AN: I'm so sorry. I have been really busy with school and I've found out so bad

news regarding my Grandparents. I'll try to update more. Again, I'm so sorry.

~Nagini?! Where are you?~ Harry yelled. He got no reply. He, then, walked around admiring the manor. He, unconsciously, followed the pull of his mate and ended up in the library. He walked around the huge room. There was books everywhere and it was quite impressive. He recognized that he had the entire collection of books written by Salazar Slytherin. And to boot they were all first editions along with the family's grimmor. He found his mate in the back of the library. He was lounging on a beautiful sofa and it looked as if it was at least two hundred years old. It looked like it was made from red wood and it had lovely burgundy cushions. The wood had broze gold designs.

The only thing Harry had eyes for, was his mate. He looked totally relaxed and content reading. Nagini was coiled up next to him and had her head on his lap. The scene was breathtaking; Tom's hair was slightly ruffled and a little strand hung in front of his face and Harry had the sudden urge to walk over and tuck it behind his ear. But he refrained from doing so and took in his face. He had a beautiful smile on his face and he had the cutest dimples, his eyes where even smiling.

Nagini, smelling Harry's scent, looked up and nodded. Taking that as his que to stop ogling at his mate, he spoke, "What an exquisite stie." This had scared so much that he jumped and fell onto the ground with an indignant squeak. Tom looked at him and went for his wand with a snarl.

He said, while he gracefully got off the ground, "potter! What are you doing here!?"

"Well I came here to see why my mate was so happy and I found my answer. I was planning to stay away a bit longer but I couldn't it would seem."

Spluttering Tom said, "w...what that c...cant! We a...are suppose kill each other.!" Harry was about to speak when his mate broke down in tears. "I… I knew t...that couldn't true. d...d...destant par…. partner h...has to ki...kill me," and before he felt him brought into strong arms and a light kiss on his head. He heard Harry humming a tune and the vibrations on his chest calmed Tom down.

"Shh, my mate. Everything will be fine; I don't hate you. I could never kill you." Tom put his head in the crook of Harry's neck and practically purred. He suddenly stiffened. "What's wrong, my little mate?"

"Do you want me to stop fighting the Light?"

"No, I don't. I want us to continue this war. We will win this together." Harry paused deep in thought. "I have a question for you."

"What is it, dominatur?"

"I can stay as a spy if you want. Would you like that? I ask because I want you happy." Harry smiles at him. 'He has accepted the bond. Everything else should be easy, now. Right?'

"I...i'm not sure. But I," Voldemort pauses, "never mind. It isn't important. I don't want you hurt," he sounded strong and confident. Then came a small voice, "I can't go back to being alone. I just can't."

"I will never leave you. What were you going to say,Tom. I know you didn't expect this and what i said earlier is true I can help with your appearance. I don't want you ever be alone again."

"I'd like for you to stay tonight and every other night. Please?"

"Well I'm sure I can arrange that. I will get you the world tomorrow. I have the Dark creatures along with both the Grey and the Light. I have dirt on all the most prominent Light leaders, including Albus Dumbledore." They snuggle on the couch. They lay there together basking in the warmth and comfort of each other. A question pops into Harry's head. "My little mate, I have a question for you." Tom nods with his head still Harry's neck. "Why are you taking this so well?"

Tom lifts his head but only slightly. "Because of what people have told me and done to me. I-It wasn't pleasant." Harry wanted to ask him to elaborate but he knew that Tom would tell him when he was ready. The next thing he knows he hears is Tom asleep with his head in the crook of Harry's neck. Harry looks down. 'He is so cute when he is asleep. I wonder what he meant about it being unpleasant. But if it is what I think it is I will have to kill Dumblefuck -painfully. Really he should have the sense to not repeat the past over and over again.' Harry allowed himself to relax and with his mate in his arms he could let himself fall asleep. Little did they know that this would be the first time they have had a peaceful sleep.

Headmaster's Office: Hogwarts

"Where is that little welp?!" Dumbledore was sacred for the first time in his life. Not even Tom scared him especially after he had had his way with the little submissive. "I need him under control! I can't do that because he kicked us out of Grimmauld. He knows to much and he could ruin us all."

"Don't worry, Albus. He just left after your son said something stupid. I'm sure he is at Grimmauld. You know he just lost everyone he cares about and wants to be alone. We will be fine as long as he doesn't find his mate. I pretty sure he knows he is a dominate which can be used to our advantage." Molly tries to calm her master down.

Dumbledore ponders what Molly said. And after he calculates his response he replies, "you are right, Molly. Though we will have to make sure that he doesn't find out who his submissive will be. If he does we lose him for good."

The next day: Slytherin Castle

Harry wakes up with his mate in his arms and still on the couch. He casts tempus. It reads 4:30am. He decides to take Tom to their rooms, "Nagini may you show me the way to our rooms again. I seem to have forgotten the way."

"Yes, Harry. So what are your plans with my Master? He has been through a lot and I'd sooner kill you than let him get hurt again by someone he trusts."

"Well I plan to take things slow. I want to give him time to adjust to everything before I move things to the next level. I want to spend the rest of our days livening each other. If I'm right about he means by haveing an unpleasant experience with people then we have had similar pasts. I'm pretty w that we want the same thing- a family. I want to give him that. But he need a time to heal from past trauma and now he can do that with me around. He doesn't have to act all big and mighty around me. He can with the followers if he wants and if he wants to give me control then I'm fine with that. I'm here for him to lean on."

Tom's POV

Neither realized that I have woken up when Nagini asked Harry the question. 'He really wants to be with me. He's not going to take advantage of me. He wants me to lean on him for help and I'm ok with that. I've waited for this all my life. I don't however want to give him total control over the Dark. But I'll ask if he is willing to share leadership.' I don't make it to the room before I fall back asleep in Harry's arms again.

Harry's POV

I look down to see my mate asleep with a smile on his face. "This might just work out." I whisper "I'll give you my heart, little one."