Wow, how long has it been huh…heh… don't answer that…

School's started so you know *awkward incessant chuckling*

You get it…


A few weeks had passed, yet it felt like lightyears. Axel wandered through the plains aimlessly. He desperately wished something exciting would happen. Like an attack or a fight or . . . something!

His father didn't like it went he spoke like that. His father had told him of his previous life, he described it as a never-ending battle. What could've been so bad about it? It seemed like a touchy subject so Axel didn't pursue it.

The reason it'd been so boring around was because of the tension. The tension inside the royal family. The prince was stubborn, the king equally stubborn, and the queen desperately trying to be a mediator between them. Not to mention his sister being stressed about something. What could she have going on?

Speak of the devil. Axel joined his sister as she rushed somewhere.

"Slow down, what's the rush?" He asked, dishevelled by the sudden exercise as he jogged to keep up. He smoothed the first signs of his mane.

"Just trying to avoid interaction," she shrugged him off. Axel sighed.

"What's been going on with you lately?" He pondered curiously.

"Nothing just stressed."

"Oh," he mumbled simply. He figured he should take her mind off whatever it was.

"So, you know anything about Amber and Daniel?" He randomly brought up. Bad idea, he quickly gathered.

"What does it matter? Not like she's going to be allowed to become queen. Ugh! What does it even matter who's queen?"

"All I said was. . ."

"It doesn't matter, okay? Do you have to be so much like dad and mom and everyone else pressuring me?" She barked harshly, now towering over him.

His tail instinctively retreated behind his legs. She stormed away. He stared after her, trembling slightly. He usually made an effort to stay out of her way. She didn't blow up at him often, but when she did, it had a lasting effect.

Oh, how he longed for confidence in those situations. Sure, he wanted action, but just not to be in the middle of it.

Maybe that was the answer. He needed to learn how to act if he were in the middle of it. He needed to learn how to fight!


Judah sat at attention in front of the ghostly cat. He'd been reporting to Zira the recent events of what's been happening. She required this quite often. She must be really interested in the well-being of her old pride. Come to think about it, he didn't know much about Zira.

"So, I'm pretty sure Amber and Daniel are secretly together." He finished. Zira nodded absently. Past her, in the eerie bushes sat a dark figure with piercing green eyes and a black mane. Scar, Judah presumed. He never actually watched his training up close or introduced himself, he just watched from afar.

"Oh, and Gabe is just training Axel," he mentioned nonchalantly.

Zira perked up. She stared him directly in the eyes. "Is that so?"

"Yeah, though I mean, he is Axel. If I were Gabe I wouldn't expect too much." He shrugged.

Zira didn't seem to brush off the situation. "Then your training must be doubled, we must be prepared."

"What? You think Axel and Gabe are conspiring or something?"

Zira tried to recover from the obvious fact that she just had an idea.

"I was never too sure of Gabe. . ." she stared off into the distance, a scowl creeping onto her face.

"You need to be alert," she warned.

"I could defeat him if I needed too," Judah assured her.

"So sure of yourself, are you?" Scar voice rough voice rumbled. He now joined Zira, yet closer.

"H-he's just Axel," he forced his voice steady.

"And you're just you. You are nothing more than him, not yet."

"When will I be?" He pushed.

"Once you achieve passion. As I have, and Zira."

"I'm passionate now," he leapt to his feet.

"You've yet to exhibit true passion."

"How do I achieve true passion?" His face twisted in confusion.

"By destroying those who try to deny you it."


"This place is so cool," Daniel followed Amber through the thickets and into the small sanctuary. He glanced around, wide-eyed. How had he never noticed seen this place before? It was comfortable and oddly nostalgic.

They sat close to each other, nudging one another. A nice little getaway was what they needed. A place where they could just be together without all the drama. Everything had changed after that night she found him.

They were finally alone.

Except . . . it didn't last long.

Two leopards stepped out of the shrubbery, with smirks on their faces. The sun was going down, casting an ominous glow around them.



"What are you doing?" They asked simultaneously.

"We don't see the prince and princess in one place very often," Fang pointed out.

"Princess?" Amber grinned with a smitten expression.

Daniel chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, I think we'll be going now."

"We don't." Their claws unsheathed. Daniel took a firm step in front of Amber.

It was a flying flurry of fur. Impossible to make out one from another. The winner? Well, it was impossible to tell.


Sorry, it wasn't that long but hopefully, it'll soothe your story urges a not-weird kind of way…