Adventures of the Warlock's Apprentice




AU Wizard Naruto finds a stray cat in the rain. The cat turns out to be a girl. She becomes hot for teacher. And well, he can't help but feel warm and fuzzy around the catgirl called Hinata. She has some troubles of her own. Maybe they can help each other out? At the end of it all, they open a bakery. Warning: Lemons. Smut.




Chapter 1) Captive

Rolling thunder clashed outside the castle walls. Smothering his ears with a pillow, the wizard was just trying to get some sleep. Completely exasperated, Naruto reached for his wand and put a sound spell on the castle. Much better.

Meow. Meow. Meow. Help. Help. Help.

Ignore her, it'll go away. He thought.

Meow. It hurts.

Meow. Meow. So painful.

"Ugh!" The wizard Naruto threw his bed covers aside. He threw on a night robe to cover himself. Stomping down twelve flight of stairs made his anger at her fade. This whole ordeal has been harder for her than it's been for him. Out of the blue, Naruto thought of an idea. He would let her borrow his wand. He told his wand to vibrate.

Finally, Naruto reached the dungeon. "What do you want, Hinata? Try to keep quiet. I work at 4 am at the shipyard until ten. Then, I am going to work from noon 'til midnight at the forge. I need sleep!"

Meow. Sorry.

"Here take my wand and use it. I heard it helps with this kind of thing." Sticking his vibrating wand through the slot in the jail cell, Naruto waited for her to take it. Quizzically, Hinata flapped one ear sideways. She closed her hand around his pulsating wand.

Hinata took a step away from the barred window.

Goddamn! Naruto thought. He saw everything.

Everything. As in, he saw her dress on the floor. She was naked. Bare as the day she was born. She was all woman, except for the cat ears and the tail. Her fleshy titties were just out there taunting him. Big bouncy mounds waited to be squeezed. Her toned waist led to a crotch with a nice thigh gap. She had beautiful supple thighs. From this angle he couldn't see her ass, but he knew that thing was lovely too. Tall as she was, she had legs for days. She had a curvy, yet slender form. That it! She was trying to kill him.

Looks were not the only thing that killed. Her smell reached him back when he was walking down the stairs. The luring scent of cinnamon and vanilla was seeping out from her. He was trying his hardness—hardest, he meant hardest! So, that he doesn't fuck her in the pussy with his hardness.

Ruffling his blond hair with his worn hands, the wizard groaned. "Hinata, why aren't you wearing clothes?"

Propping her elbow out, she had one hand on her hip. Meow! It's too hot!

Naruto sighed. "Fine. Just take that wand and use it like this…"

Parting his legs into a horse stance, Naruto made hand gestures like he was shoving a stick up his crotch.

Hinata copied incorrectly. She was making poking motions in front of her crotch with the stick. It looked as if she was using his wand as a toothbrush for her pretty blue pussy hairs.

"Urgh! Alright! Good job, Hinata. You have fun with that wand. Good night!"

Meow. Meow. Meow. Goodnight to you too, Naruto!

Sweet as she was, Naruto could not get himself to be angry at her anymore. She was a cat in heat. Poor thing.

Three days ago, Naruto caught his shy Hinata out in the woods grinding her naked body against a tree. She was delirious! A male werewolf took opportunity. The werewolf hugged her. She grinded herself against the werewolf, too! Naruto, being the heroic wizard he was, zapped his wand. He teleported her into the nicest jail cell he had. It had a four poster bed with lots of down blankets. There was a small library of books along the walls. The jail cell even had a posh washroom attached. But Hinata would say, "Me out! Me out! Meoooooow!"

He would not let her out. She would end up mating with half of Erandale.

A couple weeks ago, she was fine. She cooked delicious meals for him. She helped him brew his potions. Naruto suspected that with proper training, his apprentice would excel in magic. Hopefully, this heat thing ends soon. He could go back to having a good friend and delicious meals.

Time for some sleep! Work was going to be hell tomorrow.




Hinata thought of Naruto and the weird dance he did. The former princess chuckled.

She did the dance in the mirror. How did he do it? Right. He stood with legs apart like he was sitting in a chair. Then, he waved his fist in front of his peeing hole!

The girl with blue hair and cat ears laughed so hard, she fell onto her bed.

There was this hotness all over her body. It was terrible. She felt like her big breasts were burning and swelling with water at the same time. Her bloated boobies felt painful. Her crotch ached and her womb churned. Rubbing herself against a pillow she felt a little better.

The last time she looked in the mirror, her pale purple eyes had turned an angry violet. Heat made her feverish. Bad ideas flew into Hinata's head. A vision of a chained Naruto sleeping in his bed came into sight. Hinata's purple eyes turned milky and pupilless. She saw herself grinding herself on top of him. Naruto grunted, "Yes! Yes! Yes! Hinata, don't stop!" It seemed like he enjoyed her grinding against him. Suddenly, all the uncomfortable heat and pain went away. The warlock will make all your pain go away. An echoing voice said to her. And the heat pain came back. She cried.

It hurts so bad she cried. But Naruto has work tomorrow and she covered her mouth to keep quiet.

Naruto trusted Hinata as a friend and an apprentice. So much so, that he had given her his wand to use regularly. They helped with her chores. Now, that her master saw it fit to lock her in this damn jail, she used his wand to summon food and fresh clothes. She was still a beginner at magic. She knew how to get things into the jail cell. She couldn't seem to get things out pass the seal on the jail. But she could get things in.

Maybe the vision meant something. Maybe she should summon her master. If the vision was true, it would make him feel good. It would make her heat pain go away.




Grey stone walls surrounded Naruto. He tried to sit up. He could not. All four of his limbs were each chained to a post on Hinata's bed. He was in her jail cell.

He tried to break the handcuffs with electric magic. Zap! The magic sprang back at him. Off course! Hinata had summoned mirror metal cuffs into her cell. Any magic attack Naruto used would be sent back at him.

The electrical stimulation made his cock stir to life. His cock was a handsome cock. It wasn't too big, it wasn't too small. It was a good six inches.

Suddenly, Hinata came out from behind the shower curtain.

"Hinata! Let me go!"

Meow. No!

She placed her hands on her hips. She leaned her chest forward in her standing position to show him that she was crossed with him. Unfortunately, it only turned his cock harder. Her boobs were dangling forward and her shoulders were pulled back from having her hands on her hips. It looked as if she was offering him her beautiful boobies.

Meow. Meow. This is a taste of your own medicine! How do you like being locked up, for a change? You wouldn't let me out! Me out! Meoooow!

She stomped her foot and her boobies jingled. Naruto was pass repenting for his sins. He was somewhere in lalaland. The bouncy big baubles had him entranced.

Cat reflexes allowed Hinata to land lightly besides him on the bed. Naruto slept naked, it was strange, but Hinata had chained him to the bed anyways. She laid beside him. She arched out her belly and accidentally touched his meatstick. The meatstick wiggled. How curious? The catgirl thought.

It was as if he had a wand sticking out of his hips. Hinata knew men had penises, but she's never actually seen one before.

HInata reached over one hand to touch Naruto's meat wand. It felt warm and hard.

"Ugh!" Naruto's eyes squinted and his head lulled backwards. Hinata was gyrating her hips against his. She arched her breastbone against the side of his chest. Her two boobs sandwitched him. They flopped sideways and jiggled against him. One was underneath his armpit and the other booby bounced on top of his nipple. Naruto's nipple rubbed against the underside of her boob. He felt her pubic hair brushing against the side of his hips. He wanted to FUCK! He wanted to fuck his gorgeous friend Hinata, so badly.

"Hinata, stop. Just freeze for a second."

The catgirl freezed. She had the most loving look in her pale lavender eyes. God, she was gorgeous. The shape of her eyes reminded him of the moon half waned. Her pert nose curved proudly upwards. She had baby pink lips, the looked as soft as rose petals. Silky strands of her sapphire hair teased his chest. She had him under her arms.

The only reason someone this good-looking would want him was heat. There was no way she wanted his body. She was out of her mind, right now. He had to stop her.

Meow. What is it, Naruto?

"D-do you like me?"

Meow. Yes. I like you a lot.

"W-what do you like about me?"

Meow. I don't know. Just because? You help people, even when you know they won't be able to give you anything in return. You helped me. You are so kind and intelligent. You speak the truth. You cannot stand injustice. You are so handsome and strong. That helps too. I like you, Naruto.

She stroked his chest, while she stroked his ego.

Naruto was at a loss for words at her confession. "R-really? Well, I like you too. You're the most beautiful girl I have ever met. And you're so're very nice."

Meow. Thank you, Naruto.

The front of her head was nuzzling his neck. "Wait, Hinata! You know, you can get pregnant from this, right?"

Meow. Yes, I know. It just hurts me so bad not to touch you. But if you want me to stop, I will. You don't actually like me, do you? Hinata tilted her head slightly to enunciate her question.

"No, that's not it. Are you okay with becoming my mate. My wife?"

Meow! Yesss! Yes! Yes! Yes, Naruto! Hinata practically glomped him. She hugged him across his chest.

"Yes! Thank you, Hinata!"

With her head over his heart, love swelled within him. He brought her home four years ago. She spent a whole year as a small cat. Naruto figured out how to break half of her curse. She became a catgirl living in his castle. He taught her spells. She was his student, his apprentice and his friend. He felt like the luckiest man alive. Now, she was going to be his wife!




After a long while of hugging and petting, Hinata became mesmerized by his dick. It was so red, swollen, and erect. The top was leaking out white stuff. Precum, she was sure it was called.

Her future husband was no longer chained. He just cuddled her and petted her hair. His hand trailed down her back. It felt wonderful. She rubbed herself against him, her soft breast molded against his hard planes. A big, rough, tan hand squeezed her big milk mound lightly.

"Meow!" Her milk squirted out across the room. Curious blue eyes locked with hers.

He lowered himself and bent his head over her nipple. "May I?"

Lustrous peacock blue locks waved as Hinata nodded.

Letting out his surprisingly large tongue, Naruto lapped at the leftover milk around her nipple. He kneaded her breast softly and her milk leaked out. Possessively, he latched his mouth onto her pink flesh. The warlock slipped a thick finger into his pussy's pussy. Simultaneously, he pumped her milk melon and worked his knuckle into her tight snatch. Her walls clung to him so tightly. He had to stretch her by bending his knuckle.

A warm stretching feeling jolted through his penis. Naruto paused momentarily to look down. His dick was expanding! The more milk he drank, the bigger his cock grew. It was getting wider and longer. He had to prep his virgin wife properly if he was going to fuck her tiny pussy with his animal-sized cock. His magic dick stick twitched at the idea of pounding her cunt.

"Meeeeeew!" Hinata's head turned from side to side. The softness of the down pillow provided her something to brace herself with.

Pleasure, so much pleasure, was racking through her body. She could barely think. His rugged working hands were rough and sandy from heat at the blacksmith's forge. She could feel the dry, crude finger inside of her. Calloused fingerprints indented her clinching vaginal walls. The finger reached inside her. Meanwhile her breast was being mercilessly sucked at. The swollen organ was being drained by the man's chiseled jaw. She could feel the prickly, short hairs on his chin against her breast meat.

Naruto squeezed at the lumps holding milk inside her breast. There was a network of milk pockets inside Hinata's breast. By now, some of the milk sacs inside her right breast were soft from being drained. Other milk sacs were still hard as a rock. Naruto's strong hands knead gently. If you feel for it carefully, you could tell which milk duct inside Hinata's breast was drained and which one was still full. Beneath the smoothness of her breast, there were hard lumps of milk sacs.

Deeper in her breast tissue were the milk ducts harder to reach. Naruto began to knead deeper and deeper. His large strong hands grasped her entire boob by the palm. He pressed down so far inwards that the inner milk ducts released their milk. No one has ever touched her breast tissue that far down. She let out a silent scream. He was good!

Hungrily, he lapped at her flesh. He worked a second finger into her. He pumped harder and faster.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!" Hinata grunted as she humped in rhythm to the pushing of his fingers.

"That's it kitten, come for me." Naruto said lowly. His rugged seductive voice pushed her over the edge and she came.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Her screams echoed throughout the castle walls.

The warlock did not stop there. No, he has dreamed of playing with her like this every night since she turned 21 years of age. He slipped in a third finger into her compact cunt. He was going ride his beautiful sex kitten tonight.

She was a whimpering mess. Writhing her lovely proportions against him, she rubbed his chest with hers. Long Spartan legs caressed his back. Her chest rose and fell in the most erotic fashion. Her boobs seem to expand when she breathed in and deflate a little when she breathed out.

"Ride me, Hinata. Ride my hand." Thrusting upwards, Hinata grunted and rode his hand out. He continued feeding on her delicious cinnamon milk. By now, his cock was a ragging red ten inch meat stick. He was going to give her the ride of her life. She would remember the anniversary of their proposal until the day she died.

Pleasure netted through the network of milk ducts in her breast like a spider web. It went further and further. Deeper and deeper. Then, it convulsed through her whole body.

"Uuugggghhhhhh!" She came again. Shaking spastically, she let out a nugget of cunt creme onto his hand. Bending the three fingers in her tight canal, he stretched her out further. He worked in his entire hand. Ruthlessly, he pumped his hand back and forth like he was sharpening a knife at the forge. His Hinata was hyperventilating on his bed.

"Meow! Meow! Ahhh…" The beautiful bluenette stuffed her face into the pillow. It was too much. It was just too much. His hand was going to town inside her. His mouth was sucking her dry.

Finally, she was wide enough to fit him.

"I'm going to put my dick inside you, Hinata." His low seductive voice told her. Gaping at the mouth, she nodded. Then, she craned her head forward. He was holding his dick and pointing it at her pussy.

O God, when did it get so big, Naruto?

He heard her question. "It's all thanks to that delicious milk of yours."

He swatted her boobies playfully. His usually innocent smile turned lecherous. Oh boy, Hinata was in trouble.




He held down her hip in one hand. He held his dick in the other. His calm blue eyes locked with her captivating violet irises. At full speed, he rammed his dick into her.

"MMEEEEEEEEEE00000000WWWWWWW!" His lovely fiancé screeched.

"That's it, Hinata. Scream for me. Let the whole goddamn town know your mine. Let them know the prettiest princess in all of Erandale has my big warlock cock inside her." Her future husband muttered dirty things into her ear. Heavy pants escaped her splendid lips. The arousal made her pussy relax.

The pain went away. The need for friction made her grind against him.

"Meow! Meow!" Don't stop just yet, Naruto. I want more.

"Of course, darling." Slowly, he moved inside of her. His cute magic wand was now the size of an oak inside of her. She could feel his cock against the bottom of her lungs. She looked down to where she ended and he began. On the skin of her belly, she could see a bulge shaped like a cylinder. His cock imprinted through the skin of her belly. She could see exactly where it was inside her. It was fascinating to watch him fuck her. It was like Naruto's cock could control her. His cock owned her. She writhed mindless and gasped raggedly.

"Meow." Harder, please.

Yes, Naruto was the husband Hinata has dreamed of all her life. He was warm, kind, intelligent, hardworking, and generous. He had a good mind, body, and soul. He treated her like his most precious lady. He fucked her like a filthy WHORE!

"Yes, princess." He tapped her cheek with his hand condescendingly. "Who would have thought the goody two shoes princess liked doing the dirty?"

He cooed at her. "Do like my cock? Do you like my unwashed cock?"

A strong hand cradled the back of her head. Lightly gripping a bit of her hair, Naruto guided her head to nod up and down. "Yes! Yes, you do. You love my cock. You are going to take my cock into your pretty pussy every night. Every night baby, it's just going to be you and me."

So turned on was the princess, she started rutting upwards at his cock like an animal. He knew her so well. He knew this was exactly what she wanted. This was what she needed…every night. She could not wait to be his wife.

In and out. In and out. His cock appeared from out of her cunt. It disappeared back into her cunt. Damn, this feels good. Her athletic, well-cared for body was getting wrecked by his cock. Her beautiful thigh gap had been hard-earned from hours of fencing with him. She was able to hold him with her flexible half-feline body. She stretched out perfectly to take all of him inside her.

Animalistic lust surged through Naruto. Friction and heat built up and up. Erotic waves of gratification pulsated through his body. For the first time that night, his beastly cock came. It came so hard it flooded poor Hinata's walls. The foxy warlock grunted.

He arched over her and messaged her boobies. Relentlessly, he continued to piston her cute love box. Convulsing under him, her walls contracted. Her hair fell every which way as she was overwhelmed by his love dick. She could feel the weight of him over her hip, over her chest, and around her legs. Ruthless hands kneaded her boobies like dough. His pistoning became more spastic and rough as more of his love juices lubricated her walls. She was stretched out, wet, and ready. He could fuck her as hard and as fast as he goddamn wanted.

"Come for me, princess." He growled in her ear.

"OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" His princess sighed. A cocktail of virgin blood and cum oozed out of her. It dripped down her supple thighs and onto the bed sheets. It fantastic to get rid of her heat pain. Naruto was her hero once again, him and his magic wand.




"Wow! Hinata, that was amazing!" Naruto rolled off of her and collapsed onto the bed.

Curiosity got the better of the princess, and she did the most dirty erotic thing that Naruto has ever seen. She took her finger and swiped at the cum between her thighs. She licked cum off her finger.

Suddenly, her vocal cords glowed. "Naruto, I can talk. I think part of the spell's been broke."

He sat up and hugged her. His embraced was so joyful, so over-the-top, it brought her crashing back down onto the bed.

"Congratulations, Hinata! You can go about town now without trouble." His nose nuzzled hers. The two idiots grinned against each other's foreheads.

Forming a wipe with the corner of the bedsheet, Naruto cleaned HInata's thighs of their juices.

"So…now that you got what you wanted. You still want to marry me, right? For real? No, turning back on your promise?"

"I won't run away from you, Naruto. I'll be your wife, forever. I promise."

Smiling like a boy, his locked eyes with her. He looked at her as if she could do no wrong. They fell asleep in each other's arms.




Morning came, and Hinata woke up to an unlocked prison cell. No longer was she in painful heat. Naruto woke up early to go to work. Despite getting two hours of sleep, he felt oddly more energetic. She washed and got dressed. She went to her dresser and tied a bow on top her head. She covered her ears with the pockets formed by the bow. Her dress skirt hid the fact that she had a tail.

Marching off to town, Hinata bought groceries to cook for her fiancé. Being able to speak gave her new freedom. No longer being a princess gave her even greater freedom. She could marry the man she loved.




I appreciate reviews. Thank you to Banjo the Fox, WindyCitySlayer1, Naruhinalover20, SEEMS L3GIT for commenting.