I know I already have two fics going on but this idea just wouldn't leave my head and writing this makes me want to write more so I will continue with regular updates for the other two stories.

This is an AU where James and Lily live and Voldemort wins. It won't be dystopian but this universe isn't perfect either. I suck at writing stories that are too sad so Harry will be a happy child with happy people around him. However he will learn how some things are not as perfect as they seem.


"Among all forms of mistake, prophecy is the most gratuitous."
- George Eliot

She ran, her long red hair tied in a messy bun a few strands whipping around her face. She could feel the tears streaming down her face but she had to do this. She had to save her baby.

She could see her around the corner, probably buying some fancy robe at Twilfitt and Tattings. She disillusioned herself and hid in the alley beside the shop. Now she just had to wait for Narcissa Malfoy to exit the shop.

Malfoy walked out looking like a perfect purebred girl. Was she doing the right thing? Would her baby be happy? No. There was no point in dallying now. She made sure no one was around and stunned the woman. She was quite heavily pregnant, probably about to give birth within the next month. Lily wondered if the Malfoy kid would die if she did this. What gave her the right to kill an innocent? But her baby was innocent too. He didn't deserve to live in wartime, be a prophecy child or die at the hands of You-know-who.

She steeled herself and disapparated to an abandoned building she had warded a few days ago. Narcissa was lying on a makeshift cot, still unconscious. Lily apologised to whatever god was listening to her, prayed that both the babies survived and started chanting.

She could feel the blood running down her legs, could feel the extra magic that belonged to her baby that had filled her with pride and love leaving her body. Narcissa whimpered and Lily ran a hand over her forehead. No pregnant woman deserved this pain but Lily had to save her baby.

Narcissa's stomach glowed as Lily finished chanting. Lily could no longer feel her baby in her womb; it made her feel emptier than she had ever felt. She knew she had had no choice but a big part of her wished she hadn't gone through with it.

She wanted that baby more than anything. Made out of love. Would it be a boy who looked like her with James' hair? Or would it be a girl with red hair and hazel eyes? She choked on a sob and dissaparated with Narcissa back to the alley.

She obliviated the last half an hour from her mind, hid around the corner and ennevarated her. Narcissa looked around in confusion, then panic and touched her stomach. She looked like she was in pain. She called a house elf and five minutes later Lucius Malfoy was in the alley checking his wife worriedly. Lily figured Narcissa was as safe as she could be and went back home.

Narcissa Malfoy had always looked like a delicate flower. That was why she had been named after one. But she had always thought of herself as strong. Today she could feel none of that strength. She knew if not for her husband holding her she would have fallen long ago.

"You don't remember anything Mrs Malfoy?"

Narcissa didn't deign her with a reply. This was the fifth time the healer had asked the same question. Lucius looked thoroughly irritated.

"She said she doesn't. Can you tell us what is wrong now?"

Lucius still looked in control and slightly intimidating but Narcissa knew he was worried. His face was paler, he was gripping his cane tightly and his hold on Narcissa's shoulders was strong.

"I don't know how this has happened Mr Malfoy but there is another baby in her womb."

"How can this happen?"

"Sometimes one twin hides itself and we can't discover it even with magic. I'm guessing your children had one core till today and when the hidden twin built its own today you fainted."

"That's all you have to go on? Guesses?" Lucius bit out.

"I'm sorry Mr Malfoy but all I have to go on is speculation. However this is quite common in twins."

"We're having two babies?" Narcissa asked faintly.

The healer smiled but still looked a little nervous. Probably knew who Lucius served.

"Yes Madam. Two boys."

Narcissa looked at Lucius and smiled. He looked proud and his eyes softened slightly when he looked at her.

"Are they healthy?" He asked in a much more pleasant tone. The healer relaxed.

"The baby we were checking since the beginning of your pregnancy is perfectly healthy. The other one is not ideally developed probably because of losing nutrients to the other twin. He looks like he would be around a month premature."

"Is that something we should be worried about?" Narcissa asked running a hand over her bulged stomach. Did it look slightly bigger than it had this morning?

"Not at all. Premature babies can grow to be perfectly healthy with the help of potions. His core is of the correct size. Infact it looks like he would be a powerful wizard."

Lucius smirked and his chest puffed up a little. Narcissa loved her husband but sometimes he behaved like those peacocks he loved so much.

"Thank you for your time. Bitsy will escort you out. Bitsy!"

As soon as the elf and the healer walked out Narcissa was pulled into her husband's arms.

"I was so worried." He whispered.

"Me too" Lucius wiped the tears off her face and kissed her forehead. "Two boys" He said in a slightly awed tone.

Narcissa smiled and nodded.

Lily was sitting in the bathroom of the current house they had been hiding in. Ever since they had learned of the prophecy in the fourth month of her pregnancy it had been hideout after hideout. James had taken a sabbatical from his job and Lily had given up on her Healer apprenticeship for now.

She sat, hair dishevelled, tear tracks down her face staring at the blood pooling around her.

James walked in and stared at her in shock.

"Lily? Lils? Lily!" When she didn't respond he came and sat next to her. He shook her shoulders and asked her what was wrong.

"I lost it. I lost the baby." She whispered still in a daze.

"How? What happened?"

She felt like a horrible, lying to her own husband but he wouldn't understand. James was a lovely man, brave and righteous. Till a few months ago Lily had believed she would choose the right thing above everything else too. But she wasn't as great as she thought she was. She would choose her baby any day. Magical Britain could go hang.

"I felt some pain while I was out shopping. I came home and performed a diagnosis on myself. It's gone." She whispered.

"It's okay. Shh… " James whispered running his fingers through her hair.

"I don't want to live here anymore James. This is all because of the war. If not now, we would have lost the baby later. I've already lost my parents to this. Let's leave. Please."

James looked at her in shock. Probably because he had suggested the same thing when they had discovered she was pregnant. How she wished she had taken him up on that suggestion then. They would never have fought You-know-who for the third time. They would have left before her baby became a prophecy child. She only had herself to blame for all her misery.

"I had spoken to Shanus a few months ago. He works for MACUSA, you remember?" James said softly. Lily nodded.

"He said he would make sure we get all the necessary documents. The Potters have been working there for years. He's got some clout. And my father had bought a townhouse in Boston when he used to go for Sleakeazy's promotion. We can leave whenever you want to."

"What about Sirius, Remus and Peter?"

"They are grown men. They can handle themselves. Don't worry about it. Come on, get up. Let's get you cleaned up."

Lily let herself get pulled up by James. He vanished the blood on the floor and slowly peeled the clothes off Lily. "Do we need to see a healer for you?" He asked.

Lily shook her head. "I'm fine. I checked."

He nodded but Lily knew she would be seeing a healer soon. He fixed the shower to the correct temperature and soothed Lily as she cried again. She could see the tears in his eyes. James had been so excited about their baby. He was looking forward to teaching it how to fly, how to prank. They had even decided to name Sirius godfather. Would James still love her if he knew his child would be born a Malfoy because of her? She hoped he would understand. She let herself be held by him and pretended she had lost the baby because of stress and not because of her own actions.

Three weeks later James and Lily Potter left Britain.

On 5th June 1980 Draco Lucius Malfoy and Hadrian Abraxas Malfoy were born. Draco was a healthy baby with blonde hair and typical Malfoy features. Hadrian looked tiny in comparision to his brother with his deep black hair and features that resembled his mother's side of the family. Hadrian looked like a Black. Bellatrix had been ecstatic.

Deep within the Ministry in the Hall of Prophecies, Department of Mysteries a prophecy turned black and fell off the shelf.

Lily Potter had single-handedly changed the future.