Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon

Sorry, I took so long knowing it has been months since what happen. Knowing it's took me forever to know what happen that some of them were writer block and sometime rearrange to know what happen next as the time being. Anyway enjoy this new chapter that I'd work so hard.

Chapter 2: Attacker on the Villagers

The DigiDestineds are enjoy in their home without getting involve to know what happen in the Digital World, that none of them suspected a thing to know the damage in the Digital World. Tai, Matt, Sora and Izzy are now in Odaiba High School. Joe is attending another school, not the same school with Tai and the other that his dream is to be a medical doctor to help people, instead he wanted to be first Digimon doctor to help Digimon from their sudden needed, but first he need to complete his task and his assessment before he'll pass his degree before he heading to college or university to train more to become a professional doctor knowing that his father and his brother were pound doctors from their time. Hoping they'll be pound to see him as a professional doctor.

As for the younger DigiDestineds, Davis along with Yolei, Cody, Kari, TK and Ken. Ken got different school that his education got better high score than any student from his public class, that's why his parents send to high education school knowing his parents were very pound on him. Davis and the other were attending at same Odaiba, except that Davis, Yolei, Kari/Hikari and TK/Takeru have finally wear school uniforms, apart from Cody, knowing he is the younger of the second generations of the DigiDestineds group, knowing all six of them are DNA partners.

Their parents were pound their kids were chosen as the DigiDestineds or known as Chosen Children, knowing their truly so special from their own eyes since they'd witness what happen in 1999 apart from Davis and the others were chosen in 2002. They're also never forget the Order who save their live against the raving of Maulmon along with the most dangerous Digimon for taking over the DigiDestineds hometown when they're job is too stop before the Chaos War begin in 2002 when the Orders along with Copy Troopers and the Celestials will do anything to stop the inferno war.

As for Ange and Grace, Angemon and Angewomon human code name that their, well, they're got some difficulty that their hardly to use some stuffs since their body were now altar into human form to understands to adapts to be a human when few Order Knights have taught them and to teach them to learn everything about human movement and learn how to be a human, of course that Angemon and Angewomon are Digimon angel humanoid that their life will change forever. They're still seeing the DigiDestineds from time-to-time to see how they're doing for the time before they're got back to finish their training, even Angewomon had well to learn adapts as a human understandable ways.

Miyako, Torajrio's mother is still raising a baby, but still she's very worried on her husband who never return for some time knowing the war is taking for forever since the Angarmon and the others were no more, except one of them survive as the Last Dark Lord commander. And yet, she's very worried so that Torajrio will see his father again so that both of them will enjoy their new life that Torajrio is making a better life in Odaiba, without becoming the second generations of the Order.

Back in Odaiba High School at the canteen where many older students are enjoy with their lunch and talking with their friends. A single boy, name Tai, leader of the DigiDestineds also known as The Leader of the Chosen Crest Trait when the Celestial inherit that name to Tai, knowing he's wielding courage. He's sitting down, eating his lunch when his friend and the first DNA partner Yamato/Matt comes along with tray with food.

"Mind do I sit with you?" Matt ask him, when Tai look at him when both of them wear same school uniform in light-blue jackets, same school shirts and same school trousers they're both wearing knowing they're live in the same school.

"Sure," Tai accepted him, knowing that both he and Matt are the first DNA Evolution/Shinka that when two Mega-level Digimon become one as Omegamon, one of the 13th Royal Knight, well 14th Royal Knights when they learn another Royal Knight long ago. They're did see another Omegamon whose partner is Nova Takariyuma against two of the most powerful Digimon in the Digital World, now they're got their own Omegamon, when Matt is sitting down on a chair and start eating his own lunch.

"Any word of them?" Tai continually said to him and ask him, knowing that Yamato/Matt got a cousin from his mother side, knowing both of them are member of the Order when Matt finish a bite of his food.

"Not one bit of them," he replied to him. "I'd haven't hear from them for a while since they're told that the war is still raging on in the Digital World."

"Yeah, I get so," Tai firmly understand to him. "Knowing that since the Chaos War is still in large since we defeated Angarmon and the others, knowing that Digimon almost beat Omegamon/Omnimon along with Imperialdramon Fighter Mode that none of our strongest Digimon couldn't beat him."

"Magnus said that Angarmon was rumour belief he is the strongest from the spread rumour in the Digital World," Matt explain to him. "Knowing he have a power that no mere Digimon couldn't defeated him along he's like an authority in the Digital World. But, I'd believe that Angarmon was temporally said back from knowing that Digimon who think he is the strongest of them all."

"I'll take your word from it," Tai agree on his best mate about Angarmon personal detail about him knowing it give him shiver on his bones. "Knowing that Digimon was gone for good." Matt is humming sound that he agree on him. "Speaking, how is that little guys?"

Matt sigh from his mouth. "You ask me so many time about it, he's fine!"

"I know," Tai replied to him. "I just wanted to see how he's doing that's all."

"He's fine," Matt said to him. "Asleep, as always knowing that little Torajiro is still well, you know what I mean from what I'd said about it."

"Fair enough," said Tai while he's taking a bite from his lunch. "But, still, I'm wondering about Agumon and the others knowing their perfect safe since the war spread in the Digital World, that the Celestials are promising to look after them in the safest place so that no Digimon can't looking for them."

"Yeah, I know what you mean," Matt heavy agree with him, knowing he too is wondering what happen to Gabumon and the others.

"We should help them," Tai urge him and almost yell out to him. "Knowing the war is still spread in the Digital World, knowing that your cousins got the upper hand and yet knowing that they're haven't respond to our mail or checking their mail.

"Calm down," Matt said to him after he taken some slip from his soda can. "Look, I understand the pressure it getting to you for the 3 years since the Digital World was under the emotional threat and environment during of your lackey. Beside, Magnus said to us that our Digimon is safe and secure from a perfect hide out."

"I'd suppose he's right," Tai admitted a defeat from what Matt/Yamato advise from Magnus said to him, while ago when Sora, the Wielder of Love and of course Izzy, the Wielder of Knowledge comes along with their tray with food when they spotted both boys are sitting down when they approach them.

"Hey guy?" Matt and Tai look at their direction and see Sora and Izzy comes along.

"Mind we join you?" Izzy ask them, knowing this table got plenty of space of at 6 students.

"Um . . . sure, make you're sure comfortable," said Tai, when Sora and Izzy took their seat that near toward Tai and Matt. "Any Izzy, did you receive any word from them?"

"Actually, I'd check any message from that there was no message from them," Izzy replied to him.

"Oh Tai, really?" Sora said to him, knowing Tai is quite suborn. "Knowing you wanted to ask about any news to know what happen in the Digital World. Seriously, Tai, the War is still lose and yet they're almost won the battle."

"I know that," Tai replied out to her. "I'd wondering to know any excellent news that, well, if the war is over."

"So am I," Izzy acknowledge to him when the other look at him. "Look, I too was worry on the others, knowing we learn so much the Orders, since the Celestial inherited the name called Traits DigiDestineds, knowing we're chosen to inheritance the Crests."

"I'd prefer called DigiDestineds," Tai mumbling to himself without getting involve, knowing he'd remember from what they said to the long ago.

"Either way, that the war is still breaking and yet no one haven't respond to us, knowing something happen to them," Izzy continually add on. "Or better, was the war still continually raging on?"

"Um . . . Izzy?" Sora said to him.

"Yes Sora?" He ask her.

"I hate to interrupted to you that um . . . was there any massager, regard from what you have spoken to know any excitement news to know did the war is over or not over?" Sora ask him in understandable question to him, regard about his knowledgeable words.

"I'd already said to Tai," Izzy rephrase to her from what he said. "There's no message from them, nor from Magnus or Nova. I know that the war is still raging on, that we could help them as backup to stop Angarmon's Chaos Empire, knowing Angarmon was destroyed."

"You forget that one of them have escape," Sora countered to him, knowing she was here too. "Knowing that Digimon is the last of the Dark General."

"That Digimon is nothing more than a coward from his manipulation alternative," said Tai. "Hoping that Digimon was destroy or force to leave."

"Conceding done," Matt highly agree with him, while he's taking a bite from his lunch.

"Oh right," Sora highly forgotten when she quickly to him. "Matt, how is Miyako's coping with Torajrio that I'd haven't see her for nearly 6 months, so how she's doing exactly?"

"Well, my mum usually come around to her place and help her to support knowing Miyako did an excellent jobs as a mother to look after the little one," he said to her. "Torajiro is doing his well, that he's still fast asleep in his cot."

"I can't figure out why Magnus, Nova agree that why Torajrio won't become the Next Order?" Izzy come up with a theory educational guess from his knowledge. "I know that all three of them agree that Torajrio will never go to the Digital World, that he should know about them and becoming the Next Order Generation. Its doesn't feel from what I'd concern about it, knowing they're excellent Member of the Order."

"Really Izzy?" Sora is finding amusing to him. "Did you hear from what Nova said, including Magnus?" she rephrase to him. "They're agree that Torajiro will never become the Next Order, that they're agree that their little guy is having an excellent life in our hometown, knowing it is their choice to have him as a new life for him."

"I'd guess you are right about it," said Izzy knowing he thought have gone down the drain, and yet he have to agree on Sora advice as a reminder that Torajrio is going to have an excellent life in DigiDestineds' hometown.

"I'm sure they will talk to him about Digimon," Sora is making a highly suggestion. "Knowing he's not a member of the Order, so that we can show him when he got older about, roughly 5 or 7 years old."

"I'll ask her," Matt promise to her, if he got time to have a word with Miyako. "Or better that my brother will ask her a question to beat me right to it."

"I'm sure that TK, will be alright," said Sora. "Besides, knowing he's still full pledge DigiDestineds, knowing he's wielding three most powerful emotion that opposite of Hope, that he control Hope, Wrath and Despair."

"Easy for you to say," Tai said to her. "I mean that TK/Takeru got three emotion crests, knowing he's control three different stage. I wonder it will effort us?"

"According to my old friend that TK/Takeru is the only who wielding three different crests," Izzy verified to him. "So no, we won't effort it, knowing that Angarmon's power is co-existed."

"Thank goodness for that then," Tai delighted from his relief from what he hear from Izzy statement, when he almost laugh out. "What's so funny?" Tai ask him.

"Oh nothing," he quickly lied to him. "Just some funny thought that's all."

"I see," Tai is keep an eye on to him while he's taking a bite on his lunch. "Anyway, did you train more on Angemon and Angewomon knowing there slightly very good on human developing tactic since you train them?" he ask Sora.

"Well, we did train them few more, but they're learn well," Sora replied to him, knowing that Angewomon and Angemon are slightly very good on their human developing skills. "But, we taught Angewomon about cooking, but that was while when she finally manage to start cooking, while you two taught Angemon about sport, well, you and Davis taught him about sport."

"I thought it was a good idea to understand about sport," Tai complained to her, knowing he is a huge sport fans.

"But my brother did taught him about writing including Angewomon which Izzy taught him about ABC letter to understand the writing understandable," Matt said to him, when he remember about writing when Izzy and his brother taught them about writing.

"It's a good idea to understand the writing and understand the numbers," Izzy said to him. "I know I did taught them about math about, well, you know what I'm going to say."

"Oh yeah," all three clamour out to each other that they know what Izzy mean about when they nod their head. Unknown to them that Daigo Nishijima, who's working at Agent of the Incorporated Administrative Agency whose undercover as a teacher have somehow spying on them that he TOO is wondering to know what happen in the Digital World, since he learn about the War was spend in the Digital World, while the DigiDestineds are having their conversation in their lunch period when he was outside the canteen to observe and watching knowing he will keep an eye on them, as one of the original DigiDestineds.

Daigo is slowly walk away from the DigiDestineds and heading toward his office, take less than minutes when he's having a deep thought from what the DigiDestineds said and yet he too is worry what happen to the Order since he last saw them long ago, before he approach toward his office.

"What if they were right," he said to himself without getting involve from the other. "What if did something to them? Knowing they're relieve any message from me as well. Knowing they made a promise to me since what happen long ago. But still, I'm pound that Magnus and Miyako got a child without becoming the Next Order, still he is very cute to see him," as he open the door from his office and inside in quick second and close it. "But still, I need to know what happen to them, knowing the war is still waging on the Digital World. I must know what happen to them or something bad would have happen to them."

"Whoa," Torajrio seem surprise from what Ange said to him. "Who know that Tai can be such reckless impatient leader that he wanted to know what happen in the Digital World and yet, I'd never heard that name, Daigo," he's unclear to know more about that character that he's never heard that name. "Who's Daigo?"

"He's the leader of the Original DigiDestineds," Angewomon 'Grace' said to him. "We have no idea that Daigo was the original long before we notice."

"Well that explain everything. And also who know that Tai can be suck reckless impatient leader that he wanted to know what happen in the Digital World and asking about everything, right?" Torajrio ask Ange, knowing he have no idea that Tai can be quite suborn and knowing he have no zero information about the Original that Daigo was one of them.

"Tell me about it," Ange agree with him, knowing Tai is Tai from his fools and his stupidity as always. "Tai Kamiya, is always wanted asking some question and answer, knowing he's deeply worried in the Digital World including Agumon and the others. You remember Agumon and the others, right?"

"Oh yeah," Torajrio said to him that he remember Agumon and the other when he was 7 years old when he first them as a friends to them, that he did play with them to have some fun and playing games with them. Knowing it was a fun memory he's have, playing with Digimon. "Knowing Agumon and the others are excellent fun to play with them. But I don't have any Digimon, knowing I have a Call since my Parents usually a Call, right? And do they have their own Digimon partner with them?"

This time Angewomon said to him, knowing she know anything as well when she said to him. "They did. Your parents got different verified of Digimon that your mother got two Digimon who got two golden rings on them and your father got the Leader of the Royal Knights."

"Royal Knights?" Torajiro is not familiar with that name.

"Royal Knights are the highest security in the Digital World," Ange explain to him. "Your father gain control of the Royal Knights, of 14th Royal Knight knowing they're believe he's the king and take command of the Royal Knights."

"Whoa, sound like my father is making an excellent king in the Digital World," said Torajiro with excitement voice.

"Well, not exactly," Angewomon said to him. "Your father is not keen to be the King of the Royal Knight. But he believe those Royal Knights are very suitable to be guardians of the Order and excellent Watcher to the Order, but his partner is the Leader of the Knight."

"I see," Torajrio have understand the meaning why his parents were chosen as the Order and got their own Digimon partner for good reason at all. "I wish I could have my own partner, but you said to me that my parents refuse one, knowing they're decided to give me a new life, so is that way my parents were hiding from me?"

"Um . . . more like 50 out of 50," Ange give him a half correction that half of them were not so-good from what he said. "But do you remember that Patamon and Gatomon with those two ring on them?"

Until Torajrio memory is started to kick. "Oh yeah, I'd remember them, they're good friend to me. Wait, those two are my mother Digimon partner?" he exclaimed and gasp out that he learn that his mother got different Patamon and Gatomon. "That is so cool, but why they're ending up with Kari/Hikari for good reason? You said to me that Miyako have decided to give her partner to her, right?"

"That is correct," Angewomon 'Grace' said to him. "Your mother decided to give Hikari/Kari two Digimon that they're believe she's special to use them, knowing that Kari is suitable to look after them."

"Huh?" Torajrio have that his mother give her own partners to Kari that he have no idea that Kari can be that special. "That's sound interesting from what I'm learning. And also what happen next?"

When Angemon 'Ange' continually tell Torajrio what's happen next. Only what's happen in the Digital World.

Back in the Digital World, thing are not so happen in the Digital World since the war is waging on between the Order and Chaos for the past 300 years (3 years in Earth term) since the rampaging happen in the Digital World, knowing that the DigiDestineds wants to know what happen in the Digital World. They have no idea that the Order almost won the war, until a something is goes wrong that the Order population have somehow goes down in mystery that effect on all Digimon that something is not right. That the balance is somehow overdoes and something caught off-guard that the balance is losing their weight, knowing the Order jobs is too restore the balance in their natural will.

Many Digimon were wondering to know what happen to the Order until they learn this Origination they never heard about it since it usually Angarmon's Chaos Empire, but this Origination is highly new to them for the time being. Later they heard a rumour that one of them have somehow in league with the Origination and the title called Order Killer by killing any remaining Order from their hideout that hidden in the light avoid from the dark and also killing opposing who's make a threat to the Origination will be terminate from their highly excessive. Later at one of the local village was in southern east section in the middle of the night after the sun is going down that few Digimon are standing lookout portals. There 16 Knightmon in cleanse silver armour with huge great sword along with 10 little Digimon called Gladimon are serve to protect the Digital World. There also 25 rock-like Digimon name Gostumon and there 30 Meramon and 30 BlueMeramon, blue counterpart of Meramon. They're standing guard to keep their watchful eyes from their local distinction as a standing route, some Digimon were taking their break before their daily route take place on them.

The village was usually well over 200 more Digimon, but this is a standing proceeded. At one of village that the light is still one, knowing that someone is still inside the main cabin, including some light outside from the village. Inside the local cabin, there is four person inside the same cabin. One of them is sitting down is wearing a robe in cream robe with brown flat line with brown hair with ponytail behind his hair, fair, with blue eyes. Three of them are in opposite direction as the gathering when three of them were sitting down in different seat. One of them is a teenager who have got green jacket with white line on them with number 10 of it with black shirt with blue jeans and black and white sneaker trainers with blown hair, pale, and green eyes. The second person is resemble of a 10 years old who got black hair, light tan colour with brown eyes and wear blue and white hoodies with pale blue jeans with black and white trainers with white lace on it. The third person who is older than those two who have got black wavy hair with green, pale and wear some kind of tuxedo in white jacket with rich pink on his collar with white trouser and white smart shoes he's wearing.

His name is Steven Worthington III, one of the original Order who live in the Digital World for very long time and one of the few survive from the Purge. He learn what happen to his students were killed in the purge or killed by the Order Killer from his felt distance. Steven's nationally is British that he fluently understand any language that the Digital matrix can translate into his system when he was train long ago. Behind him that two more Order have survive name Ben Lowenthal and Ash Taylor. Ben Lowenthal is an American when he was chosen in the Order long ago. He learn the death of his old Master, Declan, who didn't make it from the Expected when he quickly run from the Expected and met Ash, his life time friend who also survive the Expected. Ash Taylor is a Japanese and life time friend to Ben. Of course Ben can understand fluently language from the Digital matrix from is training. Ash is also survive the Expected when he learn the death his old Master, Risa Matsumo who didn't expected when both he and Ben watch the death his master that she did what she could to stop those madness in second they gun her down for good. Thankfully both of them are Order Knight, not Cadet.

The robe man was actually Gennai, well he's not Gennai. He's actually one of his copy counterpart name Hogan, an Australian counterpart who somehow met few remain Order when they discuss and talk about to know what happen when Hogan give Steve install chip memory stick when he smile upon those three.

"This discovery would be huge to all us," Hogan said to them in Australian accent that Steve, Ash and Ben understand his speaking. "Knowing this would be a greatest discovery, knowing this chip give us the key. The location of the First Order Temple."

"That mean whoever found the First Order Temple," Steve said to him in British accent. "Knowing that one of the Order have finally found during it hidden, well understand the truth of the Order and who is the First Order in the Digital World."

"I agree," Hogan agree with him. "I understand this threat and know that this Origination will never rest until they found you and many others of the Order, but they can't find the Last Order that one of your team have found it. I fear the legend rumour will become spread, so that Order will never be rebuild the Order."

"There's still hope," Ben said to them in American accent. "I know there's still is that we almost won the war. Now we under a threat for not knowing what happen, and also the fate of the DigiDestineds," he highly concern on the DigiDestineds about their return.

"I understand the logical have yet to become," Hogan said to him. "We must learn more about this Origination. But still, without the Order to re-population that mean the balance is becoming more weight by the minutes and soon that everyone will hunted."

"Not all, one of them who found it, he or she will become the Last of the Order," Steve verified to him. "As long this chip is location to know where is it," he look at the chip is a cross reference between chip and a memory stick in dim dark pale black and grey colour. "The information and the location to know where the First Order Temple."

"To learn about the First Order Temple, so that the secret of the Temple will be revealed," Hogan smile upon them when suddenly Meramon quickly run toward the local cabin in freighting new.

"We got company," he quickly said to them, "and it heading toward our direction."

Steve and the others quickly rush from the local cabin and see something toward the local village in quick second when Steve use his scope that he quickly got it out from the cabin to see what's coming, until it was those carrier fighter about three of them is heading toward, knowing this is bad news from them.

"You are leave," Steve quickly urge Hogan as a direct order.

"No," Hogan disagree to him. "You must leave. All of you, knowing line of the Order is depending you."

"Are you sure about it?" Ash is highly concern to him when he speak to him in Japanese voice.

"I'm done hiding," said Hogan. "Now, you three, now go so that the others will cover your escape. Now move while you had your chance, now go!"

Until all three of them have no choice but to accept to him is word, when Steve, Ben and Ash quickly make their moves, before those carriers is making a touchdown, while Hogan quickly said to all Digimon.

"Make ready on your battle position!" he yell out as a direct order when all Digimon is making their position as stand by ready to make sure those carriers will touchdown the surface when all Digimon clamour to each other to hold and mark their standby position. While Steve and the others make move, knowing their line of the Order is depending on them as their part of their survival.

Once all Digimon are ready their standby position when three carriers is nearly toward the villages while Digimon is making their position.

"Hold! " Hogan said to them in direct order to them when carriers have make their touchdown. The carrier is large and huge that fit well over 50 Digimon inside them, but those carriers are special kind use in the war, that colour is hard to see to know what colour is it when the carrier have final made a touchdown when the hissing comparison is finally open that someone is inside. "Fire!" he yell out when all Digimon begin their attack.

Inside the carriers, when someone is inside the carriers and inside carriers are copies troopers over 300 of them, in cleanse silver and white armour and helmet with Digi-blaster on them to begin their shoot at them when they yell out by clamouring words when they're shot at so many Digimon who begin their open fire on them, when most of their troopers are shot down from the unexpected firing assault from Digimon moves when they're begin their fire on them.

One by one many Digimon were shot that their body can't dissolve because that blaster is allow their Digimon bodies will never to be expose nor dissolve their body can't reverted back into a Digi-Egg. Many Digimon use their moves and manage to hit over 19 of them when they yell and grunt out at the same time knowing they're too many of them. Knowing these troopers who fought in the war have somehow turn their back against the Order that it is still a mystery on them.

Logan look at the many Digimon are doing their best to stop them, until one by one that few Digimon were shots from Digi-blaster, but that blaster is Anti Digi-blaster and see few Digimon corpses are lying position and see the sizzling smoke from their body. Even Gostumon were afraid that their attack power have no effect on them at all when Logan saw those blaze-trooper with their flamethrower guns to burn the villager local supplies, while the other troopers quick rustle some Digimon who's unable to fight back and capture and escort them in the gathering circle. Outside the villager, Steve look at the battle is blazing chaos that's spread in the local village. He should help them, knowing that the Order's job is to protect and helping Digimon from their needed. But he can't knowing the Order need to survive. Should he help or run like coward to survive?

Ben and Ash look at the village, knowing many Digimon won't stand a chance against until both nod to each other, when both of them look at Steven, knowing Steven is one of the Original Restoration Order.

"You go," Ben said to Steve from Steve's surprise. "You must give the information to the DigiDestineds. They need to know about it and their explanation."

"We're done running," Ash add on to him. "Go, we can hold them off. Now go!" Ash give him a final order when Steve nod at them, when he quickly run into the forest for his best chance to survive.

"May the Data be will you," Ben said to him in his final moment to one of the Original Order, when both boys got out their Digi-sabre, knowing this is their final battle, knowing their fate is almost draw near to them when they quickly run back toward the village.

The battle is over, many Digimon were shot and non-data. 12 Meramon were shot, 23 BlueMeramon as well along with half of Knightmon and 4 Galdimon and 12 Gostumon as well when Hogan is now seize capture by two trooper, the copies troopers who use them in the war, knowing they're still wearing in their same armour and their same texture when they approach them when all Digimon are hurdle in the gathering position that all troopers are circle at them in formation with their blaster in position in lock and loaded as Logan was halt near the village with two troopers are standing at his sides.

Logan look at the one carrier and see one of them is heading out is none other than Order Killer. Obverse that Tony Marsh did what he could to stop him and met his fate. An Order Killer is approach one Gennai copy counterpart face-to-face knowing he still wearing that mask when he sinister glare at him.

"At least we're finally found you, Logan," Order Killer said to him, knowing he's still wearing his mask to protect his identity. "You have done tried from your hiding."

"Not all of me are refuse to hide." Logan replied to him. "Look like Tony have met his fate."

"Tony Marsh was an excellent decoy, knowing that the others have something," Order Killer quick said to him. "We know what we come for exactly."

"And I know why you join them, before you inherit the name called Order Killer," said Logan that he may learn the truth from this Order Killer from what he speak about it.

"The map that I know about" he ignore Logan advice that he continue said to him. "Is it true that this map will lead toward the First Order Temple? And now you will give it to the Origination."

"The Origination is nothing more than a thorn of the dark embrace," Logan clarified to him. "Why did you join them?"

"I choice them," he quickly answer to him, so that his rage is slowly begin his pressure to allow his rage taken his place.

"You may try," he said to him in his final words, "you cannot deny the feeling from your cherish you care about it."

"You're so right," he quite with him until he quickly activities his crossguards Digi-sabre in crimson red sound when he hoist his weapon in the air when a panic come alone that frighten remain Digimon and quickly swing toward Gennai abdomen area when his body is lying on the ground, unable to dissolve into data. "Guess that you have wrong," just before he deactivates his sabre when suddenly.


He quickly heard a voice when he heard two humming light sound coming from his north-east distance and see two Digimon is running toward him. One of them who's wielding blaze orange and the other is blue and the holder are two Digimon who coming toward them. One of them who look like a Power Rangers in actual suit who's actually a humanoid with cybernetic right arm completely in dim clear grey colour including its mask is also the same colour as its arm and it have very long pale dark red scarf that lower toward bottom of it feet with single belt with single red colour that attach toward it. That name is Justimon who wielding blue sabre and the other one who is equal size to compare Justimon in smooth red Digi-armour in yellow colour line that surround everything from outer line with black protective suit, muscular like Justimon. It battle helmet is resemble of Greymon but different with spike blond hair with blue eyes with human mouth on him. That name is Agunimon who wielding orange blade and both of them few remain Order when of them are rushing toward the Order Killer for murder Logan.

"How gullible they turn out to be," he gesture on them, knowing they wants to fight in the name of the Order.

As two Order Knight is almost approaching him when Order Killer quickly swings into a colliding moment when Agunimon is quickly swing his blade sabre when the block take place on the sabre when both of them using their form on them also Justimon as well, when he too is use his own form. Agunimon is Form V: Ni'hah-dum the swiftest move and also Justimon is using Form III: Mat'saki as a countermeasure to stop but the Order Killer is also using Form II: Po'sho, a posh move and also combine with Form V as a combination to make them a loose balance.

But Agunimon and Justimon won't lose their balance, knowing they're trained to understand how to balance the sabre, when all three clashes their blade in quick second when the Order Killer slowly move toward them, but all three quickly use the same method in repeating method. Many Digimon watch some furies battle between Order vs Order Killer and neither of them never give up knowing their skills are pro too pro from what they concern. They could help them, but they're surrounded by copies troopers with their anti-Digi blaster knowing that baster can't dissolve living Digimon, so they're trap and they're break out. While the Order are still up against the Order Killer.

The Order Killer is almost admiring on them, knowing their skills is balance that one of them is swifter and the other one is using focus in lesser swift. When another clashes from their sabre that Agunimon is using Form V and combing with Form III and also Justimon is using Form III and Form I: Shin'ak, a Cadet Move and beginner step form he using while the Order Killer using Form II and Form V as a powerful combo to weaken the enemy. All three still clashes their blade in quickest second only the Order got excellent advance on their blade, but the Order is somehow using those move that no one know who or what inside that mask, that they believe he's a phantom.

Once all three of them continually their blades in random same place with exact same move they're using. But the Order Killer is not ready, not ready to surrender to the Order, knowing they need to survive since the Purge hoping they will rebuild the Order, but they won't stay hidden for too long. He continually battle two Order Knight in fearless duel that neither of them will never give up or neither to be killed. Order Killer continually use those two forms against Agunimon and Justimon. He know those two and knows their former master were killed in Unexpected Assault, knowing their coward away without seeing or ruining their destiny to allow their fate to become one of the Digital. But now, their fate is now uncertain for them in engaging duel when he continually their blades in quick speed on them.

Agunimon and Justimon still use them, but the speed is somehow different from what he's using, it like he using something, much, much different from what they encounter it like he using the dark side move; the anger – Ta-ack- the Rage move. They're know about form, but this one is like they're never encounter before in their life. Order Killer is quickly swing with his sabre, until he manage to separate the combination attack when he use kick onto Agunimon chest and landing him on the ground and continually engage to Justimon with a single combat. Justimon is grunt out to him but a merely dodge from him when two of them clashes their sabre that he using Form III but the Order Killer using Form II, in posh style tactic to overcome the pair in very quick second. Agunimon is slowly regain his confidence back when he saw his friend is engage in a duel. Justimon need whatever to stop him with Form III and Form I in quickest second with sheer pressure to stop him. Until the Order quickly spin his sabre, and use his Ta-ack to bash the blade together that loosen Justimon's ability that he exclaimed out knowing that Justimon is half Digimon and half human that he try to block it in quick mere second. Order Killer can see fear on him when he continually duel him in blink second when he finally manage to stop him by stabbing Justimon's armour chest plate, when he heard a gasp sound from Justimon.

"No!" Agunimon cried out when he saw Order Killer pull out his sabre from Justimon and see data-frizzle on him when Justimon body is now lying on the ground, revert back into his human form, as Agunimon is now shock, compete paralyse in fear that he lose his friend when he glare at Order Killer when he yell out to him when he quickly rose and run toward him when both of them clashes their blades in mil-second.

"You're anger for losing your friend," Order Killer admiring to him. "But, you strength will never defeat me."

"Guess again," he quickly replied, after their clashes their blade together when Aguimon quickly borrow his friend sabre and quickly activates, knowing he's still remain in his half form and use both sabre in quickly second, clashes two blades against one blade with powerful humming sound on the blades.

Aguimon is quickly rapid using Form V again, without using Form III, knowing he lose his friend in anger duel. He know that Aguimon is a Warrior of Fire, knowing that fire will make thing burn, while an Order Killer is continually using Form II and Form V as a quickest combo to overcome Aguimon quickest move knowing that Form V, Ni'hah-dum is one of the swiftest and slashes move was inverted by the Order long ago before the Restoration Order comes along. Order Killer know his move when he estimate his strength to him. Aguimon is still using hid form that Order Killer is quickly his At'or to use his leg and hand as a combo that confuse on Aguimon blindness when Aguimon roar out toward until, contract have been made when Order Killer swing his blade toward Aguimon upper chest when the battle is over. Aguimon is stood still, in complete paralyse when he look at the roost mark on his chest that his eyes were almost bulge out when drop and let go his sabre on the ground when his body is half-frizzle when his body is now reverted into a human when he lying on the ground, un-move that Order Killer have finally killed another remained Order.

Many Digimon were now shock to see an Order Killer have manage and somehow kill them that they thought, well, rumour that an Order Killer was a Cadet was more like an Order Knight from what they thought. Order Knight switch off his weapon and place onto his belt as he walk approach toward bed body of Ben and pick up two sabre, knowing those sabre are part of his prize collection when a commander of the copies trooper said to him.

"Sir?" he ask him in direct order. "The villagers?"

After long his deep thought after he done with those Order Knight he battle when he said to him. "Exterminate."

"Yes sir," he fully acknowledge to him when he give his troops to lock on their position. "On my mark," he halt them as a direct order when many Digimon were now afraid. "Fire!" he shout out as primary order when all copies trooper are quickly fire toward them and hear so many scream from them, while an Order Killer make his move, and hear so many scream of so many Digimon have begin to witness to see the terror of the Origination.

"That's cruel!" Torajrio exclaimed out knowing this Origination have butcher innocent Digimon. "There's no way that The Origination can be that cruel to massacre innocent Digimon!"

"I quite agree with you," Ange agree with him, knowing the life of Digimon is very important since he learn what happen in 2005 that his friends explain what happen in the village. "But it is the rule of the Origination from those whose making threat will terminate that they'll never reverted back into a Digi-egg."

"A coward attack," Torajrio said to him that he believe that the Origination are nothing more than coward who's refuse to fight back and killed so many innocent Digimon. "What kind of madness that killed so many life of Digimon that they're won't stand a chance, well, most of them did fight back. But why the Origination killing so many innocent Digimon?"

"That's part, I'm not sure about it," Ange admit to him knowing he have no idea why the Origination killed innocent life of Digimon. He understand the pain from what Torajrio said about killed innocent Digimon is make thing worst. Angewomon 'Grace' also agree on him, knowing killed many innocent Digimon from the Origination was indeed a coward assault against innocent Digimon will make thing worst.

"The Origination are nothing more than a fool disorder," this time Angewomon 'Grace' said to him. "Knowing their crime committed treason in the Digital World. But the information is very small. That's why we don't want to talk about, explain story from what me and Ange were going to say."

"I understand," Torajrio firmly agree with her, knowing that Angemon and Angewomon have been though time since what happen in 2005, that's why they don't want to talk about it. "But still, Ben and Ash didn't make it since an Order Killer killed them, knowing you said that the Order is losing their number and struggle to survived since what happen and yet," he start to get curious, "how did know everything about the villager and cool fighting ability? I'd take it, that your friend told you everything what happen name Steve is it?"

When a smile upon Ange, "you need learn well," he correct to him. "Yes, Steve told me everything. The loss of his great student and the loss his friends and allies that he lose everything since the Purge still rampaged what happened since he told me, Angewomon and the DigiDestineds. But not all of them told me and the other what happen in the Digital World."

"You mean some Order who survive purge and reunited with the DigiDestineds including my mother?" Torajrio made guess to him, when a positive smile upon Ange and Grace that Torajrio guess have turn out to be correct.

"I had to guess," he hate when he guess it out from his educational guess when he making a frowning look on him.

"More like 50-50 per odd," Angewomon clarified to him, when she fold her arm and lean against the door when she smile at him.

"Anyway," Ange continually said to him. "Shall I continually what happen next?"

"Please do," Torajrio accepted Angemon continuation story so that he wanted to know what happen to his parents since 2005.

Yes, I know. It's short. I understand you wanted longer version but the truth is I got some writer block that I can't what happen next. True story.

Anyway, there are some cameo words from what I mean. Like Ash Taylor was base of the name of Ash Ketchum from Pokémon and VeronicaTaylor, the original voice of Ash. So both name are cameo. And also Ben Lowenthal was base on a name Ben Tennyson from Ben10 and Yuri Lowenthal the voice of teenager Ben. And also another camo name was in there, Rica Matsumoto was a cameo name, the Japanese of Ash Ketchum. So I use her as a cameo and also Declan is also base on Yugioh ARC V. But no this is Declan in Digimon not in Yugioh, the detail will have to wait for the being.

Anyway in this story was an ideal base on Star Wars Force Awaken the villagers was under attack by the First Order trooper including Kylo Ren talking to member Church of the Force is similar story. And this chapter hold the key to know that location of the First Order Temple was equal, but different to the First Jedi Order. So yeah there one or two hidden Easter words in there.

Also if you don't understand what those form meaning to you, look at my profile to help you to know what its mean. Okay.

Anyway, the next chapter is going to take a while that Thing are so Good what happen lately that Order Killer have found another one and the DigiDestined are still having their conversation and also Takari. And also don't judge on my writing, look at my profile.