Jin and So arrived early and shone into the conference room Ok Mun Sook's by legal assistant. "Ok Mun Sook-ssi will be with you in a minute." The woman advised before she shut the door. Jin admired the simplicity of the room as she circled the massive cherry wood table. The walls were bare except for a Sun Tzu quote from the Art of War: 在混亂之中, 也有機會。In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity. She snorted at the quote, the irony behind the words calming her apprehension.

"It's nearly over, Jinnie." So gave her hand a reassuring squeeze as she settled into the seat next to him.

"Yes, So-ya." Giving him a small smile, she sighed in relief. "Finally."

Her head shot toward the door when Ok Mun Sook walked in. "Shin Chae Seul and her lawyer will be here soon. I want to make sure you are prepared, Go Ha Jin-ssi."

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be, Ok Mun Sook-nim." Jin nodded confidently. She had lived within Cheondeokjeon palace, survived torture within its prison, been a masuri, and served as the head court lady to Jeongjong. This was going to be a piece of cake.

Mun Sook quickly checked the message on his phone when a beep sounded. "They are here. Kim Won Joo-ssi will show them in."

Shin Chae Seul glared at Ha Jin as the legal assistant followed her and her lawyer into the room and shut the door. "You are so pathetic!" Trembling, she snarled at Jin. "Well, you'll never get him back, so stop stalking him."

"Shin Chae Seul-ssi, sit down." The older man ordered, forcing the younger woman to sit down across from Jin while he sat opposite of Mun Sook.

"Control your client, Lee Dong." Mun Sook stated calmly. "This is a deposition against Pak Hyun Sik for fraud and misrepresentation. I believe your client can be of assistance in bringing criminal as well as civil charges against him."

"No, I refuse." Chae Seul spat out as she stood up to leave.

"This will happen with or without your assistance, Chae Seul." Jin stated, her voice cool and calm. "However, I have to wonder if you were in on his scam." With the air of a true queen of Goryeo, she raised a regal brow at the girl. "Or if you are just another one of his victims."

"How dare you!" She screeched at Jin. So stood up menacingly as Chae Seul started to reach for Jin.

"Sit down and behave!" Lee Dong growled as he caught Chae Seul's arm and jerked his client into her chair.

"Are we ready yet?" Mun Sook coughed, his hand hoovered over the tape recorder. He glanced nervously at Ha Jin, but still followed her instructions not to call security.

"Not yet, Ok Mun Sook-nim. I have to know something first." Jin said as she stared unflinchingly at Chae Seul. "Did you trick me into being nice to you? Did you take anything from my house that day?"

"No." Chae Seul shook her head. "I would never do that. Ever."

"If you aren't in on his scam, then you might be his next victim." Jin's eyes held steady, fixed on Chae Seul.

"He would never do that to me. He loves me." Chae Seul replied, shaking her head in denial. "He told me I was the only woman…"

Sympathy filled Jin as Chae Seul's face paled as realization dawned on her. The last few days she kept thinking of Chae Ryung's many betrayals committed for the love of Prince Wang Won. She remembered Chae Ryung's fearful tears and denial when she asked her who had poisoned Hyejong's bath water. Then the court lady's last letter came to mind as well.

I'm just a person who couldn't stop loving once I started. I'm foolish like that. Channelling Lady Oh, Jin hardened her resolve to get to the truth.

".. who he ever truly trusts with his heart and that when the time is right he wants to marry you." Jin finished without feeling. All those feelings for Pak Hyun Sik were from another life and meant nothing next to what she found with the man sitting by her side. "Are you sure your bank stamp hasn't gone missing, then he miraculously finds it for you? Has he asked you if he could use your address for his mail? Have you paid any debt off for him yet?"

"I really believed him." She whispered hoarsely as tears spilled down her cheeks. "Oh, god!"

"Now are we ready?" Mun Sook sighed, exchanging an exasperated glance with Lee Dong.

Wiping away her tears, Chae Seul sniffed then nodded. "Yes. I'll tell you anything you want."

"Good. Then let's get started." Mun Sook pushed the record button on and started the deposition.

After the deposition, Jin watched Ok Mun Sook as he saw Shin Chae Suel and her lawyer out of the room. "I wonder how many women he's done this to in the past." She mused, picking up her purse, ready to go.

"A warrant has already been issued for his arrest." Mun Sook replied as they walked down the hall past his office door. "I'll have my private investigator keep searching. Eventually more victims will come forward. I will keep you up to date."

"Thank you, Ok Mun Sook-ssi." Jin sighed with relief, bowing. So gently led her to the elevator, pushing the down button. Once the doors closed, pulled her into his arms, whispering in her ear. "You did great, Jinnie. I'm very proud of you."

"I can't hate them." Jin laughed through a sob, snuggling into his chest. "If it wasn't for what they did I never would have been set on the path to meet you and fall in love. I never would have lived as Hae Soo." She glanced up at him with a watery grin as he wiped away her tears. "Don't get me wrong the palace was lovely to look at and there were good days, but I prefer this century. Next time I have to give birth, I want to be in a hospital with epidurals. God bless epidurals."

He pulled back, his grin fading into a frown of expectation. "Jin, are you trying to tell me something?"

"No, I'm not pregnant." She chuckled, batting his arm. "That information was for future reference."

He leaned down until their foreheads met. "You know I wouldn't mind in the least. I loved watching you when you carried Seol. You grew more beautiful with each day."

"Let's get married first, then discuss babies." Jin caught sight of the CCTV then quickly pulled out of his arms. "We have to stop now. No matter if it is Goryeo or now, there are still eyes on us."

Grinning wickedly, So caught her from behind, kissing her cheek. "I want our little Seol-a again." He breathed in her ear.

"I'll see what I can do." She whispered with a knowing smile, her body flushed with heat. The ding of the doors opening caused her to yelp and slap at So's hands.

"Gi So." Hwang Yoon drawled in amused greeting as the elevator opened to the parking garage. "I don't believe I've met your friend."

"Yoonie, this is my fiancée, Go Ha Jin." So replied dryly in introduction. He clasped Jin's hand in his as he felt her stiffen next to him. They stepped out of the elevator to face Yoon head on. "Jinnie, this is my older brother, Hwang Yoon. He's one of the partners in this firm."

Steeling her nerve, Jin let go of So's hand and stepped forward, bowing slightly. "It's nice to meet another brother of So's." Why had it not crossed her mind that she would face the reincarnation of Wang Yo, she inwardly grimaced. Of course, if Jung was still So's younger brother, then it would follow suit that Yo would be here and the oldest. It took all her strength not to hide behind So. Now all I need is for the reincarnation of Wang Won or, even worse, Wang Wook to show up, she blanched in paranoia.

"Yes, it's a pleasure. Tonight's family dinner will be interesting." Yoon retorted, smiling mirthlessly at Jin and So. Even though the dragon wanted her sons married, she would not feel that an out of work shop girl would be a fitting wife for the Hwang family. "Eomeoni invited Kim Yeon Na and her brother, Professor Kim Si Bin. Will your fiancée join us?"

"Jinnie and I may not be there. It's been a trying morning for Jinnie. I'll give eomeoni a call later." So replied to Yoon in passing as he led Jin to the car. "Are you okay, Jinnie?" He turned to look at her.

"I'm just wondering who's going to pop up next." Jin shut her eyes and leaned her head back against the seat.

"You've had enough for one day. I'll call my mother and tell her we won't be showing up." So stated firmly as he started the car then pulled out of the parking garage.

After a moment of silent contemplation, Jin smiled at So. "No, don't. I can face anything with you by my side, So-ya."

"Are you sure?" He glanced quickly over at her while stopped at a red light.

Jin slid her hand over his as he gripped the gear shift, loving him all the more for wanting to protect her from his family even now. "Yes, I'm sure." She nestled into the buttery leather, watching him. "So, instead of going home, let's go to Pocheon."

"Now?" He asked, worried about her. "What's wrong, Jinnie?"

"I have to know who I am." She replied thoughtfully. "Truly, if you think about it, I haven't seen the house I fought so hard to keep in about ten years. It might seem like it's only been about a month, but you and I know that isn't the case." Settling back in the seat, she looked out the window watching the sun light reflect off of the Han River. "It's all mixed up. Am I Hae Soo or Go Ha Jin?"

"You are the woman I love." So stated with conviction. "You are the same woman who stubbornly stood up to me when most men would have run. You are the same woman who knew me thoroughly and stayed by my side through the worst. Whether your name is Hae Soo or Go Ha Jin, you would always be the woman I fell in love with. You will always be my person, my queen."

Turning back to look at So, she gave a small giggle. "I never imagined I would fall in love with you when I first met you. And no matter how I tried to push you away, you were always there for me. Truthfully, I would do it all again. For you, I would go back to Goryeo."

"Let me take you to lunch instead, my queen." So offered as he turned toward Bukchon.

Sighing, she replied. "You're right, I'm being too hasty about going to Pocheon. I think I know what I need to do. I'll give Eun Ji a call later. I want to give her the house since she might be quitting the agency. Having the house will give her the time she needs to decide what she wants to do."

"That is a great idea, Jinnie." He smiled back at her as he drove around Hanok Village, then parked the car.

"Wow!" Opening her door, Jin breathed in awe of the beautiful old houses. Even though the design was from the Joseon period, she felt nostalgic for Goryeo.

"I've want to show you something." So said as he took her hand in his and led her up the stone path. Rounding a corner, he stopped in front of an oak wood gate. "I bought this hanok years ago and had it renovated. I don't know why, but I've never lived here. My job takes me away from home a lot, so the condo was easier to keep..." He opened the gate and led her into the courtyard.

"Oh, So-ya!" She cried, lifting a trembling hand to her lips. The creamy yellow of the walls shone soft against the blond of the oak wood of the walls and floor. Tilting her head back, she gazed up at the red tile roof. An empty koi pond sat under a deck.

"I think I've been waiting for you, Jinnie." So tenderly turned her head toward him. "I'll have to go back to Mongolia soon and I want you to come with me as my wife. Let's make this our home to come back to, Jinnie. I promised you in Seokyung one day it would only be us, our children, and the stars."

"Yes!" She jumped into his arms, kissing him. "A thousand times, yes!"