"You knew he was going to die!" he shouted at his team mate annoyed. She kept on looking at him with emotionless eyes as if nothing could change the way she felt about their mission. She kept on wondering why he was struggling so much. They hardly knew the guy but he was affected by his death. Death is part of their everyday life. Every mission ends with someone's death. How can he care so much about people who die because they were weak? She feels puzzled but she does not try to understand him. She feels as if those are temporary feelings which he will eventually forget. "Say something!"

"I didn't know he was going to die," she replied trying to please him. It is not like she wanted to kill the poor man. It simply happened.

"How can you be like this?" he clenched his fists. "You said this plan will work."

"And it worked. It is expected for those weak to die." She does not see how that is her fault. Even she could've died but she somehow managed to survive. She is aware that she is not that strong compared to him. He should know by now that shinobi die on missions. They are shinobi. People die no matter what they do. This is their job. This is their life. They cannot save everyone.

"I am the captain. How am I supposed to tell his family that he died?" he looked at the body of the dead man. He kneed and closed his eyes as if wanting to make sure that he cannot see those still alive and get angry for his death. They did not know each other before that mission but it seems that they made a bond that week.

"You're a hypocrite," she said annoyed. She wanted to say that for a long time. He looked surprised at her. He was supposed to be the angry one. "So, as long as they are not part of your family or village they can die without you feeling guilty?" She looked around at the fallen Kumogakure shinobi. "All of them have families. Some of them might even have children but all you care about is your nakama. Some parents out there are suffering because they lost their child…" She did not want to get emotional or anything but that was the truth. "Our world is about violence and brutality. Do not start crying like an idiot because all of this is our fault. Because we fight people die!" Everybody in their world is guilty for those who die. If only they could stop fighting and try living in peace…


"Let's go. We cannot waste any more time. We have to get home and inform Hokage-sama about what we have found out."

Uchiha Shisui got up and wiped his tears away. He is the strongest partner she has ever had. He will be fine even after this because he understands her words very well. Those words were not meant only for him… She said those words for herself. She needed to hear the truth about their world. Even if that truth had to come from her…

"Sakura…" she turned and faced the young Uchiha, "I really cannot understand you. Some hours ago you were nervous and now, here you are, teaching me about life."

"I wasn't trying to… I was saying the truth."

"I know so don't act as if you are not hurt," he grabbed her elbow and pulled her to his chest, closing his arms over her back. "You also lost people dear to you… Maybe not today but…" She did…They all did. See, he is stronger than anyone. He was able to read her words very well and noticed the sadness in her voice. But she cannot cry, not now and not in front of her captain. She has to be strong.

There are no victims in their world. Everyone is guilty for promoting such a violent world. People who have died today are just as guilty as them. They all blindly believe in a world in which their country is superior and makes the rules. But such a world cannot exist unless those who oppose are exterminated. Those who are at home have no idea what war really is. They do not understand that people actually die every day while they stay in their comfortable and safe homes. And those who survive…nobody will ever be the same after tasting that war. She leaned her head over Shisui's shoulder. He is sweaty and dirty but comforting and pleasant. She likes this smell: the smell of hard work and struggles to win. "You smell nice…" she mindless admits inhaling his scent. He blushes but doesn't say a word not to spoil the moment. They did their best but most of their team was crushed and only a few survived. They are dirty and covered in painful wounds but they ignore them because their hearts hurt more. They hate themselves but they have to live with the idea that only those strong or lucky survive in this world. They were lucky today as well…

Our generation knows very well what pain is. We saw Kyubi destroying our village and killing people. It was shocking to see how people were crushed after being stepped on, just like some ants. This made many children realize that age has nothing to do with power. And we also realized that to be powerful there is a constant need for training. There will always be someone stronger and better. If we want to live we must train and surpass as many as possible. If we want to live we must surpass out weaknesses.

We were children when we were asked to help carry the bodies of the dead. People were sent flying all over the place and it was our job to evacuate them from people's houses. The sight was terrible and we had to face that because most adults were hurt, busy with other things or dead. We had to learn how to clean blood and it was heartbreaking. Nobody will forget that pain. Nobody will ever be the way they used to be because nobody knows how to turn back to what they once were. Everybody feels the same way: we cannot be the children we once used to be.

Shisui released his team mate and walked to those who survived. He left the village with seven people and only three have survived. He is feeling sad and he is trembling with anger. He knows better than most people that being angry about their situation would not change a thing but he cannot calm down. Sakura was right: he is a hypocrite. He knows that everyone is human and everyone has somebody out there waiting for their return but he cannot care about those who are not part of his village. He stopped and looked at his buka: they are taking care of their wounds. He feels sorry for them: they are younger than him and feel worse than he does. They are still unable to cope with the idea that they have to kill in order to survive.

Sakura sat on a piece of broken rock. She is tired and at that point she cannot feel a thing. Sakura couldn't care less if someone were to attack her from behind. She cannot move a finger right now and the thought that they have to get back home is killing her. Even healing her own wound is troublesome. She looked at Shisui's hands then back at her. His hands are bigger… She smiles to herself thinking that she is such a kid but she dared teach him about life. Shisui is at least four years older than her and he knows better how to survive but she cannot help it. Sakura knows damn well that even he needs to be saved. Nobody is perfect. Shisui never had a mother and he had to face many things by himself. He understands how cruel their world is and yet… She feels sorry for him. Sakura knows that he must be tired to always care for himself so she feels like it is her duty to care for him. But she likes taking care of him. He saved her so many times that she is willing to do any insignificant thing for him.

"All right everyone!" shouted Shisui trying to catch their attention. "We have to get back home and report to Hokage-sama. I know everyone is tired but we cannot wait here. We could be attacked any moment and right now I do not know if we could survive another attack." He watched the two boys get on their feet. They are trembling and most likely cannot run back home. They might have to sleep somewhere on their way home. He also looked at Sakura. She seems to be fine although she is clearly tired and has many cuts on her body. "We have to go…" he whispered and walked to the exit of the cave. "Was this even worth it?" he asked himself before facing the rainy night. Sakura said something that really hit him hard. He never thought about those who he killed.

Sakura walked to him. She feels bad for saying those things to him. They were necessary but maybe she should've kept them to herself. "Shisui I…"

He looked at her over his shoulder. "I promise," he said completely turning to face her, "one day, there will be no need for us to fight. When that day comes I…" He wanted to say that he wishes to be with her but he knows that Sakura does not see him like that. She is too preoccupied with surviving. "…I want to travel and see these countries we are fighting with."

Sakura smiled. "That would be nice." To see those countries from a different perspective might make them realize that they are just like Konoha (joyful people, children running up and down the streets, nice people helping each other and protecting each other) and that might hurt them and make them regret everything they did. But she would love to travel next to him.

Shisui and Sakura met when she had her Chunin exam. She was a child, maybe 12 years old, who felt no danger but felt like protecting her village was her responsibility. Shisui was impressed by her struggles to protect Sasuke from Gaara, although she was weak and scared. Back then she had short hair and a high temper but war taught her how to be calm and not overheat over everything. Since then, he was intrigued by her existence and principles. He liked her harsh and realistic view about their world. She was clearly fighting to keep her humanity. Sakura would do anything for Konoha and those dear to her but she will not sell away her principles and feelings because of an order. She hates killing people but she does it when she has no other option left.

Whereas, he was a genius boy who never thought about humanity. He would've done anything for his village and killing was not exactly against his principles. Shisui was way ahead his age and loved teaching his younger cousin, Itachi, everything he knew. Itachi was also an interesting kid but he was an Uchiha, just like him, and they both were geniuses who could manage everything.

But Sakura was a normal girl who had to struggle a lot to get stronger. Those were feelings he never knew. She acted fearless but she clearly feared more than she was showing. Maybe that was what made her so strong: she was facing her fears for her friends. After that incident they met a lot: missions, by mistake at the library or at Sasuke's house. This is how he got to know her so well. She was always close to him, properly watching him. She might be the only person to properly see him as the boy he is and not as the genius everything thinks he is.

He has high hopes that one day she will be able to find a cure for the blindness created by the Sharingan. Sakura is his only hope after all. He has not lost his sight yet but his eyes get tired faster than before and soon he might not see anything at all.

I though of writing a story about them since there aren't that many. I hope you enjoy it! Please tell me how you find my story ^.^