27. The Fire and the Ice

The thick foliage of the Olkari forest caused the sun to speckle light against the leaf covered ground and the trunks of closely knit trees. It was difficult for anyone to maneuver through the thick Builder forest even on foot better yet on dragon back, but there were paths and most visitors flew above the canopy to one of the many clearings the tribe had made in the area to park larger dragons. Keith made his way into the middle of the forest with Lance's arms wrapped tight around his middle, face tucked into Keith's neck. Keith suspected his husband had taken a nap part of the way through their journey to the Builder's land, but he didn't call him out on it enjoying just flying with him on Red. It was taking them longer than usual flying on Red. Though she was a large Red, she still couldn't go as fast as she usually could with only Keith as her rider. Also, she had signs of eggs which meant this would be the last time Keith put her through any strenuous flying. The only reason why Blue wasn't with them was for the fact that the sky was full of other knights going to watch the wedding of Prince Shiro, ex-commander for both the Ko and Altean kingdoms. Blue would have taken up too much space.

Red landed a bit wobbly in a clearing Keith had seen before, but never landed in. He shrugged his shoulders to get his sleepy husband off his back then dismounted. He laughed when Lance fell onto his bottom end slipping from Red's back.

"I'm not use to riding such a short dragon," Lance said and took Keith's offered hand though he looked offended.

Red puffed out smoke at Lance.

"Red, be nice," Keith said placing a hand on his dragon's snout. She puffed again before shooting off into the air to avoid the larger dragons landing around them. Keith turned back to Lance and raised a finger, circling it. "Turn around. I'll check for stains."

"Oh, good idea," Lance said and turned.

Keith reached out and wiped a few blades of grass from Lance's bottom, but didn't notice any other signs that the white material of his ceremony outfit was dirtied. "It looks alright."

Lance suddenly wiggled his hips. "Oh, does it? Was that just an excuse to admirer my derriere, Lord Keith?"

Keith frowned then suddenly pulled back a hand and slapped it hard across Lance's bottom. The Blue knight jumped surprised and held his back end as Keith passed him smirking. He stopped after a few steps and glanced behind him.

"If I'm admiring it, you'll know. I did a pretty good job last night, right?"

Lance's eyes widened looking scandalized before his features softened and he grinned. He moved up to Keith and wrapped an arm around his waist. "That you did, Hot Stuff. One of the reasons I wasn't steering."

They started walking again.

As they got closer to the ceremony, Keith noticed more flowers growing around the bases of trees and then statues and potted plants began appearing with vines blooming full with flowers strung from trees all naturally so. They were fairly close to the Gazebo, but Shiro and Matt had not wanted to have their ceremony there. The Gazebo was for politics and the place they were headed now was for ceremonies.

Olkari riders and other close friends of the tribe stood around the clearing, some sitting on benches made of stone and logs. Most of the royal families had already arrived setting up at the front. Both King Akira and Queen Consort Fala sat close chatting with a Green rider Keith almost didn't recognize as Pidge who had been given permission to come early to help out with the decorating. She had flowers tied into her hair and wore a slinky gown of sheer fabric with flowers and foliage sewn into it in cascades across more private areas, but she still wore her riding gloves and boots unlike the Olkari Builders who danced around barefoot. She wasn't Olkari, but Chief Holt was also barefoot as he talked with a Ko Grand Master in a corner staring at Pidge from his peripheral.

"That look. You'd think it was Pidge getting married," Lance said then sighed. "I'm always surprised when she's not in riding gear. Matt must feel a hundred times more. I'm sure he picked out the dress, too."

"He probably cried," Keith agreed.

A bench over from the Ko royal couple sat Prince Sven and Prince Ryou who had a red haired girl on his arm that Keith only recognized from glimpses seeing the two around the castle. And behind them sat Hunk with Shay. Her stomach was already showing obviously beneath her decorated tunic drs, but they were laughing together. Lance tugged Keith over to them.

"Hey, Lance, Keith," Hunk greeted.

"Hello," Shay greeted as well.

Lance crossed his arms and glared at Hunk for a moment before turning to Shay. "Would it be weird to touch your stomach?"

Shay laughed and leaned back giving Lance access. Lance leaned in and placed his ear to the Builder's stomach, hands on either side. Keith felt his chest tighten at the sight. It was a strange feeling. Lance caught Keith's eyes and immediately moved away.

"Sorry, but I did that all the time for my sisters. My nephews and nieces were always feisty, but I can't see your guys' kid being a mover," Lance said.

"No problem," Shay assured.

"Yeah, consider this rascal your guys' nephew or niece as well," Hunk said.

Keith turned from his chattering husband and friends and searched the crowd for Allura. They had left Coran to man the castle. They thought it would be strange for Alteans to go to the wedding at first as Shiro was no longer their commander, but he had many fans among their ranks. For Allura, it was more that they had once been engaged. Keith found the Altean Queen in a corner talking among a few of her cousins with her four dragonettes flying about her person. She was far from the front of the group, but she looked peaceful.

"Lance, I have to go find Shiro. We're suppose to be in the procession," Keith said.

"Oh, should I come with you?" Lance asked.

Keith shook his head. "I have a favor to return to the blushing groom."

Lance nodded seeming to understand and squeezed Keith's shoulder. "I want to see him as red as Red."

Keith smiled and nodded before moving off to the side of the clearing, glancing around for any signs of the older groom. At the other end of the clearing was a large stone formation with two cats encircled by dragons with vines of flowers growing up them and across making an arch. Inside, Keith could see steps and approached it. A hand came out to stop him before he could get in close.

"Oh, Chief Holt," Keith said surprised.

The older Holt was dressed in a robe of green embroidered with vines and leaves, some real. He gave Keith a half smile. "If you go in there, you might get lost."

"Why? What's in there?" Keith asked.

"This is the entrance to the shrine of Voltron's Left Arm. This is our way of showing both kingdoms where it nests, but unlike your kingdoms, we haven't dug it out or built around it. It's a maze. If you want to get into it, you'll have a hard time getting out. Only the arm's chosen can touch its glow. My dear children could get you to it, but they won't."

Keith took a step back. "I understand. I was looking for Shiro actually."

Chief Holt dropped his arm. "Oh, in that case, go right. He's in that bundle of small entwined trees over there getting ready. Matt is on the other side."

Keith nodded and headed to the indicated spot. It took him a moment to find an opening, but once he did, he was all smiles.

"Shiro," Keith called out.

Prince Shiro turned. His wedding outfit was similar to the one Lance had worn in a color scheme with black and purples, but the cut was different, much more Ko and Builder influenced. The top was high collared and skin tight with a cut out on his chest. There were silver metal bits around his hips holding in place an opened skirt of transparent cloth that moved like a train behind him. The bottoms were tight and similar to the top, but they went all the way down to Shiro's feet wrapping around them with a couple pieces of cloth essentially leaving him barefoot.

"Hey," Shiro greeted. "I'm glad you made it in time with all the dragons."

"I wouldn't miss it," Keith said and slid further into the little cove where twisted chairs and tables were set up, vines overtaking them. "Do you need any help?"

"No, I've got it I think," Shiro said and took up a crown of twisted black and silver metal made to look like vines and flowers, but it had two dragon wings at the front and the sign of Voltron above a purple gem.

"You look good," Keith said.

"So do you," Shiro replied and moved away from an old mirror embedded in one of the trees.

"No, I met you're glowing."

Shiro chuckled. "It's my wedding day."

"Are you nervous?"

Shiro smiled at Keith then took in a deep breath and sighed. "Yes."

Keith crossed his arms and leaned against one of the tables. "Why? You've been engaged to Matt since you even got your sigil. You two are so close."

"Yes, but most of those years are blurry at best and we spent many of them apart," Shiro pointed out. "The reason why I agreed to holding the wedding after a year was because I wanted to give Matt time and myself."

"It hasn't been a year, though," Keith pointed out.

"You're right, but it has been long enough for us to both know we are still in love and we work," Shiro said. "I suppose it was a bit selfish of me, though. Some aren't given even half that long to fall in love and make big decisions like this."

Keith's ears lowered. "Lance came as a surprise. We're very in the now people even if Lance tries to think ahead. But, it's alright. And I'm excited to see you happy, Shiro. This is a good thing and you deserve it."

Shiro let out another sigh then moved to Keith pulling him into a hug that was too tight. Keith didn't mind, though. He pulled his arms out and wrapped them around the man he had always seen as the most important to him. That wasn't true anymore, though. Now they were brothers and Keith had another that he loved even more.

"I always watched over you, Keith," Shiro said softly. "I saw so much in you that you never could see in yourself, you still don't. But you've spent years returning everything I've given to you protecting me and staying by my side. I want this to be the last time you stand by my side as my protector, Keith. From now on, you'll be my brother, and I don't need a vow before Voltron for that."

Keith felt his chest tighten and squeezed Shiro back just as hard. There was stinging in his eyes and he nuzzled his face against Shiro's chest.

"Keith, are you crying?"

"No," Keith said, but his voice broke.

"Keith," Shiro said softly and pet one of Keith's ears to calm him. "It's my wedding day, you're not suppose to be the one crying.

"Shut up," Keith groaned. "If Matt looks half as pretty as Pidge does, you'll cry, too."

"I'm sure I will. Now, you should hurry and go back to your husband. His arms are much better to cry in."

Reluctantly, Keith pulled away. He wiped his face with one of his riding gloves, gave Shiro a small smile, then turned and headed back to the main alcove.

"Hey, Keith, do you know when we start...hey, are your eyes red?" Lance asked moving away from Hunk and Shay when he spotted Keith heading back.

Keith rubbed at his eyes more. "It's nothing."

"It's not nothing," Lance said and grabbed Keith's hands so he could look at his face. "You definitely cried. Did Shiro say something?"

Keith bit his bottom lip. It wasn't that Lance wouldn't understand, it was that Shiro's words were for Keith and he wanted to hold them. "It wasn't anything bad, Lance. He wants me to stand beside him."

Lance's eyes widened, but then he smiled and moved his hands to Keith's face, holding it. "Yeah, okay, I understand." He leaned in and pecked Keith quickly. "Let's take our places."

Chief Holt stood with hands clasped at the entrance of the nest with a few other chiefs beside him. Keith took up the first position in line followed by Prince Sven and Prince Ryou who both smiled at him, even nudging him playfully when he lowered his ears knowing he was taking what should have been their place, but they appeared to understand. Lance took up a space beside them followed by others. Matt's side filled up as well mostly with Builders, like Pidge at the very front, but Keith was surprised to see a couple of Marmora Blades, not ones Keith knew by name, but perhaps engineers for their rebel group interested in what the Builders could do standing in Matt's line.

Then Shiro came presented by King Akira at the end of the line of groomsmen and women. They stayed there, Shiro facing forward, as a familiar tune began to play. Keith saw Matt before Shiro did and his breath was caught. His outgrown hair was pulled to one side where the scars were and flowers had been clipped to it. His outfit was similar to Shiro's, but it was all white with white flowers instead of metal at his waist. He looked just as unexpectedly beautiful as Pidge did, but with the smile that adorned his face the whole walk up, he was even more so and it showed when Shiro finally turned. His dark eyes widened then glistened.

Keith caught Lance's eyes as they watched Matt and Shiro take their place in front of Chief Holt. He had a sad sort of smile that quirked up at the end when he met Keith's eyes. He was feeling apologetic. Keith sighed and sent him a smile back.

It didn't matter if their wedding hadn't been like this, full of only love and excitement. Keith had never dreamed he would be given the chance to marry better yet someone like Lance. He was thankful for what he had, he had always been like that.

But, for the first time, Keith felt jealous.

The Ko-gane Shrine of Voltron was nestled in the back half of the main part of the Amber Castle and down a few floors. It was hard to hear anything going on in the city outside so far below and dragon stone was good at dampening sounds. However, Keith was aware the city outside was bustling with life as excited townsfolk headed to their preferred temple on any corner of any street, and those in other cities went to their own all singing Voltron's praises with their arms raised to the sky.

Compared to Altea's shrine, Ko-gane's was small. The royal family and high ranking officials took up most of the benches and the rest were filled with other guests and citizens who had applied to take an honored seat in the castle's shrine last Day of Prayer. Anyone could apply, but only so many could be allowed in the castle at any given time. And it was hot.

Keith sat in between Lance and Shiro on the first bench in the shrine shoulder to shoulder with pillars of fire at each end of the benches. Around them, Shrine Masters danced in traditional Ko ceremony clothing with flaming swords or buttons. There was a small band off to one side playing loud fast pace music while the dancers and other Shrine Masters standing by the half of the crystal that rose from the floor sang out in more hollers and trills than actual notes, a ring of fire blazing around the crystal, it's own type of Chastity Ring. And then there was Prince Sven who had just appeared from the nest on a floor below covered in oil, the top half of his outfit removed leaving only the tight bottoms with the see through skirt and gold slippers to cover him. It was of little help, though. The white material of the pants gave way a lot faster than the red most citizens wore, a deeper red, almost purple, compared to a Red knight's outfit. Prince Sven stood with his hands in the air before the crystal still meditating, flashes of his flames poking out here and there as the music grew faster and louder making Keith's chest thrum hard.

There was a soft groan from beside Keith and he turned to Lance. The Blue knight had sweat across his brow and an unpleasant look on his face, but it didn't look like he was suffering too much. Keith wanted to offer his husband a cloak or something to help with the heat, but neither of them were wearing one and it wouldn't help anyways. Lance wore the same see through skirt and tight thin pants as everyone else and had opted for a cropped open vest instead of the strappy cropped shirt Keith wore as Keith had insisted it would be cooler. And it was even in blue, but perhaps the blue was too dark. Lance was an Ice Master. He would naturally get hot faster.

"Lance," Keith said and leaned in so his husband could hear him, a hand going to his shoulder. "Lance, are you feeling unwell?"

Lance groaned again. "It's...really different. It's noisy and hot."

Keith chuckled. "There's nothing I can do about the noise, but the heat you can use your ice if you have to."

"I'm not that delicate. You said this thing only lasted a couple hours at the most. I can handle that," Lance shot back.

"Don't push yourself, though. I don't want you collapsing," Keith said frowning.

"Right, that would be embarrassing. But, you got through our Day of Prayer just fine," Lance reminded.

Keith smirked. "I was also wrapped in your robe. It was warm and it smelled nice. I was warmed from giddiness."

Lance blinked at Keith for a moment then grabbed Keith's hand from his shoulder bringing it to his mouth for a kiss. He smiled at Keith. "That is adorable."

Keith's face flushed, but he smiled back.

"You two should wait to flirt until after. The Right Arm's Voltron is all about Love and Passion, but there's a time and a place," Prince Ryou warned from Lance's other side. But, he winked before turning back to watching the eldest prince.

Keith heard a giggle from Shiro's other side where Matt was or perhaps it was from Pidge who had accompanied Lance to Ko-gane by the Altean court's insistence. They were right, though. Keith sighed and tried to pull his hand away, but Lance tightened his grip and laced their fingers together.

"If you want to comfort me, hold my hand," Lance said, a brow raised as if asking if that was alright.

Keith nodded and squeezed their joined hand. He didn't know if it was dishonorable, but Shiro nor Ryou asked them to stop once Prince Sven started to speak.

"Believers of Ko-gane and honored guests," Prince Sven began as the music finally stopped and the dancers came to stand still in formation around the shrine, "Voltron welcomes you on this radiant of all days. Let us reach to the sky and give thanks for his sacrifice."

Everyone around them reached up. Keith pulled Lance's hand with his towards the sky which was more of a painted scenery of night's velvet indigo and stars rolling into a sky blue that turned into a sunrise at the other end with fluffy clouds scattered here and there, there two moons almost about to intercept though they never did in reality.

After a few moments, Prince Sven continued, his words retellng the creation story of Voltron as the Volganean texts told it still very similar to the Altean's, however, the ending had been changed. They had Voltron's head. "And so his soul rose above the clouds to watch over us all until the day we must combine his scattered parts and call him back forth. But here, in this Voltron shrine, Voltron reaches out to us, pulling us with guidance in the right direction with love and passion. Let us pray."

Another prayer came and a few hymns which Keith was surprised to find himself humming to. He caught Lance peaking at him when he did and felt embarrassed. Lance must make a better picture singing than he.

"Believers," Prince Sven called out when the singing had died down again. "I have spent time in prayer awaiting the words of our sovereign and he has rewarded me with his wishes for this year. In proceeding years he had asked for peace then granted his blessing for war, but now Voltron gifts us with love. For this year, Voltron wishes for us to learn love and acceptance. We have many friends from other kingdoms with pasts quite different from ours. Some of them may even look different and perhaps they believe differently, but we must learn to love our neighbors and accept them so they will do the same. That is Voltron's wish for this year. Let us love!"

"Let us love!" yelled the crowd enthusiastically.

Keith tensed when Lance yelled it loud, a bit off from others almost standing from his seat. When he settled back down, he turned to Keith with a bright smile. Keith couldn't help but return it.

Yes, let them love.

The ceremony continued for a while longer with more singing and another speech pertaining more to the state of Ko-gane than to Voltron itself. The Shrine Masters danced some more and then they ended it with one last prayer before allowing the guests to proceed to the flames surrounding the arm's crystal to be blessed.

"They're done?" Lance asked. "Do we need to go up and get blessed?"

"We don't have to," Keith said. "It's a good idea for some and for others, it's simply part of their faith. The knights and soldiers present usually do, but since we're just visiting we don't have to."

"Oh," Lance said slouching in his seat.

"We can leave," Keith said wondering if Lance was feeling exhausted.

"No, it's alright. There's too many people walking around and it would be rude."

"Do you want to go to a party after?" Keith asked.

Lance shook his head and stared as knights placed swords into fire. "Sure, but I want to watch the blessing right now."

Keith cocked his head then settled back down in his seat. He had almost forgotten that Lance enjoyed the Day of Prayer. He was a believer, perhaps not enough to lead the prayers himself, but much more than Keith. When those with no swords to bless walked up to the flames with clothes and other flammable items, Lance seemed amazed they didn't burn. It made Keith grin. Watching Lance was enough.

Lance didn't move until the shrine was almost empty. Pidge, Shiro, and Matt stayed around along with the Shrine Masters and Prince Sven who was talking with Prince Ryou. The King and Queen Consort had left some time ago after receiving their blessing to see to the festivities that would be held in the ballroom later on. Lance rose and turned to Keith with knitted brows.

"Keith, can we get something blessed?" he asked.

"Oh, yes."

Lance held out his hand. "Let me see your wedding ring."

Keith was surprised at the demand. He had grown accustomed to the ring and had forgotten it was even there. It felt strange pulling it off, but he did and handed it to Lance who pulled his own off and headed to Prince Sven at the shrine with Keith at his heels.

"Prince Sven," Lance said clearing his throat.

Prince Sven turned to them a little surprised, but smiled and Ryou bowed to take his leave.

"Prince Lance, I hope you did enjoy the ceremony," Prince Sven said.

"I certainly did. A little hot, but lots of energy. Also, it didn't take all day. Oh, but I have a request," Lance said.

"Oh, and what would that be? I would like to make our guests as comfortable as possible," Prince Sven said.

Lance held out his hand with their wedding rings. "I want to bless these."

Prince Sven looked at the rings then at Keith curiously.

Keith just shrugged.

"Certainly. Ah, but aren't these wedding rings?" Prince Sven asked. "If so then I can take you to the nest to get them blessed. That's where vows are taken after all."

Lance's eyes widened and he pulled his hand back. "I can go to the nest? Is it really alright?"

Prince Sven smiled. "Of course. As long as a Shrine Master gives you permission you can go down. I trust Lord Keith and if he trusts you then I have nothing against letting you down there."

"Do we need to be escorted or...?" Lance asked trailing off.

"Lord Keith can show you. Shiro did mention you were a big believer, so I'm sure you're curious about our nest as well. Lord Keith has clearance to go down there whenever he chooses so you're fine," Prince Sven said and stepped aside. "I'll have my brother and the Builder siblings stay close to the door for appearance's sake, but otherwise, it'll be private. Our motto for this year is to love so I won't dampen anything you wish to enhance that love."

Lance made a surprised sound, but nodded. "Thank you."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Keith said and led Lance over to the wooden door that led to a flight of winding steps that descended downwards.

The nest of the Right Arm of Voltron was bright, lit with fire at many points. Anything they could decorate with fire, they did. The base of the crystal that held a red stone lion with a red mechanical right arm was made of dragon stone with bits of dragon glass poking out that caught the flames of the purifying ring making them appear on fire as well. Keith led Lance over to it and reached a hand out.

"Give me the rings. These flames are a lot rawer and things will burn. I can't have your hand burning. And it may reject you if you use your ice," Keith said.

Lance seemed reluctant, but handed Keith one of the rings, the one that was Lance's. "You do that one and I'll do yours. It won't hurt me."

Keith sighed, but agreed. There were water basins about for Shrine Masters in practice. He held Lance's ring at the end of his middle finger and placed his hand in the flames. It was hot, but did not burn. He knew not to hold it in too long, though, just until it lit.

"By Voltron, bless this ring," Keith said then pulled his hand out and held the flaming ring delicately until the flames died. He stepped away for Lance.

Lance stared at the flames for a moment then grinned. He placed the ring on his middle finger as well and put his hand in the fire. "By Voltron, bless this ring." Sooner than Keith had, Lance pulled his hand out and waved it around careful not to dislodge the flaming ring. The fire died and he grinned up at Keith. "I did it."

"Did you burn yourself?" Keith asked.

Lance shook his head and held the ring up. "No, I'm fine. It was just hot."

Keith was glad the fire hadn't rejected Lance. The water at the Altean shrine hadn't rejected Keith, but it wasn't as if water could burn him. Perhaps if it had been ice. It was cold though. He held the ring out to Lance to take back.

"No, wait, hold onto that. I...well, I want to apologize," Lance said.

"For what?" Keith asked. He couldn't think of anything serious Lance would need to apologize for.

Lance turned and stared at the crystal before him. The flames danced in his blue eyes warming them up and a sorrowful look pulled at his face. "I've been thinking ever since Shiro's wedding. I...I was a real jerk back then on ours. You were right. We should have taken that wedding and made it ours. We should have had fun the court be damned, but I was so hung up on the fact we were being forced into it that I couldn't see the bright side of it all. And because of that, I made what should have been the happiest day of our lives terrible. I...wish we could get married again. There are vow renewals, but it's not the same."

"It's fine, Lance. It wasn't as if I spent all my years imagining my wedding. I didn't think I ever would marry, but I'm glad I did," Keith said. "I think you hurt yourself more than you hurt me. Matt and Shiro spent years dating before they were married. They went through a lot to get to that point. We weren't even in love yet."

Lance sighed. "I know, but you feel it, too, right?"

Keith nodded. He had been a bit jealous. But, the past was the past. "The ceremony was fine, though. It was pretty."

Lance smiled. "Unlike you, I did dream of my wedding. But, I want to revoke the vow I made to you in the Altean shrine."

"What?" Keith asked looking to Lance confused. "Why?"

"Those were vows not of two people getting married, but partners. They weren't deep enough. My feelings for you have changed since then. I love you and I want to vow that before you. I don't actually want to revoke it, but I want to change it. I want to make a different vow to you, Keith, right here, right now."

Keith's felt a rise in his chest and he straightened up his shoulders, hand tightening on Lance's ring. He felt flattered. "I...alright. I'll vow, too. It's been one year since I realized my own feelings, so...so I want to, too."

"Really?" Lance asked and turned to Keith. "Then, let's do this."

"Should I get Prince Sven to witness and bless it?" Keith asked.

Lance shook his head. "No. I'm not making a vow to Voltron, I'm making a vow in the presence of Voltron. I'm making the vow to you. No one else needs to know it, no one else needs to enforce it. I just need you to hear it. It's just between us, just for us"

Keith nodded feeling the same giddiness he had felt on their wedding day.

They turned to each other, rings still warm in their hands with the arm's crystal glowing behind them. Lance reached out and slowly lifted Keith's left hand and slid his ring back onto his finger. It burned into his skin, still hot from the blessed flames, but not painful. It felt comforting.

"With this blessed ring, I, Lance of the Iron House and the lineage of Altea, honored by dragon bond and loved by Altea's blood, vow before Voltron our protector and sovereign and the one I hold most dear to my heart, to be like water and keep our love fresh, growing, and continuously reforming different paths into our future." He lifted Keith's hand and kissed the back of it before holding his left hand out.

Keith took in a deep shuddering breath before sighing and took Lance's hand. He felt shaky sliding the ring onto Lance's finger. These were wedding vows. These were promises of love. And it wasn't until now that Keith realized they were what he had wanted for so long.

"With this blessed ring, I, Keith of the Golden Children and consort of the Iron House and Altean lineage, honored by dragon bond and loved by the blood of Ko and Galra, vow before Voltron our protector and sovereign and the one I hold most dear to my heart, to be the undying flame of our love burning with passion and embracing with warmth and comfort leading the way of our love through the future."

Once done, Lance took both of Keith's hands in his and entangled their fingers holding them in the air and tugged Keith closer. He placed his forehead against Keith's and slowly began to whisper the rest. Keith joined him staring at the flames flickering in his husband's eyes.

"Before Voltron, we stand here so our love may be blessed with longevity, strength, and prosperity."

There were a few minutes of silence before they lowered their hands and Lance pulled Keith against him and kissed him. It was a hard kiss, but also a soft kiss. There was no heat behind it, only adoration. When Lance pulled away, though only a breath away, he brought his hands and cupped Keith's face. Keith moved his hands to lay on Lance's hip and purred softly.

"I love you, Keith. With all of my heart. This I swear upon Voltron and the two moons and every star seeable and unseeable in the night sky. If you weren't already my husband, I would ask you to marry me right now."

Keith smiled brightly. "Lucky for you I already am your husband." He leaned in and pressed his forehead to Lance's. "I love you, too, so much. There's nothing in this universe I could vow to that can compare to how much I truly love you, Lance."

"I guess we're finally on the same page then," Lance said and pulled back grabbing Keith's hands from his hips to hold tight in his own.

"Yeah, we are," Keith agreed. He felt like he was still smiling. It was hard not to when he was happy. He wasn't even sure if he would be able to stop the purring any time soon.

"Now then. It's way too hot in your shrine, but I'm looking for a place to get hotter. I'm under the impression there is a party going on and a dance floor that needs my presence," Lance said and started tugging them to the stairs.

"Yes, Lance, you can dance all you like. No dance cards in Ko-gane," Keith said.

Lance let go of one of Keith's hands to pump a fist in the air. "Alright! Blessed freedom! Be prepared, Fluffy Pants, your ass is mine all night!"

The streets of Ko-gane's capital were still full of life in the late hours of the night, fires blazing on every street corner and citizens still singing Voltron's praises as they hung off each other with recreational drinks in hand. When Keith use to live in camps, the excitement was never quite this high on the Day of Prayer. Sometimes he didn't have anyone to lead him to a shrine in the nearest city or his father voted not to go having just come home from an outing, so they hung around their camp's fire and cooked snake meat and dried bread that Keith had to dip in coffee to bring it back to life. But, once he became a soldier, he was faced with these sorts of days every year. They frightened him at first, but after a while he grew a fondness for the happiness that came with Voltron's praises, but he always observed it from afar. He was fine doing so. It was how he worshiped and enjoyed the day. Then he became Shiro's protector and was witness to the celebrations that took place in the castle. It was a little more posh and put together, but nothing as strategic as an Altean party. And yet, he still mostly kept to the shadows even then.

Keith clung to Lance as they meandered through the halls to their guestroom. They stumbled, neither having drank anything to make them so, but they were high off the environment. Lance was indeed a partier, and without the eyes of the court watching him, he had let loose. First, they danced together and then Keith grew tired and watched Lance dance with any pretty thing that was willing, managing to even get Prince Ryou's intended on the floor which had left the second prince miffed until Lance then asked him and it was then the Prince understood Lance's charm. Keith couldn't say he hadn't been jealous at times, but the jealousy left a warm feeling in his stomach especially when Lance caught him glaring and grinned knowingly at him. Besides, Lance always came back to Keith's arms after a few.

"That was so much fun," Lance said as Keith shrugged him off to open the door of their room.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," Keith said finally getting the door opened and Lance pushed him in.

Suddenly, he was pinned against the wall beside the half opened door with Lance pressed against him, lips on lips. Keith was tired, his mind slow from all the dancing and did not respond, but gasped in surprise and got a mouthful of Lance's tongue. However, Lance pulled away seeming unfazed by the lack of response and caged Keith to the wall between his arms staring down at Keith with a grin and sharp eyes.

"Quiznak, Keith," Lance said with heavy breaths. "You should have told me the Ko knew how to throw a party."

Keith stared at Lance for a moment then smiled and laughed. "Well, it wasn't as if I ever participated in the parties very much. If you weren't there, I wouldn't have enjoyed it either."

"I had fun," Lance said, his expression softening for a moment."

Keith tilted his head. "So did I. I'm happy you're liking Ko-gane so far."

Lance stayed silent for a moment, tension building between them. Keith looked to the side and noticed the door still half opened. He wanted to close it, have privacy again for the first time in hours, and placed a hand on Lance's arm that was in the way, but Lance didn't budge. Keith turned back to him noticing Lance's expression had grown darker, more dangerous. It made Keith swallow hard. He caught Lance's eyes as they moved down his body and his stomach hitched.

"Quiznak," Lance said again, but his voice was lower and heavier. "Do you know how hard I've been holding back all day?"

"Holding back from what?" Keith asked, though he was almost afraid to. No, not afraid. He was hesitant, but excited.

Lance suddenly lowered one arm and placed it as Keith's waist where the top of his tight pants and connect skirt hung low. "From touching you."

The touch burned and Keith's heart started racing, but he cocked the hip Lance was touching and tilted his head, his brain finally turning all the correct gears to tell him where this was going. They had been married for so long and yet Keith was still slow to Lance's initiations sometimes. He grinned up at Lance.

"Oh? But I remember you touching me quite a bit more than you needed to when we danced. And you had a hard time letting my hand go when we weren't on the dance floor," Keith reminded.

Lance had the decency to blush being caught. He pressed his fingers hard into Keith's hip and moved himself closer. The arm still encaging Keith bent against the wall so Lance was surrounding Keith within a much more intimate space.

"You didn't argue about the hand holding. And, besides, I could get away with touching you more on the dance floor. Ko dances have so much body contact and wiggling, like flames trying to become one," Lance said.

Keith hummed. He was pretty sure that was exactly what half the dances in Ko were meant to represent especially after the announcement they were to encourage love in the coming year.

Lance's hand suddenly moved from Keith's hip up his naked waist to touch at the loose fabric of the crop top he wore as part of the traditional outfit. "I understand now what Shiro meant when he said no one in Ko-gane kept their ceremony outfits holy for long. There's so much skin, but what's not covered is so tantalizing. I want to make you so unholy in this."

Keith shivered and a deep purr escaped him. The promise of that sounded so good. "You don't look bad yourself." He moved a hand to Lance's shoulders then to his chest and slipped his hands beneath the fabric of his short vest. "Your skin is so pretty with firelight glittering off it."

Lance hummed pleasantly. "Really? What else about me is pretty?"

"Your eyes. The blue shows more passion. And the sweat rolling along your muscles," Keith said softly.

"Yeah, and my scars? You have a stupid fascination with them, I know that already," Lance said.

Keith felt a bit embarrassed being called out on it, but Lance wasn't wrong. He moved his hand to his favorite on Lance's chest by one of his nipples and stroked it. "They're like little stories and they're beautiful."

Lance's muscles quivered with Keith's touch then he suddenly leaned in and took Keith's lips with his own. Keith didn't freeze, responding quickly. It had been a few days since they had last made love preparing to come to Ko-gane for the Day of Prayer and doing so on the first night they arrived as guest did not feel respectful, but this was the Day of Prayer and this was Ko-gane.

And they had been told to love.

Lance pulled away, but Keith clung himself to his husband trailing kisses along his sharp jaw, the purr still soft, but present in the back of his throat. Lance moved his hand away from the wall and put it on Keith's back.

"Do you often find Ko couples runting against walls in dark hallways?" Lance asked.

They had come across a couple or two on their way to their room. Keith chuckled and pressed his nose to Lance's neck. "Not so often in the castle. I only ever really saw Prince Ryou and his lover, but in the boarding house for the soldiers and in the halls of the knight's quarters, I saw many. I told you I wasn't as innocent as you thought, Commander."

Lance groaned and Keith could feel him swallow hard to regain his composure.

"I'm more inclined to believe you now, Keith," Lance said.

Keith moved his lips, parted, up to Lance's ear and whispered, "Should I try and convince you more?"

"There are other things that make you innocent, Keith," Lance groaned, "but you can definitely try and convince me otherwise."

Keith nipped Lance's earlobe annoyed, but took up the challenge and started to kiss back down Lance's jaw and then his neck nipping spots here and there with sharp teeth. Lance removed his hands from Keith's body and shivered at the rougher kisses, but otherwise stood still free to Keith's touch. Without the restraint, Keith bent his body and kissed lower. His hands moved beneath the fabric of Lance's vest and pushed it off his shoulder giving him access to brown nipples that he licked and kissed. He nipped at Lance's nipple scar with his teeth looking up to gauge Lance's reaction. He was watching Keith with patient heated eyes. Spurred on by the look, Keith fell to his knees and grabbed at the silver clasps holding the overskirt and tight pants low on Lance's hips. The skirt fell away easily, but Keith had to push on the pants to release Lance's already awoken erection.

"That feels so much better," Lance groaned.

"Can I make it feel even better?" Keith asked bracing himself with one hand on Lance's hip and grabbing his member with the other at the base.

Lance looked down at him, consideration creasing his brow. For however long they had been lovers, Lance hadn't allowed Keith to try taking him in his mouth again since their wedding night. Lance had done it plenty of times for Keith, but perhaps it was just Lance's preference and Keith was fine with whatever Lance did to him or asked of him, but sometimes he remembered the feeling he got out of making Lance feel good like this. He liked touching Lance, too, and he would get no better at it if he didn't try. He'd learned more things experiencing it from Lance.

"Alright," Lance said, "just don't bite it. Even if I receive, I don't think I'll be able to get hard if you bite the head off my little friend down there."

Keith glared up at Lance. He hadn't even bit him the first time he'd tried. He moved his head to Lance's member and let one sharp canine just lightly poke the flesh of his tip before scraping it down with a butterfly's touch.

"Quiznak! I don't know if that felt good or not but I got goosebumps. Just put it in your mouth already, Keith," Lance growled.

"Impatient," Keith shot back, but leaned forward and took Lance's large girth between his lips. It stretched his mouth to an almost painful measure and he could only get half of it in really, but he covered the other half with his fist and gripped and ungripped it with varying degrees before he started bobbing his head.

"Suck in a bit," Lance instructed.

Keith did and also began to move his tongue around. It felt strange, but the pulsing heat was addicting. And having Lance's most vulnerable part in his care flamed his own desires.

"Yes, that's it," Lance moaned and moved a hand to Keith's hair, tugging on it before beginning to move his hips. "Open your throat a bit, but keep your hand on me. Squeeze if you start to gag."

Keith obeyed. He wanted to resist, but there was a part of him that just wanted to be made a total mess of. When he and his fellow soldiers in his branch started going through puberty, there were often comments made his way about how a hybrid would only be good for a tent warmer on the battlefield. Keith hadn't known what a tent warmer was, but he thought it was a type of harlot, not the kinds that were paid and housed and taken care of, the ones dirty on the streets forced into such a life. It was when he went into his first battle that Keith saw a tent warmer for the first time. A weaker pretty soldier that just wanted to be protected instead of going into the fight so they warmed beds, as many as needed until they couldn't walk or move and were left there until the battle was over. Keith didn't want to be a tent warmer or a bed warmer or even a harlot that was paid, but the idea of letting Lance just thoroughly wreck him once or on the occasion was tantalizing.

They had been stressed recently.

Keith let Lance go further than he was comfortable with. When his jaw began to ache, he pulled off and began to lick Lance's tip while letting his husband rut into his hand.

"Oh, Keith, Keith, Keith, Keith," Lance chanted before he suddenly came mostly into Keith's mouth, but partly on his face as well as Keith started to take his tip again.

Surprised, Keith pulled away. His mouth felt thick and salty and he was afraid to open one of his eyes.

"You can swallow if you want, but you don't have to," Lance said.

Perhaps if Keith had been prepared he would have, but he just sat there on his knees with his hands held out, mouth slightly parted with drool and semen leaking out looking up at Lance with one eye. He gurgled something and held his hands out more.

"I'm so sorry," Lance said, but he was grinning. He leaned down and helped pull Keith up leading him over to their bed, a canopied mattress with curtains that closed on all sides. One side was currently pulled open and Lance put Keith there before reaching for the water basin beside them. "Spit in this. I'll get the pitcher."

Keith held the bowl and let Lance's release fall from his lips suddenly feeling embarrassed. He would have to do better next time if Lance let him. He would pay more attention to whether Lance swallowed or not. He was so much more elegant at this.

Lance came back over with a glass of water and handed it to Keith. "Clean out your mouth, you'll feel better. I'll wash your face."

Keith swished some of the water around in his mouth and continued to spit. He paused when Lance started to wipe his face with a damp cloth.

"I'm sorry I didn't warn you. Honestly, I thought I'd last longer, but you're cuter than you give yourself credit for. You looked so earnest. Your ears were folded down and you had this glazed sex look, like you were thinking about something naughtier than what you were doing which was plenty naughty already. It made me start thinking," Lance explained.

Keith put the water basin back on the bedside table and wiped his mouth. "I...will do better next time."

Lance sat up. "Do better? You're going to have a hard time topping that. You might think you looked real gross, but you looked wrecked. I loved it."

"Really?" Keith asked.

Lance placed his hands on Keith's knees kneeling down then leaned up and pecked his lips quickly. "Absolutely. It was fine. And if you're still fine, do you want to continue?"

Keith had been a bit put off, but he was hard, too, and the praise had his heart racing. "Yes."

Lance smiled and leaned up again to kiss Keith, this time harder, tongues entwining. He pressed a knee onto the edge of the bed and used his weight to push Keith down onto the mattress and the silk gold sheets that covered it. Keith stared up at Lance when he pulled away, arms spread around his head, the longer bits tickling them, and felt enamored. Lance was looking at him with such fondness and a smile. It made Keith feel embarrassed, but he loved it. He wanted Lance to look at him like that all of the time. The Blue knight leaned down and pecked Keith's lips then a cheek, the tip of his nose, and an eye before standing up. He cocked a hip to one side and grasped a hand onto one of the opened curtains of their bed, his smile turning into a smirk. Keith finally sat back up confused on the pausing.

"Aren't we continuing?" Keith asked.

"Yeah," Lance said. "I love you, Keith."

Keith's heart jumped and a tingle ran through his body. He couldn't help the soft purr that started up hearing those words. "I love you, too, Lance."

"Good, then you trust me, right?" Lance asked. He didn't seemed worried that Keith didn't. He looked like he was up to something.

"I trust you more than I love you," Keith answered. He knew he should be worried. Lance was a planner and sometimes his plans weren't great, but that was what Keith was for when it came to the battlefield. In the bedroom, Keith just felt excited.

"Good," Lance said and tugged the red sash that held the curtain open loose. He closed the curtain behind him and climbed back up on the bed with the red sash in hand. "Close your eyes."

Keith eyed the sash for a moment before closing his eyes. He could feel Lance moving around on the bed, sense him behind him, and then there was soft material at his eyes. He gasped, fingers digging into the mattress, but he didn't move as the darkness behind his lids grew darker. Lance tugged on the back of the sash where he had tied it gently a few times before tugging roughly bringing Keith's face back and kissed him upside down.

"I am going to be silent for a while," Lance said, his voice deeper than usual.

"Y-you're never silent for long," Keith responded, voice quivering.

Lance chuckled, the deep sound vibrating through Keith's body as he conjured up the look that accompanied it from his own mind.

"I want to ravish you. I want your body to know mine by touch. I need you to trust that it's me."

Keith nodded. Lance let his head go and moved his arms around Keith's waist. He grabbed at the clasps of gold holding the skirt of Keith's outfit then loosened the pants letting Keith's hardness spring free. He stroked it a few times and Keith leaned back into Lance's chest to get comfortable as Lance worked him harder until he was leaking. Then, his hand was gone and he was pushing off the pants all the way leaving Keith's bottom bare. Lance grabbed at his thighs and spread them so Keith's legs were on either side of his, the callouses from archery more prominent now that Keith couldn't see. They felt good against the fatter skin there. Those fingers were removed from his thighs and he felt them pressing against his lips pushing in. Keith eagerly took them, one then two, sucking them how he couldn't Lance's girth. He rolled his tongue on them, between them, teeth coming down to lightly press against them. When a third was added, he heard himself make soft noises between a gag and a moan between the slurping sounds. He wasn't uncomfortable, though. This was Lance. His smell was stronger like this, a refreshing sharpness that burned. And there was the coolness from his ice that eased into Keith's skin from Lance's naked chest through the thin red material of Keith's short crop top.

Lance removed his fingers with a loud pop. He held Keith open by one leg and slid one coated finger to his hole. He prodded with little pokes making Keith twitch before pressing one finger in. He wiggled it around before pulling it out and began reaching around on the bed. Lance had never taken him on spit alone neither had he allowed Keith to. It was most likely a habit Lance had from when he used sex to get information that he always had a bottle of oils handy. Keith wasn't surprised if there was one beneath their pillows already. Indeed, he heard the sound of a bottle being popped open and then there was something much slicker against his hole, pressing two fingers in this time. Keith tried to widen himself as best he could, one hand coming up to hold his own thigh, pressing into his skin with sharp nails, as Lance worked his fingers inside him. His breath became labored. He could feel Lance's hardness against his back, the fingers in his mouth more for Lance to get his second wind then for preparing Keith. Keith started moving his hips against Lance's fingers when Lance placed a hand against his abs to stop him. He pulled his fingers out and kissed along Keith's jaw and over the parts of Keith's neck the high neck crop top didn't ornate with gold and jewels. It felt more like a collar right now and in the way. Keith wanted Lance to kiss him everywhere and leave marks.

"You're too hot," Lance finally said.

It felt way too long since Keith had heard Lance's voice, but it had only been a few minutes. Lance was talkative unless he was moaning, giving encouragement or just sputtering out nonsense. Keith had heard his labored breathing, though, as he prepared him. But, his actual voice worked so much better. "Yeah, you're making me hotter."

Lance kissed Keith's cheek ones. "Then I'll cool you down."

Lance's hands were suddenly moving everywhere on Keith's torso, first cold then warm. One moved beneath his crop top and tweaked at his nipples while the other felt at Keith's legs. And then, it went between them. Lance first pressed a cold thumb to the tip of Keith's penis, but didn't go any farther down his length. Keith was grateful. He wasn't sure if it would feel good or burn. Instead, his fingers went to Keith's hole. He immediately swallowed up the first finger and then the second. They were cold. It made his whole body wrack with shivers before he was moaning as they curled up against his prostate. He could feel the frost melting in his body making him wetter and wetter than the lube had. When the cold almost became painful, it was gone and Lance added a third finger to work Keith back up into a heat. Then he removed a finger and added ice making Keith shiver, the chill a sweet relief from the heat. Lance repeated this over and over again. It was torture, a sweet torture that had Keith's toes curling.

"Lance," Keith groaned. He wanted to cum. He wanted to cum so bad. He could feel the wetness on his tip, but he was holding himself back and he wasn't sure why. He wanted more, though.

Lance moved his other arm to Keith's face turning it to kiss him then grabbed Keith and pushed him down so he was half laying on Lance's lap, his bottom half, and the other half grasping at the mattress. Lance held up one of Keith's legs with his free hand and really started pumping his fingers in and out of Keith. He added the third without taking it out and continued with the cold and hot routine. Keith tried to wiggle with it, but being mostly on his side, all Keith could do was thrust his hips and claw at the blankets around him. He must look ridiculous, he thought, but he felt so good. Lance's fingers really were magic.

"Lance, Lance..." he called. He felt himself drooling onto the sheets. He needed it so bad. His husband's name practically a plead.

Lance answered by focusing his fingers on Keith's prostate. He only had to milk it for a few seconds before Keith thrusted his hips hard once and came.

Keith laid there feeling like a mess, spent, with Lance's fingers still inside him. It had been intense, but his body still ached for more. He knew what Lance's fingers felt like, what his kisses felt like, without looking. He wanted to feel more.

As if knowing Keith's thoughts, Lance's finger started moving inside him again before his sensitivity had a chance to go down. He groaned weakly almost protesting, but he knew he actually wanted it. Reluctantly, against his body's wishes, Keith pushed himself back up and reached out blindly. Lance removed his fingers and grabbed at Keith's hand pulling him to him. Keith resat himself facing Lance in his lap. He reached out with his fingers and felt the softness of Lance's short hair. He bent down and pressed his nose to his crown taking in his scent then moved his fingers to Lance's broad shoulders as he kissed along Lance's jaw feeling the pinpricks of stubble starting to show with morning so close. He moved lower kissing along Lance's neck, his hands going to Lance's back and feeling the larger scars there. He raked his nails softly against them and earned a shiver from Lance. He chuckled, planning to tease more, his nails running along Lance's skin as he moved them back to the front, but they were grabbed and Lance suddenly lifted Keith's arms above his head. Keith leaned up a bit surprised. He could break free. He and Lance were evenly matched in strength, their tactics were the only difference. But, he didn't. Instead, he gasped feeling a tongue at the hem of his crop top right were a nipple barely peeked out.

"You...all night..." Lance mumbled as he licked and sucked Keith's nipple.

The top was quite short; however, nipples flashing during the Day of Prayer was nothing in Ko-gane, well nothing if they weren't nipples you lusted for. They usually gave females longer tops, but it didn't always stop it from showing.

Lance eventually let Keith's arms go with a command. "Hold it up."

Keith sat up a bit and grabbed the hem of his shirt and held it up to give Lance access. He felt silly doing it, but Lance's mouth felt good there, felt good anywhere. He felt himself start to thrust just a bit as he grew harder. Lance finally moved his lips away with a smirk Keith could feel against his skin. He grabbed the hem away from Keith and pressed a bit of it into the top of Keith's collar. Keith didn't know why they didn't just take it off, but he wasn't going to question what Lance wanted.

Hands grabbed at Keith's bottom pulling his cheeks apart. They squeezed tight and Keith pressed his hands to Lance's shoulder to keep still. The hands started to tug and Keith followed them as they guided him down. He couldn't see Lance's erection, but he had seen it plenty of times in its full glory to imagine it ferocious and ready to devour. He felt the tip poking at his hole and gasped. His fingers tightened on Lance's shoulders as he pushed through the first rings of muscles and then his hands were gone leaving Keith to do the rest. Keith groaned. He couldn't see how much he still needed to go and he wasn't sure how he wanted to proceed. But, he did want to proceed. Eventually, he just bottomed himself out on Lance's hardness and wrapped his arms tight around his husband holding him close.

A deep moan tickled Keith's ear when Lance was fully sheathed inside of him. However, Lance didn't move. He lifted a hand and scratched at one of Keith's ears. It took a while for Keith to adjust to the stretch, not painful, but uncomfortable already so sensitive. When he felt like he could continue, he let himself purr at the comforting touch. Lance continued to pet Keith's ear as he started moving his hips. They were shallow slow thrusts with no particular angle, but they worked to widen and heat up Keith inside. Keith slowly began to move as well still clinging to Lance, the purr getting louder.

It wasn't enough.

Keith moved more, an unsatisfied wriggling mess on Lance's lap, rubbing his erection against his husband's abs. The purring subsided and Keith bit down on Lance's shoulder to keep his aggravation from being known. Lance was deep within him, but not where he wanted him to be.

The bite seemed to catch Lance's attention as those calloused hands moved to Keith's thighs pulling at them until Keith had them properly folded on the bed on either side of Lance's thighs. Then, his hands moved to Keith's thighs just below his bottom and lifted. Keith followed the movement and lifted up then fell back down. Lance guided him a few more times before Keith started moving at his own pace. He kept his hands on Lance's shoulders as he rose up and pushed down. It was a familiar position, but different. Keith had taken matters of bedding into his hands on more than just the occasion in Lance's tent before a major battle, but this was more intimate. He could feel Lance right there against him, but he was giving Keith control even if he was still blindfolded. But, Keith was fire and fire burned fast. He ran on instinct and instinct told him to go fast and hard. It was tiring, but Keith pressed his body hard and lifted high, swiveling his hips so Lance got right against that sweet spot. Lance's hands stayed on Keith, moving to grasp at his bottom so hard Keith could feel the jewels of his wedding ring making indentations onto his skin. He was getting close, so close.

Lance suddenly grabbed at Keith's arms on his shoulders and pulled them away. Keith growled softly having his foundation taken away but then Lance's hands were pushing on his chest. Keith had to reach a hand back to keep from falling. His other hand did manage to grab onto Lance's shoulder, but just his hand as Lance started kissing at his chest again. It felt good, but the angle made it hard to go like Keith wanted.

"Lance, please," Keith groaned. "I need it faster and harder, you know that."

With one last flick of his tongue to one of Keith's nipples, Lance pulled away. He didn't let Keith go back to his previous position, though. He grabbed Keith's waist and started thrusting harder. Keith's head rolled back. Once Lance was sitting up, the new angle did actually reach the places he wanted hit and his hips moved in reaction.

"Lance, Lance," he growled.

One hand moved away from Keith's waist to his hair and suddenly the sash was gone. Keith blinked for a moment confused not realizing he'd even had his eyes opened beneath the cloth. When he finally looked at Lance, eyes adjusting to the dampened light inside their curtained bed, he was met with the beautiful site of his flushed husband, blue eyes glazed and staring at Keith with a look that made him feel like he was drowning in passion.

"You like," Lance started, thrusts rough making his words choppy, "to watch me cum in you."

If Keith wasn't so full of lust, he would have been embarrassed. But, when Lance said that, his eyes did go down to where they were connected. His own erection bounced obscenely between them leaking pearl after pearl. And there was Lance's dick, girthy and raging, pumping into him, and enjoying it. Enjoying him. Keith was making Lance feel this good and he felt good. They both felt good.

It was good.

"Lance, fill me," Keith rasped.

"Even when not in heat," Lance grunted, "you can say some pretty dirty things."

Keith looked up at Lance. Lance met his eyes then reached out a hand to touch Keith's face. Keith turned his head into the hand, his purr growing louder as he rubbed against it, his lips touching the callouses on Lance's thumb and he licked it. Lanced eyes closed as he buried himself deep. Wetness coated Keith's insides. He gasped feeling it and arched back working himself as much as he could milking Lance for the rest, the hand on Lance's shoulder moving to stroke himself. It didn't take but a few stroke for him to cum. Lance immediately pulled his spent body against his own and laid them down sideways on the bed.

"I'm going to find a mirror and let you watch yourself cum. You're gorgeous," Lance said and pushed Keith's sweaty hair from his face.

"You're beautiful, too," Keith said smiling softly.

Lance grinned. "I know that." He leaned forward and kissed Keith's lips. "Thank you for bringing me to Ko-gane. It's nice here."

"You've only been here two days. You'll get tired of the heat soon."

"I don't think so. I don't get tired of your heat," Lance said and pulled Keith in close.

Keith poked a finger into Lance's side, but snuggled up against him. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Keith. I'm glad you're my husband."

Warmth spread through Keith's cooling body and he rolled his wedding band around with his thumb.

"You're purring," Lance pointed out.

"I'm happy. I've been purring."

"I know," Lance said and sighed. He moved his hand to pet at Keith's hair still holding Keith close. "How do you feel about children, Keith? Like, having children, a son or a daughter or both?"

Keith frowned at the question. "The same way I felt about marriage."

"You never thought you would have them so you never considered becoming a father, then," Lance answered.


Lance sighed. "I've always wanted children. I knew I would get married one day, that or my intellect gathering would backfire one day and I'd end up with a child anyways, but whether it was a male or female I married, I knew I wanted children with them. I'm okay with adopting. The court won't be satisfied with it, but I'm fine with it."

"There are certainly a lot of orphans because of the wars," Keith pointed out.

"Right, see? So, would you be okay with having children. I don't mean like right now or anything, but in the future," Lance said.

"In the future?" Keith asked. The future. Keith could think about the future now. Shiro and Matt would probably raise some children. Shiro was good with children. Keith didn't think he was, but he knew Lance was. He'd seen Lance playing with them and it was honestly a beautiful thing to witness. His heart tightened thinking about Lance with their child. "In the future, yes. I'll have to have time to learn how to deal with children first."

Lance chuckled. "You'll be fine, you're a fast learner. You can practice with Hunk's kid. And, hey, maybe by then we could even do that dragon egg thing the Galra were doing, but without hurting dragons. I'd love a litter of purring cuties like you with big blue eyes."

"I'm not an animal, Lance. Galra don't have litters," Keith corrected, but he did like the thought more than he'd admit.

"Hey, let me have my fantasies, alright. They can be innocent ones, too."

Keith shook his head and nuzzled against Lance more then pulled away. "I'm tired. I'm going to go turn off the lights."

Lance rolled onto his back and spread out. "Hurry back, I'll keep the bed cool."

"Don't you mean warm?" Keith asked.

"Nope, this isn't Altea, it's hotter than you."

Keith slipped out with a shake of his head and went around turning off the light bulbs and extinguishing the couple of small flames still lighting up the room. He paused on his way back to bed and looked out the window. Dawn was already on the horizon. They had been given a room high up in one of the towers so Keith could see past the walls of the main city into the southern desert where few lived until the next oasis. If they stayed up a bit longer, they could go to the Master's Tower and watch the sunrise in the east, but the midnight moon gave off enough light for Keith to make out soldiers rushing out to meet a group of men pulling a large wagon. The wagon was covered, but the item inside poked out enough that Keith could see something glinting like the glint of a crystal.

Something welled up inside Keith and he leaned against the window watching the group of men get closer.

And he wondered if his father had ever dreamed of a grandchild.