a lot of chocolate bars."

"Heh, kinda remind me of Star. You know, being sneaky, adventurous, and curious and stuff." chuckled Marco. "But what about your mother? Are you two close too?"

"My mother was always busy when I tried to spend time with her, but I spent a lot of time discovering hidden passages throughout the castle. Many years later, I grew up to be more adventurous and challenging, making my mother found out about my secret hobby of sneaking out the castle. I just love to go out, even if there are monster wars that my mother was in charge and fight against them." Then, Eclipsa's giggling smile turned to sadness. "There was a time that my father was killed when the monsters invaded the castle. I ran to the Rose garden, and some kind of monster, a shape-shifter, spared me, and left. I didn't get out of the castle ever since the invasion and father's death."

Marco felt a little pity at this part of this story, "So, how do you do when you got the wand?"

"When I inherited the wand, my mother told me, 'don't do anything she wouldn't do', which I winked," Eclipsa demonstrated a wink. "During the feast, my mother notified me of her intentions of someone to marry me. There was Prince Wyman, Prince Shastacan, and Edric Flowers. I was still thinking of choosing, so I took it a little longer than my mother expected."

The boy asked, "But what about that monster who you married to?

"Oh, him?" She pointed the monster at the tapestry. "I can tell you all about him later. I have a long love story, you know, because I have to choose three suitors to be my husband."

"So, what do you do now and then?"

"I then spent my time writing spells. Though people kept saying they are evil spells, but I wrote plenty of eviler spells that never even made it into the final draft. Writing is rewriting, you know."

"Have you already choose which suitor you're going to marry?"

"I like to describe each of my suitors back in those days; Prince Wyman has a personality as sweet as the pies her personally cooked, Prince Shastacan was a letter out of the deck because of his repulsive and obvious personality interest in marrying by status, and Edric is the owner of an intelligent and thinking head. He was smart. I thought I chose the right suitor, who was Prince Wyman, but there was a time when he invited me to sample his new snooker pie recipe. It's my favorite chocolate. When I almost took a bite, Edric stopped me, and Shastacan fought Wyman. Edric said the pie was poison, and Wyman told us and my mother that the Monster Kings has promised him and his people over the conquered lands if they helped them kill me and my mother."

"What happened to Prince Wyman?" The human boy inquired.

"I don't know, but my mother forbade his men to threaten the Butterfly Family again. Although the whole situation with Wyman was unpleasant, Edric's effort to investigate Wyman, thus sacrificing his scarce time to know me better and try to win me, with the sole intention of protecting me. I was surprised by his peaceful and rational personality, always preferring words to swords, different from most of the mewnians. Secretly, I became friends with my future monster husband, which we were still friends back then before and after I married Edric. When I found out my mother's death, I was still too young to become queen. I was unprepared for both the news and the consequences and responsibilities that came with it." Eclipsa sobbed as she remembered the pressure she was put into when she took her mother's place. "Do you know how it feels like, Marco?"

"Um, yeah, of course I do." Marco nodded. "Not because Star was about to experience that, I have experienced the pressure of growing up , living on my own, moving out my parents' house. Just like now. I'm now away from my home, but, actually, it wasn't all bad."

"Especially if you're not royalty. Anyway, I ceased the opportunity of becoming queen that I could finally attempt a peaceful end to the Great Monster War. Unfortunately, things didn't go as I had planned. Apparently to being overwhelmed by mewnisters older and more experienced than I was, I was forced to make decisions that went against my peaceful intentions, especially due to the major military advances of the monster armies after my mother's death. My marriage with Edric wasn't all bad as I thought since we both love each other. He already found out about my secret of always meeting up with my monster friend, but Edric didn't mind since this would be a new future for both mewmen and monsters. But I haven't heard my monster friend for a long time, even my All-Seeing Eye spell can't find him, so I tried to move on. but I met him again days later as he told me he was visiting his deceased father."

"At least, he has a reason."

"Though he was a little disappointed when he found out I was having a child. Her name is Luna, and she was the cutest princess in the kingdom when I saw her pink flowers on her cheeks. She is my precious rose." Eclipsa could see the face of his little eldest daughter in her mind.

"Aww, adorable." Marco cooed, "But why your monster friend was disappointed?"

"Honestly, I don't know at first. When I finally received a Coronation Ceremony, I found out that it was my little Luna who convinced the mewnisters to gave me a ceremony. It was one of my happiest days of my life, which it was also my birthday." The former queen cried with joy, remembering that cute moment that her daughter gave to her.

"You sure love your family that time, but why did you leave them with your monster husband?"

"Actually, Marco, no. I never left them." Eclipsa confessed sadly, "You see, before I married to a monster, we were invited to a ball that would bring together the heirs of various kingdoms in the Plague Kingdom. Edric volunteered to go with Luna while I have to stay to take care of the kingdom and its war. About a month later, I had received a news from Plague Kingdom; a fire of gigantic portions that had overwhelmed most of those at the ball, including Luna and Edric. and I also received the ring that I gave to Luna on her 5th birthday. I really believe both my husband and daughter are dead, and I never felt this sad before since both my parents died." The former queen cried hard like a fountain squirting up water, but she has stay quiet so no guards could hear her.

Seeing Eclipsa cried and feeling pity for her, Marco took out a box of tissue from him jacket, pulled out some tissue, and gave them to her, "Here you go."

Eclipsa sniffed, "Thank you, Marco." She wiped off the tears from her eyes and face, and blew into the tissue.

"So, what did you do after you found out your husband and daughter died?" He asked.

"I..." sobbed Eclipsa before telling the story again, "I began seeing my monster friend secretly from time to time, trying to get over the fact that my family is gone. But then, the mewnisters forced me to marry Prince Shastacan since Edric and Luna are gone, and I don't have an heir anymore, so accepted the deal. I didn't help but focus on my royal duties, and sneaking to meet my monster friend daily. We fell in love one day, though he told me he already has feelings for me he confessed because of my love and marriage with Edric. I started to think of running away with him, but one of the allied generals went rogue, and I used my darkest spells on them. After writing that kind of spell, I abandoned my kingdom to be with my monster husband. We also have a child during that time."

"Okay, first of all, that's a little gross since you're a mewman and he's monster, and second of all, WHAT?!" Marco was quite shocked at this new information.

"I know, right?" Giggled the former queen. "But it's cute though. That's why we decided to hide from Mewni so no one would bother or attack us. But, unfortunately, when my husband and I decided to go to get food and supplies, and our guards looked after our baby, they were invaded by the knights and the Magical High Commission, and got my baby. I wanted to invade the castle to rescue my child from Shastacan, but my husband doesn't like that plan, so, while he was sleeping, I used the Mind Control Spell and possessed him to use his body to invade the castle to search for our child. There I found Shastacan, and asked him where's my daughter. He did something to her, so, out of rage and out of control, I used my husband's body and... ate him!"

"What?! Why did you do that?! That's not going to answer your problem of finding your daughter!"

"I have no choice! He won't tell me, so I did what I had to do!" Eclipsa cried once again as she wiped her tears with the same tissue Marco gave to her. "So, I kept finding my daughter around the castle. And when I want into a bedroom. There I saw with my own eyes, well, still possessing my husband of course, my eldest daughter Luna, still alive!"

"Wait, Luna is still alive that time?!" Marco almost flipped from the chair. "How does that happened?! You said she died in the fire!"

"I thought so too. I tried to talk to Luna through my husband's body, but she turned me away. She doesn't recognized me since I'm in a monster's body. I couldn't believe she was alive. I thought she was dead!" Eclipsa wept again, but her tissues were already soaked with tears.

Marco pulled out more tissues from the box, and gave them to Eclipsa, "So, what happened next?"

"Well, that's it. The least thing I remember was the Commission found me and my husband after I undid the spell. He was crystallized by Rhombulus, I was also crystallized... I met Moon when she was at Star's age, telling me that I've been crystallized for 300 years, we made a deal when I gave her the spell, and if her enemy was killed by that spell, I will be free. So, here I am."

"So, are you still thinking about your daughter, Luna?"

"I wish I can see her again, but that would be impossible since... she's gone. It's been 300 years anyway." Eclipsa stared at her eldest daughter's tapestry with a sad face.

"I have no idea you felt this way for 300 years," Marco frowned. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Marco..." Eclipsa choked back her sadness this time. "I'm fine. Promise you won't tell anyone about this, Marco. This might not be an excuse for my trial, and I don't want you to get in trouble with Moon when you're talking to me."

"Okay, but they will find out the truth soon. Still, I won't tell anyone, not even Star. And yeah, I won't tell Queen Moon either. She'll freak out when she finds out you've escape from your tower."

What do you think of this chapter so far? I wrote a lot of sad scenes here. I decided to not mention Globgor's name in this chapter because Marco would've figure out what Glossaryck was saying, and he'll tell Star everything. Pls vote and comment.

Eclipsa Butterfly belongs to Daron Nefcy
Eclipsa's story belongs to jgss0109 from deviantart