Riddle nr 1: the Great Hall

You wanted a riddle and a riddle you'll get

In fact you'll get a bunch so don't be upset

Let's start with something easy, oh yes there's more to come

Something's missing from your trunk? Something you've kept me from

I can't blame you; I might have done that too

But I've had my suspicions, turns out they were true

It helps you hide and get away unseen

When professors and students arrive at the scene

To get it back you'll have to follow my clues

A few games and tasks to wear out those shoes

You'll find the next riddle the place where we eat

Breakfast and lunch and the occasional feast

There doesn't seem to be a ceiling at all

Look for a friend training birds so small

Riddle nr 2: the library

Be quiet, just whisper, that's all I'll allow

Adventures and stories are waiting you now

Fill your head, though you think you don't need it

Learning is easy just sit down and read it

It's not just any place I'm hinting at

You'll find it there where we both once sat

Riddle nr 3: a book

It gets harder now; you'll have to think back

You think I don't listen, but I'm on the right track

I told you once about a book I'd read

With dragons and princes and mums that were dead

You didn't get it. Remember what you said?

Your favourite story? The binding is red

Riddle nr 4: Hagrid's hut

By now you might realise I know a thing or two

Not only about books but also about you

So get ready to admit that I'm the one who's clever

When all this is over or just whenever

They next clue I'll give you, boy is it big

Happy and cheerful, not wearing wig

My rhymes are horrible, yes, I know

But knock on his door; he's not accepting a no

Riddle nr 5: Moaning Myrtle's bathroom

You shouldn't be there, in fact nobody should

Flooding the floors when she's sad. That's no good

All girls knows this is no place to stay

You better not get caught or you'll have to pay

Riddle nr 6: the kitchens

There's a room you might have thought I didn't know

That is the next place that you'll have to go

Hungry or thirsty this is your place

What meets you inside is not a human face

A giggle is all you need to get through

Eat what you're served and try not to spew

Riddle nr 7: the Courtyard

If you've eaten it all you might need some fresh air

Another of my friends will be meeting you there

Not by a lake or forest that's forbidden

But a place that between four walls is hidden

There doesn't seem to be a ceiling at all

And this time I'm not talking about the Great Hall

To get the next clue you'll have to be smart

Use no magic or you'll be back at the start

Riddle nr 8: Greenhouse two

A foul smelling odour, what's that from?

A class quite interesting though useless for some

It's hot in here and you should watch your back

Some of these things could be ready to attack

You know the place but haven't been there for years

Been keeping your distance (or so it appears)

Higher than one and lower than three

That's where your next riddle will be

Riddle nr 9: Astronomy tower

Almost done, but first another stop

You're tired, I get it, so let's end this on top

Planets and stars are pretty don't you think

When the sun goes down, you could say there's a link

Not your best subject I have to say

When you look at the sky your mind tends to stray

Riddle nr 10: Lily Evans

Congratulations! You did it! Here's the final clue

I'm here with the cloak and I'm waiting for you

You should probably go back to the place where you started

To where girls and boys are forced to be parted

I needed to be sure you wouldn't find me before the end

So you can't get to me but you could ask a friend