So this is the last chapter. It's an epilogue of sorts. I hope you enjoy it.

Mal found time in Auradon had the ability to crawl and spirit all at the same time. Her days were filled simple pleasures and soft repetitions. Working at Sixth circle, coming home to hear Evie talk about her classes for the day, or a new design she'd come up with, the occasional visits to the manor. The changes were subtle, but they were there. Helping Evie study for her second-year exams became giving her quiet and space when she was working on her final year project. Hanging out with Jay and Carlos stopped depending on their classes and started depending on their work and training hours. Developing a magical co-curriculum with Fairy Godmother, Jane and Ben became updating a magical co-curriculum. Sprinkled through it all were moments that a few years ago she wouldn't had bet she'd be a part of. Dizzy's graduation. Teaching her to drive. Sitting in the front row of Evie's first fashion show. And the second and third ones.

Somewhere among the quiet chaos of it all she found herself creating and selling more of her own art. One of Megan's and Bria's friends from the art world ran a gallery and they sent a lot of customers her way. She could probably leave Sixth Circle if she really wanted too. But she didn't want to. She knew she'd missing going to the workshop every day and seeing everyone, getting to laugh with them. Getting to create with them. She'd especially miss the way Bria's face lit up every time she heard the sound of ten-year-old legs climbing the stairs to the workshop.

These were the things that bubbled up to the front of her mind when her packing had uncovered a picture of her, Evie, Jay and Carlos. Mal didn't remember when it was taken, but she could guess it was some time in their first days in Auradon. They were all frowning. Except for Evie.

It felt like a lifetime ago.


Evie's voice stirred her to moment.

"Um, what?"

"I asked if you know where the rest of the bubble wrap is,"

"Oh. My studio,"

"Thank you," She was about to head off but something in Mal's expression gave her pause, "What'd you have there?"

Mal handed her the photo. Evie gave a snort when she saw it, "Wow, this is a throwback,"

"I know. We were evil back then,"

Evie laughed, "You're still a little evil," She said with a smirk and a wink.

"Only too people who bad drive me,"

"And people who run rigged carnival stalls,"

"That one I count as vigilante justice,"

"We should get this framed," Evie said, looking down the picture again.


"Don't you want to remember our first days in Auradon? And we're going to have a lot of wall space to fill in the new place,"

"That's what paintings are for. And weird modern art pieces that Alejandro is going insist we get,"

Evie chuckled softly, "Is there a reason you don't want to hang the picture?"

Mal shrugged, "I mean, we're not even smiling in it,"

That drew a full-blown laugh out of Evie, "Mal Bertha, concerned she isn't smiling? Well, I never thought I'd see the day,"

"You tell anyone and I'll leave you,"

"Of course you will," Evie said, voice dripping with sarcasm. She leant across to give her a soft kiss, "Come on, we still have the spare bedroom to get packed up,"

"I told you we should have just made Dizzy pack it up," Mal said, following to the room in question, "It's mostly her stuff in there anyway,"

"Oh stop complaining," Evie reached back for her hand, giving her little tug to bring along.

"Wait, back up, you need to turn it more," Jay grunted.

"I can't back up, I'm half falling off the stairs as is," Carlos complained, "Don't lift it that much, I can't hold it that high,"

"Why didn't you let the movers do that?" Dizzy asked as she went past them on the steps calling a sack of boxes in her arms all labelled as Mal's clothes.

Jay dropped part of a bed frame in his hands, and Carlos lost his balance stumbling back several steps before Jay grabbed his end again and stopped it from sliding down anymore.

"You hired movers?" Jay called down to Mal and Evie.

"Duh," Mal deadpanned.

"Why didn't you tell us? We wouldn't have bothered with the heavy shit!"

"You were ones who offered to help us move in. And look you're already halfway up the stairs,"

Mal came up the steps, one box in her arms, two more boxes floating in the air behind her. Carlos and Jay glared at her as she did. Dizzy's laughter came back down the stairs as she did.

"Do you want help?" She asked.

"We wouldn't want you to get hurt Dizzy," Carlos said.

She rolled her eyes a little, "You're not holding it right. If you hold here and here and it will act more like a lever and the weight will be distributed more evenly.

The boys shifted their grips according to her instructions. Almost instantly it was clear they could move more easily now.

"Wow, did you steal Evie's brain?" Jay asked.

Dizzy smirked, "Hey, the only time I ever stole anything was back on the Isle. I don't have to do that anymore,"

Evie snorted, "Unless you're taking the ladies' hearts,"

Dizzy's smirk grew. She looked proud at that statement, running a hand through the section of hair that was still long, pushing it to the opposite from the undercut side. Longer hair shifted from her natural brown a pale pastel pink at the ends.

"Oh?" Jay's curiosity peaked, "You know, I've been known to steal a heart or two myself. I could give you some pointers,"

She scoffed a little, continuing her way her down the stairs. Her response made Evie laugh.

"Jay, this thing is still pretty heavy. Can we get up the stairs please?"

"Wait, what was that about?"

Evie, shaking her head, said, "Trust me Jay, she doesn't need your help with dating,"

"Jay. Still carrying a large wooden frame," Carlos called.

"What does that mean?" Jay asked Evie.

"It means she's been on more dates in the last month that you have in past six,"

"Only because I've been focused on training,"

"If you say so. Doesn't change the fact D's got more game than you," Mal said, appearing at the top of the steps again.

"There is no wa-"

"Jay!" Carlos shouted, "My arms are going to fall off!"

"Oh. Shit. Right. Sorry," Jay hefted his side again and started making the way up the stairs.

Hours later the movers had come and gone and with all their things inside now came the process of unpacking everything. Jay and Carlos had both left, each having their own things to get to. So it was just the ladies in the library, working on getting their books out of boxes and onto shelves.

"Can you two finish in here? I want to get my sewing stuff unpacked,"

"Yeah, we're almost finished anyway," Mal gave a dismissive wave.

Dizzy watched as Evie left. She froze on the spot, waiting until couldn't hear her footsteps anymore then she grabbed Mal's hand.

"Do you have it?" She asked in a whisper.

A smile she couldn't help crept up on Mal's face. She nodded.

"Can I see it?"

"You've seen already,"


Mal stuck her head out of the doorway, glancing both ways before pulling back in and closing the door.

"No screaming or screeching or any kind of noise above a 5," She said as she pushed a hand into her pocket.

"I promise," Dizzy nodded quickly.

Mal fished deep into her pocket, pulling out a small velvet pouch. She opened it, letting its contents tumble onto her palm, small round and gold. Dizzy inhaled sharply as she saw the glittering blue diamond.

"She's going to love it,"

"She better or I'm never taking your advice again,"

Dizzy rolled her eyes, "Evie would love it even if you gave a ring made from a piece of vine,"

Mal returned the ring to the pouch, making sure it was safely tucked in the deepest corner of her pocket.

"When are you going to ask her?"

"Soon, maybe,"

"Soon are in this week? This month? Or…"

"As in… tonight,"

Dizzy's jaw dropped a little, then her face lit up with the biggest grin. "Then I guess I should get out of your hair,"

"Oh no, you're helping unpack," Mal grabbed her before she could even think about leaving.

Dizzy laughed, rolling her eyes, "Actually, I do need to get going,"

"Oh really?"

"Yep. I've got a date. You might have forgotten what that is, being happily committed and all,"

Mal hit her with the back of hand on her shoulder.

Smirking Dizzy headed out, calling as she did, "Evie, I'm leaving!"

Mal followed her out, Evie joining them as they got to the foyer.

"Where are you taking Jemma?" Evie asked, as Dizzy pulled her jacket on.

"There's a battle of bands happening downtown. We'll probably grab some drinks after,"

"No drinking and driving," Evie said with a glare.

"I only drive sober," Dizzy held a hand over heart.

"Mm-hmm," Mal hummed.

"Are you coming back here tonight?" Evie asked.

"Nah. I'll crash at Jem's," Dizzy took the stairs down to driveway two a time. She grabbed the helmet hanging off the back her motorbike, pulling it on before she got on. She raised an arm in farewell as she headed towards the road.

"I still hate that you taught her to ride a bike," Evie said.

"You've made your point clear on that many times, love," Mal caught Evie's wrist tugging her closer, "She's fine. She's a great driver,"

"The same isn't true of everyone else on the road,"

"Come on, D's an isle girl. She can handle herself,"

Evie's hum sounded anything but convinced.

"Don't pout. You moved into your castle today,"

"We moved into our castle," Evie corrected, looping her arms around Mal's neck.

"Our castle," Mal echoed, smiling. She placed her hands on Evie's waist.

"So what's the next step of the plan? World domination? Overthrowing the monarchy?"

Mal laughed, "I think Ben might stop inviting us to his parties if we were to overthrow his rule,"

"What do you want to do next?" Evie asked.

Mal could feel the little pouch in her pocket.

"Making dinner? And opening one of those bottles the boys got us as a housewarming?"

"That sounds like a plan," She shifted to head inside but Mal stopped her, pulling her in for a kiss.

Above them the sky was painted with the blues and mauves of a sunset.

I'd like to thank you for reading this story. It was a pleasure to write and share.

Nardragon~ until the next page.