Approaching her enemy, the adversary that had defeated her time and time again the young woman calmly accessed the situation ,in her arms she carried her greatest treasure as well as tools that would help her deal with any crises. Stopping for a moment to reflect on how much her life had changed, she took a calming breath and began to climb the rickety stairs her heels clicking on the icy metal. She used extreme concentration to reach the top but just as victory was in sight a figure burst by her and flew off into the night flash of purple was all she saw before she went flying transferring alas ramus inside of herself emi hit the ground with a painful thud.

Slowly hearing a voice floating above her head she looked up into the frowning face of maou. "Dammit emi for a hero your an awful klutz you know that right" he exclaimed with a sigh. Glaring at him "it wasn't my fault "she yelled in frustration. "Lucifer knocked me over". Frowning to himself he helped her gather all of the baby items she had dropped and together they went up the stairs Emi rubbing her aching back as they went. As soon as Maou opened the door he called out to its lone occupant" hey what's the big deal knocking the hero over i have enough to do without you starting trouble".

Lucifer turned his head from the website he was studying what are u talking about i haven't even seen Emilia yet today he grumbled. Barging past maou "what are you talking about you just knocked me off the stairs i saw u fly past" "its not like theres another purpled eyed black winged person out there now is there" she yelled. Glaring at her "iv been inside all day not to mention if i flew away i wouldn't be sitting here now would i he yelled back". Maou looked between the two unsure of what to believe, his stomach starting to growl he noticed there was no sign of Alciel an odd occurrence as dinner would normally be on the table by this time.

"Hey do u know where Alciel is lucifer" maou asked turning to look at him, shifting his gaze from the hero to maou he frowned no he went to the market earlier but there's been no sign of him since and there's no food in the fridge either lucifer stated in disgust. Brightening suddenly "Hey can we order pizza then". Ugh well i am hungry and since we dont know whats keeping him ok just this once" maou mused. "Yesss "lucifer whooped. Hey im still talking to u emila yelled at lucifer , Ignoring her lucifer ran to pull up the online ordering for the pizza place, As he changed websites, a word from the previous image caught maou eye. "Yokai hmm. What were u looking at just now lucifer" "huh man what" distracted lucifer mumbled back.

What was that website you were on and what's a yokai do u know . Emila being ignored glared at them both "ugh im gonna talk to suzuno" storming out muttering about idiotic NEETs. Lucifer turned back to maou oh i was just looking at "Yokai knowledge, its a pretty well organised website". Seeing Maou confusion he rolled his eyes "Yokai means demon reminds me i had something to tell you urgh what was it".

"Huh what "Maou's eyes opened wide grabbing lucifer by his shirt he began shaking him and panicky asking "then what are those kids planning tomorrow at chiho school" Lucifer just stared in confusion "what kids" Emila walked back in "suzuno not home either how weird". "Huh what are you two doing" she exclaimed upon seeing the dizzy eyed lucifer and maou shaking him.

A couple miles away a figure in purple pulled there black wings down and mused i best speak with father. Her purple eyes gleamed i think the occupants of that place most definitely have to do with this "Shy yokai" the young master spoke of. "I hope that girls ok ,strange i swear she looked me in the eye but she should have only seen a crow fly by hmm". Something to ponder i also need to be careful that place had a powerful but strange energy nearby if i hadn't been following that lead, my instincts would have demanded i avoid it all together most odd indeed. Mumbling to herself she went to seek her brothers and father to see if they had learned anything.