Eek, last chapter folks! 28000 words in a week! Well that's a lie since i started this back in march... This chapter is brand new, written over the last few days as the previous ending was naff.

Have been feeling the love from folks leaving me a message - thanks for the encouragement, it really helps keep me motivated during the writing of these stories if I feel someone is just as anxious as me to find out what is going to happen next!

Anyway, cheers guys, catch you next time!

Phoebe, signing out

Chapter 6

Ichigo stared into his wardrobe, wondering exactly what to wear. There had been a few themes mentioned for the night but Grimmjow had shot each of them down and since it was his place, he got final say. Ichigo kinda saw his point about the high school disco one. Still a slight sore point.

They had spoken about it a few times, Grimmjow sitting silently Ichigo's bedside when he woke up started the first one.

Ichigo blinked his heavy eyes before screwing them up as he moved his body and felt the tight pain in his abdomen. A hand stroked through his hair which comforted him a little. He swallowed a bit before tilting his head to see the hand's owner. Grimmjow had a serious look on his face but his eyes weren't narrow and angry this time. Ichigo gave him a pathetic half smile. He guessed that Grimmjow being there again was a good thing. He knew the other had been there the day he'd been taken in but he didn't remember much of the visit due to the sedatives still in his system.

"Hi?" Ichigo made it into a question as he couldn't read the other.

Grimmjow raised an eyebrow before rolling his eyes. "Hello. Good to see you finally awake."

"Well, if you could feel the pain in my side you wouldn't be saying that. I think I was better asleep." Ichigo used his hands to pull himself up a bit, sitting higher on his pillows. It hurt to move but when he was settled he felt a bit less of an invalid.

Grimmjow's face dropped back into a very serious look which made Ichigo swallow thickly. "Yes well, it should be me feeling that pain. You shouldn't have been in the way."

Ichigo tried to swallow again to get rid of the huge ball of pain in his chest but he couldn't manage it and his breath came that little bit faster. He felt his eyes burn slightly at being described as being in the way. He didn't have anything he could say to it either. The man was right.

Grimmjow had been so angry that Ichigo had been hurt because of him that he didn't quite think his words through. He'd spent the night after the incident barely sleeping as he blamed himself for Ichigo's pain, both mental and physical. Grimmjow took a deep breath before looking up at his boyfriend to see him nearly in tears and chewing on his lower lip to try and hold it in. Grimmjow's anger disapated and he quickly took Ichigo's face in his hands. Worried blue eyes met reddened brown eyes as Ichigo finally blinked and let the two fat tears roll down his cheeks. "Hey, what's wrong? Are you hurting? Do you want me to get a doctor?"

Grimmjow went to get up to get help but Ichigo just shook his head. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get in the way. I just couldn't let him hurt you just for firing him." Ichigo wiped his nose with the back of his hand, choosing the one with the drip in it and wrinkling his nose when the plastic scraped it.

The words struck Grimmjow the same way Ichigo had felt when he'd said them and he closed his eyes at his own stupidity. He gripped Ichigo's cheeks with his warm hands to make him look into Grimmjow's eyes. "You didn't get in my way. You protected me by jumping in between an idiot and a knife. And yes, I'm the idiot."

"I'm only eighteen, I lied about my age and led you on. I just didn't want to lose you." The tears came quicker now that Ichigo had broken the major problem.

Grimmjow took a breath before he spoke. "Didn't we deal with this problem yesterday? I thought we'd moved past this and on to how you got the nick on your mark and the scar on your belly."

Ichigo just frowned at him, a little hope in his eyes.

"Right, you don't remember. Well to cut a long story short, you finally accepted my proposal yesterday."

Grimmjow explained himself and told Ichigo that yes, he was still a little annoyed at the circumstances but he truly had fallen for Ichigo and didn't want to lose him. Ichigo had pulled him in for a slightly soggy but sweet kiss that took Grimmjow's breath for a moment and he held the other a little too tightly but they had at least sorted that out.

Ichigo faced a few difficult conversations after that one, his dad had a few choice words for him before he threw himself into Ichigo's arms and bawled like a baby that his boy had been so valiant. The nurse then had a few choice words for Isshin.

The conversation with the police was difficult for Ichigo as they were fixated on how Ichigo and Grimmjow met, something that neither of them wanted to admit. He also had an issue with the 'heroic' angle they kept playing it to. Ichigo felt it was completely stupid what he'd done but explained himself, giving the police as many details about what the man had said to him, the tones he was using as well as Ichigo's responses.

Both men were happy when Ichigo got released from police investigations and from the hospital, allowing him to return to his life. Ichigo didn't like all of the attention he got at school and gladly took Chad and Renji's offer of staying on the roof at lunch with the rest of their friends to avoid all the stupid questions.

Ichigo finally settled on a wide necked black t-shirt with a half lace up front. It was something Yumi had forced on him on a shopping day by saying that collar bones were the new thing but Ichigo had yet to wear it. Considering he had already told his dad that he wouldn't be home after the party, he decided that he needed to show a bit of confidence. He threw a pair of snug blue jeans on with his boots before giving himself a little spritz with a bit of aftershave. He took a long look in the mirror which was a mistake and made him open his wardrobe to change again when the door bell went, signalling that his ride had arrived. Ichigo didn't have time to change but he grabbed a grey check shirt out of the wardrobe and quickly threw it on and buttoned it right up to hide his embarrassing shirt.

Yumi snorted at him as he trotted down the stairs and shook his head with a smile. "Was there a reason I was banned from dressing you? Do you not want laid tonight?"

Ichigo pounced on his friend and pressed his hand over Yumi's mouth. "Shut the F up, Yuzu is in the kitchen. And if my dad hears you he'll pull us both in for a sex ed lesson. I really don't want to go out with pockets full of condoms and lube."

"I don't know Ichi, Grimmy looks like he's packing. You might need the advice."

Ichigo just shook his head and forced his friend out of the house and to Ikkaku's car. Ikkaku had an early class at the dojo in the morning and wasn't drinking therefore had happily taken the designated driver role.

Grimmjow had allowed them to hold the party at Juliet's under the proviso that everyone that was attending was over eighteen. Ichigo had gone over who'd been invited, some obviously over eighteen but they had waited until everyone important was up. Chad was the last one to turn and Ichigo included him and Renji in the party since they were all so close and it would spread the joy as well.

Ichigo walked into Juliet's and smiled at the sleek silver and black décor that Grimmjow's team had used for the party. Fancy balloons filled with balloons lined the room and silver disco balls hung from the ceiling. The club was open to the public as well that night and it showed that everyone thought it looked great.

Grimmjow wasn't hard to spot, hanging over the VIP balcony and his feral grin across his face as he met Ichigo's eyes. Grimmjow couldn't hold himself back and he trotted down the stairs, drawing plenty of attention before confidently walking straight to Ichigo and hauling him up into his arms and covering his lips with his own. Ichigo inhaled sharply and whimpered a little. Grimmjow growled and gripped his lover's body tightly. Ichigo pulled away after a moment and grinned back at his larger lover before hugging him tighter. Grimmjow clasped his arms around Ichigo tighter and held him back for a second before allowing him back on his feet and parting from him.

Both Ikkaku and Yumi smiled at the passion the pair showed for each other and Ikkaku wrapped his long arm around his long term boyfriend and held him close. He leaned over a bit and nibbled gently on Yumi's ear. "Well, I think it's clear that Ichigo will be getting some tonight."

"Don't worry Pet, with the way your ass looks in those jeans, you'll definitely be getting lucky tonight."

Ichigo danced, drank and generally had a ball with his friends and his boyfriend. Grimmjow was good natured with everyone, including those who had been previously drinking underaged in his bar. He casually said that he'd tightened his security and employed more bouncers, including some female ones who would have no problem ejecting anyone who decided to try it from then on.

Ichigo was getting a little warm in his double layer and took a step to the side for a while, heading to the main bar for a drink of water. The bar man nodded his head and went to obey his request when a seeking hand started molesting Ichigo's ass. Ichigo stiffened and turned sharply to see the offender but his boyfriend just smirked back before squeezing Ichigo's ample cheek one more time. When Ichigo accepted the water, Grimmjow raised a questioning eyebrow.

"I'm getting a bit hot under the collar."

"I'm not surprised. I wasn't expecting a long sleeved shirt done up to your throat."

Ichigo looked down at himself, knowing the shirt looked good most of the time and felt a little unsure again.

"Hey, you look good, smart even but it's your birthday party. Relax a bit." Grimmjow reached out a finger and flicked one of Ichigo's buttons open. The black laces of the shirt under showed through which made Grimmjow pull the opening out a bit with the same finger. "Two layers, really?"

Ichigo blushed. "I didn't have time to change after I changed my mind. I just grabbed the shirt before I went out."

Grimmjow shook his head at his reddened boyfriend. "Come show me the first choice. I bet you look fucking stunning in it." Grimmjow held Ichigo's hand and pulled him up to the VIP area and into his office. Ichigo was spun against the desk and pinned there for a searing kiss. Grimmjow maintained strong eye contact as he slowly unbuttoned the rest of Ichigo's shirt from the bottom. Ichigo swallowed thickly as more of the tight black shirt was revealed and turned his head as Grimmjow pushed the now open shirt off Ichigo's shoulders to pool on the desk behind him.

Grimmjow took a half step back to look at the vision before him. Ichigo's pale skin shone under the dark t-shirt and all the peeks of it between the lacing made him lick his lips. Ichigo's prominent collar bones stood proud above the neckline and the rest of the material hugged his firm torso. Grimmjow was quickly between Ichigo's thighs and devouring the bare skin over the fine bones of Ichigo's shoulder. Ichigo quickly grabbed handfuls of blue hair and held the head to his body with his mouth hanging open.

It didn't take long for them both to be hot and bothered and Ichigo felt how much Grimmjow wanted him clearly pressed against his inner thigh. He snaked a hand down and wrapped his hand around it the best he could when it was still encased in denim. Ichigo decided to try something and pulled Grimmjow's head up by the hair, smirking at the hiss Grimmjow gave with the rough treatment. Ichigo kissed away any protest before pushing Grimmjow off him and onto the desk. Ichigo then check the door and turned the snib to keep anyone away.

"I meant what I said Ichi, I am not fucking you in this office, no matter how much you want it. Not the first time." Grimmjow was breathing hard and his voice was deep.

Ichigo smirked at him, pulling the shirt off and dumping it on the floor as he approached his boyfriend. Grimmjow reached out but Ichigo avoided it and dropped to his knees. He pulled at Grimmjow's belt and looked up the rippled torso with a sexy smile on his face. "I've already told my dad that I'm not coming home tonight. I wasn't suggesting you bend me over the desk."

"What exactly did you have in mind?" Grimmjow had a pretty good idea what it might be with Ichigo's position and his dick felt like rock in anticipation. Ichigo didn't answer him verbally but quickly opened his belt and popped his fly open. Grimmjow helped a bit to get his boxers and jeans down enough and Ichigo had his hand wrapped round Grimmjow's dick, face to the tip and his own bottom lip between his teeth. He glanced up at Grimmjow's face, eyes smouldering down at him. The fact that Grimmjow was so tense with exasperation gave Ichigo a bit of a confidence boost which helped him wrap his lips around Grimmjow's dick.

Ichigo had watched enough porn, read enough about blow jobs and had two different people tell him very different advice about it but nothing prepared him for the feeling of Grimmjow inside his mouth. Yumi had taken him through how to not gag, how to run his tongue and to allow his cheeks to hollow to increase suction. Isshin had decided to describe all of the issues that oral and anal sex can bring. Some of it was disgusting but Ichigo at least knew how to prepare himself for both.

Grimmjow's cock lay heavy on his tongue as he tried to move around it but he just felt awkward and silly. Drool slid down his chin and he felt his stomach heave if he sank too far too fast. He broke off for a moment, wiping his chin on the back of his hand and using his hand to keep stimulating his boyfriend. Grimmjow didn't seem to be complaining that it felt rubbish but Ichigo still felt lacking. And it showed.

"If you don't want to do this then please stop. It feels amazing but if it's too much or too gross for you then stop." Grimmjow's words were sincere but his tone was a little breathless which took away from him a little.

Ichigo sighed before running his tongue over the tip and making Grimmjow gasp quietly. "It's not gross or anything but I feel like I'm not doing anything. I really don't know what I'm doing."

"You are moving your hot mouth over my dick and to me that alone is a massive turn on. Then the look in your eye as you gaze up at me?"

Ichigo smirked up at him, giving his hand a little squeeze. "Help me?" Ichigo sat up on his knees again and grabbed one of Grimmjow's hands and guided it to the side of his head. Grimmjow stroked the soft hair before guiding Ichigo's head down onto himself. He started to move his hips gently, angling Ichigo's mouth so he was traveling down his throat a little more and not hitting the back of it. Ichigo's hands grabbed Grimmjow's hips and dug in a little, focusing on suction and teasing the soft parts under Grimmjow's foreskin as it came to the front of his mouth. Grimmjow had to use his other hand as well, guiding himself in and out of Ichigo's mouth gently. Ichigo caught onto his rhythm quickly and moved with him. Grimmjow didn't intend on speeding up but the feelings were driving his hips more than he intended and he was soon fucking Ichigo's mouth, the soft lips worshiping him so well.

Ichigo made little noises as the movements became more forceful, little whimpers and gasps as he dealt with the feeling but Grimmjow started to moan loudly, saying his name like a prayer and closing his eyes with his mouth hanging open. Ichigo was enraptured with the look on his love's face as he barrelled towards his end.

"Ichi, come off, I'm going to go." Grimmjow's voice was pleading but Ichigo disregarded it and held on, wanting to feel Grimmjow go in his mouth. Grimmjow's fingers clutched painfully at his hair but he stroked and sucked at the organ in his mouth until he felt it pulse, his only warning before floods of bitter, salty and thick liquid filled his mouth. It streamed out of his lips as he struggled to swallow the load and Grimmjow caught it in a tissue from the box on the desk. Ichigo slumped to the side as he regained his composure and looked up to see Grimmjow in a similar state.

"That was amazing."

Ichigo nodded before wiping his mouth with the offered clean tissue. "That was a little gross."

Grimmjow snorted. "Yeah well, it's not a tea party but it is damn good."

Ichigo nodded again before taking the offered hand to help him stand.

"I hope you know that now I'll last all night yeah? All night to return the favour and watch you scream."

Ichigo raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "Good, I did worry that maybe you couldn't keep up with me."


Ichigo paid for his cheeky comment in a few ways. Apparently Grimmjow could be heard outside of the VIP area and had no problem telling everyone exactly why he was so vocal. Ichigo blushed strongly at every suggestion that he was part vacuum cleaner.

Also, Yumi took it upon himself to have a few chats with Grimmjow, just to make sure that Ichigo would really enjoy himself that night. Of course Grimmjow was happy to listen to all of the suggestions, especially when both him and Yumi stared over at Ichigo with slightly evil looks on their faces.

Ichigo paid in full for the cheeky comment as Grimmjow teased and tormented him all the way home in the taxi until he was painfully hard in his jeans, but trying not to show it to the taxi driver. Ichigo's grey shirt lay on Ichigo's lap to hide Grimmjow's hand inside his fly. Ichigo looked out of the window and chomped down on his bottom lip to hold in the moans he really wanted to let out as his helmet was tickled and his shaft was squeezed.

Grimmjow paid the taxi driver after they arrived at his building and quickly shoved Ichigo into an empty lift car. Ichigo was quickly pinned to the wall with his larger boyfriend holding his wrists to the mirror. "Do you know what I'm going to do with you when I get you inside?" Ichigo shook his head, eyes wide with lust and innocence. "I'm going to taste every inch of skin I can find, run my tongue in every crevice until you forget your name. I plan on sliding between your legs and shoving all of my hard cock inside you until all you can remember is my name. Remember how I felt inside your mouth? It'll be even more inside your ass, bigger, hotter and more pleasureful for us both."

Grimmjow was true to his word and quickly had his boyfriend in the house and up on the back of the sofa again with his shirt off and Grimmjow's mouth busying itself along Ichigo's collar bones. "I liked the black shirt, wear it again for me. I like seeing the bones of your neck. It's really sexy." Grimmjow's mouth headed down, flicking over Ichigo's rosy nipples gently before he nibbled down on them. He paused at the scar on Ichigo's abdomen, kissing it gently before tonguing the smooth scar tissue.0

Ichig writhed over him, holding the sofa to stay upright. He shouted out as Grimmjow ripped the buttons on his jeans open, yanking the denim down hard and smirking up at Ichigo's shocked face. "I want you so much, don't be so surprised."

Grimmjow's mouth snaked over Ichigo's prominent hip bones and his tongue trailed down the seam to Ichigo's balls. He laved each of them in turn before giving Ichigo's member some attention. Ichigo had been getting teased for so long that he didn't last long in Grimmjow's mouth and it was the seeking fingers at his rear that sent him over. Feeling the pads of Grimmjow's long fingers toying with his virgin entrance became too much and he surged forward and into Grimmjow's mouth. Grimmjow swallowed the offering before standing and holding Ichigo close. "Can I turn you round here?" Ichigo nodded and spun awkwardly until his elbows rested on the sofa back. He expected Grimmjow to take him there and was surprised when he was Grimmjow on his knees again between Ichigo's feet.

The two big hands gripped Ichigo's rear and spread his cheeks gently. Grimmjow ran his middle finger down the seam and circled the muscle that twitched under it. Holding the cheeks apart, Grimmjow leaned forward and used his tongue to circle the little muscle as well, flattening it and slurping over Ichigo's ass. He speared his tongue and pressed it inside, loving the way the muscle clung to it and the heat inside. He could feel Ichigo panting heavily as he dealt with the sensations and when Ichigo's knees started to tremble heavily he knew it was time to move into the bedroom.

Grimmjow turned Ichigo round and held him for a moment to allow him to normalise a little. When the big brown eyes met his again he hoisted Ichigo up into his arms and held him under the ass. Ichigo instinctively wrapped his long legs around Grimmjow's waist as Grimmjow started to walk them to the bedroom. Ichigo gripped Grimmjow's hair and tilted his head.

"You probably don't want to kiss me now eh?" Grimmjow wasn't sure how far to push his fairly new lover and the taste of his own ass might be too much. He didn't have to worry as Ichigo covered his mouth with his own and tangled their tongues.

Grimmjow got to his bed and knelt on it to get Ichigo into the middle. He abandoned his love for a millisecond as he grabbed a bottle out of his bedside cabinet and dumped it on the bed next to Ichigo. He expected his little lover to be too far gone to be more than present for the rest of the night but Ichigo was not one to be submissive and quickly pushed Grimmjow to the bed, caging him in with his arms and legs as he went back to kissing the life out of the larger man. Grimmjow's hands quickly grabbed the hot and naked body over him and clutched at the warm skin.

"My turn."

Grimmjow's shirt was opened quickly and yanked up. His hands caught in the cuffs but Ichigo stopped im from being able to sort it by pinning his wrists above his head with a firm hand. Grimmjow huffed and rolled his eyes at his lover. "You've already had your turn. It's still my turn."

Ichigo just smirked down at him. "Nu –uh. You went, I went. Back to my turn again." Ichigo pressed a searing kiss on Grimmjow's lips before abandoning his top half and sinking to reveal the rest. Grimmjow held his middle section up to get his trousers off and while Ichigo was distracted with untangling them to get his shoes off, Grimmjow managed to get his hands out of his shirt. He still kept them above his head but he was now ready to turn the tables again.

Ichigo was just nuzzling the side of Grimmjow's cock when he was grabbed and slammed back on the bed again. He oofed in surprise but then frowned at his boyfriend. "Hey!"

"Hey yourself. We can play all night. I need to have you now. I have dreamed of making love to you for weeks. Excuse me if I lack the patience to wait anymore."

Ichigo considered grumbling a little more but was instantly distracted by the cool finger at his rear. Grimmjow had not breeched him during any of their hot and heavy sessions and the feel of the long fingers questing into his insides made the goose bumps appear all over his body. His back arched as he tried to escape the alien sensation but Grimmjow wrapped an arm around his back and held him as he acclimatised himself. When Ichigo had stopped struggling Grimmjow started to move, smiling as Ichigo moaned and writhed around him. Grimmjow rested his head on Ichigo's sternum, kissing the smooth skin every now and then as he felt for the muscles loosening with his finger. One became two then three as Ichigo started to move with the digits.

Grimmjow coated himself with enough lube to ensure a smooth ride before laying on top of Ichigo. He hitched a long leg around himself and held himself ready, studying Ichigo's face for any sign that this was unwanted. Ichigo was panting with need, sweat standing out on his forehead as he flexed near the dick at his rear. Grimmjow's hot weight over him felt right and he pulled Grimmjow in for a smooth kiss. He whispered his request against Grimmjow's lips. "Please, I need you."

Grimmjow pressed his lips back on Ichigo's again as he pushed in. Ichigo arched back once more, his head dropped off Grimmjow's arm and his legs spasming at the feeling. He locked his legs around Grimmjow as the feeling inside became too much and he grit his teeth tightly. Grimmjow stroked his neck lightly, nipping gently and nuzzling the smooth skin to help distract from the burn and pain. Ichigo had expected a lot more pain after his dad's conversation but it was still the strangest feeling he'd ever experienced.

Then Grimmjow moved.

Both men were bathed in sweat as they moved and crested together. Grimmjow held himself back from being too forceful and Ichigo pushed and pulled for more. Ichigo's leg was hauled round and pressed onto his chest which allowed Grimmjow to sit up slightly and have more freedom of movement. Ichigo's overlooked need became easier to grasp as well and soon Ichigo had to deal with two sensations. He shuddered before releasing his end over his chest and bearing down hard on Grimmjow's member. Tears stood out in Grimmjow's eyes as he buried himself deeply inside Ichigo and released into the channel.

Both men lay unmoving except for their heavy breathing. Grimmjow was spent across Ichigo and Ichigo's hand trailed through the blue hair.

"Um, Grimm. You're kind of squishing me."

"Oh, sorry." Grimmjow raised his body shakily up to slide over Ichigo and fall back onto the covers again. He lay on his side and gathered Ichigo in his arms. Ichigo shivered as Grimmjow's breath ran over his neck. Grimmjow's arms tightened around him like he'd never let him go again. "I love you, my Angel."


Ichigo kicked off his shoes and collapsed on the sofa, his head laying back with his eyes closed. He knew medical school was going to kick his ass, and it had for three years, but he was sure that one day he'd actually feel like he knew what he was doing.

Grimmjow poked his head round the kitchen door and smirked at his exhausted boyfriend. They'd lived together for the last year, Ichigo eventually giving in and moving in with the older man during his second year at uni. His dad, though full of good intentions, was a bit too over bearing with his offer to be a study buddy.

Ichigo was in his casual clothes but had one blue bootie over his left foot showing he'd not long left the operating room. He had only got more gorgeous to Grimmjow as he got older and now he was turning twenty one, Grimmjow was planning something a bit special.

The party at his club was going to be astronomical. He had given in to Ichigo's best friends insistence on having a theme and had agreed, reluctantly, to go along with the school disco theme. He'd taken the role of headmaster fairly happily though the mortarboard kind of ruined his hair style he felt Ichigo would get a real kick out of it. Ichigo knew there was a party but his outfit was padlocked shut in their wardrobe having been supplied by Yumi the previous weekend and they had all kept the theme a secret from the birthday boy. Ichigo's birthday had fallen on a Thursday so the party was organised for the following evening and Ichigo had a rare weekend off to enjoy with his loved ones.

Grimmjow had fought with Ichigo's mental father and friends to get the man to himself on the day knowing that Ichigo would be tired and he was right. It was after ten when Ichigo had finally dragged himself home and collapsed on the sofa and looked like he was going to take root and never move again.

Grimmjow exited the kitchen with the cake in hand, two wings in white icing with a few sparkles and candles lit. His face was illuminated by the candle light and he quietly sang happy birthday to his love as he approached.

Ichigo's eyes were still closed when he heard the song and he smirked at his silly lover. He opened his eyes as Grimmjow got close and his smile widened at the gorgeous cake in Grimmjow's hands. The angel nickname still hung around and Grimmjow insisted that Ichigo had been sent to earth just for him.

Ten candles were dotted around the wings with a taller one in the centre that was like a sparkler. Ichigo waited until the end of the song before blowing out his candles, struggling to get the sparkler to stop spitting out light. Eventually a plume of white smoke rose up and Ichigo grinned up at Grimmjow. The taller man sat down and leaned in for a peck from the birthday boy.

"Nice cake."

"Thanks, Yuzu organised it for me. Got a friend to make it apparently. The shape wasn't negotiable. Like the candles?"

Ichigo nodded looking at them again, frowning as he noticed something around the larger central candle. He reached out and pulled the sparkler from the cake and lifted the silver rings from the cake. He held them on the palm of his hand and looked to Grimmjow with a question in his eyes.

"Happy Birthday love. Marry me?"

Ichigo smiled and nodded, taking Grimmjow's hand in his. "If you'll have me."

Ichigo's birthday party the next night went well, all of their friends there to celebrate. Grimmjow's sister had come over for her new brother's big birthday and Ichigo had made sure that Grimmjow's friends that he also knew were coming as well. With such a large group, Juliet's was closed to the public which meant the place was heavier decorated and a larger version of Ichigo's cake was on display for the group to see.

Ichigo was finally allowed into his costume bag and rolled his eyes at the short trousers, white shirt and tie inside. The badges on the shirt made him smile - 'perfect' and 'head boy'.

Ichigo put on the costume with no comment and headed out with his mortarboard wearing boyfriend.

What Ichigo didn't notice was the silver wings painted on the back of the shirt and the words underneath – "Grimm's Angel"

I hope everyone has enjoyed this one as much as I've enjoyed writing it. I will continue to write and share stories featuring my two favs as long as folk are willing to enjoy them with me. Leave me a little note if you've enjoyed this!

So the next question is, which story next? (yes I will finish the other two)

I have another nearly complete story i've been playing with that is not AU and features the controversial MPREG - something i have read a lot and only tried this once.

My next big project is a flip of my favourite - Slave to you. I loved writing that one and have been thinking hard about what would it be like if Ichigo was the slave? So it'll be a very similar world but a very different lord. And Byakuya will have a large part to play in this one, might even do a trio with them as I seem to be getting a bit obsessed with bya/ichi stories.

Anyway folks, thanks for reading, let me know if my next nonsenses sound alright or not.