Chapter Forty-Three

Three months later

'Kol! What are you doing with my phone?' Bekah's voice cut through the quietness that had been encasing the compound.

I was reading in the library, and I couldn't tamper my curiosity when I felt Kol's mischief. I was in the living room in an instant, leaning against the concrete wall with a smirk on my face.

'Aww little Bekah has a little text from Marcel.' Kol grinned, flashing out of reach when the blonde lunged for the phone.

'Kol!' She warned, practically growling from annoyance and embarrassment.

Seeing as neither had noticed me yet I decided to help, and in a flash the phone was in my hand, leaving a startled Kol staring between his hand and me in bewilderment.

'Bestie!' He scolded, but his surprise tampered the sting.

'I think Bekah's dealt with more than enough embarrassment from her brothers.' I cocked my brow in amusement and disapproval as I handed Bekah back her phone.

'Have I told you I love you lately?' Bekah asked, clearly grateful.

'Nope, but I already know.' I winked, dramatically lifting my hand to my forehead, 'I am after all impossible not to love.'

'I can vouch for that,' said the only voice that had the power to send shivers down my spine and make me feel both weak and strong at the same time.

'Shocking that you would,' Kol rolled his eyes, still annoyed with my interference to his teasing.

'Kol, do stop behaving like a spoiled child,' Elijah mildly reprimanded, making me bite back a grin as Nik wound his arms around my waist from behind and rested his head on my shoulder.

'The twins?' I asked, already knowing but wanting verbal confirmation anyway.

'Upstairs sleeping soundly. They just had their feed so they should be out for at least a few hours.' Nik murmured, placing a chaste kiss to my neck. I felt him smirk when my skin broke out in goose bumps.

'Good,' I sighed, placing my hands on top of his.

It had been three months since the twins had been born and we had all settled into a rhythm. Everyone helped out a little, and would probably help out more if Nik and I hadn't insisted on doing most things ourselves. For a while we hadn't known if we would have the chance to raise our kids like a semi-normal family, and now that we could we refused to take it for granted. Henrik and Hope were the most perfect little children on the earth, though my opinion might have been a little biased.

Nik and I worked well as a team anyway, but since having the babies it was as if we could anticipate each other's moves and needs before we even knew them ourselves. If I was changing the babies, Nik would prepare their bottles ready for when they were dressed. If Nik's panic and paranoia ever bubbled up and made him feel like he was going to be a failure of a father before he had even had the chance to become one, I was there to assure him that he was already a brilliant dad. If I felt like I was about to start crying with the kids when I couldn't get them to stop, he would somehow manage to hold me and one of the baby's and reassure us all into a state of calm. I could of course have used my powers to calm the babies, but it felt like cheating. No one else would have the ability to calm their children supernaturally, and somehow thought of doing it felt wrong. The idea of manipulating their emotions before they were old enough and mature enough to understand them themselves felt… cruel in a way. So I decided to keep them on a leash unless it was absolutely necessary and so far it hadn't been.

We were still living on the down low, though. Since we knew Ester was still a threat we had taken some precautions, much to Kol, Elena and Bekah's dismay. We decided that it would work to our advantage if no one knew that they had returned to New Orleans, and so they were all basically imprisoned to the compound. Kol and Elena didn't mind as much because they could distract each other, but Bekah was starting to get antsy; it was reaching the point that even her adorable niece and nephew couldn't distract her for long.

Another thing we had decided to keep a secret was the twins being born. No one outside of Elijah, Klaus and I had known it was going to be twins anyway, but it seemed important to pretend that the baby the quarter believed us to be having had died. And thankfully, Davina hadn't minded helping; she had placed a muffling spell around the compound to prevent anyone hearing anything from the outside. We had sworn her to secrecy, and I trusted that she wouldn't tell anyone what we were working so hard to keep a secret.

'Has Marcel heard anything?' Kol asked, a teasing tone clouding his voice.

That must have been what he had been looking at on her phone.

'No. Nothing new has come up since the death of the harvest girls. The quarter is pretty quiet.' Bekah responded, expertly ignoring her brother's attempt to bait her.

'Wonderful.' Elena mumbled, taking a seat on the couch.

My eyes snapped open at her voice; I had been so engrossed in Nik that I hadn't even sensed her come into the room.

'Well it's not as if mother's going to conveniently send an invitation telling us when and where we can find her.' Bekah sneered at her younger brother.

'Whatever, Bekah. All I'm saying is if you spent more time finding out information from your boy toy instead of flirting with him then maybe we would have more of an idea—,' Kol started but I cut him off by holding up my hand.

No one questioned me and focused their hearing to figure out what I had heard. After another definite clanging I gestured for Kol and Elena to go to the babies while the rest of us moved in the direction of the noise. Nik and I walked in front, with Elijah and Bekah following behind. I was trying to sense if there was anyone else in the house, but I couldn't pick up on anything which meant that whoever it was had gotten in and out in a flash. When I saw the platter that had been left by the gates on a wooden wheeled table, Nik and I shared a look of confusion and caution as we carried on forward.

'Who ordered a platter on wheels?' Bekah asked, as we all stood around it.

There were grapes, cheeses, crackers, oranges, baguettes, juices as well as tea and coffee placed around the ominous silver covered platter. It was all very strange and I was about to ask what the hell was going on when the sound of something moving underneath the silver made me take a step back in surprise. Elijah and Nik shared a look before my mate braced himself and lifted the lid causing two black Starlings to take flight and escape through the open space above our heads.

I was still frowning after the birds in confusion when Elijah's voice garnered my attention.

'Well. It appears you were right after all, Rebekah.' He said, lifting the piece of card I hadn't seen and reading it.

'What is it?' I asked, noting that everyone seemed to have a knowing look in their eyes.

'An invitation.' Elijah stated, sharing a look of concern with Klaus before looking over to me, 'from our mother.'

Bekah took the paper from her bother's hand and read it before scoffing, 'bossy wench. This isn't an invitation, it's an order. Dinner. Your house. 8pm.' She rolled her eyes, making me smile and unintentionally releasing some of the tension in my shoulders.

'Well bossy-ness aside.' Klaus said, smirking at Bekah's remark, 'this may be the perfect opportunity to discover what she wants.'

I pursed my lips as they discussed the benefits and drawbacks of hosting this dinner. For starters, the babies were here and if Ester was she would be able to sense their magic as well as the magic the house probably emitted from the muffling spell. Even if that wasn't the case, I didn't want her anywhere near them. It wasn't clear from her note whether or not she knew that Kol and Bekah were back in town, but as soon as the thought entered my head I was sure she didn't. They were still cloaked with magic and they hadn't stepped a foot out of the compound since the twins had been born. That meant that they could take the twins somewhere safe. I considered actually hosting this meal and instead of feeling dread I felt irritation. Which meant that nothing horrifically bad was going to happen, but something frustrating.

I took Nik's hand, entwining our fingers before speaking and inevitably ending the conversation that was taking place.

'Let's do it.' I said confidently.

Three pairs of eyes stared at me, two in surprise and one in acceptance.

'What?' Bekah asked.

'Are you sure you have considered—,' before Elijah could finish, Hayley came bursting through the gates looking concerned and feeling even more so.

'What's wrong?' I asked her, stepping forward and squeezing her bare shoulder to amplify the comforting wave I was sending towards her. I felt my palm sting when I removed it, but I dismissed it as she started talking.

'A couple of witches have been out to the Bayou, not ones I have seen before.' She took a deep breath as if she was collecting herself, 'they were offering out moonlight rings in exchange for loyalty.'

'You don't think—,' Bekah started but I cut her off.

'I don't think, I know.' I huffed trying to squelch the anger growing in my stomach.

The rings that had been handed over to Hayley had been accepted graciously and had made the wolves even more loyal to Klaus and I, as well as making them more accepting of the treaty in the quarter. Now that they didn't have to worry about changing every full moon or not being able to defend themselves against an attack from a vampire or witch, they were incredibly relaxed. Of course, that only extended to the Crescent moon pack, as we had only had enough rings for them. The other packs in the Bayou were still paranoid and now even jealous of the Crescent's despite our assurance that we were looking into making more to include them. And we had—but the issue was that Genevieve had only been strong enough to do it because she had access to the ancestor's powers, and now she was gone none of the other witches did. At least not directly. Davina had been looking into a way around it while Jackson and Hayley had been searching for more of the kyanite stones.

'It has to be Ester. Who else would have the power to make them?' It was a rhetorical question.

'But why does she need werewolves?' Hayley asked.

I frowned, also confused by that. The answer hit me just as Nik opened his mouth to speak.

'She's going to try and overtake the city.' Nik whispered.

'That won't work.' I shook my head, squeezing Nik's hand tighter as I offered him some comfort.

'Kimmie's right.' Bekah agreed, continuing when everyone looked to her, 'not only do we have a pack of werewolves on our side, but we also have them living in peace with the humans, vampires and witches. She's going to need a lot more than a bunch of bribed werewolves.'

I nodded in agreement; that had been exactly what I was thinking. After we had introduced the rings, everyone had been on edge but once they had seen that the wolves were just happy to be equals to the other species of the quarter, everyone had relaxed. Business had been running smoothly, and the weekly meetings weren't nearly as tense. We had finally achieved what I had wanted when we arrived at this town, what Nik and Elijah had managed to build before Mikael destroyed it all those years ago. And I'd be damned if she was going to ruin it.

'What did they look like? The witches?' I asked, my eyes glittering with determination.

'Well one of the wolves, Jade, recognised the girl as Cassie. She was the last harvest girl apparently and the man no one is sure of, though he kept calling her "mother."' Hayley answered, crossing her arms over her chest.

I felt the temperature in the room drop my twenty degrees. There was no way that he would do this. We hadn't been able to reach him, but I hadn't been worried; he had been pissed when he left all those months ago and I had thought he just wanted some distance from his family. I had believed that, so much that I hadn't even considered to use my abilities to generate a feeling over his disappearance. If I had, we might have been able to prevent this.

'Finn.' Elijah said, shocked himself, 'it has to be.'

'Why would he be helping her?' I said, so quietly I wondered if any of them could hear me, but the stab of betrayal in my gut was making it hard to speak any louder. I felt like the air was being stolen from my lungs; I couldn't breathe and my skin felt like it was burning up.

'Love,' Nik murmured, but his voice sounded far away.

'Why would he do this to us?' I sobbed, my chest cavity might as well have exploded in that moment because the feeling of betrayal was becoming too much to bear.

'I don't know, love.' Nik's voice was gentle in a way that drew air into my lungs and bought my attention to him.

I gasped when I realised what was happening; the room was glowing a golden colour, and everyone, as well as me, was on their knees clutching their chests and crying in despair. This sight just made me sob harder, feeling guilty for being the cause of those I loved being in pain. But I was also confused, because the few times I had accidentally lost control, I had still felt like I had the power to pull it back, but in that moment I just felt… powerless. It didn't make sense. This reaction wasn't coming from me.

Nik bought my head to his chest; he seemed to be the only one unaffected by my powers. I didn't know why, but in that moment I was grateful as his soft caresses on my head and soft murmurings bought me back to myself, and put me back in control. The room stopped glowing and the wisps of gold stopped flowing from my hands. I wanted to look up and apologise for what I had just done, to tell him it wasn't me, but the soft rhythmic feeling of Nik stroking my head and the gentle kisses he was placing to my forehead led me to a deep sleep I didn't want to fight.

Klaus' POV

'Is she alright?' Elijah murmured, his gaze on the unconscious blonde in my arms.

I didn't respond because honestly, I didn't know the answer myself. I kissed her hair and inhaled, trying to calm my heart rate. I hadn't seen her lose control of her powers like that since the high school, when she had been angry with me for ordering Stefan to feed on some unsuspecting students. Since then she had been keeping control of her emotions, and only using her powers when she meant to.

'I've never seen her lose control like that,' Bekah said, concerned.

'I have, but only once. It was before she turned but it was never that… unstoppable.' I answered as I stood, bringing my fiancé with me and holding her bridal style.

'Even in the high school, she was aware of what she was doing and she never passed out from it.' Elena joined us in the room, without Kol.

'Exactly.' I agreed, my brow crinkling as I thought.

'What if Ester has something to do with this?' Hayley asked, coming to stand next to me and checking that Kimberly was still breathing.

'Of course,' Elijah breathed, shaking his head and elaborating when everyone looked over to him, 'mother must have already known that the Crescent's had moonlight rings, otherwise she would have tried approaching them months ago when she first awoke in Cassie's body.'

'She would have taken over her new body when Genevieve was killed. Which means that her going to the Bayou this morning was on purpose, she knew you had the rings,' I told Hayley, looking down to Kimberly's worried expression in her slumber. I sat down on the sofa and caressed the side of her face, when her concern evened out I continued, 'and she knew you'd come to us. I wouldn't be surprised if she used your entrance to set off Kimberly's powers.'

'How is that possible?' Hayley sounded doubtful and I couldn't blame her, she wasn't aware of what Ester was actually capable of.

'Did she touch you at all?' Elijah asked, knowing what I was thinking, 'when she got there?'

'She shook my hand, but she did that with a few people.' Hayley shrugged.

I heard Rebekah's sharp intake of breath but I was already turning over Kimberly's hand—the same one she'd placed on Hayley's shoulder when she got here, in an attempt to comfort her. And there it was. The mark of an aconite flower, surrounded by a circle burned into the centre of her hand.

'She's cursed her to stay in her own mind. It seems similar to the one used on Mikael when he returned from war,' I murmured thinking aloud, 'and yet it is also different.'

'It has most likely been adapted to ensure it's strong enough to keep her unconscious.' Rebekah said, coming to sit next to me and placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

'It most likely requires the same herb to wake her.' Elijah said, stepping forward and crossing his arms over his chest.

'I'll fetch them.' I said, getting to my feet with the intention of taking Kimberly to our room.

'Wait aren't we missing something here?' Elena asked, her eyes trained on her sister as she spoke, 'Ester did this for a reason. She clearly doesn't want her present at this dinner later because she would be able to sense what Ester wanted to do.'

'Then we need to awaken her before tonight.' I declared, my voice determined, 'Rebekah you and Elena take the twins somewhere for the day, preferably outside of New Orleans. Kol you need to find a way to help us when mother inevitably body jumps, Elijah can you prepare for this bloody dinner and keep an eye on Kimberly.'

I didn't wait to see if everyone moved to follow my instructions and headed to our bedroom and placed Kimberly down on the bed. Her face was contorted into a frown and her skin was glistening with sweat. I brushed her soft long locks away from her face and softly caressed her cheek, smiling softly when she subconsciously leaned into my touch. I leaned down and kissed her forehead, closing my eyes as I inhaled her scent. She had to be okay. Ester kept trying to take her away from me, to take our children away, to take away the family we had built. The family I had always wanted. For centuries we had constantly been at odds and we had never all truly stood beside one another—I hadn't realised what a difference that made. Now we fought together and it was all thanks to her. I couldn't lose that.

I wasn't an idiot. Ester used to use this remedy on Mikael to help him sort through the troubles of war, but I would be a fool to think that she had used a similar remedy to ease Kimberly's mind. It was safe to assume whatever Ester had done had been initiated with the intention of turning her against me. Perhaps it would be similar to when she stole my memories but instead of making her forget me, she would taint her very memory of me. And that I just couldn't bear.

For centuries Elijah had been there to pick up the pieces when my rage got the better of me and set me on a path of redemption. I had needed him for a millennia, and I would probably always need him, but not in the same way I always had. Because somewhere along the line, Kimberly had become my reason for being, she made me want to be a better man, to be her partner. It was a relationship I had never pictured myself having, and I definitely never expected to be this content. I would be damned if my mother was going to rob me of that. After placing another kiss to her forehead, I left with the intention of doing what needed to be done. And then I was going to kill my mother.

I huffed in annoyance—I had been trekking through the bayou for bloody ages and I was starting to lose my patience. I couldn't find this bloody herb anywhere and I was starting to think that I was heading in the wrong direction. I was just about to call Elijah for help when my phone started to ring.

'Elijah. I was just about to call you.' I said, not trying to hide the annoyance in my voice.

'I'll take it you haven't found the herb yet.' Elijah replied, sounding concerned.

'What's happened?' I asked, resting my free palm against a tree.

'Mostly things are running smoothly; Kol found a witch and the required ingredients to perform a soul branding spell. The twins are fine and I have the meal prepared—,'

'Elijah, whatever you're building up to tell me just spit it out.' I snarled, my fist curling onto the tree and breaking the bark.

'I came to check up on Kimberly and she appears to be getting worse.' He said so quietly I had to strain to hear him.

'Worse how?' I asked quietly.

'Her clothes are completely soaked through with sweat and she won't stop tossing and turning.' He told me and his own worry softened my anger a little.

'Have you tried going into her mind?'

'Yes and whatever mother has done to her prevents me from entering.' I could hear whimpers over the phone, sounds that weren't coming from my brother.

'Call Davina. A witch did this, perhaps a witch can help ease some of the effects while I find this bloody herb.' I punched the tree I had been leaning on with enough force to send it tumbling to the ground.

'I can help you with that,' A deep voice said from behind me.

I turned and immediately froze. It couldn't be—he was dead I had held his body in my arms. This had to be another of Ester's tricks. I hung up the phone and started to walk away from him.

'Niklaus!' Hansel yelled, not wasting any time in catching up with me.

'I do not have time for another of Ester's tricks!' I growled, not ceasing in the fast pace I had set, 'I need to find this herb, take it back to my mate with enough time to prepare for this bloody dinner!'

'I know where that herb is.' He said and in the next moment I had him pinned to a tree by his throat.

'Well don't hold back.' I smirked and didn't attempt to hide my anger that promised certain death if he held back on me, 'tell me where it is.'

'I'll take you to it.' He said, not intimidated in the least.

'I don't have time to be led on a goose chase by one of Ester's creations.' I growled, throwing his body away from me and starting to walk in the direction opposite to where I had been heading all bloody morning.

'Well at least you're finally going the right way,' Hansel's sarcastic words halted my steps.

'You've been following me all morning?' I continued when he nodded, even more annoyed, 'then why didn't you say something sooner? This bloody dinner starts in two hours and I need to get back to wake my mate and back my brother up against our mental mother who is inhabiting the body of some unsuspecting teenager. I don't have time to gallivant in the woods!'

'It is clear your mate is in peril.' Hansel nodded in understanding and continued when he saw my confusion, 'I have witnessed many affects of this before, including your temper. It us understandable that your fuse is even shorter than normal given the circumstances.'

'Right, well now that we've established I have an incredibly short temper, how about you give me a better point of location rather than just pointing in one direction.' I smirked, crossing my arms over my chest.

'Very well. But you should bring me with you as I know the proper way in which to prepare the herbs.' Hansel cocked his brow in challenge and I found myself briefly wondering if he was where I got my stubbornness.

'Fine.' I agreed through gritted teeth—he wasn't wrong about my rage.

'You know the clearing to the north of where the Crescent's reside? We need to get there.' He told me.

I had him slung over my shoulder as I speeded towards the clearing before he had even finished speaking. We arrived two minutes later and I threw Hansel on the floor none too gently, still not completely certain that he wasn't an attempt to lead me on a wild goose chase.

'Well?' I held my arms out, gesturing to the empty grounds around me, 'where is it?'

Hansel stood up and looked around before pointing to the ground to the far left. I headed in that direction without acknowledgement and found the tree he had pointed to was surrounded by vervain. I huffed, my patience hanging on by a strand and turned to look at Hansel. He didn't meet my eye but he did step forward and started digging up the required ingredient. While he was doing that, I pulled out my phone to text Elijah.

Me: Almost have the herb, how is she?'

Elijah: Not good brother. I suggest you get back as soon as you can.

'Hurry it along will you?' I said, shoving my phone back into my pocket.

He didn't answer, which was probably best because no answer would have been good enough in that moment. He extracted the herb and while he prepared it into a balm I received news from everyone else. Kol had found a witch and had to rescue her from mother and Finn but she was now preparing to cast the spell. Rebekah and Elena assured me that the babies were fine. They had taken them to a seaside town and compelled some officers to not allow anyone else on the beach. I'd been sent a few pictures of them smiling as they played with the sand—it eased some of my concerns a little to know they were safe.

'Here.' Hansel's voice bought my attention away from my phone. He was holding a drawstring pouch out to me and I took it and started to walk away without a goodbye.

'I don't know what deal Ester has offered you, Niklaus, but I know you need all the help you can get to protect your children.' His words stopped me in my tracks.

'My child is dead,' I told him, not bothering to turn around; there were a handful of people who knew that we had twins and I couldn't comprehend how Hansel could be one of them.

'I saw the birth before Ester pulled me from the other side.' He told me, causing me to turn around, 'I know that everyone, including Ester, believes them to be dead which is why I haven't, and will not, tell anyone.'

I stared at him for a long time, reading the sincerity in his gaze and not an ounce of deceit. Even still, I didn't know for certain that he was telling the truth… but I found myself wanting to believe he was, wanting to know what it felt like to have a loving, caring and supportive father, rather than the monster I had known. But my wolf was overpowering my desire for a parental figure, demanding that I go and cure my suffering mate.

'Go to her,' Hansel read my hesitation well, 'I will be with the Crescent pack when you're ready to talk.'

I was more than happy to leave the conversation—it was too intense for me to deal with in that moment. It didn't take me long to reach the compound and I didn't slow down until I reached our room. Elijah was right—it was clear from her clammy skin, greying complexion and pained frown that she was declining at an alarming rate. I pulled out the balm and applied a generous amount to her palm and sighed in relief when her complexion immediately started to return to normal. She stopped tossing and turning and her breathing went to relaxed rather than sporadic. I took her balm free hand in mine and kissed it before I delved into her mind, desperate to get her back.

Kimberly's POV

I didn't know how long I had been running for, but I knew that my feet were bleeding because of the rocks and bark under my feet and my legs were aching with the strain. I was human, wherever here was and I knew that I couldn't protect myself from whatever I was running from. Not in this form anyway. I was assured that this was a dream, seeing as I couldn't remember how the hell I had even gotten here. I came to a stop, needing to catch my breath and rest my muscles just for a moment. But a twig snapping to my right had me taking off in the opposite direction, I glanced over my shoulder as I ran, hoping to finally catch a glimpse of whatever I was running from when I ran straight into something… or someone seeing as two strong hands steadied me before I could fall. My body knew who it was before I did, if the sudden calmness washing over me was anything to go by. When I looked into the ocean blue eyes of my love I wasted no time jumping into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and inhaling his scent.

'I am so happy to see you!' I practically squealed, smiling when I heard Nik's chuckle in response.

'Same here, love.' He squeezed me tighter for a moment and placed a kiss to my hair before putting me down, 'I need you to wake up.'

'If I knew how to do that, I would've done it ages ago trust me,' I grumbled, taking his hand in mine and entwining our fingers, 'I'm human here and I've been running for hours from god knows what.'

'Well then, it's obvious isn't it?' Nik smirked when I gave him an annoyed look, 'you need to defeat whatever you're running from in order to get out of here.'

'How am I supposed to do that? I'm practically defenceless right now.' I was two seconds away from stamping my foot—I felt powerless as a human, I couldn't even tap into my other powers in this world.

'You're one of the strongest people I know,' Nik murmured, lifting my chin with his index finger.

The sincerity in his gaze thawed my frustration a little and I nodded. I leaned up to my tippy toes to place a chaste but passionate kiss to his lips, that I was about to deepen when I heard another twig snap behind me. I turned around straight away and when I saw what—well, who—it was my jaw dropped.

'What the hell?' I muttered, stepping back when he smirked and moved forward.

'I knew it,' Nik murmured from behind me, his hands coming to rest on my waist protectively.

'Knew what?' I wondered, giving the other evil looking Nik a warning look to stay away as I waited for an answer.

'Ester did this to turn you against me.' Nik whispered, sounding a mixture of worried and angry.

'Why would this turn me against you? I mean,' I looked over to the other guy and scoffed, 'he doesn't even look like you.'

Both Nik's cocked their eyebrows in disbelief and amusement and I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing—now was not the time.

'Okay, so how the hell am I supposed to defeat a version of you!' I exclaimed pointing over to the lookalike in annoyance that only increased when he smirked at me.

'You cannot defeat me,' the lookalike said, holding his arms out arrogantly, 'I am the Original hybrid-,'

'Woah—he's like an exact replica,' I snorted when both Nik's sent me a glare, 'he does have a point though.'

I casually strode over to the fake Nik and gestured for my Nik to keep him distracted. I found a stick on the ground thick enough to be a stake and I carefully stored it in the waistband of my shorts before making my way back over to my Nik. I leaned down and dipped my thumb in the dirt before standing up and drawing a line on the side of Nik's face.

'What are you doing?' Nik asked, moving to wipe the dirt away but I stopped him giving him a look.

'Well aren't you two adorable.' The mirror image said, stepping closer.

I didn't look away from my Nik, giving him an assuring smile when I saw the fear in his eyes. He truly was afraid that Ester was going to turn me against him.

'How pathetic you are,' the doppelgänger said, going from mocking to disgusted in an instant, 'how could you lower yourself to have such a pathetic weakness?'

Klaus looked away from me and over to the fake Nik, his face contorting with rage.

'You're going to want to shut up,' he stepped forward, so that only an inch separated them.

'For the record I'm the most adorable weakness you've ever seen.' I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

'Now is not the time to be cute, love,' my Nik smirked making me laugh quietly.

I could practically sense the promise of a fight in the air and it was making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I needed to stop it before it got to that.

'This is getting out of hand.' I said, stepping to intervene but before I could, different Nik took my Nik and pinned him to a tree by his throat. He didn't hold him there for long and the roles where reversed in a flash. Before I knew what was happening they were fighting too fast for my human eyes to follow, but I could hear the roars mixed with the cries of pain.

'For god sake, STOP!' I yelled, surprised when both of them actually listened to me.

'End this, love,' one of the Nik's begged gesturing to the other, 'kill him.'

'No kill him,' the other disagreed.

I studied both of their faces carefully, looking for a sign that revealed my Nik to me. I stepped forward to the one that was to my right.

'What are you doing? That's not me!' The other Nik said, but I ignored him.

'She knows you're lying,' the other said and I grinned, allowing him to believe I was going to him.

'Kimberly,' his voice was desperate and concerned and it almost made me snap.

'Seems like she's made her choice,' the mirror smirked, looking over to my Nik.

I took that opportunity to drive the stake stored in the waistband of my shorts through the heart of Nik's mirror image.

I gasped and shot up in the bed as I regained consciousness. Was it really over? I looked around the room and was happy to see it was the room Nik and I shared in the compound, and I was reassured that I was in my supernatural body when I heard multiple heartbeats downstairs.

'Love?' Nik's voice snapped me out of my concentration and I looked over to him, my face breaking out in a relieved smile.

Instead of answering him, I leaned over and bought his lips to mine, smiling against his lips when I felt his relief and desire. Kissing Nik was something I would never tire of; he made my body feel alive, like he was caressing every single one of my nerve endings with the electric shocks his touch sent through my body. I bit his lip, wanting more, wanting the kiss to deepen and he was more than happy to oblige. When his tongue entered my mouth, he met mine in a passionate dance that made me moan in pleasure. I didn't remember climbing onto his lap, but I was made aware of my position when Nik's hands slid up from the bend of my knee, up the backs of my thighs to cup my ass and give a tight squeeze that startled a sound of pleasure from me. When he grinned against my mouth I ground my hips against his, smiling when he growled and clutched me closer to him. My hands found his curls and yanked his head back gently but firmly so that I could crash my lips to his once more. He was driving me crazy; his hands were exploring my body, gently caressing wherever they went, my head was swimming with the feel of him, with his scent. I needed him. Now. I moved my hands from his hair down to his shirt to rip it open—

'Ahem,' the sound of someone clearing their throat snapped us out of our kiss.

I looked over to the doorway and fought a sigh of frustration. In all fairness, Elijah did look a little embarrassed, and I could feel he was uncomfortable.

'Impeccable timing as always, brother,' Nik grumbled, readjusting me so that I was sitting on his lap rather than straddling him.

'I apologise for the interruption but mother will be arriving shortly.' He said after glancing at his pocket watch.

'What?' that startled me a little and I glanced over to the bedside table to see it was 6:45pm, 'I've been out all day?'

'Yes you have, the herb to cure you took most of the day to find.' Nik murmured, caressing the side of my face and smiling when I leaned into his touch.

'Thank you. For helping me.' I kissed his jaw, enjoying the way his stubble tickled my chin.

'You don't need to thank me, love, we always look out for each other.' He said, kissing my forehead after he had spoke.

'If you would please dress smartly.' Elijah said, drawing our attention back to him.

'Yes dad,' I teased with a laugh that grew a little louder when I noticed Nik's smirk and the small upturn of Elijah's lips.

'We'll be down soon, brother.' Nik told him, his hand running up and down my calf, making me melt into him even more.

Elijah nodded and left the room, leaving us to get ready in ten minutes. Thank god for vampire speed. I showered first as I stank from all the sweating I had done whilst in the magical mental purgatory and I quickly dried my hair—Bekah would have been proud—before I borrowed one of Elena's dresses to wear. I assumed "smartly" meant dress and heels and I decided to comply, no matter how much I hated it. I wore a deep blue floor-length dress that was fitted to the waist where it then gently flared out to the ground. It had one strap that rested on my right shoulder where it was decorated with black flowers and silver rhinestones. I paired it with some black strappy heels—courtesy of Bekah—and some diamond teardrop earrings Nik had gotten for me just because he thought they would suit me. I tied my hair up in a ballerina bun, happy when the first attempt seemed to suffice. After I'd applied a little make up—blush, bronzer, mascara and a deep red matte lipstick, I was ready for this stupid dinner. Despite my vampire speed, I hadn't been ready before Klaus and so once I was finished I made my way to the dining room, where I was hoping I could get some answers before the wicked witch arrived.

'I don't see why her guard would drop just because I'm dressed like a bloody lawyer.' Nik grumbled, making me grin before I entered the room but when my eyes landed on him I felt them darken with lust.

'Well you're the hottest lawyer I've ever seen.' I murmured, without really meaning to, but when I saw Nik's sexy smirk I didn't care.

I walked over to him, planning on taking the seat to his right while Elijah sat across from me, but before I could sit down Nik took my hand and pulled my body flush against his.

'You look beautiful.' He whispered, his eyes shining with awe.

I felt my heart skip a beat in my chest as I smiled shyly—would he always make me feel like a giggling schoolgirl with a crush? I hoped so.

'Thank you, love.' I placed a kiss to his jaw and sat in the seat he had pulled out for me.

'So where are the kids?' I asked, keeping my voice low encase any witches prepared to sneak up on us.

'Rebekah and Elena have taken them out of town for the day.' Elijah told me and I felt myself let out a sigh of relief.

'Good. Where's Kol?'

'He's working with a witch to brand Ester's soul so we will have an advantage when she decides to jump into someone else's body.' Nik told me, taking my hand and giving it a squeeze. I gave him a grateful look; he knew I was feeling useless and guilty that I hadn't been able to help all day.

'How did she do it?' I murmured, looking in between both Mikaelson's.

'She cast a transference spell when she met with the Crescent's. When she shook Hayley's hand, her body held onto the magic until you touched Hayley and it incapacitated you.' Nik explained, sounding and feeling pissed about that himself.

I sent a calming wave towards him out of reflex and squeezed his hand tighter.

'Well she's conniving, you have to give her that.' I shook my head in annoyance, 'but how did she know?'

'Know what?' Nik asked but I was stopped from answering when and African-American man entered the room.

'You three haven't changed a bit!' He turned to address Elijah, 'linens and silk to disguise your pathetic self -loathing.' He then turned to Klaus but I interrupted him before he could utter another word.

'You and your mother invite yourself to dinner and you then have the nerve to insult us all. I had no idea you had such a strong backbone, Finn.' I knew he could see the rage and betrayal simmering behind my eyes. I was quite amused when he failed to hold my gaze for more than a few seconds.

'What's wrong? You can throw around insults but you can't look me in the eye?' I laughed humorlessly.

'Mother will be joining us shortly—,' he was cut off by me.

'About that,' I stood and in a flash I had him against the wall by his throat, 'I've had the privilege of spending the day trapped in my own head a feat your mother managed to accomplish because of you.'

'What are you talking about, Kimberly?' Elijah asked, sounding confused.

I could feel that Klaus already knew, 'Ester wouldn't have known how to get to me if she hadn't known about Hayley. The only way she could have known about her importance to this family is if Finn told her.'

'I had to,' Finn gasped out, struggling to get air into his lungs.

'You didn't have to betray us, Finn,' Nik said before I could, coming to stand beside me, 'you made that decision all on your own.'

Nik gave me a look, silently telling me to release him and after a moment I did, begrudgingly.

'Like you even care—you banished Rebekah, leaving the rest of us to follow and you have the nerve to talk to me about betrayal!' Finn yelled, gesturing his arms around frantically.

'You know, if you hadn't disappeared off the face of the earth, we could have told you what really happened,' Elijah told him taking my arm and directing me to my seat—he could clearly sense my anger, as well as Nik's because once I was seated, he did the same with Nik.

'I know what really happened,' he waved his hands dismissively and took the empty seat next to Elijah.

Before anything else could be said, a girl who looked no older than sixteen entered the compound, but I could tell it was Ester from the dread that wrapped around my throat.

'How lovely it is to see you all.' She smiled, sitting down at the other head chair and glancing around at us all.

'Wish I could say the same,' I rolled my eyes, taking a sip of the wine and I was pleasantly surprised to find it was blood.

'Yes I can't say we've had the chance to bond after-,' she started but I cut her off, amused.

'After you tried to link us all together and attempted to use me to kill us all?' My gaze drifted over to Finn, 'now who was it that stopped that?'

Finn looked down and his guilt practically slapped me in the face.

'I have already forgiven Finn for his temporary lapse in judgment.' Ester waved a dismissive hand.

'Heaven forbid he stops his entire family from being killed by his estranged mother.' I muttered sarcastically, taking another sip of blood and almost spitting it out when I heard Nik quietly laughing at my remark.

'Back to matters at hand,' Elijah said, his own amusement carefully concealed.

'Yes, why don't you say what you came here to say, so this wretched night can end?' Nik said, leaning forward on the table, his eyes glittering with disdain as he observed his mother.

'It pains me that you and Elijah look at me with such disdain. I wish you could see that my every action has been to protect you!' Ester said, sounding pathetically sad.

'You actually believe that, don't you? I knew you were a liar, but now I see you're utterly delusional.' Nik snapped back.

'If you can forget the hatred that you cling to and remember all the times I've mended and healed you.' She broke off for a second when Klaus laughed sarcastically and I bit back a snort before she turned to the other brother, 'Elijah, do you recall the day Niklaus challenged your father to a duel? Did I leave your brother to die alone? What did I say, when you came to me and asked me to help him?'

'That you would rather die than to see any of your children suffer.' Elijah sighed.

I remembered that day—Nik had told me about it when we talked about the few times he believed his mother had actually loved him. That day he had challenged Mikael to a duel, wanting to show him he was actually strong, but he lost. Mikael had wanted to take a starling necklace, which Ester had given to Nik, as a prize but Nik fought back and actually managed to shock him. Out of anger, Mikael had impaled him in the shoulder with a sword, leaving him stuck to a tree where Ester had come to save him. As she worked, he told her about what had happened, how he refused to let Mikael take the gift his mother had given him, the gift she had spelled for him.

'The necklace,' Nik whispered, his voice tinted with realization, 'It wasn't spelled to protect me. It made me weak.'

'I sought to protect you from yourself! If you had killed your father in that duel, or anyone else in the course of your life, you would have activated your curse!' Ester tried to justify her actions, but she only made Nik even more furious.

I didn't jump when he slammed his hand down on the table before he yelled at the woman who called herself his mother, 'you ruined me! You left me to suffer at the hands of a father who valued only strength!'

'I kept you from becoming a beast for as long as I possibly could!' She replied, desperation seeping into her tone, but it was no match for Klaus' anger.

'Oh, you lied to me! To hide your own transgressions because of your own fear!' he slammed his hand on the table again before standing as his anger grew, 'my whole life, I sought the approval I was denied by the man I thought was my father! You turned me into the weakling he hated.' Elijah stood and started to pace while Nik glared at his mother, 'look at me! You rant and you rave about the monster I have become, but you, Mother - you are the author of everything I am.'

I got to my feet and placed a hand on his arm, amplifying the comfort I was sending towards him, as well as the love I felt for him. He looked over to me, his eyes glimmering with gratitude at the reminder of how much he was cared for, despite the cruel upbringing he had to endure. He placed a kiss to my forehead and wound his arm around my waist, relaxing into me a little. Our attention was snapped back to Ester when we heard her gasping for breath before she slumped in her seat. I noted Finn's genuine surprise as Elijah dashed forward to catch her.

'She's gone.' Elijah said before rushing to attack Finn.

It was no use, as Finn used magic to detain him, before I could do anything, Nik vamped forward and I couldn't help but roll my eyes when he too fell to the floor. Before Finn could use his magic on me I held out my hand, sending a wave of exhaustion towards him that was strong enough to render him unconscious. As I helped both Mikaelson's off the floor I borrowed Nik's phone and called Kol—I had a feeling I knew where Ester went.

'Hello Nik, the spell is nearly complete.' Kol said, sounding mildly impatient.

'Actually it's me, you need to get out of there. I have a feeling Ester's spirit is on her way to inhabit that body.' I told him urgently, sighing in relief when I heard a whoosh that suggested he had left.

'Thanks for the heads up, bestie.' Kol breathed.

'No problem. Where were you? I think we should pay her a visit when she wakes up.' I said, getting agreeing nods from Elijah and Nik.

'Lenore's shop.' He said, sounding like he was in a busy street, 'I'll head back to the compound.'

'Maybe you can take care of Finn when you get here,' Nik mused, loud enough for Kol to hear through the phone, 'he's unconscious in the dining room.'

'It'll be my pleasure, brother.' I could hear Kol's smirk through the phone before he hung up.

Five minutes later.

'I was wondering if you were going to arrive.' Ester said in her new body.

'Well here we are.' Nik stepped forward with a smirk and his arms outstretched.

'Now what do you want, mother?' Elijah asked, impatient.

'It's a terrible thing, for a parent to fail their child.' She said, looking between Klaus and I, 'as you well know.' She threw a powdery substance forward when she saw me attempt to race forward, 'but now, I offer you freedom. The gift of a new body. Freedom from being a hybrid, from being a vampire.'

We all shared a glance of disinterest before looking back over to Ester as she continued to speak.

'I have the ability to return to you all that you have lost. To make it so that you could have a suitable family of your own.' She looked over to Klaus and I, 'more children of your own. Wouldn't that be nice?' She smiled and I found myself thinking she was lucky that I was powerless to wipe that smile off her face.

'How dare you use the loss of our child to manipulate us?' Klaus' voice boomed around the shop, making Ester flinch.

'How dare you suggest our family isn't currently suitable.' Elijah added, his voice much calmer but the anger was still present.

'I think I speak for us all when I say thanks but no thanks,' I said sarcastically, trying to calm myself down; I was practically charged with my anger.

'I'll give you time to think it over,' She acted as if we hadn't spoken, raising her hands to disturb the electricity in the shop.

The lights flickered, the shop trembled, the bulbs broke, Nik wrapped his arm protectively around my waist, the windows shattered and Ester disappeared in a flurry of Starlings as they dove in through the window.

'Well say what you like about her, but she sure knows how to make an exit.' I muttered sarcastically, laughing at Nik's unimpressed look.

Back at the compound.

'The girl and Finn were gone before I got home.' I heard Kol tell Elijah as I left the shower.

'That's not surprising.' Elijah replied, he paused for a moment before continuing, 'have you thought over mother's offer?'

'While it is tempting to be able to practice magic again, I refuse to give up the life I have wanted for the past thousand years.'

'I'm happy to hear that brother.' Elijah said, sounding like he was smiling.

I was snapped out of my eavesdropping when Nik pulled me to his front with his hands on my waist. I grinned when I saw he was shirtless, and couldn't help but run my hands down his chest, playing with his belt buckle.

'You know, it was unfair that we were interrupted earlier.' I said casually, biting my lip to hide a smile when he smirked at me.

'We won't be interrupted this time, my love,' he said and without another word his lips went to my neck while I undid his pants and pushed them down.

He kicked his clothing away and started walking me backwards towards the bed. His smirk when I squealed made my knees weak and I reached up to pull him on top of me. He slid his hands gently up my arms, across my collarbone to the knot that held my towel together before slowly undoing it. My whole body was humming with anticipation—since we had the twins, we hadn't really had anytime alone and crying babies wasn't the best aphrodisiac. Which was probably why I felt like I was about to explode as his hands caressed every part of my body. The cool air met my skin as the towel fell away, but I felt myself turn to molten lava from the heat in Nik's gaze as he took me in. I bought my hand to his curls and slammed his lips to mine, as our tongued dueled, Nik's hands roamed, gliding down my side, over my ass, down my thigh to the bend in my knee where he propelled my leg over his hip and slid into me in one smooth thrust. I gasped against his mouth, welcoming the familiar pleasure of having him inside me, filling me completely.

His lips moved from my mouth to my neck, nipping and sucking on my pulse point as he thrust himself in and out of me at a consistent speed. I moved my hands to his shoulders, my nails digging into his skin as the ecstasy overwhelmed me. I felt him growl against the crook of my neck when my nails drew blood and a second later I felt his fangs pierce my skin; I was unable to hold back a cry of uncontained desire.

'Nik,' I moaned, lifting my hips to meet his rhythm as he continued to drink from me.

He must have heard the desperation and lust in my voice because he lifted my other leg around his waist, allowing him to penetrate me deeper all the while continuing to drink from me. After a few more thrusts I fell apart around him, my head thrown back and mouth open in a silent scream. Klaus removed his fangs from my neck, licking away the stray blood before he rested his forehead against mine, staring into my eyes as he reached his undoing moments after me.

I snuggled into Nik's side, throwing my leg over his hips and allowing our limbs to be tangled together. I was completely and utterly spent.

Hey guys! It's been a while I know, I'm sorry! I've been deciding what to do with this chapter, and plenty chapters ahead, for a while now! I hope you enjoyed, please leave me a review if you did! See you next time :)