Chapter 3: Spectacular Sunrise.

--6 Months Later--

"Come on, Luci! Let me go with you! I'm going crazy stuck here in the house all the time." You flare your wings in agitation as you follow your mate through the small two-story cabin he created for the two of you almost six months ago. The cabin is completely protected from every supernatural creature known to Lucifer, with the exception of himself and you, no one can enter the cabin. It has three bedrooms, two upstairs and one downstairs. The two bedrooms upstairs consist of: the master bedroom, which is decorated in red and black with beautiful paintings hanging on the walls and the same King sized bed you and Lucifer first mated on months ago. There's also a bathroom connected to the master bedroom, something you absolutely insisted on having. The other room is empty and in the process of being painted a light lavender with baby pink trim. Downstairs there's a luxurious living room decorated in emerald green and gold with a big screen TV mounted on the wall and plush, comfortable furniture. The house's third bedroom is located to the right of the living room along with another bathroom. This room isn't as elegantly decorated as the others: the walls are painted a light brown while the bed is covered with dark brown sheets and a thick, white duvet. A large kitchen is located to the left of the living room.

"No, Yvaine. It is much too dangerous for you in your condition." Lucifer replies, making his way through the living room and into the kitchen. He stops, turns around to face you, and begins to run his primary feathers over your wings in a comforting gesture. "My brother knows that we've mated and he wants to kill you." He pauses, placing his right hand gently on your swollen abdomen, "And our little one."

"Lucifer, please." You give him your best puppy dog look and intertwine your feathers with his. You brush your tertiaries with his; the most intimate touch shared among angels due to how sensitive the feathers are. The two of you moan in pleasure before you continue trying to convince him to let you go with him out of the house. "I really need to get out of here. Just for a little bit and I promise I will stay close to you."

"No, Yvaine. And that's final."

Your wings rise and flare in anger and you shout at your mate, "You can't just keep me locked up inside of this house, Lucifer! I need fresh air! I need to stretch my wings! I feel like a damn prisoner!"

Lucifer's own wings extend in warning for you to watch your attitude, "Watch your tone." You let out a huff of angry air, but lower your wings in submission. Lucifer's own wings relax and he cups your pouting face in his hands. "I tell you what...when I get back from taking care of business in Hell, I'll take you to a very nice restaurant. I promise."

You grin and wrap your arms around him, "Well, that's a start. How about we spend the night at a nice hotel as well?"

You can tell you have Luci's full attention now, "We'll see, my beautiful evening star." He places a gentle kiss on your lips, "The kitchen is fully stocked with food, so you should be okay while I'm away."

You frown, "You didn't use your powers to create the food did you? Cause you know the baby doesn't like angel mojo conjured food."

Lucifer kisses your forehead, "No. I actually bought the food myself at a human grocery store."

You look up at his face in surprise, "You went grocery shopping? Why didn't you make one of your demons do it?"

Lucifer frowns, "I don't trust them."

You grin at your mate and tangle your feathers with his once again. You begin to kiss along his jawline and the scars from where his vessel is burning away heal instantly. You then run your hand up his shirt and heal the wounds on his body as well. You ruffle your feathers and since your feathers are intertwined with Lucifer's it causes him intense pleasure. "How about we go back upstairs and I give you a proper goodbye?"

Lucifer let's out a low growl and places his hands on your hips. He starts to kiss and suck at your neck, slowly making his way to your ear. "Lead the way, my evening star."

You grab his hand and begin to lead him to the stairs. You start to climb the stairs, struggling slightly because of your large belly. You make it to the third step before Lucifer picks you up bridal style and carries you the rest of the way to the master bedroom. "Hey! I could have made it by myself!"

Lucifer smirks at you, "I'm sure you could have, but by the time you made it, my erection would've been gone and I would have had to leave." He puts you down at the foot of the bed.

You smack him playfully on the chest then turn towards the bed. You grab all of the pillows and begin to arrange them in a kind of nest to act as a cushion for your body during sex. As you're doing this, Lucifer presses himself against your back. He starts to kiss and suck at your neck while grinding his rock hard bulge against your ass causing you to moan loudly. "Luci, please...ah. I need to, ah, finish doing this." He ignores your protests and continues to grind against you. He pulls your sundress off exposing your beautiful light blue skin to him. You start to turn around to face your mate, but he stops you. He bends you over the end of the bed, pinning your torso down. Luckily, your swollen belly is comfortably nestled in the pillows.

You spread open your wings in an invitation for Lucifer to mount you from behind. You hear the snapping of Lucifer's fingers and know that he is now completely naked. He runs his hands up your back until they reach your shoulders. His lips follow along the same path as his hands, kissing and nipping at your skin along the way. He moves your flaming orange hair out of the way before kissing and sucking at the back of your neck. He grasps your hips and begins to ease the head of his penis into your pussy. You moan loudly when he's fully sheathed inside of you. He begins to pump in and out, being careful not to hurt you or the baby by going too fast or too deep. He sets a steady, yet gentle, pace and you cry out in pleasure with your mate's every thrust.

Ever since you became pregnant, Lucifer has been very gentle with you when the two of you are making love.

Suddenly, there's a strange feeling inside your belly followed by a tiny prick of pain, then as quickly as it started the strange sensation disappears. Your moans of pleasure turns into a yelp of alarm and Lucifer immediately stops gyrating. "Are you all right? Did I hurt you?" The strange pressure in your stomach returns and your wings fly backwards, smacking Lucifer in face. "Hey!" He gently pushes your wings out of his face and observes them as the feathers puff up and then lay flat, puff up then lay flat, puff up then flatten. Lucifer has never seen wings act like this before and he immediately becomes concerned for his unborn fledgling.

As Lucifer pulls his dick out of your vagina, you realize just what the strange feeling is. You look over your shoulder at your mate, your eyes shining with unshed tears. He sees your wet eyes and becomes incredibly worried. "I'm fine, Luci. The baby's fine, too. Give me your hand." He does and you place the palm of his hand on your bulging belly. "The baby's moving." As though to prove that you're right, your unborn baby kicks again right where Lucifer's hand is resting.

Lucifer is amazed by the feeling of his unborn fledgling moving inside of you. He flips you over onto your back, places both of his hands on either side of your stomach, then rests his head on top. "Hello, little one." Lucifer says, kissing the top of your belly while stroking the sides. "I can't wait to meet you." You run your fingers through Lucifer's dirty blonde hair and the baby moves again. He looks up into your eyes, "This is remarkable. We've created a life. A little angel of our own." He nuzzles his head against your belly, "I'm going to be a father." He unfurls his wings above the two of you in a proud yet protective display.

You continue to run your fingers through his hair, "You're going to be an excellent father, Luci. I just know it." You entangle your feathers with his in a loving embrace.

The two of you stay in this position until you drift off to sleep and Lucifer has to leave.

A few days pass by and Lucifer still hasn't returned yet. You're currently in the kitchen looking for something sweet to eat, but it would seem that Luci underestimated your pregnancy sweet tooth because there isn't anything sweet left in the house.

Smiling a mischievous grin, you spread your large indigo wings, and take off into the air. You land outside of your favorite candy store in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Slightly winded, you walk through the door and your wings twitch in excitement as your eyes roam the large store, going from shelf to shelf in delight. The shelves are packed with almost every kind of sweet that mankind has ever invented. Your stomach rumbles loudly and you place a hand on your swollen belly, "I know, my little love, I know."

You make your way through the racks of candy, picking up anything that looks good to you. You are almost to the back of the store when a flash of gold catches your eye and, being the curious pregnant woman that you are, you follow after it. You reach the end the aisle and turn around the corner, following where the flash of gold went. Suddenly, you run into the back of someone sending you both tumbling to the ground. "My candy!" A familiar male voice shouts, which is followed by a loud "oof!" as you land on the man's back. Six golden wings sprout from his back and tangle with your own indigo wings. You make a quick check up on the still growing little life inside of you and sigh in relief when you sense that nothing is wrong with the baby. You then proceed to untangle your wings from the golden winged male's. You pause suddenly as you realize just who you ran into as the male whines about his lost candy from underneath you and tries to get up. "Gabriel?" The male falls silent and you lean forward to look at his face from over his shoulder. "Gabriel is that you?"

The male turns his head to look at you and his face lights up with joy when he recognizes you. "Eevee?" You grin at him before kissing the tip of his nose just like you used to when you were little. "I don't believe it...okay, that's not entirely true. I always figured if I ever ran into you again it would be in a candy store."

You giggle and start to stand up, having a little bit of difficulty due to your round belly. Finally, you get to your feet and shake out your wings, the silky soft feathers returning to their original positions. "It's been a really long time Gabe...What have you been doing all this time?" You turn and start to pick up the candy that you dropped when you ran into Gabriel.

"Oh, you know, the usual...pretending to be dead, hiding from my brothers. Same old, same old. How 'bout you, sweetheart? How have you been?" Gabriel gets to his feet and brushes himself off. After picking up the last of the candy, you begin to bombard his wings with your own in an excited greeting. He chuckles at your excitement and manages to shake off your wings long enough to turn around to face you. He places his hands on your shoulders and holds you at arms length, "I'm happy to see you too, Eevee." He glaces down at your swollen belly and is surprised, "You're pregnant?"

You nod, "Yep. I took a mate six months ago. This is our first fledgling." You're so excited to see Gabriel that you can't seem to stop your wings from twitching.

He looks at your wings taking careful note of how glossy and well-groomed your feathers are and how they keep twitching in excitement. "Calm down, sweetheart. I see that your mate is taking very good care of you. Tell me, is he human or angel?"

"Angel and of course, he takes care of me. Even if he does become rather grumpy at times and he can throw a world-class tantrum when he doesn't get what he wants, but I love him all the same." Your wings flare open and then close quickly, "And how can I calm down? I thought you were dead...I thought Luci had killed you at that pagan hotel!"

Gabriel's eyes narrow in suspicion, "How did you know about that?" Realization dawns upon him and his face expresses his surprise, "You've mated with Lucifer?!" You nod in confirmation. Gabriel suddenly looks around in concern, "You really shouldn't be out here all alone. If Michael knows that you've mated with Luci and that you're carrying his fledgling, he'll kill you."

You let out a little huff of annoyance, "You sound like Lucifer."

Gabriel raises an eyebrow, "We're only concerned about keeping you safe." He moves closer to you and places his hand on your cheek, "I raised you like you were my own for eight years and I will always worry about your safety even when I can't be around to protect you." Gabriel smirks then thrusts one of his golden wings in your face, "Now how 'bout a little grooming, huh? My feathers are dirty and feel disgusting."

A loud snarl sounds throughout the small store and you're pulled away from Gabriel by a pair of strong hands. Standing between you and Gabriel is an enraged Lucifer; his wings are flared open to their fullest extent in anger and he herds you with his arm until you're standing in the safety of the space in between his wings. Here, Lucifer can hide you from sight and keep you protected. "Gabriel," he growls out his little brother's name. "I thought you were dead."

"I've learned many new tricks in the thousands of years that I have lived on Earth, Luci." Gabriel tells his older brother while trying to keep his wings in a neutral position, so as not to piss Lucifer off.

Lucifer's wings do not relax as he grips Gabriel's throat, squeezing tightly. "You might have escaped my wrath once before, but it will not happen again." Lucifer's archangel blade appears in his hand and he raises it in the air. He's just about to stab Gabriel when you step in between them. "Move, Yvaine."

You lift your head high and tell him, "No." Lucifer looks at you in astonishment. "I won't let you hurt Gabe."

Lucifer lowers the blade, "Why?! What is he to you, Yvaine?! Is this what you do when I'm gone?! Fuck my brother?!" The angel blade disappears and Lucifer wraps his now empty hand around your throat.

Your eyes widen in fear and Gabriel is alarmed. "Lucifer, don't!" He shouts as loud as he can with Lucifer squeezing his windpipe. "It's not what you think."

Lucifer's eyes, now a blazing red color, stare down into yours. As he tightens his grip around your throat, tears spring to your eyes, and you struggle to breathe. "He raised me..." You manage to tell your mate.

"What?" Lucifer asks, his hand loosening on your throat.

Finally able to breathe properly, you take in a large lungful of air. You immediately begin to use your grace to check on your unborn fledgling and you can feel Lucifer doing the same. You sigh in relief when you sense that your baby is okay, other than a slightly rapid heartbeat. While you're preoccupied with that, Gabriel tells his brother, "I saved Yvaine when she was born, sealed her grace to hide her from demons and other angels, then took her to an orphanage. Ten years later, when the seal broke, I found her again and raised her for the next eight years."

Lucifer immediately releases your throat. His eyes are no longer glowing red and he looks at you ashamed, "Why didn't you tell me any of this?" He starts to run his primary feathers over your own wings in an attempt to apologise and comfort you.

You step away from Lucifer, glare at him, and flare your wings in anger, opening them to their fullest extent. "If you ever do anything that endangers the life of my fledgling again, I will fucking end you. I don't care if you are my mate and the father...I will kill you. I will give my life to protect my baby from anyone who wants to harm it."

Both Gabriel and Lucifer stare at you with raised eyebrows, "It seems you woke Mama Bear up, Luci."

"Um, excuse me," an unknown voice says causing you to turn around and face whoever it is. It's the owner of the store; a man in his mid fifties, with graying brown hair and brown eyes. "Is everything alright here?" You reach out and place two fingers on the man's forehead, causing him to instantly fall asleep and collapse to the floor. When he finally wakes up, hours later, he won't remember what has happened.

Lucifer moves closer to you and you quickly whip back around to face him, still perceiving him as a threat. Your wings flare upwards and open to their fullest extent with every single feather bristling, in an attempt to make you look bigger than you actually are. Lucifer has to fight his instinct to flare his own wings in a display of anger and dominance. "Eevee, my love. I am so sorry."

You snort like an angry bull before telling Lucifer, "I'm going home. I advise you not to follow me." You then thrust your wings downwards, disappearing in the blink of an eye.


Gabriel let's out a low whistle, " she pissed. Well, good luck getting back on her good side, brother." As he turns to leave, Lucifer grabs him by the back of the neck and stops him.

"Where do you think you're going, Gabriel? You're going to help me regain favor with my mate."

Gabriel raises an eyebrow, "And if I don't?"

Lucifer turns Gabriel around to face him, lifting him off of the ground, then places the tip of his Angel blade against Gabriel's throat. "Then I will finish what I started back in that hotel."

"Okay, alright, just cool your jets. You'll put somebody's eye out with that thing...So what do you want? Advice? I suggest you get her a fluffy bunny." Lucifer tightens his grasp on Gabriel's neck, thinking that his little brother is teasing him. "I'm not kidding...she always wanted a bunny growing up, but I wouldn't let her have one since we always had to move from place to place." Lucifer relaxs his grip slightly, "Can I go now?"

Lucifer lowers Gabriel so that his feet are once again on the ground. "Advice was only part of what I wanted from you. Tell me, Gabriel, how would you like to be a part of Yvaine's life again?" Gabriel looks at his older brother in shock.


You are sitting on the plush couch in the living room reading a book when you hear the sound of Lucifer returning. You're still very upset with your mate and growl at him when he appears. Lucifer flares his wings in a display of dominance and you instinctively lower your own wings in submission and stop growling.

Once you both have calmed down, Lucifer walks over to you and places a small, bundle of white fluff on your lap. You pick it up and squeal in delight at the most adorable little bunny that you've ever seen in your entire life. The bunny twitches her nose at you and all your anger at Lucifer disappears. "I am sorry for my actions earlier, Yvaine. I was angry that you disobeyed me and was in the presence of another male." Lucifer tells you as you begin to gently pet your new bunny. "I deeply regret what I did and I promise that it will never happen again. Can you ever forgive me?"

You look him over carefully, thinking about what he said, before finally deciding to forgive him. You stretch one of your wings out and begin to run your indigo feathers over his pure white ones. He returns your affectionate caressing with his own before crouching down in front of you, taking you into his arms and capturing your lips with his own. He forcefully shoves his forked tongue past your lips and into your mouth. He begins to explore your moist cavern at his leisure causing you to moan in pleasure. You break the kiss in order to take a breath of air. Lucifer rests his forehead against yours and the two of you stay that way for several moments, allowing your bond to re-strenghten. "Snowflake," you say, breaking the silence and leaning back on the couch.

"What?" Lucifer asks looking at you in confusion.

You hold the bunny up and nuzzle her with the side of your face. "Snowflake, that's what I'm gonna name her."

Lucifer stands up, "The bunny isn't the only surprise I have for you, my evening star." He walks over to the wall and you watch him curiously. He uses his grace to make the enochian warding symbols, which are usually hidden from sight, visible. Every inch of the walls are now covered in enochian symbols; from floor to ceiling and wall to wall. He then walks over to one specific symbol and makes it disappear. "You can enter now," Lucifer says to seemingly no one.

There comes the fluttering sound of wings and Gabriel is now standing in the middle of the room. He lets out a low whistle before saying, "Nice place."

"Gabriel!" You shout and try to get up from the couch, but can't due to your swollen belly. You huff in irritation before trying again and failing. You hear laughter and cast a death glare at Gabriel. You look over at Lucifer, who is watching you in amusement. "Help me. I've been trying to stand up for ten minutes before you arrived." Chuckling, Lucifer walks over to where you're sitting and easily pulls you to your feet. You intertwine your feathers with his in an intimate angelic embrace. "Why is Gabe here, Luci?"

"Well, since you insist on leaving the house, with or without my permission..." He glares at you and you give him the most innocent look you can.

"It wasn't my fault. I ran out of sweets."

Lucifer rolls his eyes before continuing what he was saying, "Gabriel is going to escort you around and watch over you whenever I can't."

You look at your mate in excitement, "So I no longer have to be stuck in the house?"

"As long as you promise to stay by his side and not cause trouble."

"Whaaat? Me...the mate of the devil cause trouble? Never!" You say trying to look completely innocent. Both Lucifer and Gabriel scoff at the idea of you being innocent and not causing any trouble. You walk behind Lucifer and begin to groom his wings. This simple act reassures your mate that, even though there's another male around, you only have eyes for him. At the same time, grooming Lucifer's wings first asserts to Gabriel that Lucifer is the dominant angel and will always be placed first. Once you finish grooming Luci's wings, you start to walk towards Gabriel to groom his. You stop and look back at your mate silently asking his permission. He nods his consent and you begin to groom Gabriel wings. While doing so, you feel a pair of calloused hands gently running through your own feathers. You look over your shoulder to see Lucifer busy tending to your own wings.

--3 Months Later--

You're now 9 months pregnant and your belly is huge; so huge that you can no longer walk up the stairs to the master bedroom. You and Lucifer have been sleeping in the downstairs bedroom of the house.

The baby is due any day now and between the baby's nearly constant kicking and Lucifer constantly hovering over you, you've been very grumpy from lack of sleep lately. One night you were laying in bed, trying to take advantage of the fact that your baby has stopped kicking to finally get some sleep, when your mate started nuzzling you from behind wanting your attention. And, of course, like every time Lucifer touches you lately, the baby started kicking enthusiastically again. You lost your temper and threw Lucifer out of bed while screaming at him to go fuck himself. Poor Lucifer was so confused, he had no idea what he did to piss you off and it took every ounce of his self-control not to lose his own temper.

That was about three weeks ago and since then Lucifer has discovered a method of telling whether or not you're willing to share the bed with him; he'll tentatively brush your wings with his and if you are willing to snuggle with him you'll spread your wings to allow him in between them so that he can hold you from behind. However, if you don't want him near you because you're angry at him for some reason; usually over something completely silly; you will growl and Lucifer knows that he's not welcome in the bed that night.

You're currently drifting in and out of sleep when you hear the sound of fluttering wings. "Hello, sweetheart." Gabriel's voice sounds out from across the room and jolts you awake. "It's time for our biweekly rendezvous. So where are we going this time?"

You struggle to sit up in bed, cursing loudly the entire time. You look at the archangel, pissed off. "Nowhere. I'm exhausted and just want to sleep."

Gabriel frowns, "Well, that's no fun."

"I'm nine months pregnant and about to pop. Of course, I'm not going to be much fun."

Gabriel conjures up a couple of chocolate bars before walking over to the bed and sitting down. "How about a little grooming then?" He thrusts one of his golden wings in your face.

"Not now, Gabriel!" You snap at him, shoving his wing away. "I haven't been able to sleep lately and I need to rest."

"Boy, you're really grouchy now that you're pregnant."

"Grouchy?! You want grouchy?! I'll show you fucking grouchy, you golden winged, bas...Oh!" You cry out as a sharp and terrible pain goes through your body causing your wings to flare open and shake in violent convulsions. You feel a strange liquid soaking the sheets.

Gabriel gives you a strange look, "What's wrong?" He leans towards you, "Eevee? Tell me what's the matter?" When he places his hands on the bed in front of you and feels how wet it is he instantly understands what is happening. "Oh, shit. Your water broke." He quickly jumps to his feet, "Okay...okay. Um, what do I do? What do I do?!" The golden winged male is clearly panicking.

The pain subsides and you're left panting heavily. Once you catch your breath you say, "Gabriel...Gabe... GABRIEL!"

He looks at you, "Huh?"


Gabriel nods his head quickly, "Yeah...yeah, good idea." He then flies off, leaving you all alone.

--In Hell--

Lucifer is sitting on his throne in Hell while the demons in charge of the different levels of hell give their verbal reports to him. In all honesty, Lucifer is bored of hearing these demons complain about a bunch of non-sense and has tuned most of them out.

The sound of flapping wings fills the room and the demons scatter like roaches when Gabriel appears. Lucifer chuckles and looks up at the other archangel in curiosity. "What brings you down here, little brother?" Gabriel's wings are twitching in nervousness causing Lucifer to frown, "What is it? What's happened?"

"It's Yvaine..." Lucifer is immediately on his feet, "She's in labor."

Lucifer is gone in the blink of an eye, on his way to be by his mate's side. He arrives by your bedside within seconds only to be smacked violently by one of your wings. "Oooh, shit, shit, shit! This fucking hurts!"

"Yvaine?" He walks closer to the bed and starts to run a hand through your damp hair. "It's okay, my love. I'm here."

The contraction passes and you collapse back on the pillows. You glare at him, "You're the fucking reason I'm in this make the damn pain go away or get the fuck away from me!"

Lucifer's eyebrows raise in astonishment. "Watch your language." He places two fingers on your forehead and the pain subsides.

You sigh in relief and relax onto the bed. "Oh...that is so much better." Your wings lay wide open and motionless behind you.

Lucifer pulls the, now ruined, white duvet from the bed followed by the brown sheet. You look at him in confusion and he answers your unspoken question, "I need to see how far dilated you are." He carefully moves you so that you're laying widthwise on the bed. He grabs a couple of pillows and props your head on them. He then removes your cotton night gown and is surprised to discover that you're not wearing panties. "Naughty girl."

You snort, "They were chafing me."

Lucifer spreds your legs and crouches down so that your vagina is level with his eyes. "Mmm, you're only a couple of centimeters dilated. You're going to be in labor for a while."

You moan in disbelief, "Isn't there anything you can do?"

He stands up and walks over to the other side of the bed. He bends over, kisses your forehead and then your lips. "I'm sorry, my beautiful evening star. But the only thing that I can do is lessen your pain when you need me to."

You're in labor for the next 16 hours, during which you scream and curse at Lucifer, even threatening to cut off his dick and shove it up his ass if he ever touches you again. By now you are exhausted, drenched in sweat, and ready for this child to be out of you. You collapse backwards on the bed, "I can't do this, Lucifer. It...hurts too much and I'm completely drained of energy."

Lucifer looks up at your face from his crouching position between your spread legs. "Push, Yvaine. You can do it, my love." Your legs are resting over both of his shoulders and, all of a sudden, you clamp your legs shut on his head. "What the hell, Yvaine!? What are you doing?!"

"I'm trying to strangle you, you son-of-a-bitch!" He prys your legs open again and you groan before snapping at Lucifer, "Never again. Never fucking again." You gather your remaining strength to start pushing again. You close your eyes in pain and scream loudly and push with all your might. The intense pain suddenly disappears and you fall back on to the bed exhausted. A piercing wail is heard and you open your eyes. You don't know how but you manage to find the strength to lift your head. You see your mate just standing there, holding a tiny bloody bundle, and looking down at it in amazement. His wings are spread wide in pride and protectiveness. "Luci? Is everything okay? I want to see the baby. Let me hold my baby."

Lucifer looks up at you, "Everything is fine, my love. It's a beautiful baby girl." He looks back down at the still crying baby with an expression of adoration and pure love on his handsome face. "Shh, shh. It's alright, little one. Welcome to the world. I promise that nothing is ever going to harm you. You are my child and I will love you for all of eternity."

"Lucifer...I need to hold the baby." You say, holding your arms out for the baby.

"Of course, my love. Let me clean her up first." He snaps his fingers and the blood disappears from your little baby girl. You manage to prop yourself up into a sitting position and Lucifer carefully hands you your daughter. The instant the baby's tiny head makes contact with the skin of your chest, just over your heart, she quits crying. Lucifer raises an eyebrow and fake pouts, "Oh, I see how it is. She's playing favorites already."

You smile at him, "Relax, Beloved. (A/N pronounced be-luv-ed like how Talia calls Batman.) She's not playing favorites...she just knows that I'm the one with the food." Sure enough, the baby has indeed found one of your nipples and is getting her first meal. "She is absolutely perfect."

Lucifer sits down on the bed beside you and kisses your forehead. He starts to run his fingers through your sweaty mess of hair. "You did a wonderful job, Yvaine. What should we name her?"

You're having trouble keeping your eyes open. You are thoroughly exhausted from giving birth and combined with the tranquil feeling produced from feeding your baby, you are bound to fall asleep any moment now. "I like the name Aurora."

Lucifer tilts his head, "Sunrise? (A/N: or Dawn it can mean both) I like it." Suddenly, he begins fidgeting, "Can I hold her again?"

You hum, your eyes now closed. "Yes. I think she fell asleep with my nipple in her mouth." You look up at your mate, "Before I hand her over, can you fix me up first? I'm so tired I can't even heal myself."

"Of course," he places two fingers on your forehead and heals your body.

"Thank you," you say to him while allowing him to carefully take baby Aurora from your arms. The last thing you hear before slipping off to sleep is Lucifer singing to Aurora in enochian.