A tangle of bed sheets and limbs they were; Lemon yellow sun rays peeked through the blinds of her hotel room and danced across her face. Chocolate brown eyes fluttered open when the light caressed her gentle face. The Irish Beauty inhaled deeply through her nose, arching her back to ease herself into being awake. A gentle smile spread across her face when she felt the strong arms of her late night friend still wrapped around her in a caring embrace. Chuckling softly to herself, the Irish Lass slowly rolled around to face him. Still sound asleep was the Demon King, but gripped tight to her did he. Another soft chuckle and a kiss to his forehead stirred the Irishman awake; Confusion on his face but only for a second. Confusion melted into a smirk when he locked eyes with her; She smiled back at him when he pulled her closer. Two bodies intertwined in a lovers embrace, close enough to almost hear each other's thoughts. Indigo stared into chocolate, never blinking, never looking away. He ran his fingers over her naked body, tracing every inch like it was new to him. She shivered at his touch-not from the chill- but from the feeling it gave her in her heart. She felt his chest rise with her own as they only breathed, not saying a word.

"Hi." She broke the silence. She whispered with a childish giggle; It brought a smile to his face. "Hi." His voice was low and gruff, maybe from just waking up. She smiled at him before closing the small gap between them with a sweet kiss. She felt butterflies in her stomach, and so did he but you'd never hear him admit it. "I ha' fun las' nigh'." Her words were layered with her thick accent, it made him smile more. "Me too." A slight accent of his own that was music to her ears.

He gently ran his fingers through her hair, pulling slightly at the orange strands. She closed her eyes and felt as he massaged the back of her scalp, a perk she enjoyed greatly... And that's the reason he did it.


"Don'." The smirk faded from his face, eyes pulling away from her. This situation wasn't unknown territory to the couple; This had to have been their fifteenth rendezvous in last three months. He called her, needing a release and a chance to relax himself from the hectic world he lived in. She answered the call, needing a companion and someone she could trust.

"Please." A word she used often; Whether he was between her legs begging for a release or watching him walk towards the door and begging him to stay, "Please" was a word she used often.

He shut his eyes and sighed; this woman, this goddess, was too much for him. He only wanted sex; that's all this was supposed to be. She gave it to him, hoping to one day make him realize there was more between them.

"Finn." His name escaped her lips again in another gentle whisper. Spoken with a moan or a cry was all too familiar for him.

His eyes slowly opened again and watched the red haired goddess. Maybe she was right in this, maybe it was time for him to slow down and settle in. Maybe she was right, why else was she the only person he turned to when he needed someone? This wasn't just a collection of one night stands, this was something more... And that scared him. Worlds apart but so close were these two people. Both from Ireland, only meeting through dumb luck. He felt it in his chest the moment they locked eyes for the first time... But he repressed it. She knew it as well... and she chased it.

"Yes." He spoke quieter; She barely heard him. Her eyes widened in surprise and joy.


He nodded his head. "Yes."

Another sweet kiss when he pulled her closer, this time he wasn't letting go.