Chapter Three

Telling The Family

Harry looked between his husband and stepson unsure on who was going to reveal the news that it was not just one of them pregnant but both of them. How exactly did you explain that you'd not only knocked up your former enemy turned sons' father but said father had also been on the bottom. Biting his lip he could see Lucius was having the same internal struggle. Looking into his stepson's eyes he smiled slightly knowing if they didn't say anything then Draco would likely guess, after all it seemed the younger Malfoy had already figured things out before they had.

Reaching a hand out to Draco he watched as his offered hand was taken, though he was still terrified he knew that at the end of the day the one thing that Draco had been craving was siblings, no doubt it was the reason that he and Ron fought so much. Laying Draco's palm on his own stomach, he then placed his free hand upon his father's' stomach.

"The Room of Desire lives up to its name, I know you probably don't want to know anything about our sex life but we made love each other. First I took your father then he took me. Neither of us remembered the contraception charm. Your aunt just confirmed that we are expecting." Harry said confidently.

"I'm ... ...I'm getting two siblings?" Draco asked his voice filled with emotion. His eyes going between Harry and his father.

"And a marvellous big brother you're going to be Dragon." Lucius said softly, lifting his sons chin up with his finger.

"Does this mean that Harry won't be coming to Hogwarts? He was so looking forward to returning without the fear of him being around." Draco said, completely surprising Harry that this was what his stepson was fearful of. Over everything that he could be worried about it was about his education.

"Severus should be here soon we are going to discuss everything. However I feel that you will see more of both of us. How would you feel about me teaching at Hogwarts." Lucius asked.

"I think it's s marvellous idea, I get to see more of you and Harry I'd able to stay and complete his N.E. ." Draco said cheerfully curling up on the floor next to his father and Harry just as the fireplace roared to life and his godfather appeared.

"I just received a floo call from Andromeda, informing me that my best friend and his husband had news to share with me. News that meant I need to give said best reined a job." Severus asked looking between his best friends his husband and godson. Before focusing his attention back to Lucius. Harry was relieved that he wouldn't have to explain it once more.

"Harry and I found ourselves in the Room of Desire when we were running from Voldemort, it does exactly what it says it does. Though I will spare you the more intimate details, we ended up taking each other, without a contraceptive charm. This morning both of us woke up and discovered morning sickness has arrived." Lucius said quietly grimacing as his stomach turned.

"Congratulations to the both of you. I must say at the time I thought the two of you looked disheveled but so much was going on I didn't press the issue. Given Harry wishes to return to Hogwarts and I welcome that choice. As it turns out we once again need a Defence Against The Dark Arts Professor. You are welcome to the quarters that go along with the position so yourself and Harry have a place to relax. And Draco can visit, I take it my godson approves?" Severus said softly.

"He does. I think he's rather excited at the prospect of being a big brother." Harry said softly.

"When do you plan to tell the Weasleys and Sirius." Severus asked.

"As soon as we are done here. I didn't want to explain to Sirius why I was quitting Hogwarts if it could be helped. Knowing that I get to be with Lucius every day after classes makes me very happy." Harry said cheerfully leaning against Lucius's chest, laying his hand over his husband's stomach where one of their babies was currently getting stronger under his husband's heart.

"Oh in that cases I think I'll stay. Seeing the look on Sirius's face when he finds out will be wonderful." Severus chuckled.

"Be nice, he's family. I know you have a long history but he's the only family from before Luc I have left." Harry sighed.

"I'll be nice it's whether your godfather can." Severus said softly,

"He will, I may not have pulled pranks like the Fred and George but I'm the son of a Marauder. He may find himself on the end of a few pranks if he's not careful. I found one of Dad's journals that contained a few pranks." Harry admitted sheepishly.

"Make sure I'm out of the way before you do that." Severus mumbled.

Harry chuckled knowing that Severus was joking, it had taken a while but throughout the last few years he and the Potions master had become friends. Resting his free hand onto his own stomach he let out a breath knowing that the biggest test was telling the Weasleys. Molly had never been one to hide how she felt. Only a few knew that's he and Lucius were married. And though the Weasleys were one of them it was a big shock to go from the news that there was going to be new additions to the family.


The Weasleys & Sirius's Reaction

Despite the Hogwarts letters not going out to students until just before term started, Severus decided to give Draco and Harry their Hogwarts letters early. The candidates for Head Bot had been challenging, especially given half of the school had been unable to attend due to Voldemort's any muggleborn rule. he also recognised that Harry should have been made Prefect instead of Ron, again if it had not been for Dumbledore insisting it would be too much for him to handle. Making the short journey back to Malfoy Manor he stepped out of the fireplace to a scene he never thought he he'd see. Draco cradling the still flat stomachs of his father and stepfather, though Harry was more of a parent to Draco than Narcissa ever had been.

Harry looked up as Severus entered the living room, the Hogwarts letters in his hand. Tilting his head slightly, he wondered why Severus had gone for their letters in particular. Given he was pregnant, he couldn't see how he would be able to play Quidditch this term. Leaning against Lucius's chest he watching their new Headmaster cautiously, knowing that whatever was in those letters was important.

"Before we are bombarded by redheads I'd like to firstly apologise to you Harry. For years I treated you unfairly in order to keep my true alliance in the war with Voldemort quiet. Though your returned homework and potions were low, in reality I was giving you the grades you deserved. I told Albus at the time you deserved to be Prefect over Ronald but he was determined. Despite everything that happened to ward the end of last term the nominations for Head Boy have been decided. Congratulations boys you are now joint Head Boy. Given Harry's pregnancy Draco will be doing the patrols and Harry can take and give points." Severus said softly, handing the letters over.

Harry opened the letter with shaking hands he watched as the Gryffindor Head Boy Badge fell into lap. For the first time in seven years he was in complete shock, but he made a promise to himself that he would make Severus proud. Holding the small badge in his fingers, he saw Draco do the same thing, however before either of them could speak the fireplace roared to life and seven Weasleys Emmeline Vance one Animagus tumbled out of the fireplace. From the corner of his eye he saw the warm smile on Severus's face knowing that the former potions master was truthful in his promise to be nice. Slipping the Head Boy badge back into the envelope he placed it into his robes, noticing Draco do the same thing as the Weasleys, Emmeline and Sirius got comfortable. His thoughts were broken by Molly speaking.

"Harry, dear what is it you have to tell us." Molly asked almost demanding.

"Remember the room that Lucius and I found ourselves in after Voldemort fell?" Harry asked quietly, wishing that the Weasley Matriarch wouldn't be so harsh, it was one of the reasons he now looked to Andromeda as his mother figure.

"We remember, though you were both extremely vague about what happened there." Sirius said quietly, looking between his godson and his husband.

"We ended up in the Room of Desire, yes, yes Sirius before you make a joke it does exactly what it says on the nameplate. We made love, both of us bottoming. Under the influence of the room and our already high libidos we forgot to use the contraceptive charm. Both times." Harry started biting his lip.

"What does that mean?" Sirius asked not wanting to think of his godson as anything but the small baby he met all those years ago at Godric's Hollow.

"This morning I woke up to Lucius throwing up, having felt nauseous myself for the last two months it wasn't until we talked that everything began to make sense.

Andromeda came here and confirmed our suspicions, Both of us are expecting." Harry finished sighing in contentment as Lucius's hand lay against his own stomach, reaching out his free hand he lay it gently against Lucius's in the same loving way.

Harry waited for the explosion he expected from Ron, after all it wouldn't be the first time the youngest Weasley had turned his back on him. He remembered all too well the time during the TwiWizard Tournament, however the tirade of abuse never happened. Instead he found himself being congratulated by everyone. The tears of joy filling Molly's eyes at the idea of new babies to knit for. Turning to face his godfather he hoped he would gain the same reaction from him.

"Siri, say something." Harry said quietly beginning to think his godfather wasn't happy.

"Congratulations pup. I know you expected me to be upset with you but you've always been grown up for your age. In fact, Emmeline and I have some news of our own."

"Are you having pups Siri." Harry asked softly.

"We found out that unfortunately Emmeline couldn't have children after years of spells thrown at her abdomen by certain Death Eaters, after seeing our Healer, we agreed that I would be the one to carry our children. We started the process a month ago, I guess it was a day for morning sickness to hit." Sirius admitted grimacing.

"Congratulations. Seems that Hogwarts is going to have a next generation of Marauders." Harry chuckled seeing the look of horror on Severus's face. "It's about time we regained our lives." Harry said firmly.

"I agree. Now that we are all here I want to congratulate firstly Sirius and Emmeline on your pregnancy, but to my husband and son I'd like to say congratulations on being Head Boy. Given three of us are nauseous how about we go shopping for books and then eat later when we might be able to handle eating."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Harry said seeing the pride on Sirius's face. He couldn't believe just how far he'd come since first entering the Wizarding World, now he was a married man with a family, and though he would be returning to Hogwarts in a month he wouldn't change it for the world. Harry James Malfoy was going to shock a lot of people, and for once he didn't care what they thought of him. Because he had a family of his own.