Some very mature themes in this chapter, just Harry comforting Evie for the first time.

Trigger warning.


"It happened again."

"Shit.. Come in," Harry moved aside to let Evie come into his room on the ship. Her makeup was smudged with mascara stains down her cheeks, her hair was dishevelled and her breathing was ragged.

"Take a shower princess, I'll make ye some tea."

You see, the Evil Queen could be a loving mother when she wanted to. Most of the time she was a monster - abusive and neglectful, always telling Evie how horrible she looked; how fat she looked; how she needed to redo her makeup; how she needed to loose weight. A couple of nights a month, she would bring home a new goon for Evie to 'practise' on so she would be perfect Auradon princess material - not just kissing, but other sexual activities Evie did not want to participate in. They were the ones using her as their 'dummy', not the other way around like it was supposed to be.

After nights like these, she would usually go on a walk by herself to calm down before scrubbing every last inch of herself in the castle bath. Evie had only told Harry the previous time it had happened, however now it had happened again she came to him.

Stepping out from the shower, Evie dried, placed her underwear back on and walked back into Harry's bedroom.

"How ye feelin' darlin?" Harry asked with a grimace, placing a mug of tea on his bedside drawers. He knew she wasn't okay whatsoever, he just didn't know how to act in this situation.

"Better." A quiet voice replied. She stood in front of him, a mixture of tired and sadness in her eyes, whilst he examined the multiple bruises on her stomach.

"Did he hit ye?" He asked, gently placing some ice on a bruise just under the left side of her rib cage.

"Mhmm." Harry sighed, removing the ice and getting her a spare shirt from his closet.

"Christ, Evie. I'll kill him - I really will, will ye point him out t' me? I'll drive me hook right through his fuckin-"

"Harry." Evie whimpered, tears glistening in her brown eyes and her bottom lip beginning to quiver.

She slowly wrapped her arms around his waist, his immediately going around her shoulders and to stroke her hair. Harry gripped her tightly and placed small kisses on her head of blue hair, his anger only increasing - she didn't deserve to feel this broken.

"Shit, Evie - I'm so, so sorry darlin', I'm so sorry. I shoulda' knew, I shoulda' done something. I swear t' God princess, I'll find him. I'll fucking find him, the bastard."

A short while later, Evie had calmed down a little and drank her tea. She was sat on the bed, legs dangling off it whilst Harry changed into his sleepwear attire.

"This was the fifth time now. It's been four different men, this was his second turn." Behind her, she could hear take a deep breath, he was getting angry again.

"It's my fault though, I suppos-" Harry was suddenly knelt in front of her, gripping her shoulders.

"Don't ye ever, ever say that it was yer fault again, understand? This never was yer fault, never is - okay? It's ye bastard mother and them dicks who.. It's not yer fault, okay Evie?"

"Okay, I'm sorry."

"No no no, princess. I'm sorry for shouting, I just need ye to know it's not yer fault. I'm sorry my love."

Soon after, Evie climbed into his bed with a yawn. Harry, not knowing if she wanted / needed space, went to lie in the hammock until he saw the look she was giving him then climbed into the bed with her. He started playing with the ends of her hair, knowing it comforted her and helps her sleep.

"Just know, Evie, that I will make sure he pays. They pay."

"It's too late now. Thankyou for being there for me tonight. And I'm sorry for dumping this on you, I know you're new at this whole comforting thing." She mumbled, eyes closing.

"I love you, Genevieve."

"I love you too, Harry Hook."