Chapter One

Disclaimer: Do I look like a successful animator to you? I don't own nothing

First story, fine with criticism just try to make it constructive

Dani's pov for everything.

It has been a couple days since Danny stabilized me, he saved my life! I hate to ask for help when he has already done more for me than anyone else, but I have to. I can't just fly off dramatically without having food for days! A girl gotta eat! I knocked on the door to the Fenton residence, glowing neon sign and all. It was 4:00 in the afternoon, Danny and his friends are usually home at this time, unless another ghost decided to stick a wrench in my plans. A minute later the door opened to Danny Sam and Tucker. All three smiled when they saw me but Danny's was the widest.

"Dani! I am so glad to see you! Are you alright? Sorry, standard question" Danny asked. The protectiveness and kindness shown in his eyes.

"I'm fine! Thank god for that ecto-destabilizer, I can't believe I am alive right now." I responded

"Hey maybe we should change the name? It doesn't actually destabilize anything anyways. How about the Dani-stabilizer?"

" Danny, you have inherited your parents naming abilities" Tucker sighed in annoyance.

" Well I was thinking, I don't want to be called Dani anymore. Too similar, I want to be more than just a knock off clone. I was thinking Ellie! That way I can set myself apart but the identity stuff Vlad created for the clones awhile back does not have to be changed."

" You have ID's?" Sam asked. A confused expression on her features.

" Oh Vlad did quite a lot before I was released. It all started when tiny wanted to know how to be "Danny Fenton" when all we knew was how to be phantom..."


I finished up my story, the trios expressions in awe mixed in with just a hint of worry. I finished drinking the pitt cola Tucker gave me and tossed it in the bin.

" Oh hey one more thing, I really want to go traveling the world. I know it is a bit much to ask, I really do, but do you guys think you could help me out? I just need money for food and clothes."

Sam chimed in "I can help you out with that! My family is loaded I am sure they wouldn't notice a couple grand missing."

My expression lit up in happiness " Thank you so much you have no idea how thankful I am, thank you thank you thank you!" I squealed. Sam laughed. Maybe I will survive after all.


I tend to write stories like movie scripts, I picture a movie in my mind I tend to oversaturate the dialogue. Hopefully it will get better! And longer. Ellie is going to go traveling and meet a whole bunch of fandoms!