Revenge does not have a sweet taste. No, revenge tests like salty blood. Sometimes it is your blood…sometimes it is your enemy's blood. But the taste of blood is there without mistake and no matter how many times one might spew it, the taste persists. That unbearable taste of iron is the reminder of the path one chose, wisely or not, and on which one must walk without fear. That taste can be the reason for many giving up on their violent desires, but it can also be the reason why many fight. Blood means victory for many. The fight ends only when one remains without blood in their veins.

Shisui spew his own blood as he looked at the ground, palms rested over his knees. He wants to stand tall and proud, but the pain is there, right in his pride and he cannot stand tall. Life is not fair. Life is an aggregation of memories which passes through a well-defined destiny and no matter how hard one might think that the future lies in their hands, they are terribly wrong. Life is not fair. Life is terrible. Only by living one can feel pain, despair, disorientation, anxiety; all of them are sweetened by some happiness, love, hope and finally a child to carry on this curse named continuation. Life might not be a bitch if we wouldn't make it like this, but we are human, and we make mistakes. He wanted to be smart for once but maybe this time he made the biggest mistake.

"Life is not for everyone to live," Danzo said proud of himself. He grabbed a lying kunai from the ground and checked its sharpness. "And I am the one to decide who lives. I allowed you to live once but it will not happen again."

Shisui chuckled amused by the man's words. There is too much confidence in an old man who knows only old tricks. He might have made mistakes but he never forgot his mission. "I thought so too," he admitted as he straightened his back. "Age taught you nothing, Danzo-sama," he growled serious. Danzo raised an eyebrow not convinced by Shisui's sudden attitude. Dogs always bark louder when they are scared and about to run away. Shisui is nothing but a child who wanted to grow up way too soon and who forgot that there are people who understand life better. "Our village is a big family…" he whispered feeling a massive amount of chakra approaching them. "I know it is…" he continued hoping his plan will work. Sakura taught him how a strong person can decide how to be weak if that saves the day.

Two nights ago

Itachi was very pleased by Shisui's invitation for a long stroll through the village in the middle of the night. It felt nostalgic to walk side by side with the man Itachi always saw as friend, senpai but most importantly family. Family is one of the few things worth fighting for. Shisui was always by his side and no matter how harsh life was, he always tried to make Itachi feel better. This is way Itachi always felt bad for not being able to give Shisui the life he always deserved. He watched Shisui struggle with many things (losing his mom, not being able to have Sakura as lover, losing his eye) and he feared his cousin will consider Itachi a greedy man who does not try to do anything for him but despite all of this, Shisui never said anything and always prefer his company; this puzzled the younger Uchiha and sometimes scared him he might not remain Shisui's friend.

Tonight, the mood is a little bit strange and Shisui seems to be eager to tell Itachi something. The young Uchiha can tell this but he does not want to rush him. The wind carries the sounds made by sleeping people together with their pain and exhaustion. Itachi's heart is heavy as he occasionally hears children moan in pain, parts of their bodies hurting as they move. Sleeping under the clear sky can be pleasant but sleeping on a cold, hard soil after a day of hard work can make people more tired.

"This is nice," the older Uchiha sighed pulling Itachi from the tragic vision he was having. Shisui threw Itachi a look, sensing he was very tense. "Come on now," he exclaimed grabbing the younger man by shoulders and friendly shaking him. "What's with that long face?"

"Nothing," Itachi shook his head. Being depressed is one thing but depressing everyone else around him is even worse. "The village is quiet." Their voices are echoing although they are speaking normally. This makes them feel like they are bothering everyone. "It used to be so vivid." The streets used to be crowded with drunk people, families and groups of friends. Everything seems like a distant dream impossible to be true for a village as miserable as Konoha is now.

Shisui looked around the ruins pretending to forget about Itachi's worries. Sleeping on the streets and right next to your home is heartbreaking. Everyone worked so hard to have a home and to make a living and it pains him to see children having to work and waste their childhood. Many things are because of his weakness and because of his constant pride. He could have changed many things a long time ago, but we preferred to be the smart one. It turns out he was quite retarded. "At least we are growing close as a community."

"We are…" Itachi agreed.

The silence between the two felt like a heavy rock over their shoulders. Both of them have things they want to share but neither of them feels strong enough to do so. Itachi wants to tell Shisui how much he appreciates their friendship and how reassuring it is to have a strong friend like him. He feels like Shisui could understand that without using words. He knows Shisui is aware of that but verbalizing his feelings will make their bond stronger and since Itachi has not found his other half he cannot share such strong bonds with anyone else. On the other hand, Shisui wants to tell Itachi everything about his missing eye. Itachi can help him. The weight on his shoulders must be carried by many. A man as strong as Danzo cannot be defeated with mere pride.

"Itachi…" Shisui started fearing his message might not reach Itachi the way he wants. "Lies are a heavy burden," he traveled his tongue over his trembling lips. "And I carry many lies on my shoulders." Lies he is not proud of but which he had to tell. Lies which might hurt other people more than the harsh truth. "Watching you and Sakura…it pains me when I think about those lies I had to say back then." Sakura is a sweet girl who always sees through his lies but who pretends to always get fooled by him. She does him a huge favor and he has to thank her somehow. Itachi too…He is a good friend he can always count on. "These children sleeping on the streets are breaking my heart. They are exposed to those traitors who destroyed us." He violently clenched his fists, frustrated by the situation they are in because he was unable to rely on his friends. Because he feared to rely on them. Shisui became aware of the situation only when he saw children dirty, shoeless and working together with the adults to produce weapons. Those who destroyed their hospital and killed people for god knows what reason do not deserve to be respected or forgiven. They deserve to be humiliated in front of everybody.

A sudden wave of pain went thought his head and Shisui covered his sewed eyelids. He can anticipate a long and painful battle ahead of him and there is hope he will recover his eye back. "Danzo-sama has my eye," he confessed. The pain gave him the strength he was lacking. He respects Danzo and that man always moved for the village but this time it is his fault people cannot be treated. It is his fault they have no doctors and that there are still many men injured and untreated. Because of that man he lost his eye.

Itachi looked at Shisui with big eyes, confused and with disbelieve. "Shisui…" he started but could not continue. Telling Shisui that he finds it hard to believe might hurt his friend.

"I know," he answered after the silence became painful. "I would not believe it either but…where else do you think my eye is?" Shisui looked at Itachi with pity reflected in his eye. As Itachi could not reply, Shisui continued: "Will you help me, my friend?" Itachi could only nod as answer. "Thank you," the older man replied and reached Itachi's shoulder. "I appreciate it."

"Are you sure?" he asked with doubt.

"I will not lie ever again."

Shisui watched Itachi walk away, lost and not understanding what to do. He looked at him for a while wondering if he did the right thing. Itachi did not seem ready to hear something like that and he had trusting issues. Shisui's only hope is that Itachi will carefully consider his words and believe him. After Itachi disappeared from the sight, Shisui turned on his heels and continued walking down the same street. Since he is there, he will go and speak with Sakura as well. Speaking with Itachi is simple, he is a man, but Sakura is more complicated, and she will ask many questions. She might even ask things he does not know or understand himself. But she is pretty and she loves him so he can cope with everything.

The chilly night wind made his walk easier as it gently pushed him from behind. The night is the only moment he can still see hope. The days bring nothing but a lot of work and no future ahead of him. He simply cannot see where all of this is going. There might be no more future ahead of Konohagakure, ahead…Hi no Kuni.

Before reaching her so called home, he could clearly see her pink hair shinning in the moonlight. Her skinny body is resting over a standing wall and she seems to be staring at the sky. The wind is brushing her messy hair around her face and over the dirty ground. She most likely hasn't brushed in days but she still looks stunning.

As if waiting for him to come, Sakura turned her head in his direction and spotted him in the middle of the street, hands in his pockets. He was standing still, looking at her and calling for her in silence. Sakura looked at her parents, they were sleeping, before silently getting up and walking in his direction with slow movements, as if she were dancing. Her steps are lightly touching the ground taking her in his direction. Before reaching him, she tried to arrange her hair with her long slender fingers, to look prettier for him.

The vibrations in the wind are scaring her. He seems calm but she can tell that something will happen soon. She could feel that the whole day but she was so busy treating patients that she had no time to prepare her heart. So many bad things had happened that it is hard to believe that something worse could fall upon her. Her green eyes scanned his face. She stopped some steps away from him, hands clenched behind her back.

"You are very beautiful," he told her taking a step closer. The attraction is too big to keep away from her.

She smiled feeling embarrassed. "Thank you," she finally replied not knowing what else to say.

He giggled and took another step closer. "I sometimes feel unworthy to be with you." Another step took him closer to her.

Sakura only looked at him with a smile on her face, not knowing where the conversation was going. The air is heavy and so is her heart. She is the unworthy one. She is the one who could not be strong enough to make him proud. But regrets have no power to change anything. If only she did not lack the will to move ahead. She needs motivation. "Tell me," she begged, "how can I be of help to you?" Tears stung her eyes as she waited for him to answer her. The seconds are painfully passing by and he does not say anything. "Please…" she pleaded again. The silence is pressing on her heart, crushing it. If he does not answer her she will go crazy.

Shisui took a deep breath and after moments of thinking he finally decided to be plain and straight forward with her. "I made you suffer. Forgive me." He took two more steps and he finally reached her with his hands, pulling her to his chest. "Will you forgive me?" he asked and she nodded mumbling an 'yes'. "Sakura… I was so wrong to lie to you…to everyone. Because of me so many people suffer now…"

"I do not understand…" she tried to look as his face but he kept her cheeks buried in his chest.

"He destroyed our hospital…our hopes…he took my eye… I need your help."

One night ago - Itachi

After Itachi spent the whole night thinking about what Shisui told him, he decided he will trust his friend. Shisui never betrayed him before and he doubts he will start now. He stared at his brother's face the hole night, fearing someone might come one day for Sasuke or his parents to take them for experiments or just for their eyes. The thought alone was very disturbing so Itachi could not sleep waiting for the day to come so he could go to his friend to hug him and to apologize he was a fool for not believing him. The moment the sun was up, Itachi got up from the ground and jumped outside his garden without waking anyone else up. He jumped all the way to Shisui's house and did not even bother to walk through the gate. With one jump over the fence he landed right next to Shisui and Kagami. The two shinobi, alerted by the sudden intruder, jumped on their feet with kunais in their hands.

"Don't scare me like that, boy!" Kagami growled as he put his kunai back in his sleeve.

"I am sorry, uncle," he bowed his head with respect. "I could not sleep," he said looking at Shisui. "Forgive me for doubting you."

"Raise your head," Shisui replied grabbing his friend by shoulders. It is embarrassing to have his friend in that pose and right in front of his father, who still does not know anything. He fears his father might do something rush if he were to know who mutilated him with so much hate. "I was expecting it."

"We will go to Yondaime and tell him everything and if he does not believe us, we will make up a plan to prove him we are right." Itachi thought very well about what to do once the day comes. He imagined all kinds of situations and he knows who else deserves to be involved in that plan. "We will speak with our whole clan and the Hyuuga clan and with the Yamanaka clan. I am sure they will want to make justice as well."

"Shisui, what is going on?" Kagami interfered disturbed by the scene before him.

Shisui walked to his father and rested his hands on his shoulders. "I promise I will tell you everything but…give me a few hours."

The boys rushed to the Hokage tower where they found their Kage buried under thousands of papers and maps. The boys looked at each other before walking inside with confidence. "Hokage-sama…" Itachi started trying to get the man's attention. Minato raised his hand to the boys to silence them as he continued to scan a map. He has not slept in a while and he has dark circles under his eyes but everything is for the village.

Minato sighed as he realized everything was a dead end. He was up all night thinking he could come up with new roads to reach faster other countries but some of them are not safe for normal villagers. All of his work for nothing… He sometimes feels like everything is always for nothing. His life is for nothing. He survived only to make normal people slaves so they can pay the debts, to make children work together with the adults.

Realizing that two people have been in his office for quite a while, Minato looked at them with a small smile on his face. "Yes?"

"Yondaime-sama, we believe Danzo-sama is responsible for our destroyed hospital and maybe he also kidnapped all those people that were found beneath the hospital," Itachi said straight forward.

Shisui looked at Itachi with a drop of sweat on his forehead. "Also…good morning, Hokage-sama," he said believing that was the first thing to say to a man you respect.

Minato was quite tired so he missed the first words Itachi told him but he heard the words "hospital" and "Danzo" and something about some kidnaping so he blinked surprised as he tried to recall what the man said. "Wait, what?" he asked looking from one man to the other.

"Danzo-sama took my eye and I know he also destroyed the hospital. The only proof I have is my eye, which is most likely with him and the memories Sakura had of the incident. She cannot remember but I used a jutsu on her to see what happened when the hospital was destroyed."

Minato got serios as he looked at them. "Tell me more about this."

Present time

Yondaime did not like Danzo either but the man was way to respected by many so he could not take action without proof. They called for Yamanaka Inoichi to access Sakura's memories. Sakura had no objections and everything went smoothly. Inoichi saw the memory Sakura could not clearly recall and confirmed that Danzo was indeed in that building that day, although he said he was not even close to the hospital. All the clan leaders were called in Minato's office and all of them were informed of the situation. The elders were not invited. Many could not believe it and some actually tried to protect Danzo but at the end of the day, they all agreed that Danzo's radical actions are not always the best. They are fully aware that Danzo loves the village very much but unfortunately, he is willing to sacrifice too many lives for his ideals.

"I believe the village has the power to decide…" Shisui said as he got up. "And the village decided." Right after he pronounced the words, the two got surrounded by hundreds of shinobi.

Danzo looked around with big eyes. "What is the meaning of this?" he demanded spotting Minato in the crowd.

"It is over Danzo," Minato said as he approached him. "You are accused of betrayal."

They discovered how Danzo was conducting experiments to see if he could make the sharingan appear on children and adults if they were to receive organs from Uchihas. The experiments did not go as planned and he hoped to destroy the lab beneath the hospital together with the hospital but it did not work out. It was a surprise for many to learn that Orochimaru was not involved but the most shocking thing was Danzo's arm: it was covered in Uchiha eyes. The sight infuriated Fugaku and the rest of the Uchihas but Minato tried to calm them down by reminding them just how much the Uchiha mean to the village. A rupture was out of discussion and more fight was futile. Danzo was executed in front of a big crowd. For many, the execution did not mean much but for those who lost they children and families in the incident with the hospital could finally rest. Justice was made.

Shisui stared at his eye for many hours. He could not believe he actually got it back. "It feels so wrong…" he whispered as he looked at his eye floating in the jar.

"Why?" Sakura asked getting ready to return the eye back it its owner. She is so excited and happy that this day actually came that she cannot help but sing.

"It feels disgusting…" he continued closing his eye. His only eye is pulsing in desire to be reunited with its lost half. "I hate using something which was in that man…" He feared he could not accept his eye back and it seems he really does not want it back.

"Shisui…don't say this…" she begged grabbing his hands. "This is amazing. You finally have back everything that was taken from you." She tries to avoid using the word 'complete'. She does not want to make him feel as if he were incomplete because he is perfect the way he is right now.

He looked at her with a smile on his face. "Maybe later…now I want to speak with you about our future." Sakura blushed and looked at their clenched hands. "You will always be mine, right?" She swallowed harshly as she nodded. "I love you."

"Shisui…I love you so much!" She shouted as she jumped at his chest. From there on they might face many struggles but together they will try to overcome everything. His clan might not agree from the beginning but they will marry without mistake and they will have beautiful children to witness the rise of Konogakure.