"Comrade, HELP! -Ow! Brothers, please- Hey, Talonflame, you're burni-Hawlucha, your claws, claws- OH MEW NOIVERN GET OFF!"

Ash was clutching his sides, while Pikachu was sprawled at the floor, his trainer not knowing if he already fainted from laughing.

Greninja was trying to give them the most betrayed look he could, but that proved to be a hard task when he had a bird with sharp claws, another bird with Flame Body, and a ridiculously huge bat (also with sharp claws) squishing him to death.

"GUUUUUYS..." He finally gave up, and let the Kalos Pokemon be.

Ash saw Greninja's face suddenly lighten up, and he could sense a smirk coming from him.

In a split second, he had disappeared.

Ash and his Kalos Team widened their eyes when the flying trio fell down.

"Ooh, yeah. Forgot about Shadow Sneak." Pikachu piped up.

"WHERE IS HE?! AAASSHHH!" Noivern whined. Ash snorted and shook his head. "Yeah, I don't think he wants to get squished again, Noivern. That goes for you two as well." As Noivern, Hawlucha, and Talonflame looked down simultaneously, Ash could almost see his shadow shudder.

He rolled his eyes. "Come out." The frog materialized beside him, much to the other's amusement.

"That was terrifying." said with a straight face. But then his face softened as he looked at his team. "But I missed you greatly, as well, brothers."

"It has been long, hasn't it." Ash said, suddenly feeling guilty for not visiting any sooner. But he hid it qiuckly, although he noticed Pikachu and Greninja's concerned looks. "Well, team." They all sat up straight. "Who wants to train?"


It felt amazing.

Even after all these years, they were still in sync. All of them.

"I think that's enough for today." Hawlucha said, panting, but grinning.

"YEAH I'M HUNGRY." Pikachu said, much to their trainer instant excitement.

Ash agreed and fed them berries. He gave a berry to Talonflame, only to realize there wasn't anything left for him.

His pokemon immediately felt concerned and guilty, seeing they ate all their berries.

But Ash reassured them. "Don't worry, guys. I'll be fine. Besides, there's a nearby town. I'll just eat there."

There were some reluctant murmurs agreement, as the flying types were returned. He left Greninja (and Pikachu, obviously) to keep him company as he walked.

They chatted for a bit, until they reached the village. Greninja was returned.

"Finally." Ash mumbled, hungry. He decided to eat at a nice little restaurant, not too fancy. He was about to cross the street, when suddenly the door opened, reporters flooding out. He stepped back, thinking they were going to him, as he was a hero here.

"I don't think it's you they're after." Pikachu pointed out.

Ash blinked. He was right. Everyone was already surrounding a person, a woman perhaps. He could tell by the long honey-blond hair, and the skirt.

When they went away from the restaurant, Ash found his oppurtunity, and ran to the door, throwing one last look at the woman, before going inside.


She knew it. She should've put on a more convincing disguise.

Reporters instantly noticed her when she went inside that restaurant.

"Miss, please have a moment!" they shrieked at her. She winced and glanced back at the restaurant. She really wanted those cupcakes.

But then she blinked. She saw someone enter, with a Pikachu on their shoulder. She had seen a lot of Pikachu, but one riding on a shoulder? The only one she knew who did that was-

"Ma'am! Do you have a message to all those aspiring performers?!"

Her mouth twitched, but it quickly turned into a smile when she heard the question.

This was easy.

"Alright." she said, and mics were thrown in her direction. "To all those girls out there wanting yo steal my job, rememver this." She lifted her glasses, revealing a wink from her sapphire eyes.

"Never give up, princess."