Sorry I haven't updated. If I'm being completely honest, I forgot this story existed. I'm always incredibly busy with school, and being in Grade 12 I've had to focus extremely hard in order to keep my grades up for acceptances/scholarships. I have another 2 months left, so it's hard to see me having time to write anything else until then. Infinity war came out a couple days ago, and I don't want to talk about it. I'm not okay. Anyways, for the month leading up to Infinity War, I rewatched all 18 MCU movies, and that reminded me of this story and inspired me to keep writing. This is a short chapter, but it's a chapter nonetheless.


Since I began writing this back in August 2017, Thor Ragnarok came out and we found out what was happening with Bruce and Thor. While I loved that movie, that story line didn't fit into where I wanted this fic to go, so we're gonna pretend that nothing has happened since Spiderman Homecoming. Bruce never left Earth (only took a quick getaway), Thor was looking for the Infinity stones, and Asgard is A-Ok. I rewrote some of the earlier stuff to include Bruce and Thor, so it's a little different. Furthermore, Bucky is here because I want him to be, and also it's become apparent that when I started to write this I forgot that Bucky was in Wakanda. Anyways, thank you all so much for commenting and favoriting, I wouldn't continue writing if it wasn't for you guys. Keep it up so I stay inspired!

"There's no easy way to say this," Tony began, with a deep sigh.

"The Chitauri are coming back."

Footage of the New York invasion began playing, and Peter's heart dropped and the table once again erupted into yells of outrage and confusion.

"No way I'm doing that again!" protests Hawkeye, shuddering as if remembering something bad.

"What could they possibly want this time? Loki is dead!" exclaims Dr Banner, before guiltily glancing over at Thor.

"It is true, my brother is dead," explains Thor, "but I have eyes across the 9 realms, and have received reports of a disturbance among the Chitauri. It is why I have returned to Midgard, to warn you, and aid you."

Steve intervenes. "How can you know that they're planning on attacking Earth again?"

"They are under the direct orders of Thanos, a powerful and merciless ruler. It was he who gave Loki the scepter, and the army of Chitauri."

"And this Thanos dude, what does he want?" Injects the Falcon, still looking frustrated.

"He is in search of the mind stone."

There's a pause as everyone digests the new information. They all seemed to understand what Thor meant, but Peter couldn't be more lost.

"He's after a rock?" The young hero blurts out.

"No, Man of Spiders, Thanos is seeking the mind stone."

This didn't help at all, and it must have shown on Peter's face.

"The mind stone is one of six infinity stones, kid." Explains Tony. He turns to point to Vision, who had remained completely silent up until this point.

"And it's right there."

Peter looked more closely at the yellow gem in the center of Vision's forehead. Back in Berlin, he had never questioned it, and just assumed it was another one of Mr. Stark's inventions. It seemed normal enough to him.

"What's so special about it?" he asked.

"The infinity stones are incredibly powerful entities that were brought into existence upon the creation of the universe." began Thor, clearly experienced on the subject. "They each possess special qualities that make them incredibly powerful. This one, when wielded properly, can control the minds of others."

"It also has the ability to blast people out of the sky." Grumbled Tony under his breath.

Peter couldn't help but stare at the stone. He knew that aliens existed, obviously, and he knew that there was some pretty weird stuff in the world (himself included), but he could have never phathomed something like this. A stone, older than time itself? With special powers? It felt like his brain was going into overdrive.

"That is so cool," he managed to squeak out.

Natasha, seemingly unimpressed by the exchange, turned to confront Thor.

"Why does Thanos want the stones? What does he plan on doing with them?"

Thor paused before answering her.

"I do not know what he plans. I only know that he will stop at nothing to get that stone, even if it means destroying the entire planet." He glanced over at Vision, who seemed to be getting more and more uncomfortable as each minute passed.

Captain America spoke up next. "Obviously, we can't let that happen."

Tony then took the floor, looking over at Cap. "Which is why we're all here. I know last time we were together, we had a...disagreement."

"You tried to kill my best friend." Steve interrupted, looking slightly peeved off.

"Yes, well, your best friend killed my parents, so think we're even there." Responded Tony, sharply.

Peter could tell they've had this conversation before, and that the conflict is still unresolved. The tension in the room was palpable.

"But," Tony continued, "I believe that we can move past what happened to focus on the matter at hand. You know, the whole 'Huge Alien Invasion' thing."

"I think we can do that. Right guys?" Banner piped up, looking around the table.

"You don't really get a say, green guy, considering you weren't in Berlin." Quips Falcon, giving Banner a side glance. "Where were you, anyway? After Ultr-"

Steve cut him off with a lift of his hand. "Yes, we can do that."

Tony smiled. "Good, because I decided that since we don't know when the Chitauri will attack, I'm asking that you all stay here at the compound for the foreseeable future."

Peter's heart skipped a beat. He was going to be living with the Avengers. On one hand, it felt like a dream come true, but on another, this was the exact thing he wanted to avoid in the first place. If he missed another week, he would be done with school completely. And May, she would have to be on her own. Peter looked down, wanting to hide his turmoil from the rest of the team, especially Mr Stark.

Clearly, though, the others felt the same way about the situation.

Falcon seemed ready to burst. "I won't say anything about him being an Avenger, Tony, but if you really think I'm gonna live with the kid-

"I think you've all forgotten that I have a family. Did you forget I have a family?" Clint marveled aloud.

"Tony, you've got to be kidding me. We're wanted criminals, they'll find us here." Sighed Steve.

"No, they won't, because I'm a great liar and they love me." Stark replied. "And don't let them fool you Barton, they're all agents."

As he watched the arguments unfold around him, Peter couldn't help but smile. He really was an Avenger now.