Feel Good

A RyugaxGinga Story. Don't like, then don't read! ENJOY!

The following chapter contains: Blackmail, sex, drugs, violence, death, and BoyxBoy.

Ryuga was dead yet again and on his way to report to the Gods. Ginga will beyblade again and give up his stripper lifestyle. The mission was over.

So why didn't he feel like it was over?

He arrived in Hades where the Gods awaited him. L-Drago flew by his side.

Ryuga looked around, "Pegasis. Are you there?"

The Gods popped out one by one. Ares wouldn't even look at him, Leone growled as usual, and Eagle looked pissed.

Pegasis clopped forward, "Ryuga."

"I'm back. I did as you asked. Ginga will be using you again starting next week."

"I see. I was listening, he barely mentioned my name. Does he miss me?"

"I don't know. I think he's still figuring himself out. But he'll be using you a lot more once he signs the deal with Kyoya."

Leone roared, "Don't you dare utter my master's name with your filthy mouth!"

Ryuga was shielded by L-Drago, "Well my master, did his job and you will show him some respect!"

"L-Drago, it's fine. Pegasis, how'd I do?"

The horse snorted, "Well, despite all the constant mating we had to watch.."

Ryuga blushed, "You could've just looked away!" he rememered all the times Ginga demanded sex from him, 'I knew they were watching, dammit.'

"I'm glad I'll be used by my master again. But I don't approve all the blackmail you two did. Now Ginga has less friends than he did before."

"It was the only way to get him to move forward. Those jerks were never his friends to begin with."

"Jerks?! How dare you speak of Hyoma that way!" Ares bleated.

Eagle cawed, "And what about Tsubasa?! He didn't desrve that teatment!"

Striker clopped next to Pegasis, "Masamune almost died!"

More Gods began to screech and caw at Ryuga for his poor behavior on earth. His head began to hurt and his true emotions began to show.


They ceased their squabbling and Pegasis stepped up, "Ryuga, that is no way to talk to us-"

"I get it, your Gods, alright?! You hold my life in the palm of your hand- hoof- claw- whatever! But all of you kept saying that you want to beyblade with your masters again, not even caring about how fucked up they are!" He looked up, "Hey birdbrain!"

Eagle shrieked and showed his talons, "How dare you!"

"Tsubasa isn't beyblading! He's a grown ass man trying to figure himself out. He's a successful business man in charge of WBBA, but he's not happy. He's thinks he's a freak becuase he likes to crossdress now and then. He was in the wrong for raping Ginga, but do you really think he's disgusting."

Eagle ruffled it's feathers and calmed down, "N-No.. no matter what, I'll always be loyal and love Tsubasa."

"Then TELL him that! And Striker," the horse snorted, "Masamune is in a relationship with King and took over a beyblade gym in America. He's not happy either becuase he still can't forgive himself for what he did to Ginga."

"..he cries nonstop at night. But he's trying to change. I love seeing him train with his students. Whether he uses me or not, I just want him to be happy."

"EXACTLY! That's what you're all forgetting, these 'masters' you love so much are adults now! They are human beings. They don't see you all as servants of justice or just Gods, you're their partners..their family." He turned the lion, "Leone, your partner needs you more than ever. He is the most FUCKED up person I've met since I was there."

Leone roared and leaped. He tackled Ryuga to the ground and flashed his fangs, "How dare you talk down to me. Just becuase we brought you back to life for a bit you act like you know everything!"

Ryuga wiped the drool dripping onto his face, "Well you're right, I DON'T know everything. I've been dead! You all sent me down there not telling me what happened to Ginga or how he became the way he is. Why didn't you tell me he was raped and ganged up on like that?!"


L-Drago shoved Leone off of him, "Back off and let him speak!"

The lion clawed and growled.

Ryuga shielded his partner, "STOP! I'm not trying to talk down to you or provoke you, but you have to face the truth, Kyoya also needs help!"

Leone stopped his tantrum but stood his ground, "..I know. I already know that. I don't need you to tell me." He looked at Pegasis, "Words cannot describe how sorry I am, Pegasis old friend."

The white horse shook his head, "None of this was any of our faults, Leone. But we hoped you could fix them all Ryuga."

"Well, I can't. Making them all beyblade again won't make them happy. Just like how letting Ginga sign that contract won't make him happy. He'll beyblade again, but he'll being doing it out of hatred." He looked Pegasis in th eye, "Do you really want to be used that way?"

Pegasis hung his head low, "..no. This..This I know. I just didn't want to believe it. I just miss Ginga so much." Tears dripped from his eyes and down his long face.

Ryuga petted his white mane, "I know.. I-I..guess I miss him too." He blushed, "He's loud, annoying, selfish, and always open about his emotions. Those parts of him I envy. I never opened up to anyone.. except him. And even though he saw how ugly I was on the inside, he accepted me."

Pegasis nuzzled against his touch, "I too love that about him. It pains me to see him act the way he does now, but I just want him to be happy."

"Yeah.. I'm not too satisfied with how I did on earth either." He wiped Pegasis' tears away, "That's why I'm asking you for a favor."


"Please send me back. I have to make this right."

L-Drago gasped, "What?! We're going back?!"

Ares stomped his hooves, "No way! You had your chance and only made things worse!"

Ryuga got down on his knees, "I know, I don't get many shots at this and I failed you. So let me fix this." He bowed his head, "Please. I need a second chance."

Pegasis looked at Leone, "Think we can trust him?"

He growled and submitted, "Fine.. I say we give him another chance. But I still don't like him."

"Feeling's mutual."

"Hmph." Leone walked away, "I'm still not taking the curse off of you though. In case you try something."

Pegasis spread its wings, "Good, then it's settled. I take it you have a proper plan this time?"

Ryuga stood before a new portal opening up, "Yeah.. Let's just hope it works."

1 Week Later. . .

Ginga awoke in the creepy bedroom again. The door creaked open and he was met with the usual face.

Nile wore a grey suit and reading glasses. He held up Ginga's dry-cleaning and a tablet.

"Good, you're awake. I trust you know what today is."

The redhead lit a cigarette, "Yeah, yeah.. the day of the signing. Where's Kyoya?"

He handed him his suit for the party, "Outside in his limo waiting for you. You slept in."

Ginga stretched and exhaled smoke from the corners of his mouth, "Well so-rry. Hard to wake up on time when he's fucking me all hours of the night."

Nile hid his look of digust, "Just get dressed."

The redhead fixed his hair in the mirror, "Why doesn't he sleep with you? You're pretty hot yourself." He teased.

Nile ignored him and slammed the door shut.

Ginga rolled his eyes and got dressed in his suit. He groomed and prepped his red hair and looked like a proper gentleman.

'One minute I'm in a thong on a pole and now I'm in suit on my way to a meeting.' He sighed and put out his cigarette, "Fuck my life."

He left the secret room and locked it shut. Once he left TC, Kyoya greeted him outside by the limo.

"Hey, I missed you." He kissed Ginga's lips.

The redhead forced a smile, "Great."

The two got in the car and drove to the gala. Ginga stared out the window watching the sun set.

He barely went outside, was constantly under Nile and Kyoya's supervision, and just so bored of everything.

"Ginga," Kyoya placed his hand on top of his, "I made sure the party has your favorite food. Burgers with extra beef and ketchup."

He nodded, "That's great."

"I know you must be hungry, you can eat as much as you want when we get there. Tonight is your night." He kissed his hand, "And then.. maybe we can pick up where we left off last night."


. . .

Kyoya stood on stage at the podium. Beyblade companies far and wide were there, including Ginga's ex-friends.

They clapped and cheered as Kyoya gave his speech.

"And without further ado, finally out of hiding, Ginga Hagane!" he stepped to the side and let Ginga step forward.

The minute he stepped into the spotlight the crowd cheered and gasped.

He waved and flashed his signature smile, "Heeeeyy! How's everybody doing?!"

"Oh my gosh! It's him!"

"The former champion!"

Ginga pouted on the mike, "What do you mean former?!"

The crowd laughed.

Kyoya teased, "Well you've been out of commision for a while. Do you really think you still have what it takes to defeat all these new bladers?"

"With blader's spirit, anything's possible." He grinned.

The crowd cheers and snapped photographs left and right. Kyoya took Ginga's hand and guided him off stage.

He flashed his handsome smile, "You heard it here first folks. Ginga Hagane is back! But before he signs the contract he'll be signing autographs! The fans always come first."

"We love you Kyoya!"

"You're so hot!"

The redhead's face hurt from fake smiling so much, 'If only they knew what he was really like.'

Ginga sat at the autograph table and was met with a long line of reporters and fans. Some were kids from his generation, others wanted to sell it for money, and some wanted something juicy to sell.

"Ginga, where have you been all this time?"

He looked away, "Oh you know, places."

"Do you still like burgers?"

He grinned, "You bet."

"Plan to enter any tournaments?"

He winked, "Whatever TC picks out for me."

"Ginga, do you have a moment to spare?"

He lifted his head and saw Tsubasa and the rest of his ex-friends. They had apologetic looks on their faces.

The redhead looked around for Kyoya. He was in the middle of talking to Nile and his brother Kakeru.

He waved security telling them to put the autographs on hold, "What do you want?"

"Can we talk?"

Ginga sighed and got up from his seat.

Autographs were temporarily closed while he went to grab a bite to eat. They gathered around Ginga as he grumpily ate pigs in a blanket.

"So, what'd you want to talk about?"

Tsubasa rubbed the back of his head, "A lot of stuff has happened over the years. We used to be a good team..we were your friends."

Dashan looked hurt, "Your comrades."

Masamune looked sad, "Your brothers."

Hyoma also, "Your family."

Tsubasa stepped forward, "And we threw that all away over something stupid."

Ginga swallowed his food, "..is that it? Look, I'm not going to post those pictures I took of you all online. I'm done blackmailing. So just go live your lives or whatever. I don't care anymore."

Hyoma stepped up, "Well, we do care. About you, about each other, all of this."

Dashan rubbed the back of his neck, "You have the right to know why we did what we did back then."

"Oh right, you mean stabbing me in the back, having your way with me, and then abandoning me? Yeah, I guess I would like to know about that." He shoved more food onto his plate.

"Ginga, back then, each one of of us had a crush on you."

The redhead stopped putting food on his plate, "..so you didn't hate me?"

"We loved you.. so much." Hyoma sighed, "But you only saw us as family and was so oblivious."

Masamune rubbed his arm, "We didn't like it. But we accepeted it since you treated us all equally."

Dashan shrugged, "We thought you'd never date any one of us and would only focus on beyblade. It was who you were."

Tsubasa glared, "But then Kyoya contacted all of us. At first, we weren't on board with the plan, but-"

"What plan?" Ginga had his hand on his hip.

"..Kyoya wanted our help in tracking you down. He needed us to trap you in a room, supply him with what he needed to capture you."

"Of course we all said no and thought he was nuts. But then he told us about how you were dating Madoka."

Ginga blushed, "I wasn't even dating her..yet! I wanted to ask her out..I did have a crush on her. But he attacked me before I even got the chance to go near her!"

"We didn't know that. But we were so mad and felt so betrayed at the time. You didn't even tell us or bother to acknockledge our feelings for you. So Kyoya said that if we help him, we each would finally get to have sex with you."

"We loved you so much Ginga, there wasn't a day where I didn't think of touching you."

"So you raped me just because I finally had a crush on someone?! Are you insane?! Do you have any idea what you all put me through?!" Ginga felt himself wanting to cry and explode, "I was terrified, I couldn't eat or sleep, I didn't know who to trust anymore! Do you have any idea what that's like?!"

Tsubasa looked guilty, "I know, we're so sorry Ginga! We were wrong for what we did. We can't take it back."

Hyoma looked at his feet, "I feel worser than Kyoya. I can't believe I just gave in like that. I'm so sorry Ginga."

Masamune looked Ginga in the eye, "Me too, I'm sorry buddy. I shouldn't have run away to America like that. I saw what Kyoya was doing to you..and I did nothing."

Dashan shook his head, "None of us have forgiven ourselves for what we did to you. There were times where I'd come to the city to try to find you and apologize, but you were no where to be found."

"Well of course I was hiding out. Now that I know I can't trust anybody." He grabbed a soda from the cooler, "Hell, I still can't."

"Ginga, please-!"

"NO! You think your little sob stories will make me forgive you? As if! You all can go to hell. I never want to see any of you again." Ginga didn't care about any of them, but he sure never planned on forgiving them.

They stood there feeling guilty as Ginga stormed off to Kyoya's table to eat.

"..you looked angry over there. Something happen?"

"It was nothing. Just fighting over food." He shoved more sliders into his mouth.

Kyoya dabbed his face with a napkin, "Careful how you eat, there's papparazi everywhere."

"Right." He slowed down and sipped some soda, 'What am I even doing here?'

He watched the room. All the fancy businessmen holding cocktails and chatting about business.

Ginga's ex-friends were greeted by their firends and dates. He saw Yu, King, and other familiar faces. But he refused to approach any of them.

Despite the full party and thousands of people who came to see him, Ginga felt so alone.

He sighed and just kept eating.

Kyoya got out the contract, "Since I have your attention, do you feel like reading the contract first? We can go over some things."

It was a thick packet that made Ginga bored just looking at it, "Ugh, maybe after I have a drink or two."

Kyoya growled, "No, you should do it now-"

"Excuse me sirs."

The two lifted their heads and met with a waiter. He wore a white masquerade mask.

"I can take you to the mini bar if you'd like. It's right down the hall." He pointed to the double doors.

Ginga sighed, "Oh thank God."

"I said you're not drinking. This is an important night!" He tugged hard on Ginga's arm.


"I've worked too hard for this, you will not ruin this party." He hissed in Ginga's ear.

The waiter cleared his throats, "Cameras are rolling 24/7 Mr. Tategami. Are you sure you want the reporters seeing this?"

"Grrr.." he released him.

"I'll escort Mr. Hagane safely away from the cameras so he can get a proper drink or two."

Ginga rubbed his sore arm, "Make it seven."

Kyoya glared, "No. You're allowed one drink and then you come right back. Got it?"

"Great." He got up and followed the waiter.

The two left the party and stood inthe dark hallway. Ginga only saw doors and windows.

"Hey, where's the booze?"

He took his mask off, "What would the children think if they saw you drinking alcohol?"

Ginga rubbed his aching forehead, "Look buddy, I've had one hell of a day. I just want to get drunk."

"God, you're so damn selfish. Why do I put up with you?"

The redhead lifted his head to the familiar nagging voice. He was face to face with Ryuga.

"..b-but, you left.."

"Yeah well, I came back."

Before Ginga could get swept up into the moment he backed away, "Let me guess, the Gods asked you to come back because of something else."

He merely shrugged and put his hands in his pockets, "No. I actually volunteered this time."

"Pfff, for what? Another mission?"

"Nope. Just you."

Ginga paused, "..what?"

"Look, don't make me say it twice." He blushed angrily, "I came for your dumb ass."

"What?! Well..whatever. I'm not going anywhere with you. I have Kyoya and a whole party to attend. I'm happy!" he reached for the door.

"Then why aren't you having fun? I didn't see you smile a single time in there. That fake-ass grin I saw is no where near as bright as you usually are."

"..well that's just what you think." He opened the door to go back to the party.

"Look you!" he grabbed Ginga's other hand and pulled him into his arms away from the doors.

"Let go of me! Leave me alone!"

Ryuga grabbed his shoulders and shook him, "Listen you! You are pure evil, a fucking slut, and so goddamn annoying!"

Ginga felt irritated, "Yeah, so what?!"

"So what?! So I just gave up going to heaven to be with your crazy ass! So hurry up and fall in love with me!" Ryuga blushed.

Ginga's eyes went wide, it was his turn to blush. He stared into Ryuga's eyes, "..w-what.. who would.."

This confused state pleased Ryuga, "You heard me. I want you to fall in love with me more than when I fell in love with you."

His golden eyes shined and filled with tears, "You jerk.. you're lying."

"I'm a jerk. But I already told you, I'm not a liar Ginga."

The redhead sobbed and tried shoving Ryuga away, "No.. No you're lying.." he shook his head and refused to believe in Ryuga's words, "Someone put you up to this."

"Ginga, look at me."


Ryuga grabbed the sides of Ginga's face and forced him to look him in the eye, "I love you, okay? I love you."

Ginga sobbed and let himself melt in his arms, "I.. I love you too.. I love you so much. Oh God.."

Ryuga kissed his lips, "Good."

He held him close and tight and let Ginga sob against his black vest. His legs felt weak so they sat on the floor. Once he heard Ginga sniffling and calming down, he kissed his head.

He never realized how much he missed the way Ginga smelled and how warm he was, "Hurry up and clean your snotty face. I want to kiss you."

Ginga had a line of snot stuck to Ryuga's waiter outfit, "Ugh, you're a jerk to the end."

He used his sleeve to wipe Ginga's nose, "Well I'm your jerk. Now come here."

He kissed Ginga's mouth and licked his warm lips. He parted his mouth and let him deepen the kiss.

Ginga wrapped his arms around him and let him French him, "Mmnn.. mmm.."

Ryuga's lizard tongue felt hot and made Ginga's body tingle. He ended up letting out soft moans when he felt Ryuga touch him more.

He broke the kiss, "Ryuga..hhaahh.." he had an erotic look on his face.

"Oh boy.. there's that look again."

"Oh c'mon, you're the one who started it. I can't go out there all worked up like this." He pouted. He was hard in his suit.

Ryuga's cheeks were red. He licked his lips, "Well, I guess I'd be lying if I didn't feel like holding you now. But.."


Ryuga unbuttoned the front of his vest and showed off his skin and body, "I'm changing, Ginga. The Gods didn't remove the curse. I'll only be human for a few more hours. After that, I'll be that hideous monster again."

Red scales and tattoos had taken over most of his body. He was slowly losing his humanity.

"..that's it?" Ginga smiled warmly and nuzzled against Ryuga, "Human or not, I want to be held by you."

"..and Kyoya?"

He smirked, "Jealous?"

Ryuga raged, "I'm not!"

Ginga chuckled, "Haha, you're such a sweetie, Ryuga. I'll always love you no matter what form you take.. because you're you."

Ryuga blushed more and felt his heart race. He had never felt so warm or loved before. That happy feeling he had been searching for was right in front of him.

The doors to the party immediatly swung open, "So that's how it is!"

Both gasped and saw Kyoya at the door. His blue eyes were showing their possessive look again.

"Kyoya?!" Ginga clung to Ryuga.

Ryuga held him close, "Don't worry, I'm not giving you back to him, Ginga."

He growled and felt something snap in his head, "GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF HIM! HE'S NOT YOURS, HE'S MINE!"

His outburst made people in the party walk over to the door. Papparazi showed up and Nile tried to calm him down.

"Kyoya, you're making a scene, what's going on?!" He touched Kyoya's arm.

He slapped Nile off of him, "BACK OFF!"

"Ugh!" Nile hit the floor.

Ryuga picked Ginga up, "Time to escape!"

The redhead gasped as Ryuga ran with him in his arms, "W-What are you doing?!"

"I'm not leaving you behind again!" Ryuga saw a window and ran towards it.

Ginga noticed the crowd of security showing up, "Oh no! Ryuga they're-!"

"Relax, I'll save you this time." Ryuga gave him a reassuring look, "I promise."

Ginga felt his heart race, "..okay."

"Hang on!" he jumped out the window and shielded him from the broken glass.

He clung to him tightly, "ARE YOU INSANE?!"

But instead of plummeting towards traffick, they were soaring through the night sky.

Ginga opened his eyes to get a good look. Ryuga had large demon-like wings spread out, burning bright as they glided through the air.

Horns had grown from his forehead too, "Told you I'd save you this time."

Ginga smiled and clung to him more, "Yeah, you really did."

Kyoya watched from the window watching in disbelief, "What is he?"

His men appeared out of breath, "Sir, we've lost sight of Ginga Hagane! What are your orders?"

Kyoys balled his fists and got an idea, "Nile."

He stepped towards Kyoya, "Yes sir?"

"Get all the police and security in the area. Ginga has been attacked by a monster."

"A monster?"

"Yes, one with red scales, horns, and wings. A real freak. It was terrible, and to make it worse he kidnapped Ginga." He pointed towards the night sky, "Find him and shoot him down, before he kills him."

They saluted, "SIR, YES SIR!"

Nile found this all hard to believe, 'Did that really happen?'

"Why are you just standing there Nile? Start making phone calls." He gripped his chin, "You're not going to let me down, are you?"

Nile couldn't help but swoon on the inside, "No sir. I'll call the police at once."

He smirked, "Good, I knew I could count on you." He walked away and began trying to track Ginga's location.

Nile sighed and regretted always letting his feelings get in the way of better judgement. But he'd do anything for Kyoya, no matter what.

. . .

Ginga and Ryuga flew through the sky out of control.

"This was romantic at first, but do you seriously know what you're doing?!" Ginga panicked.

Ryuga was dodging bullets and out of control, "Look, it's my first time fucking flying, okay?!"

Kyoya watched them from binoculars ordering his men to shoot Ryuga down. Security and police gathered in the streets and in their cars fired away.

"C'mon, fire! Kill that thing!" he ordered.

"We're trying sir!"

Nile tapped his shoulder, "What else can we do? He's too fast."

Kyoya thought for a bit and got out a walky-talky, "Send in the chopper."

"WHAT?!" Nile gasped, "That's only for emergencies only-!"

He turned around glaring angrily, "Are you telling me Ginga isn't an emergency? That the love of my life is not important enough?"

"N-No, sir." Nile looked down at his feet.


He got out the binoculars and gave orders for the helicoptor to fire.

Ryuga could hear the sounds of sirens and flapping noises. He looked over his shoulder, "..oh you got to be fucking kidding me."

He was being followed by the TC company helicopter. Police officers brought out the big guns and began loading their weapons.

Ginga looked scared, "R-Ryuga!"

"Hang on! I'm going to get you out of here!" he tried flying faster.

The helicopter began firing and their bullets began grazing Ryuga's skin, "Nh!"

Kyoya ordered from the ground, "Aim for his damn wings! On my signal!"

Ginga could feel Ryuga's blood on his hand, "You've been hit, we have to land!"

He squinted trying to fly fast, "No, I said I'd save you this time, and I'm going to!"

The wind blew through Ginga's hair, "I don't want to be saved anymore if it means I lose you again!"

"You won't lose me, just-!"


One of the helicoptor's bullets hit the back of his wing making a hole. Ryuga groaned in pain and began plummeting towards the city.

"RYUGAAAAAA! NOOOO!" Ginga clung to him screaming.

He groaned and tried to keep a tight grip on the redhead, "Hold on!"

Kyoya broke the telescope, "You idiot! I said wait for my signal! Ginga's still up there, you could've killed him too!" he tugged at his green hair in stress.

"We're sorry sir! Should we fire again, the monster is still getting away?"

"NO! Find them, they couldn't have gotten far."


Kyoya sat down and sighed. His heart was beating so fast from the stress. He sweated at the thought of Ginga dying, 'No, you can't die yet Ginga. Not when I just got you back. The only one who can kill you is me, dammit.'

Nile looked at his boss in pity, "..Kyoya.."

Meanwhile Ryuga was crashing towards the city spiraling out of control. He held Ginga close in his arms and squnted.

'Got to pick a safe place to crash. Got to keep him alive.' He saw flashing buildings, cars, and an old dumpster alley, 'Perfect.' He yelled, "I found a place to land, but you're not going to like it!"


In a fatal swoop they crashlanded into a giant garbage bin. The smelly bags cushioned their blow but left them both banged up.

Ryuga's head was spinning and felt sore. Probably from the crash, or probably from the horns. Ginga felt like barfing and his eyes were going in circles.

"Uuuughhh.. I think I'm going to be sick." He retched.

"You puke.. and I'll never forgive you." Ryuga groaned.

The two rolled around until they were out of the trash. They landed on the damp grounds of the ally. Ryuga landed on his back weezing in pain.

Ginga relaxed on the wet gravel and couldn't help but laugh, "Heh, I haven't flown like that since Battle Bladers."

"Heh.. Oh yeah. You were riding on Pegasis..haaa.. and then saved me from falling." Ryuga chuckled and coughed.

"Yeah, and now you're doing the same." He kissed Ryuga's cheek, "Thank you."

"What? No tongue?"

Ginga pinched his nose, "Not when you're smelling like that."

"You stink too! I just saved your fucking life!" he then groaned in pain gripping his side, "NNHHH!"

"Ryuga!" he felt on his hip to check for injuries. He gasped, "You're bleeding a lot!"

Bloode flowed down his back and hip. A bullet was lodged in his side and the crash landing only made it worse.

"Guess those fuckers got me, nnhh." He coughed more.

Ginga tried pressing down on the wound, "Damn, no, no, no.. You're not dying in my arms again. Not this time!"

Ryuga sighed and felt his body get cold. He didn't want to die, not yet. Not until he confessed to Ginga and payed for his sins.

Ginga got out his cellphone, "Oh no, I can't call an ambulence. Who do I call in this situation?!" Ryuga was half-demon at this point and police were looking for him. So 911 wasn't going to solve this.

Just then, Ginga's phone vibrated and Tsubasa's face appeared. He answered, "Hello?"

"Ginga, thank God! Where are you right now?!"

"None of your business, what do you want?! Now isn't a good time!"

Masamune yelled in the background, "We know dingus! We saw you get carried out of a fucking window, what was that thing?!"

"He's not a thing! He's a friend.. alright." He then paused and got suspicious, "Wait, you're just planning to give away my location to Kyoya, aren't you?!"

"We're not working for that jerk! We're driving around the city looking for you. We saw you two get shot down, are you okay?!"

"I'm not, but he's.." he looked at how weak Ryuga was, "I can handle this by myself!"

Hyoma growled, "Ginga, no you can't! Let us help you! I know you don't trust us, but I'm still a doctor, I can fix him up for you."

Dashan pleaded, "You won't have to worry about anything, we'll keep you both hidden and safe. Please, trust us!"

The redhead hesitated. The sounds of sirens, police gunfire, and Ryuga's groaning were throwing him off. The sight of all the blood coming out worried him.

Eventually he gave in, "Fine. I'll tell you where we are.. just please, help him. He's all I got left." He held Ryuga's hand.

"You got it. We're on our way."

. . .

Once Ginga gave them the address he and Ryuga were picked up in Tsubasa's car. The group didn't ask any questions and took them to a far away hotel to throw Kyoya off their trail.

They kept Ryuga hidden and escorted him to one of WBBA's exclusive suites.

Ginga stood in the hallway pacing back and forth. Masamune, since he didn't have any medical skills, stood there with him.

"Ginga, I'm sure your friend will be fine. Hyoma's a top-notch doctor, Tsubasa has the best treatment money can buy, and you know Dashan has a few ancient Chinese secrets." He did an accent on the last part.

Ginga gave a small smile, "..you're such a dork."

Masamune grinned, "Heh, better believe it."

The door slowly creaked open and Hyoma poked his head out, "Ginga, I can start working on your injuries next."

"Is he okay in there?"

"Yes, he'll be fine. He just needs rest. Tsubasa and Dashan are cleaning him off now. All the blood and trash stuck to him was really bad." He pinched his nose, "You should probably shower too."

Ginga was covered in scratches and stunk of garbage, "I will, once you all leave. Just leave me some first aid and painkillers."

Hyoma and Masamune nodded.

The redhead was finally allowed in the room. Ryuga was lying on his stomach and his injured wing was bandaged up.

He wore boxers and bandages on parts of his body. He snored peacefully on the pillows, "Zzzz..nmmm, zzzz.."

Ginga sighed and felt tears come back, "Thank goodness.. You're always dying, you jerk." He flicked his forehead.

Ryuga frowned in his sleep.

Ginga wanted to give him a kiss, but really needed to shower first. He found some towels and a robe and got ready.

Before hopping in, he made sure to text Tsubasa and the others a 'thank you.' He still didn't trust them or forgive them, but they were definately even.

The others agreed to throw Kyoya off their trail and keep Ginga's whereabouts hidden so they could rest.

. . .

Ryuga mumbled and groaned before waking up.

"Ugh.. shit.. Where am I?" He forced himself to sit up and stretch his winngs, "Hm? It doesn't hurt?"

He felt on his bandages and examined himself. He was properly treated and clean.

"Well, damn.." He then heard the sound of running water being cut off. He turned his head to the bathroom door, "Is someone here?"

He got up and went to open the door. Before he could grab the doorknob, the door swung open.

Ginga stood there in a robe toweling off his hair, "..Ryuga?"


He immediately beamed and hugged him, "Oh my god, I can't believe you're up already! Hyoma's a miracle worker!"

Ryuga blinked, "Hyoma?"

"Oh right, you were bleeding out in the alley so I had to call for help. Tsubasa and the others came and gave me a hand."

"You sure that was a good idea?"

"As long as you're back on your feet, then yeah, it was a good idea."

Ryuga smirked, "So.. did you make up with them."

"Kinda sorta. We said what needed to be said."

He turned the lights off, "And..will anyone else be interrupting us?"

Ginga blushed figuring out where this was going, "No. We have the whole suite to ourselves."

"Good." He picked Ginga up and began attcking his mouth. The redhead moaned and tugged on his silver hair, "Mmnnn.."

He walked all the way to the bed before slamming him down on it. His hands wasted no time on stripping Ginga's robe off.

Not breaking the kiss his feet tugged down Ryuga's boxers. They rolled around until Ginga was on top, "Mmm, Ryuga, touch me more."

He felt on Ginga's ass and rubbed his back. They ended up rolling more until Ryuga was on top and had him pinned good.

The redhead panted, "Haaa.. wow, I'm not used to you making the first move."

Ryuga growled and his fangs showed, "Well I don't know how much time I have left with you. I've been shot at and everyone wants me dead (again), so I better get laid."

Ginga snorted, "Oh wow, you're such a romantic." He rolled his eyes.

Ryuga kissed Ginga's neck and his tongue slithered giving him small loving licks that got Ginga excited.

"Nnn, so how do you want to do this?"

Ryuga licked his lips, "I want you to sit on my face."

". . . ."

. . .

Ginga blushed red as he was on top of Ryuga with his ass above his face, "A-Are you sure?"

Ryuga sighed, "Why are you getting shy now? We've done this before."

"Yeah, but it's embrrassing when you ask for it."

Ryuga smirked and taunted, "Ginga Hagane I want you to sit on my face so I can lick your-"

"OhmyGod shut up!" he sat on his mouth, "Pervert.. There, happy now."

Ryuga grabbed Ginga's hips and let his tongue get longer and lick his entrance. The redhead bit down on his own finger when he felt the long flesh enter him.

"MMnnn..more.." he uttered louder moans.

His tongue slithered and wet Ginga up real good. His walls squeezed and trembled at every lick. Ryuga groaned and chuckled at how turned on he made the redhead. He was starting to feel it himself too.

Ginga looked down and saw how hard Ryuga got. He bit his bottom lip, "Glad I'm not the only one feeling it."

He leaned forward and licked Ryuga's twitching member. His tongue lapped at the hot red tip earning groans of pleasure.

"Nnnmmm..it's like your ready to burst." Ginga took more into his mouth to start sucking.

His hips lifted up off of Ryuga's face, "Haaa.. hhhaahh.. N-Not bad." He examined how wet Ginga was, "But you're definately going to burst before I do." His tongue flicked and slithered around Ginga's erection.

The redhead refused to lose, he tightened his mouth around Ryuga's length and bobbed faster. He loved how hot he felt in his mouth and how big it got the more he sucked.

Ryuga's tongue was strangling the life out of Ginga's erection and the suction of his mouth made him unable to hold it down.

"MMNNNNHH!" Ginga moaned loudly on Ryuga's cock.

He made sure to swallow everything he let out, "Hmm.. nh, told you you wouldn't last."

Ginga rolled over and plopped onto the bed, "Whatever.." His face was flushed and his pink lips were wet. He was soaked and already starting to sweat.

Ryuga got on top of him, "You're really beautiful, Ginga."

"Pff, yeah, I know."

"Don't ruin it."

"You're the one with the pretty wings and scales." Ginga's fingers traced over his tan skin and felt how hot Ryuga was burning, "You're more beautiful than you know Ryuga."

He blushed, "Only you would think that." He captured Ginga's lips and kissed him deeply.

The redhead wrapped his arms around him wanting to be held by the one he loved most. Ryuga made sure to touch and truly appreciate every inch of Ginga's body.

His hands rubbed his nipples, pinching and massaging until they were buds.

"Mmhhaaa..touch me more.." Ginga begged.

Ryuga began kissing his neck and biting his collar bone earning more greedy moans from his partner. The redhead pulled on his silver hair and sighed a 'yes' at how Ryuga knew just what to do.

Ryuga mumbled against his stomach, "Ginga, I feel everything getting hazy. I won't be able to stay human much longer."

"I'm going to love you no matter what form you take. So, embrace me already." He spread his legs with a reassuring smile.

Ryuga nodded, "I love you too. Tell me more." He lined the tip up to his entrance.

"I love you, I love you Ryuga." He hugged him and let him inside, "NNHHHAAAA!" his toes cringed and his squeezed hard onto Ryuga's back.

He wasted no time in moving, he hadn't had sex with Ginga in forever. It was becoming an addiction. His cock was squeezed lovingly by Ginga's walls.

"I'll give you everything I have Ginga. So please give me all of you, hhaaahh, don't ever forget me." Ryuga moaned.

Ginga knew this would be the last time the two would ever be together. But he didn't want to cry or think bad thoughts. He wanted to be in Ryuga's arms and love him with everything's he's got.

"Yeah, I want you to make me yours." He kissed Ryuga's neck, "Let me take over."

Ginga topped and began riding him like no tomorrow, "Aahhh! Aahh, shit!" Ryuga cried out.

"I knew you liked being ridden, this is your favortie position, isn't it?"

He leaned his head back and sighed in pleasure, "Uuurgghh..don't stop." He loved how Ginga's hands felt all over his chest and how his hips grinded just right.

His hole tugged and squeezed Ryuga's cock making him leak at his mercy. His toes clawed into the bed and his hips even bucked against the redhead.

"Ahhaa! Ahh! R-Ryuga, cum inside me! I want you! Mmnn..!" he whimpered as he rode him.

Ryuga gripped the redhead's hands, he tried holding on as best as he could, "I love you so much."

Gingas face reddened more, "I..nnhhhaa.. I love y-you too! AAAHH!" He moaned loudly when he felt Ryuga cum inside of him. His belly felt warm with his hot semen entering him.

He shuddered and ended up cumming on Ryuga's abs. He panted from exhaustion and collasped.

He heard Ryuga groan in pain as he began to shift, "RrRRrrnnnhh!"

Ginga gasped as he felt his hole being stretched as Ryuga's body grew bigger. His skin became covered in more red scales and tattoos and his face grew more demonic.

His eyes glowed red and eyed Ginga like a piece of meat, "Grrrrrr.."

The redhead shuddered and felt on his stomach, "Wow, you're really bulging inside of me." He kissed the tip of his nose, "Think you can still keep moving?"

The beast snarled and tackled Ginga right away. He licked his face lovingly making Ginga chuckle.

"Aaahh.. Haaa.. lick me more.. Don't tease." he moaned. He raised his hand to stroke Ryuga's cheek.

His monster tongue licked Ginga's armpit and slithered downward making him wet. The tongue teased his nipples and gave him loving nibbles and bites.

The redhead got on all fours and gasped. His hips were stuck in place and couldn't move.

"W-What the-?! You knotted me?!" His ass felt hot and everything below the waist was aroused.

Ryuga huffed against the back of Ginga's neck before mounting him, "Nnrrrhhh..RAH!"

He began thrusting and moving at his desired pace. The redhead cried out loudly in pleasure while clinging to the bed sheets for life.

His ass had become the beast's property. The rushing of his walls being stretched and molded to shape his cock blew Ginga's mind.

He felt his eyes rolling to the back of his head, "AAAH! AHH! AHN! AAHH A-AMZSHING! R-RYUGA!" He rested his head against the bed, "FUCK..HARDER! AAAHHN!"

The more he thrusted into him the more his cum spilled out from previous round.

Ginga bit his bottom lip as the tip of Ryuga's claws teased his nipples.

He held one of his fingers, "RYUGAAA.. AHH..AAA. I-I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU!" He wanted to say it so many times so he would never forget.

He cuddled against Ginga's back and purred a growl, "Rrrrrhhhoo.." he bit down on the back of Ginga's neck.

The redhead felt a surge of pleasure down his spine and his ass clamped down on his cock. Ryuga groaned out a moan in response.

The knot between the two made Ginga drip pre-cum and his eyes hazy, "AAAAAAHHH! S-SO ROUGH!" He came hard on the sheets and trembled at how Ryuga didn't stop moving.

His sensative hole took a hard pounding as the beast showed no mercy.

"AAH! N-NO! I'M SENSATIVE! PLEASE, SLOW DOWN! HHNNAAAAHHH!" Ginga cried out and screamed as he was on the verge of another orgasm.

He was feeling the loving heat that he'd always been searching for. The heat even Kyoya couldn't give him.

It was the ultimate lust that not only and his body craved, but what his heart wanted. He wanted to be held, to be loved, and accepted.

Ryuga embraced all of him and Ginga embraced him back.

The redhead squeezed tight onto the bed, "I-I CAN'T MUCH LONGER! IT'S TOO GOOD! AAAHHA, GIVE IT TO ME! NNNAAAHHH!"

Ryuga roared loudly and came deep inside the redhead. The walls shook and the bed creaked. Ginga moaned loudly as he had another orgasm.

His body twitched and relaxed letting Ryuga finish.

The beast panted and licked Ginga to see if he was okay, "Rrrrhh?"

The redhead rolled over and gave him loving smooches, "I'm okay, it didn't hurt that much. Definately can't walk, but I'm still alive. Haha.." he chuckled and nuzzled against him.

Ryuga huffed and pulled out. His essense began to spill out of the redhead making him shiver in pleasure.

He cuddled against Ryuga's neck, "..Ryuga.. I love you. Stay with me, just until I fall alseep. Please." Tears were coming back to his eyes.

The beast nodded and relaxed next to the redhead, curling around him to share his body heat.

Ginga petted his scales and said nothing. He still had so much to say to Ryuga, so much to thank him for. But he was so tired. He hoped all his feelings for the beast were conveyed.

His tired golden eyes finally closed and his petting slowed down.

Ryuga stared at the sleeping redhead, 'Ginga, I don't care if you beyblade or not. Just do what makes you happy. Be the dorkiest, most annoying do-gooder you can be.'

A tear escaped the redhead's sleeping eye.

Ryuga licked it away, 'I love you Ginga.' He closed his eyes too and lied down drifting into his final slumber, 'Good night.'

Next Morning. . .

Outside of the hotel Ginga was staying, Kyoya stood outside seething in rage.

Masamune, Dashan, Tsubasa, and Hyoma stood in front of the building's doors blocking his path.

Kyoya arrived with cops and security backing him up, "All of you move out of the way." He growled.

Masamune shrugged, "Why? We're not hurting anyone."

Hyoma peered at the sky, "It's such a beautiful day out, let's all just stay out here."

Kyoya stomped towards them all, "I know you're hiding the beast in there from me. He has Ginga, now let me through!"

They remained silent and stood their ground. This made Kyoya's temple look ready to burst. But he then straightened his tie and cleaned himself up.

"Very well then, if you're not going to move. Then I'll make you move."

Dashan cracked his knuckles, "If this is about fighting, I'm pretty sure we could take you and your little army back there."

"Oh, there's no need for violence. All I have to do is show these nice police officers of the video of you all having your way with Ginga." He smirked, "All of your careers will go down the toilet. Do you really want that to happen?"

Tsubasa stepped forward until he was face to face with Kyoya. He didn't show a trace of fear in his eyes.

"We've already been blackmailed before Kyoya. We won't let it control us again. Ginga wants nothing to do with you. He didn't want you then and he doesn't want you now. It's over."

Kyoya balled his fists and his blue eyes showed pure evil. He snapped his fingers and the police began charging forward.

Hyoma and Tsubasa were handcuffed right away and pinned to the ground.

Masamune and Dashan tried holding their own by fighting for a bit, "Fuck the police!" before being ganged up on and handcuffed against the wall.

Kyoya calmly opened the doors to the hotel and began making his way to the suite. He was immediately followed by his body guards and a few officers.

Nile watched from the doors as his comrades were handcuffed and beaten with batons. Kyoya had been up all night trying to find Ginga and not giving anyone a second to rest.

He had had been serving this coniving mastermind for years, but this was too much.

He swallowed hard and followed his boss all the way to the suite. Kyoya's eyes were weak from lack of sleep but he had a smile on his face, "He's here.. Ginga's right in this room."

Nile felt his heart hurt, no matter what he did for Kyoya or who he sacrificed, his boss just wouldn't look his way.

He grabbed Kyoya's wrist, "Kyoya.. no, let's just stop all of this."

He turned in disgust to Nile, "..what?"

"Enough is enough! Can't you see what getting involved with Ginga does to you?! This is more than just some rivalry or crush you have, this is obsession!" he pleaded with him, "You need help, please don't open the door."

He glared at Nile like he was trash, "Help?! Ginga is all I need! Do you know what I've been going through trying to keep him close to me?! There's no way I'm giving him up that easily. Now let go! Who knows what that monster could be doing to him?"

"NO KYOYA! Don't you see, Ginga chose to be with.. with that thing! He jumped out a window with it for pete's sake!" he sighed and and hung his head, "It's over Kyoya. I've listened to you this far because.. because I love you."

He merely blinked at his heartfelt confession, "..so?"

"So I just can't be a part of this anymore. I only did everything you've asked of me because I hoped and hoped you would get over Ginga and notice me, but I guess I was a fool. So please, for me, let's just stop this. Leave Ginga be."

Kyoya roughly shook him off his wrist, "Hmph. You really are a fool. Ginga will be the only one I love Nile. If you're not going to help me anymore, then leave. Go, you're fired."

Nile gasped and collasped to his knees. Tears filled his eyes and he covered his face. His heart ached and he felt so cold. The officers patted his shoulder and escorted him out of the way.

Kyoya began jiggling the knob to Ginga's suite. The door was locked, obviously.

"Break the door down."

"SIR, YES SIR!" Two officers gave the door a good kick breaking it in and busting the lock.

Cops came in on their knees with guns ready to fire at the beast. Their red laser pointers searched all throughout the room.

But there was nothing out of the ordinary. Everything was clean and in place. Almost like no one was there.

Kyoya lead the group, "Hmph, they're hiding. Go, check the whole place. Tear it apart if you have to."

The cops nodded and began kicking tables, tossing furniture, and breaking down more doors.

Kyoya's eyes looked around for his precious prey. Ginga was the only thing on his mind. The things he was going to do to him when he found him.

He walked up a hall and found another door. This one however was already open. Morning light shined through blinding Kyoya's eyes a bit.

He shielded them and then squinted for them to adjust.

He let out a sigh of relief, "Ginga.."

Some of security heard him and rushed to Kyoya's aid. Two had guns ready to fire meanwhile everyone else blocked Ginga's chances of escaping.

The redhead was wearing jeans and sitting on the perfectly made bed casually. He lifted his head smiling, "Well, good morning officers. What seems to be the problem?"

Kyoya stepped forward, "You know damn well what. Where are you hiding it?"

Ginga played dumb, "It?"

"The monster! Don't act like you don't know, we all saw you being carried by it!" he glared, "Where is that evil demon?"

Ginga simply stared at Kyoya, "I'm looking right at him."

Kyoya grew impatient and grabbed hard on Ginga's arm but the redhead stood his ground and refused to be tugged along.

"Grrr, quit it! I've been searching high and low all night for you! You're coming with me whether you like it or not!"

Ginga shook his grip off, "I don't think so. I'm through with you Kyoya, I'm not going anywhere with you anymore." He then looked at the officers aiming guns at him, "You can shoot me all you want, but he's not here. That 'monster' you're looking for was gone when I woke up, and he's never coming back."

Kyoya roared, "YOU'RE LYING!"

The officers looked at Kyoya suspciosuly, "Sir, we can't seem to find any evidence of a monster being here at all. Should we call off the search?"

"NO! I want you to find and kill-!"

Ginga tugged on Kyoya and got close to him, "You won't be doing anything." He hissed in his ear.

"You dare threaten me?"

Ginga's golden eyes glared angrily, "If you don't call off your men and end this stupid search, I'll show them the videos and photos I took from that room you kept me in."

Kyoya's eyes went wide a little bit, "..when did you?"

"Whenever you left me alone in there, I always made sure to record everything you did to me." Ginga warned, "What are you going to do when the cops find out about the perverted stalker rapist you really are? I'll see you in court."

He smirked, "Testify all you want, but if you do, you're little friends outside go down with you."

"They're perfectly fine with that. They can live with the charges, but you, you're mister big shot. What would your dad, fans, and shares think when they find out about everything you did. You'll probably rot in jail." Ginga's eyes showed no fear or mercy, "Make your choice."

Kyoya played every scenario possible in his head. He barely had any allies left. The companies were mainly loyal to his money and to his father, he fired Nile, and Ginga's friends no longer feared him.

If this goes to court, TC will go bankrupt, he'll go to jail, and the world would turn their backs on Kyoya Tategami.

Everyone was right, no matter what Kyoya did or what he tried, he and Ginga were just not meant to be.

He felt his legs get weak and the effect of not sleeping effect his body, "..I surrender."

Ginga nodded, "Good." He grabbed a T-shirt to wear and duffel bag off the bed, "You can keep the suit you gave me. I'm fine with my own stuff."

He walked towards the door but officers blocked him.

Kyoya ordered, "Let him through."

"B-But sir, are you sure?"

He gritted his teeth and then yelled, "Let him go! The search is over dammit, alright?!"

The cops nodded and moved out of the way.

Ginga looked back at Kyoya, "..hey, for what it's worth. I think you and I need to spend some time a part. I'll get in contact with you again once you get some help, alright?"

Kyoya hung his head low and said nothing.

The redhead left out of the door and walked out of the suite stretching. Officers started putting up yellow tape to close up the suite for evidence or DNA.

'Not that they'll find anything.' Ginga rolled his eyes.

Once he exited the building his friends were rubbing their wrists as they were unhandcuffed. He smiled at them and made his way to their side.

"You guys okay?"

Masamune held up two fingers, "Heh, better than okay! It's nice to feel like a hero for a change."

Hyoma sweatdropped, "You could've just went down peacefully."

Dashan smirked, "Where's the fun in that?"

Tsubasa patted Ginga's shoulder, "I'm guessing everything went okay in there?"

The redhead nodded, "Yeah, feels like a weight is finally lifted off of me. I managed to make Kyoya call off the search. Hopefully he gets professional help and stops stalking me too."

"Only time will tell."

They began walking up the street and chatting away as police cars began to blockade the area away from reporters.

Ginga's stomach growled, "Hey, it's been a while. Feel like grabbing a burger with me for old times sake?"

"You say that like this is going to be the last time we eat together." Masamune bumped Ginga jokingly, "Anytime burgers are involved you better call me."

"That is.. if you still want to be in contact with us anymore?"

The redhead shrugged, "You're free to do what you want. But pull this crap again and I'm never forgiving you." He warned.

Dashan chuckled, "Noted."

Tsubasa wondered, "So, does this mean we're cool?"

"I guess so. But I still want to spend some time alone for a bit, find myself, y'know."

"We understand," Masamune pumped his fist in the air, "but first let's eat! And then hit the new stadiums across the street!"

Tsubasa cracked his knuckles, "Sounds good. I haven't beyblade in a long time, but I'm sure I can still take you down."

"What was that?!"

Ginga thought for a while and then smiled, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

Hyoma joked, "You sure Gingky? You haven't battled anyone in years, don't you think you're a little rusty?'

He got out Pegasis from his pocket, "Who cares about winning? This is just for fun. But once I start training again, then I'm wooping all your butts."

The others laughed and they poked fun at one another as they entered the burger shop. Benkei greeted everyone with smiles and some of Ginga's fans were inside.

The redhead smiled at all the familiar faces and finally felt at home.

Before going inside he reached into his other pocket and pulled out a shining white feather.

"I finally feel happy for the first time in years. So I hope you do too," he looked up at the sky clinging to the angel feather, "Ryuga."

Masamune called after him, "Hey Ginga, get in on this beef before I eat it all!"

He raced inside, "You better not!"

. . .

Ryuga and L-Drago were in Hades yet again with the Gods. This time they were greeted with happy animal faces and cheers.

Ryuga looked like his usual human self and was properly given angel wings and a halo.

Pegasis clopped forward alongside Eagle, Ares, Leone, and Striker.

He snorted happily, "Thank you Ryuga, on behalf on all the Gods we appreciate everything you've done for us."

He shrugged, "No big deal, I mainly just did what felt right."

Leone rolled his eyes, "Ugh, just take the compliment."

L-Drago rubbed against Ryuga lovingly, "That's my partner, the best Dragon Emperor ever."

Ryuga shoved him away, "Stop it." He blushed some.

Ares bleated, "I can't wait to be with Hyoma again!"

Eagle flapped his wings, "I haven't seen Tsubasa this happy in years!"

Striker held his head high, "My partner is still the greatest no matter what."

Leone's tail wagged, "..I hope.. Kyoya gets the help he needs. I'm sure he's starting to regret everything's he's done."

Pegasis comforted his friend, "I bet he does. Only time will tell old friend, only time will tell."

Ryuga rubbed the back of his neck, "Um Pegasis.."


"Sending me to earth.. at first it was just a job to me and a real pain in the ass. But it showed me things I'd been blind to when I was alive. All the people I ignored or looked down on ended up being pretty good guys to know." He blushed some, "And as weird as it was.. hanging out with Ginga was fun. So thank you ..for this."

There was a small silence in the room. Ryuga felt more embarassed since he wasn't used to giving thanks or being nice.

Pegasis rubbed against Ryuga's face, "Don't thank me just yet Ryuga. The Gods and I have been talking and we have one final job for you. If you're up for it."

He petted the horse, "Ugh, I've died, been evil, been good, and even got brought back to life. There's nothing in the universe I can't do now. So what's my job?"

Pegasis spread his wings and pure white light surrounded Ryuga's body, "We want you to be the new guardian for the new world. As guardian, you'll be the string between the living and the dead; guiding young bladers from making poor decisions."

Ryuga put his hands on his hips, "The string between life and death, huh? Sounds like a worthy title for me."

"Do you accept?"

"Do it."

The light wrapped tightly around Ryuga's body allowing him to age and purify his soul. His black leather was cleaned and he was given a white cape and a new golden crown.

He held his head and revelled in his new older form. For once, he felt proud of himself. It was nice to do some good for a change.

Pegasis flapped its wings and all the Gods began to levitate out of Hades. Ryuga hitched a ride onto L-Drago's back and they all soared through the skies and into the clouds.

Ryuga looked around in wonder at what the ground looked like from the sky, all the spirits and clouds that floated by.

"Whoa.." he couldn't bring himself to blink.

Pegasis flew by his side, "From now on Ryuga, you will be living in the heavens and watching bladers from the skies. And another thing.."


"Thank you, for everything you've done for my beloved partner."

"Nah.. I should be the one thanking him."

"Well, you still can. Ginga may never be able to see you again. But you can still see him. Be sure to pay him a visit time to time, okay?"

"Don't have to tell me twice. The goofball would probably get himself killed without me."

Ryuga and Pegasis smiled as they entered the heavens and welcomed new Gods and zodiacs from all over the world, welcoming the next generation of beyblade.

Ryuga's P.O.V.

Years have passed since that pain in the ass mission I had to go on. As a guardian, I've watched many people over the years grow, change, and move forward.

Sometimes I watch, sometimes I protect, and sometimes I punish. Being a guardian has its perks.

Every week I always find time in my schedule to pay a visit to my special person and his friends.

The first one was Tsubasa. He was promoted to the head of WBBA while working alongside Ginga's father. They developed a partnership in the company and Kenta inherited his old position.

Tsubasa learned to love himself and began dating Yu. Yu didn't mind Tsubasa's secret and feminine side, in fact, he embraced it.

Yu spead pictures of Tsubasa trying on women's fashion and ended up getting postive comments. Tsubasa even got a job working part-time as a model for new fashion designs and beyblade trends.

I guess when you're that pretty, things just work out.

As for Masamune, he and King became a public gay couple and took over the beyblade gym together. Masamune confessed to King everything that happened in his past, and King still loved him for it.

The two are still lovey-dovey to the point where I get sick looking at them.

As for Hyoma, Ginga came to Koma Village personally to apologize for the false rumor about Hyoma drinking. After some apologizing and ending any misundertsandings, Hyoma got his job as a doctor back.

Hyoma had such a way with kids that he even became a teacher for the next generation. I get a headache just listening to his lectures on plants and medicine.

As for Dashan, all the stolen Chinese artifacts and scrolls were properly returned. The two deicided to just lie and say that they "lost and found" everything. No thief was caught.

Dashan got his job back teaching martial arts at the Xiolin Temple and sparks between him and Ginga began to fly. Dashan took him out on a date to one of his Chinese Restarants and they hit it off.

The two ended up dating for a month but it was more of a fling and ended shortly. Figures. I love Ginga, but I know his taste in men still sucks.

I'm an acception of course.

As for the worst of them all, Kyoya agreed to get help by going to a psychatrist and moving on with his life.

Nile came back into his life and the two are trying to date. Kyoya still has violent outbursts but Nile stays by his side helping him through his therapy.

They eventually took down the creepy room of his Ginga merchandise and gave up tracking Ginga's every movement. Like the rest of us, Kyoya wanted love too. But you can't get it by force.

I don't know if Ginga will ever bothered contacting him, but I hope he follows through on ending his obsession. Or else I'll step in and make him.

The last one, who I visit the most, is Ginga Hagane.

After training with his friends again and joining a gym, he managed to get his title back as champion. He still joins in competitions and tournaments win after win proving he's the best of the best.

After a year of being on the road, he came back to Metal Bey City to finally nut up and ask Madoka out. She accepted and the two have been dating ever since.

He told her all about his past, where he's been, what he's done, and what he dreams of. She found it hard to believe but knew Ginga would never lie about something like that.

Brave girl. I would've thought he was just crazy, and I was there!

But the relationship isn't always perfect. Sometimes they argued and fought, or Madoka suspected Ginga was cheating, but they always ended up back together again. Rumor has it they're engaged now and plan to take over B-Pit together.

Running a beyblade shop together? Not a bad ending.

I wish I could be a part of Ginga's life right now, but I know what I was getting into when I died. My job with him is done. I just want him to find love and happiness.

If he's happy, I'm happy. Watching him and his goofy friends are more than enough.

Ginga and I gave each other what the other needed. Love. He'll always be in my heart the same way I hope I'll always be in his.

I floated around a grave yard staring off into the sky. Kenta had a proper buriel given to me after I passed away. Good kid.

I like to come here to think and reminesce. Guardians need a break too.

"Hey, it's over here!"

Well so much for peace and quiet.

"Hurry up lazy bones!"

"I'm coming as fast as I can Madoka!"

I lifted my head and was greeted by two older faces.

I couldn't help but smile, "Well speak of the devils."

Madoka and Ginga stared at my grave with warm smile and flowers. They had grown up nicely, time was kind to them.

Ginga had long red hair tied up in a new Pegasis bandanna. He never stopped wearing blue and still had on his trademark white scarf.

His piercings were gone and he looked like a new man.

Madoka cut her brown hair keeping it short in a pink headband and wore stylish clothing. She kneeled down in her dress and put her purse to the side.

"Kenta did a real good job setting this up Ginga."

"Yeah, I think he was the most upset when Ryuga passed." He placed the flowers by my gravestone, "I know I sure was."

Madoka placed a hand on his thigh, "I know Ginga. Well, say what you need to say."

I sat on my stone and watched the two pray at my grave. They clapped their hands twice and Ginga began to speak.

"Thank you for helping me become happy."

I felt my chest tighten and my smile fade away. I'm not good with this emotional stuff. Dammit, why'd he have to come now. I'm not going to cry, not one tear.

"If it weren't for you Ryuga, I'd still be on the streets in a bad place. I'd still have no friends, hold grudges, and be afraid to live my life. So everyday I spend unafraid to be myself, I think of you.. and end up falling in love with you more and more." Ginga blushed with his eyes closed.

Goddammit. I covered my eyes. Bastard ended up making me cry after all.

"I hope that wherever you are now that you're happy and get to be yourself too. I'm sure we'll meet again someday, and when we do.. I can't wait to battle you. Take care Ryuga, rest in peace." He opened his eyes and smiled warmly right at me.

I know he can't see me or can feel me, but there are times when I'm watching him and it feels like he can see him. Of course I miss him. I want to hold him in my arms and tell him 'thank you.'

There's so much love I want to give him. So I'll continue to watch over and protect him for as long as I can.

The two stood up and Madoka smiled, "That was beautiful Ginga." She then smirked and nudged him, "Pretty bold of you to confess your love for someone else right in front of your girlfriend though."

Ginga grinned, "Ah-ah-ah, fiance." He booped her nose.

So I guess they really are getting married.

She swatted his hand away, "You dork." She giggled and clung to his arm and the two walked away happily.

I stared off watching them leave the graveyard and out the gates. Ginga looks so happy now and he's doing well. I smiled as I watched the two disappear from my sight. I leaned back against my gravstone and stared up at the heavens.

I can't believe a monster like me was able to become a guardian. And even more so turn Ginga Hagane into the guy he is now.

Damn, I guess sometimes you just have to have a little faith.

The End

Well that's that! No more beyblade fandom for me. I'M FREEEEEEE! Thank you all for reviewing and loving my work over the years. I've been typing beyblade fanfics since I first read zuruichi123's work back in 2011, I was only an eighth grader. Ever since then, I've been typing nonstop and became obsessed with Ginga Hagane. Once high school started I dedicated all my shipping time to that boy. I made a doujinshi of him (its completed and on my Tumblr page) with CutieAngel and Zuruichi, drew fan art on DeviantART, typed yaoi-licious fanfics, and even bought his merch online!

Now I'm in college and just want to get on with my life. It's 2018, I'm into different ships now. I've gotten all your messages, no, I will not be telling anyone anymore what the name of my new account is. Whenever I do, they hound me and ask to draw beyblade stuff. And then I block them. I literally just said my new blog is about my real life and about stuff I like and NOT beyblade anymore. For those of you who still want to read my fics, I'll still be writing as Wonchan108, but I won't be doing beyblade anymore. I will mainly type stories about DC Comic's Dick Grayson a.k.a. Batman's first Robin a.k.a. Nightwing. Not interested? Then don't read. I'll also be using my WonChan pixiv account so I can draw nudity and other yaoi goodness I can't post on my new blog. Like I said, I'm still a little pervert. Thank you all so much for being in the beyblade fandom with me for seven years. Love you guys, but now I must spread my wings and sail on other ships. Peace.

WonChan108 (2011-2018)