Chapter 26: Epilogue

The clangs of the sword as the squires fought echoed round the arena while the Commander circled the ring, making notes on his pad. He had forcibly separated the twins because there was no way he could make a proper assessment with Ruff and Tuff fighting each other. He sighed and scratched his beard, then beckoned one of the other knights to help him. And he wasn't at all surprised at the tall, lean shape that came trotting up.

"Can I help you, Sir?" Hiccup asked cheerfully, willingly presenting himself to help out with the Tests. He knew it would be awkward and he guessed he would field more than a few mouthfuls of abuse but his father needed help.

No job is too small nor task too difficult.

Stoick smiled gratefully and handed the young man a notepad and charcoal.

"Thanks, Hiccup," he said in relief. "Could you watch Fishlegs and Ruffnut please?" Hiccup's eyes suddenly looked wary and then he nodded.

"Of course," he said calmly. Even though they are my friends. Please Thor, don't let them mess up. I would hate to fail them... But he dutifully walked through the pairs of squires and stopped by the pair, nodding to his husky friend and the wild female twin.

"Hey, Hiccup!" Ruff grinned and twirled the sword in her hand.

"Hey, Sir Hiccup," Fishlegs said seriously and the young knight rolled his eyes.

"Guys, it's me," he sighed. "Just me. So please don't mess this up!" Ruff sidled up and whined at him.

"Can't you just pass us. Pleeeeeeeeease?"


"I'll be your best friend."


"I'll kiss you."


"I'll even..."

"Utter another word and I will fail your scrawny ass!" Hiccup told her sternly. "Look, I'm not asking you to fight to the death..."


"Thank you, Ruffnut," he said in a long-suffering voice. "But you have to fight. And you will be scored. If you score well enough, you will fight a full knight in combat for the right to join their ranks. If you fail, you will have to wait another year."

"And you're scoring us?" Fishlegs checked.

"No, Fish-my father who is looking in completely the opposite direction will guess your score by looking at chickens' feet and yak entrails later!" Hiccup retorted with maximum sarcasm. "Of course I am scoring you!" He sighed. "Guys-I really want you to pass because you were friends to me in the end...but you do have to be worthy of a duel...because if you aren't good enough, the knights will have no mercy!"

"Eeep!" Fishlegs squeaked. Hiccup stepped back.

"On your marks-en garde-combat!" he said sternly and the two lifted their swords. Hiccup watched as the two fought, their styles very different. Ruff was swift, strong, decisive but wild and reckless while Fishlegs was sturdy, measured, very solid but reticent to attack and defensive. Unconsciously, he made notes and picked up on a couple of technical flaws in each of their techniques: he had been tutored for thirteen years until he was thrown out of the squires and he was a very critical and keen observer of swordplay. Finally, he waved his hands and the two pulled apart, both sweating and breathing hard.

"Ruff-good work," he said. "You are very direct and aggressive and you certainly outscored Fish initially. But you leave your left flank unprotected most of the time. And I know that Tuff normally stands there but you have to be prepared that when he isn't there, you don't die for that lack." She stared at him and nodded reluctantly. "And Fish-you really are extremely cautious and never waste any effort in an attack. Your technique is solid and secure...but you have to take openings when they arise and attack to press your advantage."

"So we failed," Ruff said heavily. Hiccup smiled.

"You both passed-but you need to work on those areas before your final duel," he told them honestly.

"YAY! I Passed!" Ruff yelled and raced through the arena, looking for her brother. Hiccup face-palmed.

"And that happened," he said. "Dad is gonna kill me." Stoick did indeed glance over at his son but saw Hiccup shaking his head, rolling his eyes-and he grinned.

"Welcome to my world, son!" he bellowed. Hiccup groaned as the other squires all turned to look at him-and then he smiled.

"Thanks, Dad," he said ironically. "Really loving the ride so far!" Stoick walked over cheerfully and draped a paternal arm around his son's shoulder.

"Hiccup," he said proudly. "I taught you everything I knew to equip you to become a knight-but only you can determine what kind of knight-what kind of man-you wish to be. And you will have to learn to deal with the twins and your other friends in your own way. I have every confidence in you, son. After all, you were made a knight as a result of your heroic actions, not a set of made-up trials!" Hiccup dipped his head, blushing. No matter how brave he had been, he still felt embarrassed at the plaudits his actions had earned. And no matter how he protested that the outcome in Nordlund was a team effort, Stoick insisted on awarding him the credit.

"Um...thanks," he murmured.

"I'll finish up here-now the twins are scored, I should be able to manage the rest myself," she said. "And I know you were on early guard duty. Get some rest!" Hiccup gave a small smile.

"Thanks, Dad. See you later?" Stocked grinned.

"Bet on it, son!" he confirmed and turned back to the squires as Hiccup clambered up the steps out of the arena. Two shapes were watching and Hiccup nodded warily. Snotlout had apologised and thrown himself on the mercy of his Uncle and the King-though, as he had predicted, he had been written up for six months of punishment duty and forbidden from taking the Tests for two years. Dogsbreath had been granted the same leniency and penalties, even though his apology had been perfunctory at best. Both were watching their colleagues take the tests, neither looking too happy and though Hiccup was pleasant to them, he still couldn't drop his guard, aware of the threats they had made against him. He walked on and headed back to the main Castle.

He now had rooms-a couple, in fact, because he had dependents, much to the shock of his father. The girls, Nils and Gustav lived with him as his wards, protected by his status as a knight and clothed and fed from his meagre earnings. Gustav had been adopted as Gobber's apprentice-as had Synnoeve, though she was learning sewing as well, to enable her to work leather as well as metal. Ella, Nils and the others were all being taught their runes and numbers and Hiccup was determined they would read and write if he had anything to do with it. And in return, they made sure his little rooms were clean and neat and there was always someone pleased to see him, no matter how late he returned from his duties.

But there was someone else who was also pleased to see him. Astrid had insisted he act as her personal protector whenever she went riding and though she usually took other knights and an adviser-as a chaperone-she never left the castle without her Hiccup. Though the young knight was wary because though he was always treated like an equal and a real person by the Princess, he was aware of the weight of eyes on him. He knew that he had earned the implacable hatred of Lord Mogadon and the enmity of his allies, Madguts and Norbert-but some of the older knights were also wary of the young newcomer-the most junior knight. There were a few murmurs that he had an over-inflated opinion of itself and was behaving like a senior knight, rather than a novice.

But they had met alone, in the gardens late when her ladies-in-waiting had purportedly tucked her in and she was free of prying eyes. And there, he had talked to her, listening to her frustrations and understanding what it was like to have your life mapped out for you. And though he had always shared his father's goal of becoming a knight, occasionally, he had wondered what it would be like to travel, to have adventures and perform a quest. And he accidentally had, answering every question he had imagined. And Astrid's dreams of being a knight had also been answered. She was brave and daring and would always ride and practice weapons...but she knew now that her men would protect her with their lives. And he had read her poetry and had talked her through what had befallen him when he had been expelled from the knights. She had immediately agreed that she would prevent children being used as little more than slaves in her castle and planned to accept Ella and Nils into her service. And they had kissed and failed to quash their growing feeling for one another. And that was another problem for Hiccup-because despite everything she had previously said and done, he had fallen in love completely for the Princess.

He groaned as he headed back towards his rooms. His father naturally wanted to spend time with his son, having missed the last three years of his life and being reunited during such a precarious mission, but it translated in picking Hiccup over more experienced and senior men. And in his precarious position-in love with Astrid when she was lined up to be married to whoever, the last thing he needed was to attract even more jealousy and enmity from the Knight Corps. He had only just achieved his dream: he couldn't risk it being taken from him so quickly for the treason of loving Astrid.

"I'm gonna have to tell Dad to slow down," he realised and sighed. Stoick would nod and look disappointed and Hiccup knew he would end up fielding the suspicious looks and whispered sneers in silence because the Commander would still ask his son ahead of most others to help him. But I've had lots of practice with being abused, he told himself silently. He walked into his rooms and collapsed back onto the bed, throwing his arm across his eyes. Even when I do everything I'm supposed to do and jump through every hoop, I end up feeling like an imposter in the knight corps.


"Lord Tarrona?"

"Have you seen him? He squints!"

"Lord Svein?"

"That's almost a Sven."

"Lord Viggo?"

"Are you kidding? He accepted I was the dim-witted girl who was duped by a treacherous knight..."

"Speaking of which...where is he?"

Astrid sat back and closed the eyes, momentarily blocking the vision of the smiling Heather, who had fulfilled her promise to visit her new friend and allies. But the ruler of Bazerk was enjoying her role as visiting dignitary and matchmaker and she was teasing Astrid mercilessly...much to the blonde Heir's chagrin.

"I mean, I heard that when he was knighted, you kissed him in front of the King, not to mention the entire Berk Knight Corps," Heather pressed. "So why isn't he here, saving his girlfriend from being matchmade?" Astrid sighed.

"Because we're not..." Astrid began and then bit her lip. There was a silence and Heather stared.

"He hasn't...?" she asked, utterly shocked. "But I could have sworn..." She paused. "Doesn't he...?"

"Oh, he does," Astrid admitted. "But he...he's so careful..." Then she sighed. "Look, he was thrown out of the squires three years ago and I think he's probably terrified if he screws up again, everything will be taken from him again." Heather sighed.

"So do you want to...?" she checked and there was a pause.

"Of course..." Astrid said. "Look-when he allows himself to lower his guard, he's funny and sassy and sweet and a bit dorky and..." She sighed. "Perfect."

"And which one of you is the Heir?" Heather asked her pointedly. Astrid stared at the ceiling.

"Me," she sighed.

"Then it's up to you get what you want," Heather reminded her and gave her a hug. "I have every faith in you-and I want to be your maid of honour when you tie the knot." She smiled. "Go get him!"


Council was in session as Astrid was announced and walked elegantly into the Council Chamber and took a breath before she curtseyed low to her father. Harild smiled and motioned her to take the seat at his right hand. Lifting her head proudly, she sat elegantly and glanced over to her father.

"I take it you have a matter to raise, daughter?" Harild asked her calmly. He recognised the determined expression in her eyes and knew she was on a mission. She nodded.

"Yes, Sire," she replied formally. "The matter of my nuptials." There was a pause and every eye turned on her.

"Are you sure you want to address this, Astrid?" Harild asked in a low voice but she nodded firmly.

"Yes, Father," she said. "If my recent ordeals taught me anything, it was that my unwed status poses a risk to Berk. And I am aware that many of the options offered to me are unacceptable. Dagur was-but is dead. Likewise Drago. Eret was a treacherous tool of Drago and I killed him anyway."

There were a number of very uncomfortable expressions as advocates in the Council of selling the Princess for peace realised that all their options were dead...some of them by her own hand.

"So I have decided. I need a husband who I can tolerate-and preferably love. I need a man who is loyal and brave and will put the good of Berk ahead of everything. I want a man who is decisive and inventive and who will protect and listen to me and rule with me, instead of in my place. I want a man who would overcome all obstacles and make sure Berk is safe-even at risk of his life."

She smiled.

"And I've found him." There were gasps. Harild looked at her in concern.

"Daughter?" he murmured and she smiled.

"Father-all these visiting noblemen were auditioning for the role of King of Berk and not one was interested in becoming the husband of Astrid Hofferson. Well-I found someone who is." She looked round the Council. "I have to thank you for whoring me out to the highest bidder. And I have to remind you that I will not accept Viggo or Ryker Grimborn or Alvin de Traitre, even if you asked. Because the people of Berk need a King who understands them, a King who cares for them and wants to put Berk before everything."

Harild glanced at his daughter and then at the steady shape of the Knight Commander, who had resumed his place on the Council and was staring at the young woman with a stony look. Harild wondered if he had imagined it when he saw Stoick's eye twitch at the words. So the King sat back and sipped his goblet of mead, picking a sweet meat and munching casually because he knew Astrid would break first, since she had almost no patience. But she didn't, sitting smug and proud until, exasperated, the King put his mug aside.

"Thor, you have learned patience, haven't you?" he muttered and rolled his eyes. "Okay, my daughter-would you enlighten me?" She nodded once.

"I have checked the ancient records with Mulch and we have determined that the codes indicate the Heir may marry a Lord-or at the very least, a Knight," she told him smugly. "The only stipulation is that the man be acceptable to the Heir, that he has the best interests of Berk at heart and that he is 'a brave and loyal scion of his house'." Her eyes flicked to Stoick, who was looking more stoic than ever, and then she smiled. "I choose Sir Hiccup."

"WHAT?" Harild gasped.

"WHAT?" Sir Stoick choked, his eyes swinging round to inspect her. "Sire, I truly believe that your Heir has lost her..."

"Heart to the bravest, most loyal, most daring and brilliant knight I have ever met," Astrid said firmly.

"I was going to say mind," Stoick muttered.

"Me too," Harild muttered back and the two men shared a glance. Then Harild threw his arms up in surrender. "Astrid-why have you done this to me?"

"Because it should be my choice and no one else's...and I know the Council have been all for marrying me off to wholly unsuitable men all of whom have been bribing them one way or another..." There was a sudden silence. "Oh gentlemen-did you think I haven't been watching you since I was fourteen?" she asked sweetly. "Mulch and the Commander both told to me to keep my friends close and enemies closer-and that rich men are rich because they love wealth more than anything else-loyalty included." Harild's eyes widened. "I can hand over the list of bribes and illicit gifts to Sven...or I would if he hadn't accepted that rather nice charger and jewelled sword from Lord Viggo..." The man in question grew pale. "The truth is, my Lord, there is not one man on this Council who has not casually taken gifts to push the suit of one Lord or another. All but one..." She paused and looked over to the huge shape with the flaming red beard. "Sir Stoick never accepted any gifts and never gave any advice except to follow my heart."

"Which is treacherous and loaded advice in itself," Lord Lars grumbled, toying with the ruby-studded dagger that Dagur had gifted him two years previously.

"My ladies in waiting talk and have spoken to the servants of every single one of you," Astrid said in a hard voice. "And they have confirmed those of you who have come back from various trips heavier with gifts and gold that could not be justified by mere hospitality. And I say this, Sire, not to sow dissension but to remind you that I am your daughter and I am not seeking someone to rule for me."

"Thor help us-she may actually be more dangerous than the King himself," Sven grumbled and Harild's handsome face stretched into a wide smile.

"Now that would be worth seeing," he muttered. "Berk has had many good and bad leaders, some weak, some strong, some warlike and some peaceable. But for them to have an Astrid? I'm not sure our neighbours would know what to do!"

"Well, Berserk is our ally, we have conquered Outcast, I have already invited the Bog Heir over and we have defeated and slain Lord Drago," Astrid reminded him. "I am not sure anyone will come looking for trouble for a while." The King looked over at his Knight Commander.

"What say you, Sir Stoick?" he asked the man and Stoick sighed.

"Fetch my son!" he ordered and the page-snotty Stefan-ran from the room in search of the young knight. The he turned to the Princess. "I have one request, Highness," he said gently. "Try not to make him feel undervalued. He's endured enough." But Astrid gave a small smile.

"Commander-he's the man I value most highly in this Kingdom!" she said.


Hiccup was dozing when the hammering on the door roused him and he rolled off the bed, walking tiredly to the door, still rubbing his eyes. He unlatched the door to see the impatient shape of Stefan.

"You are needed in the Council Chamber now! The Princess commands!" Stefan shouted and ran off as Hiccup stared after him, jaw dropped. Then he blinked, grabbing his tunic and fastening his sword belt on as he sprinted after the boy. He burst into the Council Chamber, breathing hard, his hand on the pommel of his sword-to meet the shocked eyes of the entire Council. Stefan was grinning and and he cast the boy an 'I'll speak to you later!' look. He hastily ran his hands through his dishevelled hair and sketched a bow to the King and then the Princess.

"Sire, Highness," he mumbled. "I was told it was urgent," he added and Stoick glared at the page. Harild gestured to his daughter and Astrid rose, gliding elegantly round the table and towards the lean, wary shape.

"Sir Hiccup," she said gently. "I have not always valued you as you deserve." He blushed and dipped his head.

"Your Highness's opinion is based entirely on the facts as presented to her," he mumbled. "No matter how unreliable, treacherous or just plain psychopathic the source."

"Nevertheless, I wanted to make it clear that there is no one I value more than you-as a protector, a knight and a friend," she said, trying not to smile at his sarcastic addendum. He stiffened and his emerald eyes widened.


"What did I command you call me?" she asked him gently and he flicked a worried glance to the shape in the throne.

"Um...Astrid but your father is here so maybe we shouldn't go there," he murmured.

"And what did we discuss on the ride through Nightmare Fields?" she asked him.

"Are you sure?" he hissed. She nodded. "Um...our feelings...and I explained that I...well, love you and you replied that..."

"That I love you," she smiled and laced her hands with his. "Now I wonder if you will do anything for your Princess?" He nodded. "And if I were to marry for the good of Berk?" she asked him and he stiffened, his head dipping slightly.

"I would never leave you...though my heart would probably break," he admitted. Her hands tightened on his and she smiled.

"I am going to marry but your heart need not break, my Hiccup," she murmured. He stiffened and she leaned close to him. "Because the man I want to marry is you." He swallowed and stared into her eyes. "Will you marry me, Hiccup?" she asked him.

"Wow," he managed. "Um, I think my Dad would be ashamed if I didn't check...that you would say yes to the question...Will you marry me, Astrid?" She smiled and stared into his emerald eyes.

"You know the other knights will complain about favouritism?" she murmured.

"Love doesn't care...and neither do I," he murmured, leaning close. "A knight must follow his heart."

"A knight serves his liege with his whole heart and soul," she quoted.

"I wager you got that one from my Dad," he murmured.

"Yes. To both."


"Yes to getting it from your father. And yes to marrying you."

"Oh, thank Thor. And yes. To marrying you, Astrid." Then he grasped her cheeks tenderly and kissed her deeply on the lips, before finally pulling away, leaving her gasping. "Um...should I ask your father's permission now?"

"GRANTED!" Harild announced loudly.

"Good job, son!" Stoick congratulated his son as a round of applause broke out. The two young lovers leaned their foreheads together and sighed.

"Fathers," they groaned.


The Great Hall of Berk was packed with the great and the good, neighbouring Lords and nobility invited to the wedding of the Heir of Berk to the Berk Knight, Sir Hiccup Haddock. Of course, a number of newly knighted members of the Order were in the congregation, including Knights Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston and Knight Fishlegs Ingerman. All of the Princess's ladies in waiting were seated as guests as well, except Flora and Tora who were bearing the train. Lady Heather of Bazerk was acting as Maid of Honour and Sir Stoick Haddock, the Knight Commander was best man. And there were two pages and two flower girls attending the Princess-Gustav, Ella Synnoeve and Nils.

Hiccup was twitchy and anxious, barely able to keep still in the rich red tunic embroidered with gold that he was wearing. His black hose and boots were immaculate and his hair had been tamed but still framed his sharp-jawed face. A jewelled belt with an empty scabbard hung around his waist-he would be given a sword as her first and best protector as part of the ceremony-and a long rich cloak of red velvet flowed from his shoulders. Stoick's face was almost split in two by the beam of delight and he nodded.

"I don't belong here," Hiccup whispered. "I mean I…I'm not a Lord or a Count or a Duke…I'm just an Imposter…" But the Commander laid a heavy hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"Son-no one else is worthy to be at her side," her reminded him. "You saved her over and over-and you fought to save Berk as well. You proved your worth-to everyone."

The fanfare sounded, brassy and piercing as the doors slammed open and King Harild entered with Astrid on his arm, preceded by Gustav and Miles in neat page uniforms and Synnoeve and Ella in silver gowns, scattering petals-though Synnoeve's tended to land in handfuls so that the Princess had to carefully skirt around then. Dressed in a simple cloth-of-gold gown with a long matching train, cinched with a thin jewelled belt around her narrow waist, she glided along the wide red carpet that headed straight to the dais where the Priest of Freya was standing ready to perform the ceremony. Her hair was loose over her shoulders and a fine lace veil covered her beautiful face. Harild's smile was fully the equal of Stoick's in size, pride and happiness as he placed his daughter's hand on Hiccup's and then took a pace back to stand beside his faithful Knight Commander. Hiccup glanced at Astrid who raised her veil to reveal a face lit by joy.

"Last chance to back out, Milady?" he whispered to her and she smiled.

"Never," she murmured. "I want my protector, the man who was an imposter as a knight but an expert as a hero at my side for the rest of my days. I want his counsel and his opinion. I want his sarcasm and his sass. But most of all, I want him as my knight, my husband and my Prince."

"And you will always be the Queen of my heart, my Astrid," he murmured. "I think you saved me more than I saved you. And you gave me hope, a purpose and the chance to become what I always dreamed of. In doing my duty to you, I found my father, saved my home and became the knight I always hoped." He leaned in and kissed her. "And I will always serve you and protect you-to my dying day." She kissed him back as Stoick cleared his throat and Harild gave a low chuckle.

"Plenty of time for that later, my daughter...son..." He paused. "I like the sound of that, by the way," he added then looked up at the scowling Priest. "Proceed." The Princess and her Knight both blushed, tried not to laugh and clasped hands as they turned back to the alter and the Priest began to speak...

...and afterwards, as the Princess and her new Prince faced the cheering crowds from the balcony, hands clasped tightly. There was a lot of cheering, especially from the knights and the twins, who were making some highly inappropriate gestures from the back of the crowd. Blushing, Hiccup leaned close to his new wife and waved shyly to the castle staff and townsfolk, many of whom looked relieved that a Berk man had been chosen for their King rather than a foreigner-not realising that Queen Astrid was still going to be the ruler she was raised to be.

"Are you okay?" Astrid whispered, smiling and gesturing to Mulch to begin distributing largesse to the crowds. Golden coins rained down, plenty for all who had chosen to celebrate with their Heir. A feast was planned as well and free food was being sent round all the hamlets and villages to ensure everyone shared in the festivities. He nodded.

"Relieved," he admitted. "I thought Lords Mogadon and Madguts would have caused trouble and disrupted the ceremony." Astrid smiled.

"You underestimate my powers of persuasion," she smiled. As Hiccup had feared, both men-and Viggo-had planned to disrupt the ceremony and challenge for Astrid's hand...until Astrid had stepped in. The offending men had been intercepted by Stoick and his most faithful knights, who had arrested the errant Lords and brought Viggo to speak in private with the King and his Heir. And there, the Lord of Reaper had found his kingdom and his life threatened in no uncertain terms. His choices had been to sign a binding Treaty or leave without his head. Viggo, ever the pragmatist, had signed and withdrawn his suit...permanently.

"No, I don't ever dare underestimate you, Milady," he murmured. "Well, not now you think I'm worth speaking to..." Smiling, Hiccup leaned close to her, planning a kiss-but his emerald eyes flicked up and he suddenly stiffened as a smile stretched his lips. He nudged Astrid and pointed to the northern ramparts. Her azure eyes widened and she smiled as well.

For in the clear blue sky, a flaming shape was flapping round in a wide arc, with a blue hawk like shape zooming behind, followed by a solid brown globular silhouette and a green two-headed, two-tailed dragon. And at the back was a black streamlined outline with wide bat-like wings and a long tail with symmetrical fins...followed by five smaller black and dark grey shapes, wings pumping furiously to keep up. At the apex of their flight, the dragons roared and all flamed, then swooped away and vanished, leaving the black shapes alone, throwing a couple of lazy loop-the-loops.

"Toothless," Hiccup murmured, his eyes shining in happiness. "They hatched. You've got a family again, bud." Astrid leaned against him and smiled as the dragons roared, the higher pitched roars of the juveniles making them both grin.

"Who knows?" she murmured. "I'm sure we'll get to see them when we go on honeymoon in Bazerk..." He nuzzled affectionately against her and kissed her gently on the forehead as all the Night Furies fired celebratory purple plasma blasts into the clear sky.

"Yes, Milady," he said with a smile and kissed her passionately to the cheers of the people of Berk.

The End.

A/N: ...and they lived happily ever after. Thanks for reading! -harrypanther