Hey guys :D so here it is, the last chapter! Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing it has meant the world to me and I love you all so much. Hope you enjoy this last bit and there will be another story set in this timeline (an Otayuri story called Shades of Gold and Silver) coming next month so if you want to check that out please do. Until next time ^_^

"And your career pretty much went from strength to strength after that," I say.

"Yeah," Yuuri replies. "I got my own collection of golds, from various events – I got to go to the Olympics and I got to meet some amazing people. I got to watch Yurio go from strength to strength as well and I even managed to beat him sometimes. When I look back on where I was before I met Viktor it all just seems crazy."

"'Cause you were ready to retire after that year weren't you?"

"There were quite a few years where I was ready to retire but people kept pushing me, telling me that I shouldn't and that it wasn't time for me to go yet and I'm so thankful to them for that. If they hadn't I never would have got to where I am."

"Because you were ranked number one in the world for a while there," I say.

"I was," he chuckles. "I still hold the world record for the Free Skate but Yurio's catching up. He'll probably take that title soon."

"And no problems with the knee?" I ask.

"Not a one," he replies shaking his head. "I mean I could have been more sensible when it was first healing but, luckily I didn't do any permanent damage to it."

"I'll bet your glad that it never became a problem throughout the rest of your career," I say.

"I am so very glad," he says. "It could have just ended my career that night but it didn't and I'm very grateful for that. I've been able to do so many amazing things."

"Well the medals and trophies speak for themselves," I say.

"They certainly do," he agrees, "and I feel I can now retire on my own terms – not because an injury dictates I have to. I feel as if I can be proud of what I've done and turn my attention to something new."

"Any ideas?"

He shrugs. "I don't really know at the moment. All I've ever known is skating so that's going to be an adjustment but I'm sure I'll find something. There's always the rink back in Hasetsu if I really miss it and I'm sure Yuko won't say no to a little extra help, considering that her last baby turned out to be twins I think she's got her hands quite full."

"And you and Viktor?" I ask even though that much is obvious, I just want to know when and how.

"He asked me to marry him the following year, just after I took gold at Worlds," he says. "Funny thing is I had planned on proposing to him that night but he beat me to it. We got married in Hasetsu a few months later. It wasn't an overly showy affair but we had the important people there. Chris was Viktor's best-man, Phichit was mine."

"They're engaged now, aren't they?" I ask.

"Knowing both of them like I do it was be all over social media," he chuckles.

"Well the rest of their relationship has been," I laugh. We fall into silence for a moment. I feel like I should say something, offer some kind of appreciation to him for the interview and everything else on top of that. "Thank you," I say finally.

"What for?" he asks.

"For indulging me," I reply. "I understand that that particular part of your life might not be the easiest to talk about but you told me everything and you didn't have to."

He shrugs. "I think it's about time everyone knew," he says. "I never intended to keep it a secret but no one would come out and actually ask me. I think they were all a bit too nervous because there was so much speculation around it."

"There was a lot of that."

"So really I should be thanking you," he says with a smile that just makes my heart melt. "If it wasn't for you actually asking I probably never would have volunteered the story."

"I'm honoured that you told me," I say.

"How much is your boss going to love you when you tell them this?" he asks, grinning.

"So much," I reply. "I might even get a pay rise."

He laughs. "Glad I could be of assistance then."

I reach over and turn off the Dictaphone. We don't really have anything else to talk about and a second later there is a knock at the door.

"Come in," Yuuri calls over his shoulder.

The door opens and Viktor steps in, looking a little older than when I last saw him at Worlds a couple of years ago but no less handsome and distinguished. He smiles at me and, much like when I met Yuuri, I can't help but feel a little intimidated. I mean this is the Viktor Nikiforov. Regardless whether he's retired or not he is still a living legend.

"How's everything going?" he asks. "You done with my Yuuri yet?"

My Yuuri... If that isn't the most beautiful and adorable thing you've ever heard then you have no soul.

"I think we are done, yeah," I say smiling at him. I pack my Dictaphone and my notebook back into my bag and get to my feet. Yuuri does as well. "Thank you so much," I say to him. "That was fantastic."

"I'm glad it was more interesting than most retirement interviews," he laughs.

"They're never boring," I say. "This one was just particularly eventful."

"I'm glad."

I slip my bag onto my shoulder and I follow the two of them out of the office and into the hall. Katsu is at the door already, barking happily when he sees us. He comes to sniff around the hem of my jeans, making it difficult to move but I don't mind that much. I reach down and stroke him behind the ears, relishing how soft he feels. Maybe I should get a dog...

Once he's had his fill of attention he trots off back to the bed where Makkachin is yawning and stretching. I put both my coat and boots back on, ready to brave the outside weather – it had been nice and warm in Yuuri's office I had kind of forgotten that it was so shit outside and I'm not overly looking forward to going back out into it but I'll deal. I turn to smile at the both of them and it makes my heart melt a little to see Viktor's arm around Yuuri's shoulder, looking down at him with such devotion.

"Thank you again for your hospitality," I say, reaching over to shake Yuuri's hand.

"Not at all," he smiles warmly. "I'm glad that you enjoyed the story."

"Very much so," I say. I turn to Viktor who also shakes my hand (I am never washing this hand again, they've both touched it). "It was nice to meet you."

"You too," he says. "Thank you for looking after my Yuuri."

"No problem," I say. "I'll email you a copy of the article before I send it to print if you'd like."

"That would be fantastic, thank you," Yuuri says.

I nod and with a wave I leave. The weather outside is biting and I've only taken a few steps before I'm cold again. I don't mind so much as I pull out my phone, not bothering with gloves for the moment. Your number is there, right at the top and I hit call. I have to tell you everything, I'm so excited. You pick up after only three rings.

"Hey love," you say, "how did it go?"

"It was amazing," I reply, "like you wouldn't believe how amazing. I have so much to tell you."

"Well hurry up and get back to the hotel," you say and I can hear the smile in your voice. "I'll order room service and you can tell me all about it."

"Sounds great," I grin. "I love you."

"Love you too," you say. "Now hurry up and get here."

"Okay, see you soon." I hang up, unable to wipe the grin from my face.