Character Backgrounds:

Severus Snape: Severus' background is mostly the same as in the movies however, in this story he never loved Lilly and he never took a vow to protect Harry. Severus went to Dumbledore to become a spy for Voldemort and Dumbledore excepted Severus' plea to help the Potters and trusted him due to a lie about him loving Lilly.

Vaermina Aidoneus: (Bonnie Wright, with dark red hair)

Hair Color: Dark red

Eye color: Light blue

Vaermina was once an alien (like the xenomorph from AvP) from another galaxy sent to earth when her kind were being hunted (by predators) to extension. As the last queen of her kind she is found by the god Hades. Hades and the other Greek gods decide to use their powers to turn her into something more and the act as an anchor for the world and gain their powers should the other gods ever fade due to lost of fate from mortals. As Hades acting as a host she grew to see him as a father and learned how to use her knew abilities. Though no longer able to reproduce as her kind once had she is still able to take on her xenomorph queen form but can shrink and grow in size as well as for wings. She also posses a human form with the beauty of Aphrodite and can grow black angel wings with silver tips. Four thousand years later she began to hate mortals with out magic and those born from un-pure blood line, though she didn't mind half bloods, she befriended Salazar Slytherin and helped in the building of Hogwarts, become the unknown fifth founder known as the Black Serpent. However mortals and the light wizards grew to fear her and sought to end her life with a weapon meant to kill gods and with her father and creaters fading due to mortals losing their faith in them they gave her their power and titles to ensure her survival and with Salazar's help when the light wizards of the world tried to kill her, her body was sent to the underworld placed in a deep sleep that could only be broken by a decedent of Slytherin. And finally after almost one thousand years later one Tom Riddle final learns of Salazar's secret ally the Black serpent and seeks to reawaken her.