Authors note: Thank you all for everything. :) The reviews, comments, helped me create and improve all of my stories. Now for your pleasure viewing I present you the sequel to the raspberry bush which I call The phoenix.

Now before you all read I feel that I should warn you all this, the story will be a bit violent and bloody, there will be no fire!hans till close to the end of the story, Elsa will be the focus of the story and her journey to become strong and self confident...a warrior through and through...


After making an accidental wish which was granted by an evil force Elsa is thrusted into the middle of a war between magical creatures, humans an an evil being which aims to destroy the balance of the world to re-recreated it to its design.

With no magic to help Elsa is forced to take up arms and join a band of rebels lead by Hans, they command what seemed like unsinkable ships made of out iron called the leviathan, mermaid, wonder and orion. Will Elsa be able to reverse the wish? With friends, both new and old and a mysterious Specter as her guide Elsa just might not only be able to achieve her goals...but become a stronger person and learn more not only about her heritage and family history but of a legacy much grander than she could have ever imagened.


Waking up Elsa gasped, rising so she was sitting up then rather laying down, holding a hand on her chest she breathed slowly as she figured out where she was for a moment as her mind processes where she was as she rested on her back against the pillow, she ran her hand around her as she looked around the room.

It was a large grand room, the walls were icy blue with many pretty patterns, a large fire place with two chairs set in front of it, a vanity with a chair, two large wardrobes, large windows with light green curtains and a double door that lead to a balcony that had a small furniture set which consisted of two chairs and a small table.

It was her her room...their room as she turned to the side smiled a little as she ran a hand through her husbands hair.

Placing a hand he looked and said with a smile "Good morning snowflake",

"Morning" said Elsa as she rested her head on his chest, listening to the soft thumping sound of his heart while he ran his hand through her hair gently.

It seemed only yesterday when it happened, her being cursed by an evil mirror which contained the soul of her evil aunt Mara, her meeting Hans, the curse breaking, seeing her sister be married, then herself marrying the love of her life. It was like a fairy seemed to fantastical to be real, too good to be true, so good that often times she wondered if it was all just a dream that she would wake up from and find herself alone and still cursed.

"You were moving a lot when you slept, something wrong?" asked Hans softly,

"Nothing, nothing at all" lied Elsa, Hans looked at her unconvinced but could not question her further as there was a knock on the door,

"Your highnesses, time to wake up, there is a full schedule for the both of you" they heard Kai say,

"Will get there" said Elsa before she and Hans got out of bed and began to get ready for the day,

"I got a meeting with townspeople and the merpeople at the Arendelle docks" said Hans as he put on his coat,

"What are they fighting about this time?" asked Elsa holding back a giggle as she put on a dress then waved her ice magic on it to give it a bit more decorations,

"Fish...were trying to establish where the fishermen can fish and where they cannot and when because the merpeople claim that they are over fishing and trespassing on their sacred grounds" said Hans with sight as the situation was obviously frustrating to him as he stopped by a mirror and ran his hands through his hair to fix it up.

"Think you can come up with a compromise?" asked Elsa,

"Will try, if not I might have to take the situation up to Queen Rhiannon" answered Hans,

"Now that is something I know your brother won't mind" said Elsa as she remembered the growing romance between Hans brother Arthur, who now worked as a merchant in Arendelle, and the Queen of the magical creatures.

"Yes, to him that is definitely a dream come true" said Hans before walking over giving Elsa a kiss then saying "Good bye, I will see you later" with that he left rather quickly.

Covering her mouth Elsa laughed happily, Hans was not king, he was her consort and ambassador as he has to act as the peacemaker between the normal townspeople and the magical creatures who showed themselves and even set up homes in not only Arendelle, but in other places as well.

With that she left to handle her own meetings, her happiness leaving as she dreaded going to meetings as meetings always brought out the worse on her.

Arriving she breathed before opening the door she walked in only to find the room was empty, the seats which were supposed to be full of people as the meeting was with the council of Arendelle and they were supposed to be discussing the plans and trades of Arendelle...but where were they?

"Am I in the wrong office?" though Elsa as she went to check the other rooms of the palace.

Later on that day:

Gossip, Elsa was quite used to it, for there was just no way of escaping it, especially when your a royal and queen.

"The queen did this" would claim one,

"The queen did that" another would say, often times she ignored it, but sadly this rumor refused to go away.

"I heard that the marriage was a set up" whispered one lady to another as they had tea in the common room, as soon as those words were spoken Elsa stopped dead in her tracks and listened in.

"I know, if Queen Elsa had not married Prince Hans the people would have rebelled against her" said the lady friend,

"I feel sorry for him, married to such a monster, our Phoenix went from powerful to a simple caged song bird when he married that ice monster" said another as the rest nodded,

"What if it was forced? What if he did it so his people would be safe?" said one,

"I heard that that was how he and the queen first met, the poor dear was forced to go or else she would have killed his brother" said the other in pity.

Anger swelled up inside of Elsa as she heard every word, so much so that the wall next to her began to freeze up before she turned and ran to her room, locking herself there.

4 years had passed, 4 miserable years, yet people refused to forget what she did while she was under Mara's influence, they refused to see her as anything else but a monster.

Nobody wanted to be near her, none of her people acknowledged her or went to her when they were in need, whenever they came they always asked to see her husband.

"Oh, its nothing of your concern" one would say,

"Sorry, but we were really hoping to talk to Phoenix Prince Hans" said another.

It went to the point that Hans handled all of the meetings from the townspeople and slowly it seems that the nobles and council rather speak to him rather than their queen, when he went out he had to either be disguised or go with body guards as people would surround him in hopes to either speak to the fabled phoenix in human form or to ask for healing.

She was not angry at Hans, she knew Hans did not ask for this as he would always come to her exasperated about it, but she could not help but be resentful over the fact of how the people of Arendelle...her people preferred a foreigner prince over their own queen.

Then a knock interrupted her thoughts,

"Come in" said Elsa without bothering to look at who it was.

The door opened, entering she saw it was Hans, flowers in hand, hepatica flowers, her favorite.

"What's the occasion?" asked Elsa with a smile,

"Does there ever have to be an occasion for me to give the woman who I love the most flowers?" said Hans as he walked over and gave them to her,

"Lier" though Elsa as she took and smelled the flowers, she knew why he was bringing her flowers, it was impossible for him not to know about the rumors.

"You know...the king and queen of the south of France invited us to masked ball" said Hans "I though we could join, take a little break from Arendelle",

"You mean you" said Elsa briskly,

"Pardon?" asked Hans confused,

"They invited YOU to a ball, not me" said Elsa angrily as she walked passed him "They want to see the Phoenix, not the evil Ice Queen",

"Elsa, that is not true" said gently Hans as he followed,

"Yes it is, don't pretend you don't know, I hear it all the time, "Oh poor Hans married to an evil ice queen", "Oh poor Phoenix, forced to become a caged little song bird to a monster" said Elsa angrily,

"Elsa, please, I know things are bad, but you need to give people time and I am trying to-",

"Well your trying is not good enough" snapped Elsa then glared and accused "How do I know that your not turning my people against me just so you can become king?".

Hans eyes widen as he looked at Elsa before saying "That is not fair Elsa, you know that is not true, I love you, I don't care or want to be king",

"What else can I expect from a Southern isle prince, I know how your family is, you know at times like this I wish that I never met you!" Elsa said, but soon regretted it as Hans stared at her, he was really hurt by what she said and looked like he would have rather been punched than hear what she said as he breathed, reached for his hand and pulled his ice ring off, he never took it off, true he could have a better ring, but he wanted to use and keep the ice ring Elsa had given him all those years ago.

"Hans...I am sorry I" began Elsa but she could not finish as Hans threw the ring at her before he quickly left the room without saying a word,

"Hans! WAIT!" yelled Elsa as she tried to run after him only for the doors to slam shut locking her in.

As she went to open it she back away when a darkness surrounded it, keeping her in, backing away Elsa grew fearful as she looked around the room only to noticed a familiar cloaked figure.

"You" said Elsa,

"Yes me...oh how long have I waited for this day" said the cloaked figure before laughing,

"No! I may have spared you because Hans asked me to...but you do something and I will" threatened Elsa as she gathered her ice power,

"Oh it is not me who did anything, it is you" said the figure before waiving his hands and more shadows appeared, Elsa struggled as she shot ice, but it was useless.

"You wish you never met Hans...hummm since I am so nice I will grant you your wish" said the figure.

"NO! I did not mean it!" yelled Elsa,

"Its too already said it" said the figure as the shadows surrounded Elsa to the point everything went black, the last thing Elsa clearly remembered was the person saying

"Didn't your mother ever tell you be careful what you wish for?"


Slowly Elsa groaned as she turned as she slowly started to come too, before surging up, gasping, her eyes darting around as she began to think it was all a dream, not think...she was praying that it was not real as she turned to the side to wake Hans up only to find empty covers, the bed showed no signs that somebody slept next to her.

"No" said Elsa as she looked around for the first time noticing her room was different, her room was all blue, but had none of her ice decoration, there were only one chair and wardrobe, her room was also small.

" cannot be" though Elsa as she kicked off the covers and ran out the room, not caring that she was in her pajamas, not caring that it was not proper, she ran through the halls, looking around wildly for Hans, Anna, Kristoff...anybody...anything to show her that what happened did not happen.

"Your highness" said Gerda who managed to stop her,

"Where are they?" demanded Elsa as she looked around wildly,

"They? Who they? What's wrong?" asked Gerda as she tried to steady Elsa,

"Anna...Kristoff...Hans... where are they? Where is my sister and her husband? Where is my husband?" said Elsa as she was close to hyperventilating.

Gerda looked at her quite confused, like she had no idea who she was talking about before saying "Your sister? Her husband? What are you talking about? Your sister is not married...quite frankly we do not know where she is... and...your husband?...your not married"

The words hit Elsa like a slap in her face, she back away slowly as reality sunk in,

"" said Elsa incoherently before she lost consciousness,

"Your highness!" yelled Gerda as Elsa fell to the ground, her eyes closed as she passed out.

To be continued...

Authors note: This is going to get goooooooodddddd.

Hummm wonder what will be the fate of those three...any one care to guess or to give me any suggestions, be as creative as you want. :)