14. Coming to the surface

Chad almost jumped at him again, but this time he let Maurice steer him away from their superior, and they sat down to the round table.

"You have to understand, this is classified information" Infinity started "I'm only sharing this with you because 274 would not shut up otherwise, and I know for a fact, that you three would not rest on your asses until you snoop everything out, that isn't set on paper"

He positioned himself to see all three operatives and eyed them with mild annoyance. He should have foreseen Chad's… sentiment towards Former Supreme Leader 362. What an amateur mistake from his part.

"We knew about the plans for such device, but –" he put emphasis on the last word, as Infinity saw Chad's intent to interrupt him "We didn't know if it was already assembled or not, and we had no intel about its target. Several former agents were under Adult surveillance, so the search could not be narrowed down. Some, including Former Supreme Leader 362, has been watched by one from the Delightfuls, so we introduced the watch protocol, and sent former Numbuh 5 to watch over FSL 362. We didn't know, how they gonna test the Recommissioner, or how they could build one, given that the original model was destroyed, together with the plans on how to make it. Seems our tactic was flawed, and I take full responsibility for that."

He looked at Rachel, who was still sleeping in the next room and then at Chad again. Sometime during Infinity's tale, the guy stood up, and leaned against the window frame, looking at Rachel, care, and fear evident on his face. Infinity shook his head. Things went south already, way before the former Supreme Leader was attacked. He thought of all the little signs he saw between them but chose to ignore simply because he hoped his two top agents would know better.

He was worried for them, but there was no way in hell he would admit it. When Rachel turned down the proposal not to be decommissioned but to work as an undercover operative, he was somewhat relieved. This zeroed out the possibility of blowing Chad's cover.

There were two months remaining until Rachel's thirteenth birthday when they were discussing the pressing issues as leader to leader. Infinity went through the paperwork once more.

"Numbuh 5 was nominated as your personal security, and she accepted without a word of objection. I trust there are none from your side either?" he asked.

Rachel just shook her head.

"No, we discussed it already. I trust her, not to mention she's one of my best friends."

"Wouldn't that cause any problems?" Infinity asked.

Rachel looked up from the document in her hand, boring her piercing gaze into Infinity's sunglasses

"No. Abby's a pro, and as I said, I trust her."

Infinity put his hands up in defense.

"No doubt from my part. Your word is enough for me, you know it is."

They were silently going through the papers, Rachel signing everything needed to be signed when Infinity opened his mouth to speak

"You sure, you resign, Supreme Leader 362?" he asked.

The girl threw her signature annoyed glance at him, but he did not back down (could not, even if he wanted to).

"Infinity, we talked about this." she said with a stern voice, leaning back on her chair "And each time you bring this up, I can only give you the same answer.'

The fifteen-year-old just looked at her, and then took his sunglasses off. He leaned forward, putting his clasped hands and forearms on the desk.

"It's really rare, that someone catches the attention of the Global Command, and you did it. Just like Numbuh 8 did a few years back. We all know, you have high potential..."

Numbuh 362 stood up, circled her desk, and turned to her bookshelf, which was loaded with pictures about her friends, the KND High Command, and her best subordinates. Infinity could not detect a single picture with Former Numbuh 274.

"And what'd be my mission?" Rachel asked, and Infinity could not miss the tired scorn in her voice "Butter up teenage morons while batting my eyelashes at them?"

Infinity rolled his eyes

"Of course not. We're thinking more along the lines of being undercover in the Teen Ni.."

"Absolutely not." she cut in, turning around to face her guest.

Infinity arched an eyebrow.

"If you worry about how they would accept you, I can assure you, that your image will be clean to them," he said, also standing up.

"Although I'm grateful for the attention the Global Command gave me, I've to refuse the offer," she said with finality in her voice.

Infinity was glad and concerned about the turn of events. The fact, that there were no pictures, and Numbuh 362's absolute negativity about being undercover (better said no desire to be in former Numbuh 274's proximity) meant, that she was still wounded by his "turn". Unlike other operatives like Numbuh 1, who accepted the bitter fact of treason, Rachel still felt betrayed and hurt.

"You sure?" he tried again, just so that no one will blame him at the Global Command.


Infinity sighed and reached his hand out for her to shake. As she took it, the TND leader offered her a small smile.

"You won't remember this, but I need to say it." he said "Rachel, you did a damn good job here. I'm proud, that I had the opportunity to serve alongside you."

The blonde girl's eyes gleamed with pride.

"Thank you, Infinity. It was an honor."

Infinity turned to his fellow operatives. The damage was done, and he felt at least ten years older.

"We need to set up scans, to check, if FSL 362 was manipulated or brainwashed during the recommission," Infinity said.

He saw Chad going white. The boy sat down on the nearest chair and buried his face in his hands.

"Is that a possibility?" he asked in defeat.

"Until we can close the option out, yes." Infinity looked at Abigail "I'll leave her in your hands, Commander 5. Make sure that all the tests run properly. Twice, if needed."

Abigail just nodded.

Infinity walked to the door, but stopped at Chad, and put his hand on the captain's shoulder. He felt Chad go rigid with pent up frustration.

"I know you're angry. But believe me Agent 274, I DO care for her too. Maybe not as strong as you do, but then again, I doubt there's anyone who matches your level of concern."

Chad just scoffed, making very to none effort to shake Infinity's hand off.

"If this were to be true," he said coldly "You would've told us about this whole ordeal. And if not to us, at least to Abby."

Infinity sighed. Agent 274 was smart for sure, but not always a team player.

"Let the staff check FSL 362's state for now. As soon as the results are back, we'll discuss this further."

As Infinity left, he wanted to punch something or someone. An amateur mistake from his part, not counting with Chad's affections, but truth to be told, who the hell thought, that they will be this strong? They were kids for Zero's sake! Not to mention, Rachel should have forgotten him, just as she forgot everything else. Chad even avoided her at all cost, and somewhere deep down Infinity congratulated him for his efforts.

Infinity sat down in his office, rethinking everything he planned. He should punish his three renegade agents for conspiracy, but strictly speaking, they didn't cause any glitch in the bigger picture.

The truth was he needed the Delightfuls to recommission Rachel. He wanted to do it anyway, but that would have been a violation of the treaty she and Chad helped to get signed in the first place.

After Numbuh Zero was recommissioned, and the KND – more specifically Numbuh 1 and his team – reversed the agification, the original Recommissioner was destroyed. The teens only agreed to sign any truce document, if the kids agreed to never rebuild the machine. Openly defying that would have resulted in war, no matter, how dire the circumstances were.

Their informators gave them words about an impending big Adult ambush on the Moonbase and at every other KND base to wipe out the organization once and for all. The current reigning Supreme Leader was good, but no match for Father alone. They needed Rachel's experience, and collectedness while staying true to their word about the truce. Infinity had never made a choice this difficult in his life.

He knew about the recom-device in testing and took his chance. He reasoned, that if it turned out to be a failure, or turned Rachel out of herself, they still could decommission her again, deleting all the alterations, but that would throw them miles behind the start line again.

The boy did not know how much time had passed when a med-operative knocked on the door, informing him about the results of Rachel's examination. It seemed there were no hidden programs or thoughts planted in her brain. Infinity let out a shaky breath. One obstacle down, a million to go.

"She's still with us, sir" the operative tried to reassure him.

Infinity just nodded.

"We'll see. Is Agent 274 still in the building?"

The medical officer blanched a bit but shook her head.

"No sir, Commander 5 asked him firmly to leave."


Something made Infinity think, that his subordinate phrased it very lightly.

"That's what she's going to write in her report, yes."

Infinity just nodded and dismissed the doctor with a wave. He turned to his laptop to gather all the needed information he had to give to Former Supreme Leader 362, all the while pondering what excuse he can provide for her stirring up the girl's memories, and opening her old wounds without needing to spit his own image in the mirror next time he looks in one.

As Rachel opened her eyes, the first thing she did was to close them again. Her head pounded as if her brain was a bass drum in a marching band. She tapped her head, and felt medical gauze on one spot… Someone has patched her up while she was asleep.

Feeling a bit surer of herself, the blonde girl sat up to look around.

So… I'm at a TND med-bay? - she thought, taking in the familiar surroundings… She visited Maurice here a few times back in the day…

Suddenly her pulse skyrocketed. She wasn't supposed to know this! She wasn't supposed to know its exact coordinates, the layout of the facility, the weak points NOTHING… Yet everything was right in front of her, assaulting her senses.

It was too much.

The pieces of information, how she WASN'T supposed to have them, the strategic weak points of the KND and TND, the structure of the Moonbase, the fricking fact, that the Moonbase EXISTED.

Then pictures started to flow in her mind, like a video on triple speed… Her teenage years, mixed with her newfound old knowledge. Abby and the sleepovers on the Moonbase and on Earth, their missions, or missions Rachel coordinated for Sector V, her battles, her fights… and why she felt, that something was missing ON HER FRICKING STREET…

The missing puzzle piece, that now fell into its place: Chad.

Her first day on the Moonbase as his tactical officer, their playtimes at her house, his voice as they said their goodbyes, his's first kiss back at Maurice's party, his's texts, and before all that, Chad's betrayal…

His betrayal…

Oh my God… - Rachel's hand flew to her mouth to stifle a sob.

Her whole body was shaking, and her tears began to flow. Was all of it just a lie?! He used her?! Again?!

Rachel's anger began to rise.


Another sob came out of her as she realized, that even after everything, EVERYTHING he had done… she still loved him.

Movements filled her peripheral vision.

The door flung open, two people stormed in, and Rachel reacted by instinct and old knowledge. She jumped out of bed, grabbed the first thing she deemed as a makeshift weapon (a coat hanger), and assumed a fight stance to fend off whatever barged in on her.

"Hey, hey, hey gurl chill out, it's okay, everything's okay" she heard Abby's voice pleading gently.

Rachel lowered the hanger, her hands shaking from the sudden effort they had to make. She saw Abby and Maurice at the door, both had a surprised and a bit frightened worried expression. The dark-skinned teen's hands were stretched out in a calming manner, as she slowly entered the room.

"Put that stuff down, suga'bean," Maurice said with an even tone "You're safe here, I promise. Everything's all right."

"Why do I remember?" Rachel wanted to erupt, but she was surprised to hear herself whisper, "What's happening, why do I remember?"

"You've been recommissioned by the Delightfuls" Abby answered.

She reached out for the hanger and took it away, putting it back to its original place. She took Rachel's hand and led her to the bed to sit down.

"If you agree to let Infinity in he will fill you in on everything."

"Where's Chad?"

The question caught Abby and Maurice off guard. They looked at each other, unsure of what to say. Never the less, Abby still thought that sending the blond captain away was the best choice she made to preserve his and Rachel's relationship. Rachel needed time to went, to digest, and during that she will lash out, say things that she is going to regret eventually. It was better for Chad not to hear them.

"Where. Is. He?" Rachel repeated, "We have to have a… small chat."

Somehow, Abby was a hundred percent sure, that Rachel would simply gut him without asking any questions.

"Aren't you his best friend?" Maurice winced from the acid that dripped from Rachel's tone "You should know. So?"

"Before you tear him another one for all the wrong reasons," Abigail cut in, bringing Rachel's attention to her "We need to talk."

Maurice left the room sooner than someone could say "Commander 8". He saluted at the door to someone, then turned right, vanishing out of sight, and then Infinity came in.

"Former Supreme Leader Numbuh 362," he nodded in her direction, voice passive "I hope you're comfortable because we have a lot of issues to discuss."